Villains Template

Chapter 521: The curtain opens

The group of Avengers repeatedly investigated the scene, hacked into the surveillance system, asked the parties to obtain first-hand information, etc., and then they were stunned to find that Loki did not lie, he did not directly kill even one person, then The two security guards were only injured. Although they were seriously injured, they could be rescued if they were sent to the hospital in time for rescue. The people in the blown-up vehicle were only shocked and fainted. At most, there were some skin injuries. Just a few broken bones.

The only deceased was the old man who passed by. He didn't even leave a complete body. The cowardice and cruelty of human beings were revealed at this moment. It was obvious that they had a common enemy, Loki, but they did not dare to attack him. With that tragic chance of survival, they instead attacked the weaker among themselves.

Obviously, those people's hands don't need to be stained with the blood of innocents, but they did so.

Seeing Loki's smiling face, Tony Stark, who was pulled out of the flower pond, felt chills. Although Loki's behavior was enough to abet a crime, those who did it were in his hands. Those who are forced to kill under coercion can legally be exempted from guilt, but the guilt of killing is unavoidable.

The psychic scepter was seized as a weapon, and the distraction in the mind was lost. Those people ran away one by one, especially those who participated in the killing and had minced flesh and blood on their bodies. They ran faster than each other. The relationship between the family and friends the two had left behind had cracked.

Thor originally thought that his younger brother had fallen into the universe and died. Now he is very happy to see him alive, but the mistakes that Loki made before can't be ignored, and he must be brought back to Asgard for trial.

It's just that he came to Midgard with the help of God King Odin's divine power, which belongs to a one-way ticket. Before the Rainbow Bridge is repaired, if he wants to return to Asgard, he must use the power of the universe cube, and the universe cube It is now under the control of S.H.I.E.L.D., so following Captain America and the others back is also within Thor's plan.

With the previous incident, Thor and S.H.I.E.L.D. barely knew each other, and he felt that it was feasible to borrow the Cosmic Rubik's Cube and use it.

What's more, the cosmic Rubik's Cube was originally stored by Asgard on Earth, but it was discovered by the Red Skull, and then it was constantly competed by various forces and changed hands constantly, and the ownership was still here in Asgard.

"Do you know what you have done!" After seeing Nick Fury, Thor began to scold his face: "Do you know what the universe cube is, you activated it, like in A bright beacon is lit up in the universe, telling them—'Hey, we're here, come to my house!'—and all the people in the universe will come to Earth, and it's simply irresistible in your power!"

Nick Fury had a dark face and said, "I know about this, but that's not the reason why we give up on the research on the Rubik's Cube in the universe. Human beings will grow up after all, and it is impossible to live in Asgard forever. under shelter."

"That's right, if everyone has the same idea as you, then it will be interesting to rule this country." Loki, who was being escorted by the side, wanted to applaud Nick Fury, if his hands were not wearing Handcuffs.

He wants to be the king of the Nine Realms, and the first country to conquer will be Midgard. The country he rules needs cowardly and docile slaves, foresighted ministers, and brave and fearless warriors. These are also necessary. of.

Loki had been disappointed by the previous wave of human responses, and Nick Fury had intrigued him a bit.

But Nick Fury didn't talk to the second prince, but asked S.H.I.E.L.D. agents to **** him to a room in the sky carrier that served as a cell for custody.

That is the room that Bruce Banner designed for himself and for the Hulk. The main body is a high-strength glass structure, which is connected by a highly sensitive mechanical structure. As long as the glass wall is slightly impacted, or on the external control platform At the push of a button, the mechanism releases the room, allowing it to free fall under the influence of gravity.

Although Bruce Banner has been quite diligent in yoga and can control his emotions well, there is a case in everything, and that room is the insurance that Bruce Banner set for himself, in case he is not affected The controlled place becomes the Hulk, and he will be put into that room and thrown away to prevent the mad Hulk from causing damage and hurting innocents.

Oh good Bruce Banner.

But now this room is not used by Bruce Banner, but is enjoyed by Loki.

It was Thor's idea to be locked in this room. Although he loved his younger brother deeply, Thor, who grew up together, knew how much his younger brother was capable of, and he had to be strictly guarded and treated with caution.

However, Loki did not have the consciousness of being a prisoner. He carried one hand behind his back and raised the other hand in front of his chin, and walked leisurely in this cell, as if he was not locked in a cell, but the whole ship The people on the helicarrier were locked up by him.

"Hailhydra" The two men in S.H.I.E.L.D. uniforms walked to the cell where Loki was being held, and identified their identities with two short words in a lowered voice - Hydra agents.

"Dr. Selvig has taken the Cosmic Rubik's Cube to the Stark Building." A Hydra agent briefly reported the progress of the current mission: "Our people have cut off the surveillance in this room, and a video is playing in a loop. , now we'll let you out, and the plane to pick you up to Stark Building is ready."

Now that Hydra's great cause has reached the final step, Loki's task of attracting the attention of all parties and buying time has been completed, and the rest only needs Loki to come forward to preside over the overall situation.

Loki took out the magic wand that Yue Si had given him before. It was empty, and no additional operations were required. The mechanical structure of the fixed room was locked, the door of the room opened, and Loki stepped out.

This magic wand is the work of the Mechanics. It is an imitation of the staff held in the hands of the senior priests of the Mechanics. The person who holds it will have a certain ability to communicate with the machine soul. Yue Si temporarily authorized it to Loki, so that he can Using this creation, but the "machine soul" in the creation of the earth's technological level is very weak, it can be said that the person who holds the magic wand has the ability to control all technological products.

Loki, who undertakes the task of blossoming in the center and paralyzing the counterattack ability of S.H.I.E.L.D., this magic staff can cause more chaos and destruction than the psychic staff, especially on the sky carrier.

