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Chapter 531: Premium Dinosaur Meat

Only when you become a supreme mage can you know the weight of this name. You need to bear the safety of the whole world, you need to use domineering to subdue mage from all walks of life, you need to select those who are qualified, and teach them to be a qualified mage. They have the talent to go crooked and become the chess pieces of the dimension demon.

It is necessary to deal with demons of various dimensions and even parallel worlds, and to use wisdom, strategies and words to seek benefits with all kinds of creatures and snakes.

Sometimes also have to do some very dangerous things, such as contact the dark dimension, draw magic from it, this kind of behavior is expressly forbidden, but the ancient one has to do that, and this kind of behavior is usually not understood, even will betrayed.

The advent of the human empire has taken over this burden, and there is no need for a "Supreme Mage" to support the whole world. Master Gu Yi hopes that she will be the last Supreme Mage in this world.

"You just gave the earth to those invaders like this?" Some mages expressed incomprehension to the decision of the ancient one—that was because they were also human beings.

"Intruders, they are also human, aren't they?" Master Gu Yi continued with a smile: "As they said, they are the enemies of this planet, the civilization that came out of the earth, and the earth is also their home. Even the land under our feet is legally theirs, we just occupy their land uninvited - like the owner of a certain house is out on business, and he is seen staying at home with only young children , he used violence to drive his children out, occupied his house, and now it's just that the owner of the house has returned."

The description and expression of the ancient master is quite subtle, but the masters all know the history and the blood in it.

"I met with their commander, talked to him, and reached an agreement with him that they would not interrogate the existence of Kama Taj, nor would they ban the existence of Kama Taj and the Holy Sanctuary, Kama The Taj can continue to teach magic as before, but they are not allowed to interfere in what they do."

Master Gu Yi said: "Even so, they don't trust us very much. They sent people to watch the Supreme Sanctuary to prevent you from making incorrect behaviors and causing accidental injuries."

It was broken by the words of the ancient one, and several figures appeared in the four directions of the front, back, left and right of the Supreme Sanctuary. They were located on the roof. They were led by four Astartes think tanks wearing power armor. group.

The think tank is a psionicist unit among the space warriors. After rigorous screening and training, it can freely use psychic powers, such as augmenting the demigod bodies of the Astartes who have undergone nineteen transformation operations to make them. To a terrifying level, in most cases, use psionic energy directly to attack, such as generating psionic spears or lightning, and can also generate powerful shields to resist attacks.

The powerful part of it can transcend time, slow down the enemy's movements with physical effects like heavy acceleration, or directly use the power of mind to change the direction of bullets, bounce laser bullets like Neo awakened in "The Matrix" - or come. A set of psychic throat locks can be done, but it is basically unnecessary.

Those human psionicists are also fully armed, and the power armor equipped on their bodies is the latest research result of the Mechanic Sect.

As the sacrifices continue, the pocket universe in the pyramid has more and more magic power, and the miracles that can be achieved by psionicists who have permission to directly draw energy from the pyramid

Because of his size, the think tank leaning on the psionic scepter is half-kneeling on the roof. The miniature anti-gravity device makes his body as light as a fly, and will not make any movement due to the heavy body and armor. With the aid of psionic energy, they have been hiding their existence until they were pointed out by the ancient master, and then they revealed their figure.

They were ordered to monitor the movements of the Supreme Sanctuary. Although they have reached a contract with the ancient master, it does not mean that the masters under her will recognize her decision. Supply, they have the upper hand, but it's not good to screw up the relationship.

Feeling the surging energy of think tanks and psionicists, all the mages felt apprehensive. On weekdays, they accumulated magic power bit by bit, accumulating over time, even if they were dealing with the trinity of the **** of white magic, Wei Shandi. , the price is fair, but it does not need to pay a price. Even if the self-healing ability of the human body can gradually repair the price paid, it will take time.

Why did Doctor Strange, who took over the position of the Supreme Mage, end up with the title of "Kidney Deficiency Mage", that is, he used too much magic on weekdays, consuming too much magic power, and his body has become a mess because of transactions with various demon gods. Being riddled with holes, in the true sense of being riddled with holes, with both qi and blood depleted, isn’t that a deficiency?

Even for the most common psionicist, the energy in his body cannot be exchanged by draining the group of mages. It is the emotional sacrifice of millions of people, and the exchange of souls and bodies of thousands of people. Magic power is not an order of magnitude at all.

"We have no hostility, as long as you do not leave the range of this supreme sanctuary." A psionicist stepped forward and used the amplification device on the power armor to transmit his voice to the ears of the mages.

Said so, but the four think tanks who were guarding in different directions still took action. They took a metal stick from behind, activated it and inserted it on the ground, and responded to each other to form an invisible force field. Wrap the entire Supreme Sanctuary.

"This is the Reality Stability Amplification Anchor, which only temporarily limits your power to prevent you from making some irrational actions on the spur of the moment."

A group of magicians tried it and found that their power was still there, but they could not be released as before, and were completely suppressed in the body. Even if they were released by chanting the spell according to the ritual, the effect achieved was completely low. than expected.

"Magic doesn't belong to this era anymore. The cost of using magic is much more than in the previous era. Technology is the mainstream of this era."

"The creation in their hands has strengthened this reality, greatly weakening the power of magic, and the magic power required to move reality is even greater and more difficult."

