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Chapter 556: Revenge is not overnight

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"This matter, discuss it again, and discuss it later."

When the Emperor of Song Dynasty heard that Yue Si said that this matter cost a lot, he hesitated immediately. Song Dynasty was rich, but not so rich. Otherwise, his palace would be far more than that.

Of course, more importantly, he only met Yue Si for the first time, and he is not sure whether Yue Si really has the ability. It would be too unwise to approve money just because of his three or two sentences.

Just like Guo Jing and Emperor Qinzong who were used as examples before, Emperor Qinzong and the ministers in the court who were desperately ill believed the words of Guo Jing's liar, granted Guo Jing an official position, gave tens of thousands of gold and silk, and let Guo Jing What kind of six armors were formed, but nothing changed. The six armors were just a joke.

However, the Song Emperor still did not give up the plan to live long, and asked Yue Si: "Daoist, you said that cultivating the Tao is difficult, but longevity is easy. What is the reason for this? Can you explain it to me... Can you explain it to me?"

Changing his title from 'zhen' representing the emperor to 'me' means that the emperor of the Song Dynasty asked this matter in a personal capacity, but the emperor of the Song Dynasty himself.

"Nothing is impossible." Yue Si raised his hand and said, "A cultivator learns the principles of heaven and earth, and a person who trains qi learns the origin qi from all things in the world, and magic spells are created by manipulating origin qi. The principles of heaven and earth work."

"However, the vastness of the world is something that cannot be exhausted by manpower. Zhuangzi once said, 'My life has a limit, but my knowledge has no limit. If you follow the limitless, you are almost gone', so the sages will leave a book of scriptures and merits Law, that is the road they have already discovered, it is a feasible road, and future generations only need to learn how to walk the road.”

"Daoist, I have studied a lot of scriptures in my spare time, and I have talked with monks and Daoists, but I can't get the Dharma door. Why is this?" Emperor Song of the Song Dynasty still kept his body leaning forward to listen, Xun Xian asked, Almost every emperor does that.

But for this question, Yue Si smiled but did not say a word. When Emperor Song saw Yue Si's expression, he immediately understood that there were some things that he could not know as an emperor. Those monks did not talk about the method of cultivation. It's all the same.

Later, Emperor Song asked, "Master, what about the method of longevity?" Remember the website m.xbequge. com

"The method of longevity is simple, just change the diet structure." Yue Si continued: "Those who eat water are good at swimming and cold, those who eat soil have no heart but wisdom, those who eat wood are vigorous and brush, and those who eat grass are good at walking and stupid. , Those who eat leaves have silk and moths, those who eat meat are brave and fierce, those who eat qi are wise and live long, those who eat grains are wise and die. Those who do not eat are immortal."

"People eat grains, sometimes meat and vegetables. They are wise but die young, brave and ignorant. The limit of human lifespan is one hundred and forty years old, but if you live past seventy years, you are already living a long life. The problem is the diet. On top of that, if you want to live long, you need to change your diet.”

"Can you live long by eating qi?"

Emperor Song couldn't wait to ask, his hand couldn't help asking because he was emotional.

"Eat qi can bring longevity." Yue Si replied.

Hearing Yue Si's definite answer, Emperor Song was overjoyed and finally relaxed. He sat back on the dragon chair, and after a long laugh, he said to Yue Si: "The Daoist is laughing, I am sorry. ...I'm just so happy."

"It doesn't matter, it's just that although eating qi is not a practice, it is not something that can be done by ordinary means." Yue Si said: "Just like the food that is usually eaten, it needs to be planted, harvested, threshed, dried, ground, and cooked. It can be formally imported, and it is not enough to eat qi directly, and what kind of qi can be eaten, which kind of qi cannot be eaten, and which kind of qi is harmful to people, all need to be distinguished.”

Hearing this, the Emperor Song straightened his back again, as if he was listening to the teacher's lecture when he was a young student, and he took the attitude of listening carefully and said, "Master, please pay attention to the future."

"Daozu said that he divided the qi of the heaven and earth into 1,296 types. Although each type of qi has some differences, these 1,296 types are enough to cover everything. There are also more than the thousand two hundred and ninety-six kinds of qi, but they are only minor details and cannot be counted." Yue Si said: "However, there are only a few kinds of qi that can be touched in the human world. Distinguish among these gases."

