Villains Template

Chapter 563: list

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"What about the leopard essence, how did the leopard essence die?"

A monster asked: "The leopard spirit is lazy and greedy, and he is not very good at it. He doesn't do serious work, but he hangs around with the boar spirit and the crow spirit, and finally walks on the road of robbing and robbing houses. It's not good at fighting. But the ability to escape is a must, and it stands to reason that if it wants to escape, it can escape, so how did it die?"

The monster said: "The leopard spirit didn't die on the spot. It seems that it escaped. However, it was hit by a magical spell on the way, and half of its body disappeared, and it ended up in a state of disarray."

"I see the wounds, it should be the same spell as the one used to kill the crow spirits. After burning their bodies, it also spread to the surrounding ground."

After speaking, the youkai took something out of his arms and put it on the table in front of him.

A monster gently pushed an oil lamp to the side of the thing, and illuminated the thing with the help of the faint light. It was a translucent crystal-like object. Recondensed obsidian-like structure.

The monsters sensed it and understood what it was.

A simple description, an inconspicuous thing, made the monsters in the room silent, at the speed of the leopard, especially when escaping, they were chased and killed, so how strong should the other party be? .

"How far is the corpse of the leopard spirit from the corpse of the wild boar spirit." A monster asked: "We all know the strength of those three idiots. The crow spirit and the wild boar spirit were eliminated by the other party in an instant, and they were also given to the leopard spirit. The chance to escape, how far the Leopard Essence can run out, represents how fast the immortal master reacts."

The monster broke out a rough distance, and then said: "At first, when I saw the bodies of the boar and crow, I was shocked. The leopard's body was later found in the forest, a distance from me. It can only be approximated.”

"that's enough!"

There are monsters who twitch their faces and fight teeth and make clicking noises because of fear - they have calculated the results, and it is not good news for them.

The expert who made the shot, in one breath, slashed wild boar spirits with his sword, blasted crow spirits with spells, and caught up with leopard spirits who were preparing to escape—what a terrifying strength, putting them in contact with them before. Taoist priests and monks, in that little time, there is not enough time to even chant a spell, let alone kill three monsters.

Although they look down on the wild boar spirits, but the monsters who can live in Qiantang County do not have hundreds of years of Taoism, otherwise they will not be able to transform into humanoids. At first glance, it is not the kind of normal people.

They can kill three monsters with just one breath. That strength is not to be underestimated. Even listening to them, they feel their necks are cold, and it feels like a sword is on top of them—no, the monster said that the wound of the boar spirit If there are burn marks, then your neck should feel the heat.

"In the future, the sky in Qiantang County will change." A monster sighed and said, "It's all to blame for those three idiots. If it wasn't for them, this kind of expert would not have come to Qiantang County."

"Yeah, some monsters couldn't control themselves and committed a lot of murders, but the Buddha didn't care, which made their behavior more and more reckless. Now that there is an expert who can destroy demons and demons, they must be cleaned up. Let's talk." A monster said with a little fear: "It's not my race, its heart will be different, those monsters kill people, eat people, and pick boys and girls, and the masters who subdue demons and eliminate demons are here, and they definitely don't think that We are also innocent."

"Come on, let's leave Qiantang County first!" Some monsters suggested: "If there are monsters who can convince the other monsters and twist their strength into a rope, we can also compete with that master, but doing so will definitely lead to The attention of coming to Heavenly Court has led to Heavenly Soldiers and Heavenly Generals descending demons, why don't we leave Qiantang County temporarily and find a place to hide in a deep mountain without people."

As he spoke, the monster's voice lowered, because he was reluctant to partake in this place in Qiantang County. The 50% experience bonus means that they have to be one step ahead on the road to immortality. Willing to give up this feng shui treasure.

At this time, a monster noticed that the monster was hesitant to speak, and said, "What else do you know about this matter, just say what you have, don't hide it."

"The so-called expert, in fact, may not be as high as we know." The monster said: "When I was working for the yamen, I heard the yamen who captured the fast say that the one who shot was Qiantang. Li Gongfu's brother-in-law and his brother-in-law, Xu Xian."

