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Chapter 516: lost civilization

Nick Fury came to the excavation site of the ruins and met Coulson.

Of course, the dignified director of S.H.I.E.L.D. personally pays attention to the affairs of a relic site, which will invisibly enhance the value of the relic and cause unnecessary trouble, especially in the current circumstance surrounded by Hydra, Nick Fury's trip It came with the transport plane that transported materials for the excavation team.

Different from the usual suits and leather shoes, Coulson was wearing a one-piece workwear at this time, with rubber shoes on his feet and a hard hat on his head.

"Sir." After seeing Nick Fury, Coulson said immediately: "The situation at the excavation site is not very good. It would be better if you brought a psychiatrist instead of supplies. ."

Coulson's face was pale, his eye sockets were sunken, and the dark circles under his eyes were as thick as if he had been punched twice. It was obvious that he had been under too much mental pressure during this period of time, and he had not had a good rest. state.

Thinking of the "impact of the truth of the ruins on the entire civilized world" that Coulson specifically mentioned on the phone call a few days ago, Nick Fury realized that he had subconsciously underestimated the impact of this incident and could make his own The fact that Coulson, a confidant and capable subordinate, has become the current state is obviously caused by the so-called "truth of the ruins".

"What about the rest?" Nick Fury asked.

Coulson is still like this, and the rest of the people are not much better.

"Most people are in a better situation than me. They are just construction workers. They don't pay attention to the information they discover. "It's only me and a few archaeologists and linguists who have the complete information," Sen said. "Our cognition was hit the hardest and the worst. I haven't slept for three days."

"What exactly is in this ruin!" Nick Fury said with a bit of surprise.

"A subversion of human cognition!" Coulson said decisively.

Nick Fury stared at Coulson with one eye and said, "Take me a look."

"Okay, sir, but you need to prepare."

Coleson turned and went to another place, Nick Fury took the opportunity to turn around in this place where the staff rested and lived, observing everyone's demeanor, words and deeds without letting others see themselves. Cole Sen didn't lie, the entire base was in a state that could not be accurately described in words, as if the impact of the fragmentation of the worldview was in general.

It was as if a person who had lived in an underground shelter from childhood to most of his life suddenly left the underground one day and went to the ground. Seeing the sun hanging overhead, he felt an inexplicable fear of the big ball emitting infinite heat and light.

Not long after, Coulson came back with two sets of things, one was a one-piece work suit made by the archaeological excavation team, and the other was something similar to a radiation protection suit.

Obviously, when he entered the ruins, it was inappropriate for Nick Fury to wear the leather trench coat with black on top and bottom, so he did not refuse, but changed into one-piece overalls and radiation protection suits, as did Coulson. .

"What is this?" Nick Fury found out after wearing it that there was a tube extending out from the waist of the radiation protection suit, one and a half meters long, and there was an interface at the end. It was obviously to connect something, and The other end of the tube is a breathing mask, but the layout and interface are obviously not connected to the oxygen tube.

"CO2 lamps, or a new type of oxygen supply system," Coulson said. "It was the work of Charles Wu, who developed a compound that reacts with carbon dioxide and reduces it to oxygen, where A small amount of heat and intense light are released in the process."

Hearing this, Nick Fury didn't say anything anymore. If there is such a thing, it can lighten the burden on his body, and he doesn't have to carry a huge oxygen tube on his back.

The base was not built right next to the ruins, because the terrain was unsuitable, and Nick Fury and Coulson needed to ride a wheeled tractor across rough roads to get to the entrance to the ruins.

Of course, the road is not so smooth, but a road that is not covered by vegetation is opened up in the mountain forest and wasteland. This road can stop off-road vehicles, so wheeled tractors are very necessary. Strong traction when necessary Some equipment can also be transported.

The ruins appear to be a small hill with a barren surface, with only sparse vegetation growing.

The entrance is located at the foot of this small hill. It is an existence similar to a mine, but it is supported by scaffolding, square wood and the like to prevent it from collapsing. There are also several simple tents scattered around. Some personnel remain here to protect the scene.

The wheeled tractor stopped not far from the entrance, a man drilled out of one of the tents, and handed over two peculiar lamps to Coulson. At the same time, it was considered to verify Coulson's identity. As for Nick Fury, who covered most of his body in a radiation suit, didn't even recognize who he was.

Nick Fury connected the carbon dioxide lamp and put on a breathing mask, and then walked towards the interior of the ruins.

The natural light quickly disappeared from them, and the exhaled carbon dioxide now reacts with the chemicals in the carbon dioxide, producing a bright light that illuminates everything around them.

The space inside the ruins is very empty, not a naturally formed karst cave or the like, with very obvious artificial traces.

"Pyramid!" Nick Fury spit out a word slowly, supplementing his own observations with his imagination, and immediately understood that he was located inside a pyramid structure.

When it comes to pyramids, people will think of the Egyptian pyramids. As the tombs of the pharaohs, the Indians also have their own pyramids. This relic is obviously the legacy of the ancient Indians.

"Yes, the pyramids, the pyramids of the Indians." Coulson said, and after finding the east, west, and northwest, he held the lamp and walked in a certain direction: "The impact on our cognition is the murals inscribed on the pyramids here. ."

Nick Fury followed Coulson's footsteps to the wall and saw the mural under the lights. In an instant, he felt an electric current flowing through his body, making his scalp tingle.