"Daoist, how can you tell the difference?" What Yue Si said was beyond the knowledge of the Emperor of the Song Dynasty, so he couldn't help asking questions, and the maids and eunuchs who were standing around were also listening with their ears sideways.

Yue Si and Emperor Song did not let them go away, nor did they deliberately avoid them when they talked. Of course, they remembered as much as they could, and maybe they could get a word or two from it and change their destiny.

"Take a deep breath." Yue Si said with a smile.

The Song Emperor heard the words and did as he said, and suddenly realized: "It turns out that between the breath and the breath, it is Qi."

"Yes, not entirely correct." Yue Si said, "What you breathe in and out is just a type of qi. Although you can't see it or touch it, you can feel it. There are also summer qi, cold qi, and humidity, but these are the same. It cannot be used as edible gas."

"Then, Taoist priest, what gas is edible?" Emperor Song asked impatiently.

"Luck!" Yue Si said: "The only thing in the world that can be eaten by mortals is luck. This luck is invisible and intangible, but it can completely affect a person. To eat qi is to eat luck!"

"Daoist, how can this luck be eaten?" After Yue Si's flickering and the urging of the secret magic of the heart, the emperor of the Song Dynasty has become impatient.

Seeing that Emperor Song's thinking was constantly being induced to go astray by himself, Yue Si said: "If it's just a demonstration, a formation is enough, but it needs someone with enough luck."

"Why?" Emperor Song said curiously.

"Because from the very beginning, I was talking about everything, and I couldn't convince you at all. Only by using some means can it be convincing." The smile on Yue Si's face has not receded. see you.

"Between the world, people are the most fortune-loving beings. From the moment of birth, each person has his own unique luck. The so-called one fate, two fortune, three feng shui, four cultivation of merit and five reading."

"In the previous dynasties, the emperor could not practice because the national fortune was in one person. Cultivating and eating qi would shake the national fortune and cause shooting turmoil. In the former Han Dynasty, there was a witchcraft disaster, which was caused by seeking longevity. The loss of the country's fortune has shaken the country's capital, causing the design to be unstable and harming the prince of his own family."

When Emperor Song heard Yue Si's explanation, he couldn't help but shouted "Oops!". What did he want to live for, not just to sit in his place longer and continue to enjoy today's life as he is now? Life.

If Changsheng wants to give up his position, he is not willing.

But Yue Si's next words dispelled the emperor's doubts, saying: "I, the Song Dynasty, are different from the previous dynasties, the fortune of the country does not depend on the emperor alone, but shares the world with the scholars and officials, and half of the fortune of the country is divided by those scholars, officials and scholars. Go, the congenital insufficiency has led to the weakness of the country, and there are great enemies such as Xixia, Liao, and Jin."

Hearing about matters related to national strength, Emperor Song couldn't sit still anymore, and the attitude of listening carefully changed again.

Yue Si continued to talk about it in detail: "Although it is a hindrance to the national strength of the Song Dynasty, it is good for longevity and qi. Those scholar-bureaucrats carry a ray of national fortune, and they can get famous and hold high positions. They also have great fortune. Yes, devour their luck without harm, I don't have much else in the Song Dynasty, and I have the most scholars!"

"Lao Tzu once said: 'The way of heaven is more than enough to make up for what is lacking. Humanity is not the case, if the damage is insufficient, there is more than enough.' To support you with the luck of the scholar-officials, doing so is in line with human principles, not to mention the part of their qi Luck, originally belonged to you, but now it's just taking back what's yours."

Under Yue Si's "sincerity and persuasion", the Song Emperor finally couldn't hold it in any longer. With a wave of his hand, he asked Yue Si to experiment. By analogy, he was in a state of consumption impulse.

A group of people came to the garden, selected a piece of flat land, and according to Yue Si's request, brought a small amount of gold, silver, copper, iron, and jade. , and then tore them into filaments, using these filaments as materials, draw runes on the ground, combine the runes, and put broken jade on the joints to form a magic circle.

It's just a superficial array method, but it just looks like that, but it doesn't work at all.