Master Gu Yi appeased a group of uneasy mages. After the power of magic was suppressed, she felt a little better, and the dark energy that eroded her body was calmed down a lot, and then said to the psionicist: "We need to For food, we only need raw materials, we have our own kitchen, but we don’t prepare that much food.”

After removing the physical and mental burden, Master Gu Yi felt much lighter and made less excessive demands.

The psionicist got in touch with Yue Si, and soon after the request of the ancient master was put forward, a transport plane came over and dropped a standard material transport box.

"There is a whole piece of dinosaur meat here. It is a dinosaur civilization named Devourer captured by the Imperial fleet in other worlds. The Empire kindly did not completely destroy them, but used it as a domestic animal on a planet suitable for life. Raising them on the planet is just destroying their civilization—although raising carnivores as livestock is a low-energy practice, as a race that has developed an interstellar civilization, the meat of this dinosaur is very good , and don’t have to worry about infectious diseases and parasites.”

The psionicist responsible for transporting the goods described the origin of the ingredients to Mage Gu Yi and other mages. With the blessing of power armor, it was not easy to carry goods weighing less than a ton.

Although the psionicist just described it briefly, it was an undisguised threat to the mages. A powerful civilization could not avoid the fate of becoming a domestic animal. What kind of storms could a few magicians cause.

The barbecue was quickly set up. Today, Master Gu Yi personally handled the meal. Looking at the dinosaur meat that was cut into steaks, he sighed: "It's really good meat, and the quality of each piece of meat is better than A5 wagyu, simple grilling is a shameful waste for this level of ingredients, they need to be cooked with care."

The attitude of Master Gu Yi infected the rest of the magicians, and they began to enjoy life actively, because the meat of the Devourer Dinosaur was really good, so delicious that the eyebrows almost danced.

The person who was "invited" came to the pyramid twenty-four hours later. It was not in this short period of time that Earth civilization had completed the adjustment of the aircraft in the environment of gravitational interference, but the Imperial Fleet took the initiative to shut it down. The gravitational interference device is installed, so that the aircraft can sail normally.

Unlike those scientists studied and analyzed, the abnormality of the earth's atmosphere and gravity is actually a gravitational interference device built on a warship. If it is turned on at full power, it is enough to collapse the gravity of a solid planet and throw the entire continent towards it. The sky, and then fell heavily, destroying the entire planet.

All of these people who came here are powerful people, chaebols, capitalists, and oligarchs—but there is no shadow of people from the indescribable country, which makes people wonder why.

"They don't even have the qualifications to come to negotiate," said the representative of Footpen Chicken. "They were not invited at all."

As an old friend, Nick Fury is on the list, and Nick Fury did everything possible to capture Justin Hammer and let him participate in this negotiation, hoping to open a gap from him and seek for mankind. take more profit.

But the moment he stepped into the battleship swallowing star, Nick Fury dismissed his immature idea, because this negotiation was completely unequal.

It's just an ordinary soldier under the pyramid who just waved his hand gently, and a portal opened, allowing them to cross a long space and directly enter the interior of the battleship far in the starry sky.

This kind of technical means is something they have never seen, heard of, or even thought about.

Through the portholes of the battleship, they really felt the huge size of the battleship. Countless blue-painted fighter jets cruised around the battleship, and some small drones flew along with the fighter jets.

"He sits on a golden throne, and the throne is located in a palace, and the palace is located on a floating continent."

"There is light everywhere in the palace, but no candles are seen. The light is the palace itself."

"Seraphs sing sacred songs around the throne. When it opens its eyes, red electric light streaks across the sky, like a serpent; the cherub has two pairs of blue wings and multiple eyes, and they sow His gospel. Angels always accompany the wise angels."

After stepping into the wide command hall and seeing the figure sitting on the throne, Nick Fury couldn't help but think of the words that Charles Wu Yues said for him, At the time, it sounded inexplicable and pointless.

It described a reality. Charles Wu Yuesi had already disclosed information about the Imperial Fleet to him, and he had used metaphors to convey important information, but he himself did not understand it.

It's just that I don't know what Charles Wu Yuesi's attitude towards Earth civilization is. It should be kind.

"The space battleship is as huge as the floating earth, and he sits in the seat of the captain's command room, which is as brilliant as a palace."

"The command room is entirely made of luminous materials, there is no shadow and no additional lighting is required."

"The drone device called the Servo Skull surrounds the captain and commander and broadcasts various information about the The electronic eye can fire lasers; the fighter has two wings and multiple viewing windows, which can be used at any time according to The captain's order launched an attack on the hostile units, and the drones were accompanied by the fighter jets."

Listening to Nick Fury's translation, Yue Si let out a "hehe" laughter, and then Justin Hammer broke away from the crowd and strode forward, before the throne.

Seeing Justin Hammer's rash action, a considerable part of the group glared at him and had the heart to kill Justin Hammer. His behavior was easily regarded as a provocation by those sitting on the throne. , causing dissatisfaction.

In the current situation, the power of the two sides is completely unequal, and the huge imperial fleet is a whole. These people are just a loose alliance that has been temporarily put together. It is the powerful foreign enemy of the imperial fleet that makes them temporarily form a The community of interests is still intriguing with each other.

They came to this ship for the purpose of negotiation, but Justin Hammer's unauthorized actions would give the man on the throne an excuse to end the negotiation before it started, which they never wanted to see.

But it turned out that they thought too much. Justin Hammer walked up to Yue Si, bowed and saluted, and stood aside, just like the **** who spread the word in the costume drama, speaking to the group of people who were standing together.

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