Villains Template

Chapter 548: Vitality Overlay

If it is an ordinary mountain bandit strongman, the Qiantang County magistrate summons enough people to deal with it. According to Li Gongfu, there are more than 100 people in the three classes of yamen and strong people.

The county magistrate also gave special approval to take out a batch of weapons from the arsenal. Although it is not enough to equip everyone, there are also a few sets of leather armor, not to mention spears and spears, and long bows and arrows are also sent out. To the archers who have been summoned.

These troops and their weapons are enough to attack some small county towns, unless those strongmen are in Shuibo Liangshan, or the leader is called Fang La, in that case, it is not a matter of their yamen blending, and it is necessary to mobilize the imperial army. to suppress.

However, the family members of the wealthy family who escaped from death said that there are not many strong men. They could deal with them with their hands, but they were able to use sorcery. The arresting yamen can handle the matter, but Yue Si doesn't owe him Li Gongfu anything, so how can he ask Yue Si to take action.

Li Gongfu is a good person, but not a bitch. Unlike in American TV dramas or movies, when someone is in danger and he does not lend a helping hand, he kidnaps other passers-by or teammates with morality and makes them risk their lives. Dangerous to save people who have fallen into danger, euphemistically saying that the other party has the ability, there is no reason not to save people.

So Li Gongfu couldn't tell Yue Siming that face, he could only slap on the side and ask Yue Si's meaning.

"Slaying demons, eradicating demons, and correcting the righteous way are the obligatory tasks of my generation of cultivators. Li Zhaotou, you can say it directly." Yue Si said, "I live in your house, and I feel sorry for disturbing these days. I'll do it if needed."

"That's good." Li Gongfu smiled and said, "Originally, the county magistrate sent people to the surrounding temples and Taoist temples to ask some Taoist monks and monks to help out. Some of the brothers in the yamen followed me and saw the Taoist priest. I mentioned it to the master, and then the master told the Taoist master about you to the county magistrate, and the county magistrate asked me to ask you to take action by name."

"I really want to know what my image has become when it reaches your county magistrate." Yue Si laughed softly when he heard it. The information will inevitably be processed in the process of transmission. That is, based on the information received, he would like to know what he was passed on.

"Well..." Li Gongfu hesitated for a while, and tried his best to dig out the words that the magistrate said to him before, and said, "Xianfeng Daogu, Hefa Tongyan, can pick the stars and get the moon..."

"Okay, no need to say it." Yue Si didn't let Li Gongfu continue. He didn't expect to spread the truth, and in the end, he even passed on his true strength, which made him keep a low profile.

He, Yue Si, is so magical.

"Li Zhaotou, with regard to that group of strongmen, are you ready to arrest or suppress them?" Yue Si asked another question of concern.

Li Gongfu said: "The county magistrate means that if he can arrest him, he will be punished, but because the opponent has magic skills, he really can't arrest him, so he will kill him. The thief is gone."

When he got this answer, Yue Si became docile in his heart and said, "I have a request, and Xu Xian will also go with him to let him see the world. By the way, I will also teach him some medical skills."

"I, I can't do it, it's going to kill people." Xu Xian quickly shook his head and shook his head when he heard Yue Si's words.

Yue Si chuckled in a low voice: "This matter can't tolerate you, this is a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity, if you want to improve your swordsmanship, you can't just practice hard, you need to really fight with people; moreover, that is also taught to you. This is a great opportunity for medicine, and it will be difficult to meet again if you miss it.”

"When will you attack that group of strongmen?"


Early the next morning, Li Gongfu got up in a hurry, put on his official uniform and slung a knife, and led Xu Xian to the yamen. Because he didn't know when he would be able to return, he asked Xu Jiaorong to go to the pharmacy to ask for a leave of absence for Xu Xian— He is dignified in Qiantang County, and the owner of the pharmacy will still give it to him.

Before Zheng Mao, Li Gongfu rushed to the county government office. Xu Xian thought that he had come too early, but he did not expect that many people had already come to the government office.

