Villains Template

Chapter 523: That's what the stand-in does

The Multiverse Administration, the Travelers Alliance, the System Clan and the Lord God (Reincarnation) have always been in an open and secret battle. Before, the Multiverse Administration and the Travelers Alliance knocked on the System Clan about Yue Si, and the jars were also dealt with. , but the system family has a big business, how can they suffer from this secret loss, they have been lying in ambush in secret, ready to take revenge on Yue Si, the original transmigrator Richard Li is the candidate, and by constantly completing the task, he was Gradually replaced by today's Tebravo Tobrucksky.

Yue Si sneered: "Why, you have the confidence to defeat me."

"Didn't your boss tell you how much it compensated me under the control of the multiverse management and the Travelers Alliance? With those things, what kind of powerhouse can be created?"

"I know, but everything you have is brought about by the system. As the representative of the system family, I certainly have a way to deal with it. The origin of the story of your existence is inseparable from the system." "So, do you have any last words to say now?" Bravo Tobrashiski said.

Feeling the tense atmosphere between Yue Si and Tebravo Tobrashiski, Loki was instantly furious, obviously I came first... Wrong, obviously I am the protagonist of this scene, why is the current atmosphere It looked weird, as if he had been reduced to a background board, and the main scenes were all snatched by Charles Wu and this Tebravo Tobrazki: "Enough, I am a god, I will The ruler of this planet, this world called Midgard!"

"Shh." Yue Si said to Loki, "Tony Stark, Loki, you'd better find a place to hide. The next battle is not something you can mix in."

Although Tony Stark didn't know how the alien Yue Si knew about him, but after being persuaded to eat his fill, he immediately hid aside, ran to the next room, and urgently equipped himself with a steel battle suit so that he could have it. The power of a fight.

Loki also felt something, he slowly stepped aside, backed into the corner of the room, and stared at the two people without saying a word. Not shitskiy is Asian.

The difference between races was learned by Loki after he arrived on Earth and came to the American Empire. In the information that Loki received, Asians were undoubtedly the bottom of society and the most despicable beings. Humans have terrifying power, which makes Loki faintly feel a sense of fear, just like facing the emperor of the universe Thanos.

Yue Si was the first to do it. Two robotic tentacle-like arms aimed the firearm at Tebravo Tobrashiski, then pulled the trigger, and the laser beams and bullets poured out at the enemy.

But Tebralvo Birdshitsky didn't move, the bullets stalled in front of him, and then clattered toward the ground, the laser beam just causing ripples in the space in front of him:" Psychic shield, a very common technique."

The magazine was empty, the energy in the laser gun's battery was depleted, and Yue Si did not replace it, but another servo arm stretched out, holding a plasma gun, aiming at Tebravo Birds and pulling the trigger. , the high-energy plasma beam was launched towards the other side under the acceleration of the magnetic field, and the hot matter like a solar flare dissipated like smoke in front of Tebravo Tobrashiski, as if it was just a phantom.

"It's useless. My power is beyond your imagination. Any attack is ineffective in front of me. The power of the agents of the system family is beyond your imagination."

"Even if you pull out a star destroyer and hit me, it's the same, it's useless."

Tebravo Tobulazki took out a token-like thing from behind his waist. Seeing that weird thing, Yue Si actually felt a sense of crisis, and then saw him lightly tap: "System, block."

"Character Card: Ancestral Alien Beast TheOne" is invalid.

"Character Card: Tang Niu" is invalid.

"Item Card: Folding Stool" is invalid.

"..." is invalid.

The cards on Yue Si's body were scrapped one by one, completely destroyed by an inexplicable force. Without the support of the cards, his strength declined rapidly. Although he was still very strong, it had fallen to a certain order of magnitude.

Yue Si, who took out the "Special Card·Criminal Syndicate" and prepared to deal with it, found that the card was invalid and became a waste card, as were the other cards on his body, as if they were destroyed by the opponent's power in an instant.

This is the opponent's reliance, destroying his own system with the authority of the system family, destroying his own reliance, and letting his combat power decline, and then Tebravo Tobulazki can use his own strength. Defeated Yue Si easily.

"Black Goku, come on!"

With an order from Yue Si, T'Challa, who had been reinforced by the Mechanic Sect, waved his stick and charged towards Tebravo Tobulazki. In the corner came between the two of Yue Si, and the stick in his hand was a specially made kinetic energy weapon.

However, Tebravo Birdbuttersky just raised his hand and caught the stick. The wind was calm, and no power leaked to the outside world, and the decomposition force field on the stick could not cause any damage to it. Injured, and then with a backhand, he turned T'Challa into fly ash, erasing the existence of "T'Challa" from the molecular level, and even Zhenjin couldn't resist.

"It turns out that he is that Tebravo Tobrashiki, doesn't he look very strong?" A voice suddenly sounded: "It's not so difficult to solve, if you are entangled in countless parallel worlds."

"He transcends the time line and is not affected by any space, time, soul, etc., magic is useless to him." A gentle female voice sounded next to the voice: "Only your existence can really touch to him."

Tebravo Birdratsky looked back and saw the ancient one in the robe of a mage, as well as Yue Si.

"The Eighth Form of Tathagata's Palm, Boundless Buddha Dharma, and Reality Covered!"

Tebravo Tobrashiski didn't have time to react, the reality he was in was stripped away, its existence was stripped away entirely, collapsed into a ball, and flew into Yue Si's hands.

"You know nothing about power."

The speed of Yue Si's progress is unimaginable, and it has exceeded the estimates of the system family. Among them, those task rewards released by Duoyuan Universe have played an important role. Otherwise, if only relying on the system, Yue Si will not be able to reach the current level. , this is the reason why it is good to enjoy the shade with the back of a big tree.