He saw a splendid, advanced and powerful civilization. Although it was only a mural on a wall, because of the passage of time, all possible colors on it disappeared, leaving only the original lines, but those lines formed a pair of The vast paintings depict a kind of sci-fi scene.

Buildings soaring into the clouds and reaching beyond the atmosphere are scattered on the ground. Countless aircrafts fly in and out, and between the tall buildings and the ground, countless giant machines carry out production work - pushing down mountains, filling up ravines, artificial The land created large areas of plains, cultivated and cultivated on them, and planted a large amount of food and other crops.

Clearly, the man-made plains were the great plains of America.

The painting on a whole wall depicts the form of a complete civilization. The impact of the world-leading technology sense is unparalleled—for example, smelting, which does not require digging the ground to dig out ore, huge Creation directly extracts metal elements from underground ore veins.

The person who carved this painting has a unique aesthetic foundation. In fact, the proportions of the painting itself are in a very out-of-balance state, and the lines of the characters and scenes are in a distorted state. What, but just standing there to see it, it is a wonderful painting.

This mural was created to be seen and unforgettable after seeing it.

It was a happy, happy, civilized and upward life, without hunger and poverty, and conquered all existences that could threaten them with powerful technology, whether it was disease or natural disasters.

After seeing this painting, Nick Fury understood why the technology of the Indians is recognized as a partial subject. The metal smelting technology is there, but it is very backward, and the production technology of the wheel is not even mentioned.

That's because they once mastered extraordinary technology, and the advanced and mainstream smelting technology of human beings is very primitive and backward to them; why did not invent such a thing as a wheel, because they directly play anti-gravity flight and do not need to come to them Talking about the technology of very backward wheels - it's like Tony Stark doesn't have to run on two legs when he is on the road, and people directly wear steel suits to fly.

This also explains why the astronomy and mathematics of the Indians are so advanced, as well as the agricultural technology that surpassed the civilization of the same period. That is the level of science and technology far beyond imagination. In modern society, as long as it is not the kind of 'happy education' that gives The ruined person, even if he is not a professional scholar, is just an ordinary person, his understanding of the world and the knowledge he has mastered far exceed the vast majority of people hundreds of years ago.

It's just, why, what caused their civilization to decline rapidly, to the point of being unable to resist the slaughter of the colonists, unable to keep the name and culture of their own race, and could only hide in the reservation.

Like Nick Fury can't imagine that the US, the sole superpower, will one day decline to the point of Zimbabwe and then be plundered by Mexico.

Strictly speaking, there has never been a classification of Indians, a concept imposed on them by white skins, who have their own ethnic names and cultures, such as Mayans, Incas, Aztecs. But White Skin calls them Indians contemptuously, ignoring the fact that they have hundreds of languages ​​and are distributed on two continents, North and South America.

Just like when white people didn't go to the African continent, there was no concept of blacks and whites among blacks, everyone was the same skin color, except for differences such as baked black and matte black, it was white people who differentiated them.

The cruelty and arrogance of the Anglo-Saxon Pirates are written into their genes.

With full of doubts and a brain hit by the shocking fact, Nick Fury came to the next wall, hoping that this mural could explain the doubts in his heart. Obviously, his doubts were solved.

It is war, it is war that destroys everything, and only war can destroy the peace of this civilization.

The towering buildings fell under the bombardment of artillery, the creations of civilization were destroyed and burned, countless people died in the war, and countless people were captured by the invaders, who were subjected to cruel experiments by the invaders, and transformed into various Inhuman form, but also gained powerful power.

And the invaders were extraterrestrial civilizations, and Nick Fury was even able to call them by their names—the Kree.

In his secret base, there is also a Kree spaceship, leaving a mutilated Kree corpse - it was captured during a war in the early years.

In the mural, the spaceship of the invaders is of the same style as the spaceship hidden by Nick Fury, and the attire of the soldiers of the invaders is not much different from that of the Kree.

If there is an invasion, there will be resistance. The ancestors of the Indians formed their own armies and launched their own counterattacks. They built tall pyramids, and excellent human beings obtained the qualifications to climb these pyramids after cruel assessment. From Climbing from the bottom of the tower to the top of the tower means they become warriors, and then through a process that Nick Fury can't understand, they transform into 'giants', and if the proportions in the painting are correct, those warriors are at least 2.5 meters tall.

Of course, there are only a few people who can become warriors, and more are still ordinary people.

These giant warriors wear heavy armor, wield chainsaw-like swords, and carry outlandish firearms charging forward, fighting against powerful Kree warriors or mutants who are experimental creations ; Ordinary soldiers wear light armor, carry firearms, or drive tanks, fighter jets, etc., and are responsible for most of the battle.

When the war entered the late stage, the Cree warriors who had sailed far away had been killed and injured too much, and the war reserves had been exhausted. The main force of the war had become the ancestors of the Indians and the mutant warriors made by the Cree people. If you have a special mutant, you can control the entire mutant group by manipulating it.

Here, the ancestors of the Indians used two symbols to distinguish themselves from those mutants, namely the skull and the symbol with six tentacles curled under the skull-because the Kree's human experiments always cause physical mutations, the skull Inevitably deformed, so the unmutated skull became a symbol of the Indian ancestors' proof that they were not polluted.

And the symbol with six tentacles curled under the skull is used to refer to those mutants, representing that they are human, but they have mutated - of course, it may be the special mutation used by the Kree as a remote control Human faces are nothing but tentacles.

And this logo is exactly the same as the logo of Hydra.

The last small part of the painting makes Nick Fury's pupils shrink to pinpoints...

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