Villains Template

Chapter 539: behind the scenes

There is only one disease in this world, and that is poverty.

Poverty is the root of all evil. Even if it is a TV series, your character from a poor family is born with original sin, corruption, and vitriol; rich people are born with noble morals, upright and generous.

The poor lack the cost of trial and error. Some people can get 500 million start-up funds when starting a business. Some people work for a year, but when they are old, they don’t even have 10,000 deposits. It was a New Year's gift, but when the manuscript fee was paid, I found out that it was a New Year's gift, and it was taken off the shelves after a few days.

Why is it that people who are not so wealthy are seriously ill once their lives are hospitalized. In fact, many diseases are minor at the beginning. They think that it is a minor disease, and they will be cured after a few days. They can heal themselves by relying on the body's resistance. It is often this kind of thinking, coupled with the reluctance to pay for regular medical examinations, and finally dragging a small illness into a serious one.

The same is true for this family. The weakest child in the family is sick and must be taken out of the labor force to take care of him, seek medical advice, and supplement medical care, all of which cost money.

When one person gets sick and suffers, the whole family suffers and weeps.

After looking at the situation of this house with the method of observing qi, Yue Si found that there was something strange in this matter. Maybe the person who cracked the "Xian'er" calculation was not himself, because he had not come to this world at that time, only However, this herbalist happened to meet him—or his branch divination technique made him meet this herbalist.

Through this herbalist, he was able to find Xu Xian without any trouble.

But now, since this happened, let's solve it easily.

The person who opened the door was a man dressed as a peasant woman. She worked all the year round. She had rough skin and dark complexion. She looked like she was in her forties when she was under 30. Her eyes were red and swollen. She had obviously cried. Your life is not good.

The herb collector had a few words with the peasant woman, and it was roughly in the direction calculated by "Xian'er" that he met the Daoist Yue Si. This Daoist has practiced himself, and he will definitely be able to solve the problems of her children. question.

The peasant woman looked at Yue Si with a look of distrust on her face. It was obvious that Yue Si's appearance did not conform to the image of "Old Dao" in the usual perception. The image of the boy, compare the difference between Jiushu and Qiusheng. Although Qiusheng has a cultivation base, he can also fight, but usually when he comes to the door, he will only find Jiushu.

That is, as the saying goes, there is no hair on the mouth, and it is not firm.

It's just that the dusty temperament on Yue Si's body can show that he is not an ordinary person. In addition, there was a fortune-telling of the famous "Xian'er" in Shili Baxiang before, as well as the evidence of the herb collector, which made the peasant woman believe it a bit. Greeting Yue Si to come into her house to see her child's illness.

Her trust in Yue Si came from that Xian'er.

But Yue Si did not go directly to the farmer's home, but stood there and said, "Has your family gone bankrupt recently, such as losing money or something, such as grain, poultry and other valuables."

The peasant woman didn't know why Yue Si asked this question, and said, "That's not true, just a few days ago, in order to entertain Xian'er, two laying hens were slaughtered and stewed, and when they left, she prepared some food for her, The seventeen eggs that I saved to exchange for salt were also given to her."

"I heard that Xian'er only stayed at your house for half a day, and she ate two chickens at a time?" The herbalist couldn't stop drooling when he heard the stewed chicken, and the one who lacked oil and meat could not listen to this. .

"The chicken was stewed for my child. Xian'er tried many ways to feed the nightmare with the stewed chicken, but the nightmare took the chicken but didn't leave, and it still haunts my child. Xian'er drank the chicken soup. , I left without eating." The peasant woman cried as she spoke: "That's the chickens I fed so hard, and I rely on them to lay eggs in exchange for salt! God **** it!

That's right, it's hard to lose money. Although this peasant woman thought that giving those things to Xian'er was a matter of course, it was a matter of gratitude for the other party's actions, but it was indeed a disaster of bankruptcy.

And this matter is inseparable from that "Xian'er". Although there are some small spells, they are definitely not used in serious places. She used magic to take away the two chickens from the eyes of this family.

And she said "Nightmare" as something similar to a spirit, from which you can know her unprofessionalism.