Previously, Xu Xian thought that there were not many people in 100 people, because it was just a number, and there was no real concept, but when he saw these 100 people crowded in the county office, he immediately felt that it was really crowded and crowded.

And the county magistrate also woke up early in the morning, and just after Zhengmao, he came to the court: "Has the headhunter Li Gongfu arrived!"

Li Gongfu hurriedly stepped forward, cupped his hands and said, "My lord, Li Gongfu is here."

After seeing Li Gongfu, the county magistrate lowered his voice and asked, "The Taoist priest is here."

"Master, the Taoist priest promised to take action, but he didn't want to follow us, he would follow us secretly." Li Gongfu said what he had discussed with Yue Si last night: "But the Taoist priest asked one person to follow us. , Xu Xian, come here to meet the adults."

Xu Xian dressed as a scholar walked out of the crowd and came to the county magistrate. It was the first time he had been to the court and the first time he had seen a magistrate-level figure. Xu Xian, I have seen the adults."

"Xu Xian." The county magistrate muttered the name, and the master next to him told Xu Xian's identity. To be an official in Qiantang County, people like catching fast and gentry must be clear. They may fail to do things, but bad things when the power is great.

Regarding the situation at Li Gongfu's family, the magistrate himself does not have to find out, but as a master, he must keep it in his heart.

Hearing the master's words, the county magistrate snorted coldly: "Li Gongfu, what's the matter with you bringing your wife and brother here."

"Go back to your lord." Li Gongfu said, "My brother-in-law, Xu Xian, was accepted by the Taoist priest on behalf of the teacher. He is already a practitioner. He came along and was also ordered by the Taoist priest."

Li Gongfu's explanation did not satisfy the magistrate, and said, "You and the Taoist priest have known each other for less than half a month. Even if your wife and brother have been apprentices at that time, it is only half a month now. How much mana can you cultivate? Retire!"

He said he was going to retire, but he didn't let Xu Xian go back directly. This county magistrate actually didn't know what to do.

After receiving the report from the wealthy businessman last night, he convened his staff to clear up the strongmen, but it was just a moment of enthusiasm. He wanted to take this opportunity to show his face to the officials behind the wealthy businessman, so that he could get a top grade in the evaluation next year. .

But the blood was soon extinguished, and the rest was calculation.

The task of clearing up the strongmen has already been dispatched. Of course, he, the county magistrate, will not go out and run in person. It is not the business of the people below. If the matter is done, the credit belongs to him. If the matter is not done, the responsibility is the people below matter.

That's why I ordered this yesterday, and today I sent people to fight the bandits.

When the sun rose, the county magistrate left a team of people to serve as messengers in the county office. A group of less than a hundred people went out of the county office in a mighty manner, and walked in the direction where the rich households were robbed before, but the crowd stopped within two streets. It became sparse, and it didn't take long to go out of the city gate, and it formed an arrangement of three classes of yamen in the front, handymen in the middle, and the people who were recruited in the back.

Although the teams were not far apart, only three or five steps away from each other, the reluctance was written on everyone's faces, not only them, but also the fast catchers at the forefront of the team. The meaning of fighting the enemy bravely, as if everyone came out to play in the mountains and waters this trip, and everyone did not intend to exterminate the bandits.

In fact, this is really the case. Over the years when Li Gongfu himself became the head of the arresting force, apart from drawing a sword and making a big splash, he basically never had the opportunity to use a knife, and he was slack in his martial arts.

And the group of strongmen who cut the diameter really dared to kill people, and they would use spells.

"Han Wen, you have been practicing with the Taoist priest for so long, will you be able to do both with one hand and two spells?" Li Gongfu asked the nervous Xu Xian as he walked.

Yue Si didn't know where he was now. His group just seemed to be powerful. When something happened, it was like a handful of loose sand, and the only thing he could rely on was his wife and brother.

"The Daoist said that in my discipline, magical powers and spells are naturally understood when the realm is reached, and no additional practice is required, but my mana is low, and at this stage, I am only physically strong, and I can't do anything else at all. Yes." Xu Xian said regretfully, his right hand tightly clutching the hilt of the long sword around his waist, it was obvious that he was not at peace, and he had no idea about this matter.