Soon, the aircraft carrier in the sky was full of situations. The fighter jets started to lift off on their own without any control, and then launched missiles at the aircraft carrier in the sky, pouring bullets. Among the identification of the automatic defense artillery, those fighter jets that were constantly destroying the sky carrier. But it is "my own person", and will not fight back at all.

The superheroes rushed to put out the fire, and only they could turn the tide at this time, and in the chaos, the psychic scepter was taken away by Loki, and a Kun-style fighter jet took off and flew in the direction of Stark Building.

There is a platform extending outwards from the upper floors of Stark Building, which is the venue for aircraft take-off and landing, and the landing platform exclusively for Tony Stark, which has been specially reinforced, otherwise the steel suit's weight of several tons will fall. Wherever you go, there will be a big hole.

There are also many robotic arms hidden on this landing platform. When the steel suit has not been upgraded to an integrated one, Tony Stark needs the assistance of this system whether he wears or removes the steel suit.

And Yue Si stood on this platform, welcoming the arrival of Loki.

At this time, Yue Si has already put on the red holy vestment, and under the red robe is a set of full-coverage armor. There is a special source circuit inside, which can make Yue Si, who has not undergone mechanized body transformation, use the mechanical gods. Special equipment, which is also equipped with a contact neural connection module, which allows him to access the data world at any time and communicate with the machine soul.

What Yue Si sees now is a double world, one is the real world that everyone can perceive, and the other is the data stream world similar to what Neo in "The Matrix" saw after awakening as the savior.

By the way, the fourth part is pretty bad, it's not an exaggeration to call it a dog-tailed sequel.

The mechanized transformation of the human body by the Mechanicist is not as simple as replacing the flesh and blood with a machine. The most core technology is a complex, mysterious and efficient technology called the source circuit, which is to record a similar technology in the human body. The existence of the circuit board, and only by doing so, can you feel the brilliance of Omnisia - feel the changing flow of the data itself.

The deity of Yue Si referred to the technology of the Mechanics, and made this armor with a large amount of solid alloys on the flexible armor made of vibration gold. In addition to the improved defense performance after the equipment, it can also connect mechanical auxiliary limbs to increase work efficiency.

This armor adheres to the concept of Mechanicism. It is not only a set of weapons for combat, but also sensors and controllers, or storage. After the armor is activated, it has been linked to Jarvis with the highest authority. From this strong artificial intelligence as a springboard , absorbing all the knowledge and culture of Earth civilization, the huge data echoes in the source circuit, making Yue Si feel some kind of indescribable feeling beyond the expression of human vocabulary.

That is the truth of machinery, the essence of knowledge.

Change to someone else, accept the impact of the massive data, surrender to the majesty of Omnisiah every minute, and become a devout believer of the God of Myriad Machines—this is why the level division in the Mechanicism is based on the amount of data at hand. divided, and they pursue knowledge so frantically because they can feel knowledge itself more intuitively.

On the other side of the roof balcony, the space transmission device with the cosmic cube as the core has been built and connected to the energy system of the Stark Building. After activation, the cosmic cube released powerful energy, forming a The blue beam of light imagined the sky, tearing apart the space at a certain position, forming a portal, and expanding rapidly.

With sufficient time and logistical support, the improved portal developed by Dr. Selvig is very mature and powerful, and the portal formed by the torn space crack is particularly huge.

Even if you stand on the ground and look up, you can see the other side of the portal clearly, that is the dark cosmic starry sky, that is the huge interstellar battleship, that is the countless semi-mechanized troop transport Leviathan, that is the countless flying machines wearing The stubborn Qitarui people unabashedly released their murderous intent through the portal.

When the people on the ground saw this scene, they immediately shouted loudly and fled into the distance. Before the Chitauri attacked, the casualties had already appeared.

Even though the portal has been opened in front of them, the Chitarians in the universe did not enter the earth rashly, because Loki, who was an ally and a vanguard, did not send a signal to them, so they did not move for the time being.

The Kun-style fighter hovered over the platform, opened the hatch, and returned to his battle armor, Loki, leaning on a psychic scepter, walked down from above, and was slightly taken aback when he saw Yue Si.

Because Yue Si's current dress reveals a bit of weirdness. Under the red robe, there is a machine. He holds a long-handled battle axe with an axe blade in the shape of half a gear in his left hand, and a cane in his right hand. Mechanical tentacles hold different weapons such as short-barreled rifles and laser guns.

Loki soon saw that Yue Si was wearing a strange-looking armor, so he walked up to him and returned the magic wand to him: "You did a good job, after I became Midgard's After the king, this land will be your territory."

The PW arm behind Yue Si took the magic wand, and then destroyed this one-time item: "I hope the story can develop as you think, otherwise the victory you have won will be lost in Wouldn't it be a pity. "

Now that things are looking up, all steps have been taken, and unless Earth can now draw an army capable of interstellar warfare, Loki will not be surprised by his victory.

Although the war has not yet started, Loki is ready to hold a banquet to celebrate, and the most popular thing at Asgard's banquet is all kinds of drinks. It just so happened that Tony Stark gave He has created a luxurious entertainment venue by himself, and there is no shortage of various expensive drinks in the bar.

Then Loki discovered that besides Charles Wu Yues and himself, there was a third person, that was a black man, wearing dark gold armor, a headband on his head, and a stick in his hand. A long stick of alloy.

"Who is he?" Pouring himself a glass of wine, Loki pointed to the man who was standing in the corner, almost lifeless, like a statue.

"T'Challa, a prince, a future king." Charles Wu Yuesi introduced the man: "However, his kingdom fell, his people became slaves and sacrifices, and he himself became 'I' The slave of the fighter, that is, the fighter servant."

"So, 'I' gave him a new name called Black Goku."

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