"Xu Xian, where have you heard this name? It sounds familiar!" A monster said with a frown.

The monster said, "It's impossible not to be familiar with it. It's Xu Xian on the stele that recorded the deeds of beheading a scorpion spirit. You've all seen that stele, so you know about Xu Xian."

"It's just that you all sneered at the things recorded above, thinking that it was just the advocacy of fools and fools, and also said that the man named Xu Xian was just lucky to kill a relatively large scorpion. Treating it as a monster, the county magistrate at that time promoted the publicity of this incident for his own reputation, otherwise why was it not someone else who killed the scorpion spirit, but his wife and brother of Li Gongfu and Li Caotou."

"Oh, this, this, this..." Some monsters were speechless.

Some monsters praised: "I think that Li Gongfu is not very old, and his wife and brother Xu Xian are not very old. Even if he cultivated since childhood, he has only cultivated for more than 20 years. He is so powerful, he deserves it. The seed of heaven and earth."

"Two years." The monster said in a muffled voice.

"Two years? What two years?" A monster asked when he saw the monster's strange reaction.

"That Xu Xian has only been practicing for two years." The monster said: "Also, it was none other than the one who led him into the Tao and taught him to practice. It is the actual national teacher of the Song Dynasty, the Taoist Wuming."

Yue Si has not left his name in this world so far. Because of fear, the monsters only refer to him as "nameless Taoist" - when he has cultivated to a certain level, when someone mentions his name, he will have a heart in the dark. Gratitude, just like Avalokitesvara Bodhisattva, all beings in distress can go to rescue and liberation as long as they recite his name, "the Bodhisattva will immediately observe his sound".

"This this…"

They were surprised by Xu Xian's youth and the time he spent cultivating the Dao, and they had never imagined that he could be involved in a relationship with Yue Si.

"Where did you find out about this!"

"It's still from the yamen's catcher." The monster said: "Someone in this group of catchers once went to investigate the case with Li Gongfu. In the process, he met an unknown Taoist who traveled all over the world. Li Gongfu invited the unknown Taoist to Qiantang County. Come, and settle the nameless Taoist in your home, and then let your wife and brother have the opportunity to achieve today's achievements."

After pouring himself a glass of bad wine and drinking it down, the monster said bitterly, "They also said that if they had taken the initiative to invite the unknown Taoist to their home, then they would have had the chance."

Because it was two years apart and the circumstances at that time, that group of catching fast did not remember the details of what happened at that time clearly, but the little bit revealed was enough to make these monsters sigh with emotion.

So envious! To be able to cultivate to such a state in just two years, Xu Xian's chance is so enviable.

Profound door-rectification is such a rare thing!

"Then, what are we going to do?" a monster asked.

"It's better than this, let's find those monsters who are just like us, devote themselves to cultivation, and don't eat people and harm people, tell the whole story clearly, write down the names of those monsters who eat people and harm people, and give them to Xu Xian, let He separates us." A monster suggested: "In this way, we can draw a line with those guys and tell Xu Xian that there are good and bad monsters, and it is wrong to confuse us."

It's not only the monster who was surprised by Xu Xian's action, but Xu Xian himself is also talking to Xiao Qingye.

After Xu Xian and Li Gongfu briefly dealt with each other, Xiaoqing packed up the tableware and went to clean up the room for Xu Xian.

The room was the same room that Xu Xian had been living in before. He opened the window for ventilation, and took out the quilt that had already been dried.

Estimating Xu Xian's tutorial, Xu Jiaorong had instructed Xiaoqing to prepare everything, now it's very simple.

When Xu Jiaorong and Li Gongfu fell asleep, Xu Xian came to the courtyard and looked at the familiar stone table and stone chair. Xu Xian couldn't help but sigh. On the same night more than two years ago, he had no intention of falling asleep and came to the courtyard. I met Yue Si, who had been waiting for a long time, and then got the chance to change my life.