A burst of wild laughter sounded on a mountain near Qiantang County. It was a simple treehouse on the flat ground among the forests. The branches of the leaves became the walls, and the roof was just some bark and leaves, pressed against stones.

In this wooden house, there are five or six rough men. They are drinking wine from rough clay bowls, grabbing large pieces of cooked meat with their dirty hands and sending them to their mouths. They are heroes. The mouth said to eat meat in a big mouth and drink in a big bowl.

And these six people are the strong men who robbed the rich and slaughtered before.

The clothes they grabbed were wrapped around their bodies indiscriminately. It wasn't a proper way to wear them. They didn't care about it at all, and they didn't care whether they were women's clothes or not. They went crazy just seeing that those clothes were silk and satin. Put it on the body, wear red and green, as long as it looks good.

"Brothers, is this worthless business easy to do! In the past, we farmed the land honestly, and we had to be oppressed by the government. After a year of hard work, half of the output from the fields would be taken away, and we couldn't even eat a dry meal. Now we only have You need to have a knife in your hand and be ruthless enough to be able to wear such good clothes, drink alcohol, and eat meat, so happy!"

"it is good!"

"Brother is right!"

"Listen to Big Brother."

A group of people responded indiscriminately, and the words were all compliments and approvals to the person who spoke.

The person they called the eldest brother was originally a farmer in the village. He used to work diligently in the fields for food, but not long ago, he suddenly had an adventure and learned his skills. There was a conflict with the grain difference that went to the village to collect grain tax. Killed those food workers with the skills they learned, and then escaped.

When people from the county government office couldn't catch the murderer, they attacked the eldest brother's family. The eldest brother's parents were tortured to death, and his younger brother was frightened and disappeared.

These people met during the exile of the eldest brother. They were originally farmers. They had to leave their homes for various reasons. Later, they were so hungry that they became thieves. Grass is incense, they bowed their heads and became brothers with different surnames.

And this eldest brother is not the oldest among these people, but no one dared to call him eldest brother, so he did his part to become eldest brother.

When people are hungry and crazy, they can do anything, such as killing people. With the ability of the elder brother, they will get a big harvest the first time they do it, that is, the robbery of the rich household yesterday.

Although it was their first time, they really didn't let it go. Except for those who escaped, they basically killed the rest, and the wealthy businessman's wife and daughter-in-law were inevitably insulted.

"Brother, what should we do next? We have some gold and silver now. Should we go down the mountain and go to other places to spend our days casually, or hide in this mountain and wait until the limelight passes, and then play him again."

"If we stay here, what can he do? As long as the imperial court does not mobilize the imperial army, a hundred or ten people enter this mountain, just like throwing salt into the water, and it will melt immediately. It is impossible to find us. of."

"Even if we find it, it's not our big brother's opponent!"

These people were talking vigorously under the stimulation of alcohol, and suddenly an arrow shot into the house. Although it didn't hit anyone, it still startled them.

"Fire arrows!" With a shout from not far, more arrows shot into the house, and the branches could not resist the arrows at all.

Don't look at how happy they were before, but when they saw this battle, they panicked. Some people hugged their heads and huddled in the house.

And even if the eldest brother had a spell, he panicked at this time, and he didn't think about whether to fight back.

His brothers who worshiped the master were not in his consideration at all. Before, he could even abandon his biological parents and younger brother, not to mention that these were only the masters.

Not far away, Li Gongfu held his waist knife and pointed in the direction of the tree house. The archers lined up, and the arrows in the quiver shot out one by one without money. There were murderers and robbers, relying on the long-range shooting of bows and arrows. It is better to kill them than to let them approach and fight, not to mention that they can also spell.

No one wanted to die, so the archers worked extra hard, gritted their teeth and shot the quiver empty before giving up.

"Enough, the people inside are already dead... No, there is another one who escaped, you clean up the scene, and Xu Xian and I will go after him." Yue Si said to Li Gongfu, then carried Xu Xian and chased in the direction of the eldest brother's escape. .

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