Villains Template

Chapter 537: 2 directions

"Is the integration of technology and magic feasible?" Nick Fury asked his own simple question. He is not a senior magician or scientist, and he doesn't know much about these two aspects.

"Before my cognition also thought that it was not a practical thing until something appeared, although it was an evil existence, I spurned its existence, but I had to admit that it opened up for me A new way of thinking." Baron Mordo said a little depressedly: "A way to realize magic with technology and integrate the two."

"That pyramid, the pyramid that locked millions of people in New York?" Nick Fury immediately understood what Baron Mordo was referring to, because it was the most mysterious technological creation in Nick Fury's knowledge.

"Yes, the pyramid uses the knowledge of the mysterious side. It is an altar used to communicate with certain existences in the dimension, and those people are the sacrifices used for trading." Baron Mordo said: "If you agree with me If you cooperate, you will get the help of a considerable number of magicians."

Gu Yi's attitude towards the empire has not been recognized by everyone, and her philosophy is not recognized by everyone, otherwise the magicians of the entire earth will follow Kama Taj's lead.

When the ancient master came to the empire, he announced that Kama Taj would be transformed into a thorough academic organization. Although the wizards who joined Kama Taj still studied magic, they could only be used in the process of cognition of the world, becoming a Explore unknown tools.

As for what the Empire of Humanity is going to do, the Ancient One Mage will never interfere, and the rest of the Mage are strictly prohibited from interfering.

Because if the empire wants to do something, no one can stop it, because they have no power to stop the empire at all.

After making this decision, a considerable number of Kama Taj's mages became estranged from the ancient one and began to question the ancient one's decision, but most of them did not leave Kama Taj - because the empire made no secret of it. Demonstrating its power, the magic that mages are proud of is nothing before the reality anchor.

But this does not mean that no one made a decision against the opinion of the ancient one. A small number of people left Kama Taj and began to act with their own will and ideas, in order to help mankind organize the empire.

Among them was Karisias, who took a group of followers and prepared to use the power of the Lord of the Dark Dimension to stop the empire. Their own power was insufficient, but they could borrow from the Dimensional Demon God - anyway, the power of the magicians is all It was traded for Dormammu's shot at a certain price, which was normal.

Compared with the goal of pursuing eternal life and resurrecting his wife in the movie, this Karisias, no matter what his motives, can be regarded as ambitious, jumping from a third-rate rebel to a second-rate character.

The reason why he is not a first-class character is that he is trapped in that there is no single-person independent film or independent drama base, and there is not enough coffee.

The Mage Mordo brought the magic book and the magic weapon to find Nick Fury, ready to use the human society and the power obtained by human beings in technology to complete his plan.

If his plan achieves phased results, or is practical, it will be supported by the rest of the mages.

"How to do it?"

"What are you going to do?"

Nick Fury put away the laser pistol, turned off the insurance and double-checked, and asked Baron Mordo.

"The existence of this self-proclaimed empire of mankind is an existence from another universe. They are also human, but they are not the same as us." Baron Mordo said: "So, if we want to defeat them, we must use another universe. Even the power of multiple different worlds, that is, the exploration of parallel worlds.”

Baron Mordo withdrew the mirror space and came to Nick Fury's office in the real world.

He put the huge magic book in his arms on the table and said to Nick Fury: "This magic book records the knowledge of space and time, but the way I traveled in magic is not the same. Not far, my wisdom was not able to summarize this knowledge into practical methods, so I took it out of Karma Taj to interpret it with the wisdom of technology.”

"Deciphering magic with technology?" Nick Fury was puzzled by Baron Mordo's proposal. The two systems of science and magic are two systems that are incompatible with each other in terms of names. Baron Mordo Is it possible to try to rely on technology to accomplish what magic can do?

"Science and magic are both ways and means to explore the unknown. The destination is the same, but the way and the method are different." Baron Mordo put his hand on the magic book and said: "Just like in physics The grand unified model of the universe is the realm of omniscience in magic, and after reaching this realm, one can gain insight into the basic operating rules of the universe."

"Also, don't try to read this book, you don't have the foundation to learn magic, and rushing into the magic world is a very dangerous thing for you, your soul will be brought into the turbulent flow of time and space among."

"The magical world is incredibly attractive to ordinary people, because it represents the basic rules of the world that can be learned and understood, and it is an irresistible existence for human beings. Beings with souls yearn for the truth of the world. , even in Kama Taj, it needs to be sealed on the bookshelf by a chain of spells."

After Baron Mordo's reminder, Nick Fury was stunned to find that his hand had reached the magic book at some point, his fingers had touched its pages, and he wanted to open it stubbornly and firmly, if it wasn't for Mordo The Baron's hand was on it, and he had now opened and read the book.

After realizing his behavior, Nick Fury felt a burst of panic. He could not control his behavior. In his consciousness, he had been listening to Baron Morton's story. At a certain point, his Consciousness and body are severed—but Nick Fury has controlled his emotional outbursts well, not allowing his inner activity to show through his facial expressions.

"Mordo took the book with him."

Kama Taj's librarian, Mage Dahir, found the Ancient One who was drinking tea and reported the loss of the book.

Master Gu Yi was tasting tea. The tea was sent by the empire, a special product of an alien planet. At the cost of cutting off its own civilization, that planet obtained the opportunity to continue its own race from the empire and became a deformed farming civilization.

This tea-like drink is their product. They only grow cash crops such as tea, coffee, and fruit, and are only allowed to grow economic activities. Food needs to be imported from other planets and transported by imperial ships.