Yue Si waved his sleeves and said, "There's no rush in advance. I'll call your boss. You can't control this matter."

The more money is lacking, the more attention is paid to money. A small amount of money may cause family conflicts. The little legacy left after the death of the old man will make the four brothers quarreled with each other. Of course, it is impossible for Yue Si to communicate with each other. If you work in vain, you will definitely receive money. You must negotiate the price first to avoid conflicts in the future.

There is no free lunch in the world. If Yue Si doesn't charge money, the family will doubt Yue Si's ability and intentions. If someone rushes to clean your air conditioner, they will definitely suspect that he will take advantage of the opportunity.

The herb collector took off the basket on his back and said to the peasant woman, "Liu's sister-in-law, watch your child at home and watch for me. I'll go to the field and call your master back."

The peasant woman lifted the baskets of herbs to her yard, and then invited Yue Si to sit in. Although it was a hot day, although there was no good food to entertain, it was better to go into the house to drink a bowl of cold water.

But Yue Si shied away and refused: "I have now reached the realm of 100-day inedia. I don't eat human fireworks. I only need to eat and drink dew every day. After three days, the period will expire before I can eat."

"Isn't it enough to just drink water?" The peasant woman was a little restrained when she heard Yue Si's words. She didn't really understand what Yue Si was talking about, but it sounded very powerful: "The water is drawn from a well. , didn't touch that smoke."

"It doesn't work either. After passing through human hands, this water will carry an air of human smoke and fire, which is a hindrance to the practice." Yue Si continued to pretend and said: "My practice method is quite particular, pay more attention, pay more attention. Inclusive."

The peasant woman was even more embarrassed when she heard these words. Her superficial cognition did not know whether what Yue Si said was true or not, but people who "know" must be particular about it, and she was still there before she got married. When I was in my husband's family, I knew a character similar to "Xian'er". He only ate tribute, and he only ate what was enshrined in front of the statue.

"Is the herbalist always so enthusiastic?" Yue Si asked the peasant woman.

The peasant woman said: "Yes, he came here from the famine, not from us. Those who knew the medicinal herbs helped the village stay and stayed. There was no land in the village, and they made a living by shaving medicinal herbs. Difficulties also help to run around.”

Yue Si nodded, I understand, these days, only if you have your own fields can you be considered a foundation of security. The herbs are from outsiders, and they are outsiders. Only if they are useful to the village can he stay. That's why he is so diligent. .

Soon, the herb collectors came back with two men, their clothes were patched on top of each other, and the hoes they were carrying were made of wood clad iron instead of pure iron.

The two were the father-in-law and husband of the peasant woman. They were somewhat naive in their speech. They spoke like quarrelling and picking herbs, but they were more able to speak than them, but when they saw Yue Si, they looked like they saw a life-saving straw.

"Thirty eggs, or about the same price of millet." Yue Si offered his own price.

This price is very cheap, the family is overjoyed.

After agreeing to Yue Si's offer, Yue Si officially stepped into the courtyard of the house, entered the dim room, and saw the patient lying on the bed.

It was a little boy, not the one thrown over the Neon Man's head, just an ordinary peasant child.

His stature was thin, his limbs were slender like firewood sticks, and his ribs were clearly visible. He didn't look like the son of a peasant family with a stable life.

It's normal for people with long bodies to be slender. Like the mental guys on the short video platform, they all look like a hemp pole, because they are still developing and jumping up one by one.

"Ah, how did he become like this? I saw him two days ago, and it was just..." The medicine collector suddenly ran out of words, and couldn't think of an accurate word to describe the child's state.

In the past few days, the child had at most behaved abnormally, and now it looks like he is about to die. No wonder the peasant woman is crying.

And his father and grandfather did not go to work in the fields with their hoes, but went to the hillside to find a place to dig a grave. A child does not have a tomb when he died, so the grave must be dug deep to avoid wild Animals dig it out and eat it.