Of course, the loss would be even greater if it was him who was hit head on instead of Charles Wu Yues.

Just like what Tebravo Tobrashiski said, most of his current strength comes from the system, and if he hits this trick head on, the result is probably in jeopardy.

At a certain level, the battle will become very simple, there are no hundreds of rounds of you coming and going, just a moment of murder, Tebravo Bird Lazsky will kill Charles Wu Yuesi After using it, his advantages are gone, and then Yue Si can take the opportunity to take it down in one fell swoop. Of course, in addition to his own strong skills, this move also has the information that Doctor Strange has mastered in countless worlds and battles to target the opponent's weaknesses. .

"It doesn't matter." He said while holding the ball that Tebravo Tobrazki turned into, looking at his avatar.

"The loss is heavy." Charles Wu Yue Si said angrily, and then took out a stack of cards from his body. The cards of those artifacts have now been scrapped and have been directly destroyed. They have no value in repairing, except for one-time use. Except for the sweet death of the substitute obtained by the prop card Arrow, the rest of the cards were wiped out: "This is what the substitute does."

He was reluctant to put his child (shoes) on the wolf. In order to make his avatar look more presentable, Charles Wu had a few precious cards beside him, so as not to have an emergency, there would be various means to fight back.

However, it was worth sacrificing these cards in exchange for Tebravo Bird's trump card.

"Am I late?" Tony Stark, who was wearing the latest steel suit, came over from the next room. All the weapon systems on the steel suit were turned on and aimed at everyone in the room, but after a short while In a short period of time, the people in the house have changed.

At this time, Captain America's voice sounded in Tony Stark's communicator: "Stark, are you okay? Where are you?"

The Quin fighter carried the rest of the Avengers to the battlefield, and then the Quin fighter was shot down by the Chitarui within two minutes of entering the battle, before achieving much victory.

Before the Quinjet spun into a certain building with black smoke, a group of people on the fighter quickly escaped. Bruce Banner transformed into Hulk and rushed out of the cabin with Black Widow in his arms. Thor With a hammer in one hand, let Thor's hammer fly with him, and Captain America will take it with him.

Who else is there in the Avengers... Oh, it's Hawkeye. He used a special arrow to get out of the cabin. The arrow is a claw hook, with a rope at the tail, leaning on the waist shrinking device, and clinging to a building The outer layer of the building, and then kicked the glass to enter the interior.

After a group of people settled down, they saw the smoke from the Qitarui people everywhere, and the beam of light that opened the space door still shot straight into the sky, but the figure of Tony Stark, who was one step ahead, was nowhere to be seen.

"Captain, I've got the situation under control." Tony Stark replied to Captain America while using palm cannons and other weapons to intimidate the rest of the room who didn't know whether they were friends or foes.

"You're saying you've got the situation under control?" Captain America looked at the Chitarui who roared like a beast terrorizing the enemy, and the Leviathan, who was hovering in the sky, constantly projecting infantry units on the ground, what do you think? Neither is what Tony Stark said.

"Captain, I have controlled Loki and his allies." Tony Stark reported his results: "The only way to stop all this in front of you is to close the space door above your head, Selvi I have already communicated with Dr. Ge, and the way to close the space door can only be obtained from Loki."

Glancing at Yue Si, who was smiling at the corner of his mouth, and Loki with a gloomy face, Tony Stark added, "Captain, you'd better come over immediately, I can't control the situation by myself."

"Tony Stark, I think you misunderstood something." Charles Wu Yuess said: "I and Loki are not allies, just use each other, I need him to attract firepower on the surface, secretly use His plan to accomplish my plan."

In this regard, Loki did not say a word. After the arrival of Deity Yue Si and Master Gu Yi, he found that the water on the earth was very deep, and he was not able to swim at all. Just like Deity Yue Si's hand, he could Understand what that means, if it weren't for his knowledge and knowledge, he would have trembled with fear and his teeth were fighting.

What cosmic emperor crazy titan, that's a piece of shit.

No wonder the god-king Odin forbade them from entering the earth before. It turns out that there are such strong people living in seclusion on the earth, and they are not allowed to enter the earth. In name, they are forbidden to interfere with the development of the Midgard people, but in fact it is to protect them and prevent them from entering the earth. If you provoke such a strong person, you will not know how to die when you die.

"The land under your feet belongs to me!" Charles Wu Yuesi held the stick in his hand gently, and an electromagnetic pulse was emitted, and countless data called prayers by the Mechanic were actually opcodes. A lot of it was written into Tony Stark's steel suit. Tony Stark found that he had lost his control over the steel suit. This suit, which cost more than a billion dollars to manufacture, became a puppet controlled by Yue Si. .

"Wait a I've heard this voice." Hawkeye's voice sounded in the communication channel, Tony Stark's communicator also played Yue Si's voice, and Hawkeye heard His voice produced a strong sense of sight, and most people need to recall it before they can remember it, so he got stuck in his mouth.

"I've heard it too, it's the one with Nick Fury, the one in the red robe." Thor recalled who the voice was after being reminded by Hawkeye.

The message was quickly sent to Nick Fury, but Nick Fury had worse news.

"Captain! Listen, there's a missile headed straight for you!"

"What?" Captain America didn't understand what that meant, but someone else knew, and Black Widow asked, "Is it a mushroom egg?"

"Yes, you have less than three minutes left, and the entire city will be razed to the ground," Nick Fury said through gritted teeth.

"How dare they! How dare they!" This kind of thing challenged Captain America's three views. He said in disbelief that he could hardly imagine throwing a big killer on the heads of his own citizens.

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