Xiaoqing, who was wearing a T-shirt and gauze skirt, walked out of her room with an oil lamp in her hand. Looking at her figure, it was a small jade, but if she knew that her original body was a green snake, she would feel good about her. will be gone.

"Who are you, why did you come to my sister-in-law's house, and what is your purpose?" Xu Xian held the hilt in one hand, and the lightsaber came out, scaring Xiaoqing back two steps.

Gritting his teeth, Xiaoqing stood still and said, "My name is Xiaoqing, I don't have a name, it's a green snake who got the Tao..."

Xiaoqing told Xu Xian about his origins in detail, in order to dispel Xu Xian's vigilance, and finally, he threw out a heavy weight: "I have been in front of the statue of Godzilla Buddha. Fragrant, He agreed with me to continue to stay in this house - and I am serious about being a maid, doing laundry, cooking, and cleaning up the housework, which I have studied seriously."

After hearing the title of "Godzilla Buddha of the Great Sun", Xu Xiancai withdrew the lightsaber. Xiaoqing was able to know the title, which showed that what she said was true.

"I allow you to stay at my sister-in-law's house, but there is one thing you need to do." Xu Xian said.

Xu Xian trusted the protection of Godzilla Buddha. The more he practiced, the more he could perceive the height of Godzilla Buddha and his insignificance. Stone carvings also have boundless light. If Xiaoqing really has any evil thoughts, he will be turned into fly ashes immediately.

"What's the matter?" Xiaoqing asked with a sigh of relief.

"I need you to help me get a list of the monsters in Qiantang County. Before I entered the city, I saw that there were monsters rolling in. If you uphold good thoughts and devote yourself to cultivating the Tao, forget it, and there are many of them mixed with fierceness. Obviously they have eaten people." Xu Xian said: "I need you to record the names and appearances of those monsters who have committed evil crimes for me."

"What do you want that list to do?" Xiaoqing had a guess in her heart, but she still asked.

"Slaying demons and eliminating demons!" Xu Xian said firmly.

After watching the tragedies of cannibalism by monsters, listening to what Li Gongfu told him about those tragedies, and walking in front of the statue of Godzilla Buddha, he has strengthened his determination.

"Miss Xiaoqing?" After speaking, Xu Xian saw that Xiaoqing was still, as if transformed into a sculpture, and even the flame of the candle in his hand no longer flickered.

"Good determination, I'm very pleased to see you grow to this point." Yue Si stepped aside, looked at Xu Xian and said with a smile.

Xu Xian saw Yue Si and bowed his hands in salute. This was the first time he had seen Yue Si in more than a year.

And Yue Si threw a metal cylinder with a long arm and a thick grip to Xu Xian: "You are not in a good mood, you can't rub a lightsaber with your bare hands and hold a hilt, it can be considered a new way, this is what I am looking for Meteorite refined for you, try it."

Xu Xian held the column and felt that something that was obviously dead was actually alive. He was responding to himself, letting him understand how it was used. Then Xu Xian changed his posture and held the column in the posture of holding a sword. Fire was injected into A blade of light extended from one end of the cylinder, which turned out to be a lightsaber.

Xu Xian did not do anything easily. Although he was able to use his lightsaber, he was very reluctant and had to consume a lot of mana.

Because he doesn't know how to keep the true fire of the sun, to make up for the lost part with continuous generation.

The key to the lightsaber is to generate the real fire of the sun and compress it into shape. He is not enough at the moment, and it is very reluctant to use it. The quick and quick decision he took in the face of the three boar demons is also helpless.

The lightsaber that he used to scare Xiaoqing before was just an appearance. It was used to fight, and it was similar to hitting someone with a torch.

With this sword hilt in his hand, he was able to confine the true sun fire he generated within a certain range, making up for his deficiencies in this regard, and only a small part of the true sun fire was needed to supplement it.

"If you want to subdue demons and eliminate demons, just do it, punish evil and promote good, my duty, with your current ability, it is not enough to practice what you think in your heart, this sword is to send A present for you." Yue Si spoke boldly and loudly, but Xu Xian was very moved.

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