Villains Template

Chapter 551: Scorpion Essence

After losing such a large amount of money, the big man behind the wealthy businessman also felt pain, so he sent people to search around the tree house. After all, only Yue Si and Xu Xian were chasing Big Brother.

When the eldest brother was brought back in the end, there was only one head left. Although it was said to be a magic backlash, who would know if it was really like this? Anyway, we don't know magic, it's not what they say.

As for looking for Xu Xian and not looking for Yue Si, Yue Si is like a mountain in the fog. You know where he is, but what kind of mountain is the mountain, you can't see clearly, it is best not to move.

But there are some things that cannot be done clearly, and can only be slapped sideways. This task was handed over to the county magistrate by the big man, and the county magistrate revealed the task to Li Gongfu in a veiled way, asking Li Gongfu to play a family card, so that Xu Xian could reveal a little bit. of.

Li Gongfu is a good person. Although he has relationships with people on weekdays, how can he support his husband and wife and Xu Xian with his little salary, but he knows that some things cannot be taken. If Xu Xian really knows the whereabouts of those gold and silver treasures, the most important thing is It's better to say it quickly, so that the big man can feel at ease.

Otherwise, their family will never have a peaceful life, and it is possible for their family to be destroyed.

A sentence of a great man, the people below will carefully ponder, just like those who study the scriptures, a sentence of a sage, broken apart, smashed, and analyzed a word over and over again.

Maybe those big people can't get their money back, so they will forget about it. If the money is gone, they can make more money. My Song Dynasty has a developed business, and as long as the background is strong enough, it is very easy to make money.

However, the people below don't think that way. In order to please Shangguan, they will do everything. This time it is the same. The above just asked the county magistrate to ask Xu Xian to see if he knows the whereabouts of the gold and silver treasures. Here, the magistrate had to get the whereabouts of the treasure from Xu Xian's mouth, and forcibly assigned the task to Li Gongfu.

As the saying goes, the county magistrate who breaks the family, the prefect who destroys the family.

Li Gongfu is only an official no matter how he is a member of the public family. If the county magistrate really wants to rectify him, he does not need anything else. If he strictly implements the various laws and orders of the court, Li Gongfu can have a bad life.

Of course, the county magistrate did not take things so seriously, and gave Li Gongfu a few taels of silver as the cost of doing this.

Being forced to deal with such a matter, Li Gongfu was also confused, but it was something he couldn't do. He was crushed to death at the first level of the official university, not to mention that he wasn't, so he could only find another way.

After work, Li Gongfu went to the pharmacy to find Xu Xian, dragged him and smelled earnestly: "Xu Xian, tell me, when we went up the mountain to kill the gang of gangsters that day, a strong man ran away, and you chased after the Taoist priest. He went out and came back with his head. During this process, did the bandit leader say anything to you?"

Referring to this, Xu Xian was silent. In order to take care of Li Gongfu's mental health, he had better not say what happened to the bandit leader and strongman, because it was not something that ordinary people could bear.

But Xu Xian's silence made Li Gongfu misunderstood, thinking that the eldest brother really took out the gold and silver treasures he robbed to bribe in order to escape for his life, and after getting the money, Yue Si did not let the bandit leader and strongman go - kill you, I can still take it to the money.

Li Gongfu continued to ask, Xu Xian remained silent, and finally had no choice but to say: "Brother-in-law, there are a lot of things involved in this, don't ask me what's going on, it's not good for you, the rest, you just take it Just don't know."

Unconsciously, Xu Xian came to a set of nonsense literature, which seemed to say a lot, but didn't actually say anything, but his advice to Li Gongfu was all included.

But Li Gongfu listened to a piece of nonsense, and felt that there must be something strange in it. He couldn't talk about it at Yue Si, so he had to continue to open the gap from Xu Xian.

In the end, "telling the truth after drinking" became the method that Li Gongfu came up with, and the few taels of silver given by the county magistrate came in handy. He bought a large jar of wine at a relatively fair price, but Li Gongfu alone held it. He didn't move, so he had to ask Xu Xian, who was very strong after practicing martial arts, to help him carry him home.

"Brother-in-law, if you buy such a big jar of wine, you won't be worried about my sister scolding you?" Looking at the jar of wine, Xu Xian first thought of how he would go home with such a jar of wine and how Li Gongfu would deal with him. elder sister.

