Villains Template

Chapter 525: Our opinion doesn't matter at all

The alarm sounded on the Chitauri battleship, which meant that the battleship was in a dangerous state and had been locked by the opponent's weapon.

The empire came directly from a fleet. Countless battleships were like hunting sharks cruising in the cosmic starry sky, surrounding the battleships of the Qitarui people. From the perspective of size, the imperial battleships were huge. Tooth shark, and the Chitauri battleship was just a basin-sized turtle.

"Turn on the jump engine, we will leave here immediately!"

"No, the current position is too far from the space jump point, and we can't last at that time."

"Send a message to each other, we surrender!"

"The other party refuses to communicate."

"Priority will be given to supplying all energy to the shield system!"

The imperial battleship's light spear was charged, as if a substantial beam of light hit the Chitarui battleship at the moment of firing. The energy shield that enveloped the battleship was like a huge soap bubble, and was instantly pierced by the light spear. Blast into a ball of fire.

Losing the command of the command center, the Leviathan troop transport and the Zeta Swiss soldiers stopped one after another and fell to the ground.

In the Stark Building, the deity of Yue Si, Master Gu Yi and the blurred Doctor Strange were sitting and drinking together. The great enemy who had entangled countless worlds was so easily wiped out. Doctor Strange felt unbelievable.

And what has been erased is not only the current timeline of this Tebravo Niubulashi, but his existence has been eliminated from the origin, and the countless entrenched in the upper layer of time and space, constantly covering the timeline, constantly changing the possibility The Tebravo Tobrashiki that solidified towards a certain future was eliminated together, truly killing this high-latitude bug.

"I don't know the real face of Mount Lu, and it's only because I am in this mountain." Yue Si explained the reason for all this with a poem: "Your existence is located in a place like Richard Lee, or Tebravo Bird's shit. In a story where Sky is the protagonist, as a part of the story, you can't see the whole and the true face of the story."

"In this story, his existence is absolute, although your world is bound to exist, but he is the most critical part, your countless cycles, you can't escape Tebravo Bird Bullshit Ki's influence, and will channel his presence into other time streams."

"And I, from outside the story he belongs to, have no affiliation with him, and are of the same level as him. After his cards are exposed, he can win it in one fell swoop."

As Yue Si spoke, he covered it up in a way that Mage Ancient One and Doctor Strange could understand, that is, Tebravo Birdlazsky designed a game, when Doctor Strange and the Supreme Mage Tony Star When Ke ended up playing, they had already been turned from players into plot characters, and all actions could not escape the game framework set by Tebravo Tobrazki.

And Yue Si, who got information from Doctor Strange in advance, set up a bureau ahead of time, using a small clone to attract firepower in front, and then jumped out when Tebravo Birdratsky was off to play the game, and slapped him. On the ground, you can't get up again.

Doctor Strange, whose face was smooth and clean, showed the original expression on his face, and then felt relieved. He traveled through parallel worlds countless times, looking for a way to defeat Tebravo Tobrashiki, the Supreme Mage Tony. Stark was obliterated by fate, and he also lost himself in countless time streams, relying on the power of the time gem in the Eye of Agamato to maintain his existence.

Now, it's time to say goodbye to the past and the future. Doctor Strange moved his seal and removed the magic circles on his body that needed the power of time gems to maintain, and his blurred figure became even thinner.

"Master Gu Yi, if you want to guide me in this world to become a master, please be direct. I don't want me to suffer that kind of painful experience again, losing everything, my lover, and my future." There is a chain left to fix what he sees in this world, and he entrusted to the ancient master.

"No." Master Gu Yi said with a gentle smile: "After me, there will be no more Supreme Masters. The responsibility of guarding this world no longer has to be borne by anyone."

"Why?" Doctor Strange stopped and asked in surprise when he stopped the last "anchor".

"Because human beings no longer need mages to guard the secrets." Gu Yi said, "The earth will welcome its powerful protectors, and they are enough to protect themselves by their own strength."

On the roof of the Stark Building, Yue Si modified the data of the activation device again. The two existing space doors were closed, and the energy output of the universe cube increased several times. The energy gathered into a beam and passed directly through the atmosphere. Entered the cosmic space, where a larger space gate was created

The satellites of various countries adjusted their orientation for the first time, aimed in that direction, and saw giant warships emerge from the space gate, arranged in the universe, and on it, there was a prominent double-headed eagle emblem imprint.

"I, we, are the masters of this land. You slaves, these bugs, occupied our land, slaughtered our compatriots, destroyed our civilization, and polluted our blood." Yue Si took off the pocket of the holy vestment. Hat, showing his face, a pure East Asian face - the image of Indians in everyone's impression was deliberately promoted by the US imperialists, with dark skin, three-dimensional facial features, and an image of wearing a feather headdress.

Indians are many different kinds of beings, and a considerable part of their faces are typical East Asian faces, but just like those Asian faces with hanging eyebrows and small eyes, they are deliberately created by them who have the right to speak, what bullshit? Advanced faces are completely disgusting to you, just like a non-existent yellow and black color matching website, the most clicked Asian faces are definitely not the so-called "advanced faces", and the lower body of a person is definitely the most faithful.

The white-skinned people who hold the cultural propaganda mouth can shape the image of the Indians at will. During the long colonial history, just like invasive species, their genes were mixed into the blood of the original Indians, changing their appearance.