This represents the Empire's attitude towards alien races. Assuming that there is a rebellion on this planet, the Empire can cut off the supply of food as soon as possible, and can't fill its stomach with drinks and fruits, and even if the cash crops are shoveled and changed into food crops, reclaimed It also takes time to cultivate, grow, and harvest, and famine will inevitably occur during this period.

Master Gu Yi knew the origin of this kind of tea, but she did not condemn it, and enjoyed it all, she didn't care about it.

Because what the U.S. imperialists have done is worse than that of the human empires. The empires only exploited non-human races, while the U.S. imperialists plundered their fellow human beings, plundering their bones.

Regarding the behavior of the American emperor, Master Gu Yi did not intervene, and calmly enjoyed everything that the American emperor had obtained by sucking blood around the world. In the empire, there is no reason to make irresponsible remarks.

"Which one?" Master Gu Yi put down the teacup and asked.

"The book written by the person who came last time, the book that recorded the forbidden knowledge." Master Dahir said: "The knowledge recorded in that book is so blasphemous, he asked Kama Taj. That book had to be watched closely, but it was taken away by Mage Mordo."

Master Gu Yi nodded, indicating that he knew.

That book is not so much a book as it is a personal notebook. It is a study note left by Charles Wu Yuesi when he came to Karma Taj to study magic knowledge - or it is based on the magic of this world. A temporary translation record of the knowledge that Yue Si has mastered in language.

For example, the magic system of the moon world, the holy light, the reshaping of the world, and so on.

The deity of Yue Si also wrote such a book unconsciously before, but the content of that book was messy and disordered, while this one is organized, like a reference book, classifying all kinds of knowledge into different categories. Written, if the previous book is the truth of the world that is directly exposed, then this book is expounding the truth.

The book that has been lost in the warp along with the female judge tells the story of '1+1=2'. This book explains the reason for '1+1=2' and makes people understand the world. the truth.

Because it refers to some things from the previous book, such as writing habits and so on, this book also brings a touch of the old days.

There are mysteries in the current world. As soon as these things are written, they are blessed with inexplicable power and become a dangerous magic book. The records of time and space are known to Baron Mordo, and he takes them with him. Take research and prepare to use it as a countermeasure against the empire.

And just like Baron Mordo's warning to Nick Fury, that book tells the truth about the world, the nature of this chaotic chaos in the universe, and one can't help but want to chase it, and at the same time because It despairs, is destroyed by the absolute truth of human emotion and reason, and falls into madness.

"Crazy is like gravitation, all you need is a slight push." ​​Yue Si said to Master Gu Yi: "Humanity is a contradictory and unified existence, either good or evil, and binary oppositions are not at all. Existence, human nature is a kind of crazy existence, subconsciously chasing extremes, just like the trial of a netizen on a certain platform, sentenced to death starts."

Master Gu Yi said, "Why are you doing this? Can I ask you this question?"

"Of course." Yue Si said: "The technology of the empire has died, and it has lost the possibility of rejuvenating from the corpse. Even if the technology and knowledge mastered, in order to prevent it from being lost and forgotten, it is endowed with a kind of Mysterious, the mechanical priest who masters the manufacturing method of the Star Destroyer doesn't understand the principle, just mechanically imitates every production step, and even regards the maintenance procedure as a ritual, using ignorance to preserve technology."

"Perhaps the person who implemented this set didn't plan it that way, but over time, it has become what it is today, and it deviates from its original purpose."

"Without the research of basic technology, the empire can no longer make breakthroughs in technology, and the technology of the empire has gradually become deformed, and it is more and more dependent on psionic energy rather than pure technology. Therefore, I came to this world across dimensions, The hope is to use the wisdom of this world to seize the civilization of this world.”

"The threat of death is a very good way to stimulate potential. I will bring war to this world, and give them certain technical support, so that they can conduct research towards the aspects that the empire needs."

"Tony Stark, and Mordo, are the candidates you chose?" Master Gu Yi asked. With the arrival of Yue Si, there were several kinds of refreshments in front of her, which were all good things.

"Leading them, but not entirely them." Yue Si said: "The direction of Tony Stark's research is pure technology. Using the existing technology of the empire, reverse all the basic technology and restore it. The technology of the Empire will be and then based on this, it will move forward in a new direction, and he will have other people here to supplement."

"Modu represents the current technology of the empire, combining psionic energy with technology, moving forward in the existing direction, and developing in the direction of "super technology" that is separated from the existing technology level. The reason why he found Nick Fury It was no accident, it was fate that Nick Fury agreed to his plan."

For the unknown existence, it is easy to put yourself in danger. When Nick Fury transformed his consciousness into data into the pocket universe and contacted Tony Stark, his consciousness Already passive.

"They represent two different options, non-interference and mutual achievement."

Master Gu Yi took out a teacup and was about to pour tea for Yue Si, but Yue Si raised his hand to stop him: "Since the moment I was born, I have obtained the body of a fairy who can drink dew, food is useless to me, for me , this kind of thing is pure waste.”

"What do you need?" Master Gu Yi asked.

"Technology of superluminal travel and exploration of microscopic fields." Yue Si said: "This topic was handed over to Mordo, he didn't know what he was doing, and this technology would be a side effect of his research process. A product, an overlooked outcome."

"Does it have to be human?" Master Gu Yi asked. There are countless civilizations in the universe. It is very easy to obtain a complete technology tree, but the empire has set its goal on the earth.

"Because the empire is an empire of mankind!"

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