Especially since this period of time, because of his practice and martial arts, his appetite has increased greatly. According to Yue Si, the meat meal must not be less, and the amount of each meal must be sufficient, which is another large expenditure.

Fortunately, both Xu Xian and Li Gongfu got some money from the extermination of those strong men before. These were used to subsidize the family, but it was also a sum of money. It didn't take much time. Age and qualifications are here, and it is not enough to drive much money.

Under such circumstances, Li Gongfu bought such a large jar of wine, but it was a large expense, so Xu Jiaorong's nagging was inevitable.

Hearing Xu Xian's words, Li Gongfu was stunned. He didn't think about it. The nagging of his wife would give him a lot of headache. Not comprehensive.

"That's it, the Taoist priest gave me a prescription. It is made with medicinal wine. Drinking it can strengthen your body. It is used in conjunction with martial arts. Your jar of wine is just right. Just prepare some medicinal materials." Xu Xian quickly He came up with a way to deal with it. The prescription was given by Yue Si after he had just stepped into the path of cultivation, but Xu Xian was shy and did not have so much money. Now Li Gongfu bought a jar of wine and just happened to come here. Pharmacy, then take advantage of this time to soak the medicinal wine.

"My sister loves me very much, and it is for the right way to practice martial arts. She will simply complain about this expense."

Regarding Xu Xian's proposal, Li Gongfu has no choice. After the medicinal wine is soaked, he must have his two mouths. Then he finds that his money is less. In order to avoid the nagging of spending money, he has to continue to invest in it. money.

After thinking about it, all these expenses were paid from the few taels of silver given by the county magistrate, and Li Gongfu was a little relieved.

The place where Xu Xian was was was a pharmacy, and he basically had all the medicinal materials he needed, and the prescriptions given by Yue Si did not contain any outrageous medicinal materials such as thousand-year-old wild ginseng and ten-thousand-year-old Polygonum multiflorum.

"Don't mix it here." When Xu Xian had just weighed a medicinal material and added it to the jar of wine, the old doctor suddenly stopped his behavior: "Don't let me see your mix of medicinal wine. , that is the prescription passed on to you by others, although I don't know if it is really precious, but since it was passed on to you by others, don't show it in front of others."

A prescription may be a treasure handed down from generation to generation, and it can support a family, even if it is only used to make medicinal wine, but even if it is Buda wine, there is still a market.

After the medicinal wine is soaked, it will take some time before it can be used, so Li Gongfu wanted to get Xu Xian drunk, so he bought an extra jar of wine.

The scorpion essence walked through the streets and alleys along the scent, looking for it all the way, and finally saw the source of the scent, and it was Xu Xian himself who was holding the wine jar.

Before, the scorpion essence felt that human flesh and blood were foul and filthy, so they would not eat people, but Xu Xian didn't have that feeling, instead, it had a self-sweet fragrance, which was extraordinarily delicious and attractive.

"Smell, it's really delicious!"

It was a hot summer. At this time, the sun had just set, the heat was gradually dissipating, and there were more pedestrians on the road. This made Scorpion Jing a little wary, but after all, he couldn't bear it any longer and was ready to attack Xu Xian.

However, the scorpion has only been transformed into a refined form for a month. It has not yet figured out how to use the human body to cast spells, but the ultimate goal is to eat Xu Xian, which is the same as hunting farmers' livestock or wild boars in the mountains before.

The scorpion spirit slumped on the ground, full of demonic energy, and in the black mist, his skinny body transformed into a scorpion the size of a calf.


People looked at the scorpion essence, let out a shrill scream, and then banged, scattered away, and ran out lifelessly.

A monster, a monster that eats people! Whoever sees it will not be afraid.

A few people were so frightened that their legs went weak on the spot. Although they were shaking all over, their bodies didn't obey and they couldn't take a step.

Scorpion Jing saw the frightened people who couldn't control their bowels, and the long needle behind the tail sent out bursts of poisonous miasma, covering the whole body of those people, making a sound of frying things in a pan, the black mist quickly dissipated, And those few people were also corroded by the black mist so that only a pile of bones fell to the ground, and their flesh and blood were consumed.

The previous eldest brother also learned this spell, but this is the innate magical power of the scorpion spirit. Even if a little mana is forcibly poured into the eldest brother's body, the flesh and blood cannot bear it. Therefore, the black mist produced by the eldest brother is a degraded version of cracking. In the version, poison can't kill people, but if you open your mouth and spray it out, you can still poison people.