Yue Si stepped forward, pinched the boy's wrist, and felt his pulse as if he was imitating, but in fact, he had already seen the situation almost as soon as he swept away his spiritual thoughts, and then ordered the family: "Go and make a fire, Make a fire, just in the yard, go to cook a pot of porridge, the kind that is rotten, if you have an egg at home, put one in when the pot is about to come out, don’t be reluctant.”

"Is there a gourd? Bring one."

Soon, a fire rose in the yard, and a gourd for holding water was also delivered to Yue Si's hands.

Yue Si took off the sack on his back, picked out a few herbs, measured the weight with his hands, stuffed it into the gourd, shook it a few times, and poured out a white pill in his hand— Broad spectrum anthelmintic.

For alchemy or something, Yue Si will. For example, in the world of "The Mummy", he made the Great Pill, but he has ready-made medicines on his body.

"Special Card: Biochemical Technology Group (from related sci-fi works

"Explanation: The giant chaebol in literary and artistic works involves medical technology, consumer health care, medicine and other medical-related fields, as well as research on biochemical weapons and human enhancement."

"Explanation: Usually appearing as a background, unscrupulous in order to carry out research projects, it is usually the culprit that triggers the worldwide Resident Evil crisis, and is a collection of related companies in multiple works, such as the umbrella company in "Resident Evil", "Wild Python" Byron Mitch Biotech in Disaster…”

"Note: You are backed by a giant biochemical technology group."

The half-dead child who was lying on the bed was lifted up. Yue Si supported his back with his left hand, crossed a trivial mana to protect his heart, then squeezed his mouth and stuffed the broad-spectrum anthelmintic into the In the mouth, press and pinch the acupuncture points a few times to make it instinctively swallow, and swallow the tablet into the stomach.

Yue Si sensed with his spiritual sense that the reason why this child became what he is now is that there were worms in his stomach.

Because it is a mythical world, this worm also has some special abilities, which almost drained this kid.

With the mana, the child woke up quickly, and after opening his eyes to see the unfamiliar Yue Si, he suddenly burst into tears.

The child's parents saw it, but they cried and laughed happily. They thought that their child could not be saved, but they didn't expect that the child would wake up after feeding Yue Si an elixir.

"Don't be too happy, I feed him the medicine of tiger and wolf, which can cure the disease and remove the root, but it also causes great harm to the body. Whether he can survive this test depends on his own good fortune." Although Yue Si is very sure , but left a few points in the words, and did not say too much.

"Bring the child to the yard, let him get more sun, he will definitely vomit and have diarrhea later, shovel the vomit and excrement onto the fire and burn it."

The child's father immediately took the crying child from Yue Si, carried him to the yard, and let him get as much sun as possible, while the child's mother went back to the kitchen to work, with porridge still cooking in the pot.

The child's grandfather hunched over his waist and folded his hands, thanking Yue Si thousands of times: "My daughter-in-law here was pregnant with a child before, and she was born dead, and she hurt her body when she gave birth to this child. This is the only seedling in my family. ."

"Did your family offend anyone?" Yue Si asked the child's grandfather: "For example, what valuable treasures did you accidentally leaked the news - don't have anything to hide. , Your grandson is not being stunned, it is someone who is ready to harm you, and only by speaking out can you save your family."

The old peasants shook their heads. They have been poor all their lives, and they have seen valuable valuables, even if they have them in their hands, they will not recognize them.

At the foot of the mountain outside the village and not halfway up the mountain, where you must go up the mountain to collect herbs, a man in a gray robe sat cross-legged against a tree, with long gray hair and a crown on his head; There is a long beard under his lips, divided into three strands; he has a whisk in his hand, and a seal on his waist. Judging from his clothes, this man is more convincing than Yue Si, and more like a man of morality.

It's just that this man's looks are quite different, with a fierce look on his face, his eyes are three-white, his eye sockets are deep, and his eyes are sharp, as if he is going to swallow his life and peel it off.

This man had a bone in his mouth. Judging by the thickness of the bone, it was a chicken bone, but the bone was gnawed very cleanly, not even a trace of meat foam was left, and even the bone marrow was sucked dry, and the chicken thigh bone was at this moment. Like a hollow straw, it is much easier to use than a paper straw.

"Why haven't you come yet?"

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