Yue Si has done so many things before, building pyramids, carving murals, and burying things, just to occupy the righteousness and make him famous.

Many people don't understand Yue Si's words, but those who do understand will understand as soon as they hear it.

For example, Nick Fury, he was the one who saw the murals in the pyramid left by Yue Si. When the Thunderbolt fighter rushed out of the space door, he already understood where this army came from, the double-headed eagle emblem, the The giants wearing power armors have all confirmed the prophecy on the murals, Majafak's, this year happens to be 2012!

What Nick Fury didn't expect was that the prophecy would be manifested in such a way that the man with the name of Charles Wu, Majafak's, turned out to be a spy. He secretly arranged everything in front of him and spent years time to operate, and completed such a thing by chance.

To this end, he even packaged himself as an interstellar refugee and made sufficient preparations in advance. Even the prince of Asgard, Thor, the **** of thunder, was deceived, and he also cooperated with him!

The World Security Council called Nick Fury at this time. Before that, before the World Security Council called, the Pentagon, the White House, and many other departments had entered SHIELD through special lines and asked. It's all the same thing - this thing that's happening.

Nick Fury chose to answer the call, and what he got was a face-to-face question: "Nick Fury, you must have noticed what is happening now, we want to know, what is your plan?"

"No plan!" Nick Fury said, frowning and suppressing his anger.

The people of the World Security Council have a special skill. The content and tone of their words can always stir up the anger hidden in his heart. He needs to use his willpower to suppress the swear words that are about to blurt out every time.

"What do you mean there is no plan?" The World Security Council expressed doubts about Nick Fury's rhetoric. According to their past knowledge, no matter how dangerous the event is, as long as Nick Fury can find a solution.

This is also the reason why Nick Fury has embezzled funds in various clever ways, and he is fighting against them everywhere. They have not removed his position as director of S.H.I.E.L.D. Put on eye drops, because the ability of this black bald head is here and it is irreplaceable.

"Director Nick Fury, I must remind you that the alien in the red robe is you..."

"Alien? Huh!"

Before the World Security Council director had finished speaking, Nick Fury interrupted his speech, unlocked an internal S.H.I.E.L.D. file with his authority, and sent it to the five directors: "He is not What an alien, a serious earthling, he just returned to his homeland that he had been away from for a long time. When his ancestors fought against the alien invaders in this land, your ancestors were still grinding stones play!"

Nick Fury sent information parsed from the pyramid, revealing that there was a powerful civilization before today's human civilization, and their descendants were the existences that the colonizers scorned as Indians.

The advanced technology and powerful force of that civilization are beyond the reach of the existing Earth civilization.

Just like that power sword, the central scientific research department of S.H.I.E.L.D. has been researching it for nearly a year, and only made a little progress in terms of materials. The configuration of individual weapons is only, it is not a precious weapon.

And that civilization has now ended the expedition and returned to their home world, the earth, from the universe, but what they left behind no longer exists, and all traces of civilization have become relics, and the original appearance is no longer visible.

Even their compatriots, who did not inherit civilization but kept their bloodlines, have been enslaved, massacred, and discriminated against in the past few hundred years. The fertile land was occupied by the colonists step by step and driven to the barren "private land" , lived a poor life.

And, just like what Yue Si said, the blood of the Indians has been polluted, and certain types of people will not be spared even little boys, not to mention the children in Indian boarding schools, there are hundreds of skeletons just unearthed. tools, how many have not been unearthed?

Such hatred, even reciprocal revenge, is no longer something that Earth civilization can bear.

Among the five directors, two were colonized by their mother country, the other was established directly on the bones of Indians, the other two were weak at the time and did not expand externally, and the other started late. , can't play.

"What about mushroom eggs? Can mushroom eggs kill them effectively?" a director asked.

"Don't think about it, human's existing weapons don't work for them at all!"

"And the ground troops are only an insignificant part of their armament. The real main force is in space, those space warships. With the existing weapons of mankind, even intercontinental missiles, they can't effectively strike them at that distance."

Nick Fury packaged and sent a video, which was specially sent to Nick Fury by Yue Si as an old friend. The missile carrying the mushroom egg warhead suddenly turned off after flying into a certain range, and was tall before falling to the ground. The Space Marines used tractor beam capture, and apparently, the missile stall was what they did.

"They have a certain technology that can forcibly shut down or wake up our technological hijacking displays around the world is the application of this technology, and our conversations, words and deeds are possible. controlled by them."

"Oh, it's not possible, it's for sure, and they also sent us an invitation to send enough people within twenty-four standard hours to go to their mothership and meet their commander on Earth. Discuss in the future - but I guess, notices and orders, not discussions."

Nick Fury's mobile phone vibrated. It was a short message. After reading the content above, he said the words above. In addition to an invitation letter, there was also a personal message from Yue Si. Some jokes.

Although it was only a conference call, Nick Fury was able to confirm that those directors should have received corresponding text messages.

"Invite us to go to the mothership in space? First to New York, then to the space battleship, to meet their commanders. The meeting will be broadcast live around the world to let all mankind know about their future."

"This is not an invitation, but a condescending order." Nick Fury sneered: "It's like the disintegration of the vast majority of people who don't agree, but their opinions are useless at all, and similarly, your opinions are not Use, what they want to do, we can't stop it, our opinion doesn't matter at all."

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