Li Gongfu was also taken aback and screamed. He couldn't hold the wine jar and medicine bag in his hand. Xu Xian's eyes were quick, and he stretched out one leg and put a foot on the wine jar before it hit the ground. , so that it does not shatter on the ground.

Put down the big wine jar in his arms, it was bought with money, Xu Xian was not willing to let it go to waste, and then said to Li Gongfu: "Brother-in-law, I don't have a sword with me today, lend me your sword. use."

What Li Gongfu was holding in his hand was gone. Hearing what Xu Xian said, he hurriedly wanted to pull out the knife from his waist and hand it to Xu Xian, but his hands trembled and he couldn't pull it out.

"Xu Xian, my hands are shaking, you should come!"

Xu Xian was also afraid in his heart, because this was the first time in his life that he had encountered a monster—well, if the bone-gnawing wolf monster in his brother-in-law's house was also counted, this was the second one.

However, the wolf demon was frightened by Yue Si, and had serious cultivation techniques. It was as obedient as a dog. Unlike the spider spirit in front of him, it was full of demonic energy and murderous aura.

Xu Xian, who pulled out his waist knife, danced it twice at will. The sword technique and sword technique are not the same, but now there is only this one, and it can only be used reluctantly. .

The scorpion essence did not spray black mist to corrode Xu Xian. For such attractive meat, it would not change the amount of livestock it pulled. Even a piece of meat of this quality would be a sin. Of course, the scorpion essence would not hurt Xu Xian in vain.

Well, what should I do if I eat this fragrant man now, and I can't eat it again in the future, just kidnap him, lock him up, raise him like those farmers raise livestock, draw blood regularly, and cut a few pieces Meat, occasionally addicted to the mouth, the water will flow.

Thinking like this, the scorpion essence couldn't help drooling, corroding the underground bluestone floor tiles into potholes.

The scorpion crawled on its legs and came to Xu Xian almost instantly. The two long claws clipped, ready to capture Xu Xian, and then escaped from the city. As long as he caught the scorpion essence, it would be a worthwhile trip.

But it is much more convenient and quicker for human beings to cultivate Taoism than for aliens to achieve Taoism. Bai Suzhen has cultivated for thousands of years, but she is helpless in the face of Fahai, who has only had a few decades of cultivation. Xu Xian is also a direct disciple of the Great Sun Godzilla Buddha, and his qualifications are not bad.

It was only because the scorpion spirit secretly used Yue Si's hand to strengthen it. Xu Xian's cultivation time was less than two months.

Although the waist knife is not proficient in using it, Xu Xian poured mana into it, and Ding Dangdang and the big claws of the scorpion essence put together a dozen tricks. While Xu Xian was focusing on his big claws, the scorpion essence hid for a long time. The stab, almost turned into a black The poisonous needle that had long been brewing venom pierced at Xu Xian.

The scorpion is so powerful that it is on this poisonous needle. The poisonous pile of the scorpion essence in "Journey to the West" is stuck on it. Not only Monkey King's copper head and iron brain suffer, but even the Buddha can't stand it.

As for the scorpion essence, the venom can only stun Xu Xian's poison, so that it can be taken away, just like it has hunted livestock countless times before, but Xu Xian's reaction is quick, black light flashes in front of his eyes, and he subconsciously puts his waist knife on the side. On his body, he only felt a blowing force coming from the body of the knife, and when he took a look, it was actually the tail needle of the scorpion essence, which directly pierced the waist knife, and there was still a little venom hanging on the sharp curved needle tip.

Xu Xian didn't dare to think that he was stabbed by this needle, and what would happen in the end, but he didn't have the heart to think about it. As soon as the knife turned, he would cut off the long tail of the scorpion. Without this tail, the scorpion Refinement is not enough to worry about.

But the scorpion essence spewed a black mist, forcing Xu Xian to retreat, and it also took the opportunity to distance itself.

After all, it is the true inheritance of the Buddha. Although it is only an ordinary iron long sword, it still causes damage to the scorpion essence under the blessing of Xu Xian's mana. Its long claws are the strongest part of the body except the scorpion tail. The sturdy cow bones were also broken with a single pinch, but after a few fights with Xu Xian, there were several uneven dents on the long claws, which made the scorpion's body aches and distressed.

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