But these are enough to prove that Yue Si is a true cultivator, not a warlock, and has real talents and real learning.

The next step is to verify the function of this formation. Of course, the emperor of Song Dynasty will not come to this kind of thing in person. He has his own palace maid or **** to act as a guinea pig for him, and the one who voluntarily sacrificed himself is not someone else, it is The **** who had a brief conversation with Yue Si before - he took the initiative to stand up under the gesture of Yue Si's eyes.

"However, to eat qi, who needs to contribute luck, where do you need to choose?" Emperor Song asked.

"It just so happens that I have a personal choice here." Yue Si said a person's name: "I met him once before, and his luck is not bad. Taking food is the most important change to people. obvious."

The name Yue Si said, the **** knew, because he told Yue Si, it was the high-ranking member of the court who scolded Yue Si not long ago - he was able to persuade him in front of the emperor. , it is impossible to have a low position.

The **** understood in an instant that this was Yue Si's revenge. Perhaps, when Yue Si asked himself about that person's position and name, he was already thinking about what happened now.

The **** didn't know what the consequences would be when it came to extracting luck, but when he thought about it, he knew that it was not a good thing. The high-ranking officer in the court who offended Yue Si for one sentence, tsk tsk...

The current emperor of the Song Dynasty has become extremely excited under the stimulation of his mind and wisdom and Yue Si's painting, and he hastily instructed a **** to invite the high-ranking official in the court.

The officer was on duty, and the **** who was dispatched saw him smoothly. After a little vagueness about the matter, the officer put down the teacup in his hand and followed the **** into the palace again.

cup? When the sent **** arrived, the high-ranking officer was drinking tea and chatting instead of handling official business.

Official business, that is what the people below do. He only needs to outline the outline and guide the general direction. Do you remember the "three redundancy" mentioned in the Song Dynasty earlier? Redundant officials are one of them. I have no shortage of other things, that is, there are many officials. As many bosses say, if you don’t do this job, some people will do it.

The high-ranking official followed the little **** all the way to a garden in the palace, and saw that Emperor Song was anxiously waiting for a long time, and Yue Si was also standing in this garden. The Emperor Song had a long conversation.

The current situation is not a good thing.

"Hmph, demon!"

After meeting Yue Si's eyebrows, the officials in the court bowed their hands to the emperor and said, "My minister, see Your Majesty, I don't know what the official asked me to come here, what's the matter?"

"Aiqing, move two steps to the left." Emperor Song didn't say anything, but couldn't wait to let the high-ranking officer in the court move to the place where he should stand.

Regarding the position of the beneficiary and the sacrifice during the operation of the formation, Yue Si had explained to the Emperor Song that the **** who was a guinea pig had already stood in the position where he should stand, and the rest was this one. The position of the DPRK officer.

The high-ranking officials in the DPRK did not know why, but they moved to a suitable position on the formation according to the order of the Emperor Song.

"Master, it's alright."

Emperor Song nodded to Yue Si, Yue Si pointed to the formation on the ground, and it emitted light, which made Emperor Song look amazed. Then Yue Si took the opportunity to extract the fortune and longevity of the high-ranking official. , using the great phagocytosis technique to convert it into rolling vitality, intercepting half of it, and making half of it enter the body of the eunuch.

The **** felt a warm current surging in his The body that had been bending over and bowing his head all the year round could not help straightening, his eyes became brighter than before, and what he saw became clearer.

In the eyes of the Emperor Song Dynasty and other palace eunuchs, what happened to that **** was a miracle of rejuvenation - it was not really that strong, but the waist was straight, the white hair turned black, and the wrinkles on the face were flattened. Cloudy eyes become cleaner with age.

This was enough to shock people, and the Emperor Song was stunned and couldn't help but applaud.

The high-ranking officer in the DPRK had no idea how much he had lost. Yue Si only left him five years of Yangshou, but he also saw the changes in the **** as he was close at hand, and his pupils shrunk to the size of pinpoints in horror. I can't understand what happened, but it must be related to the formation at the foot.

The **** also had a horrified expression on his face. After sensing something, he knelt down to face the Emperor of Song Dynasty with a thud, and after repeatedly kowtowed, he said with a weeping voice: "Official family, this old slave will no longer be able to serve you! "

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