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Chapter 514: Stark Fair

Nick Fury held the bullet casing in front of him in his hand, looked at the inscriptions and symbols of unknown meaning on it, then thought of something, took out his mobile phone and made a call.

"Colson, how's the situation." After returning from New Mexico, Coulson was dispatched by him to the Indian monument where the same imprint of the bullet casing was found. Excavation, it's just that Nick Fury's feeling of forgetting something becomes more apparent every time he thinks about it.

"Sir, I think you should come here. If the information here is released, it will be an impact on the entire human civilization, and all history will be rewritten - at least the history of the Americas."

Coulson's voice contains a variety of emotions that can make an elite agent have such a performance, it seems that something incredible has been found at the excavation site, and Coulson's words for Nick Fury to see , also shows that the excavation site is safe, and there is no abnormal phenomenon.

And, the things unearthed in that monument need his director to come forward to have enough power to deal with it.

From what Nick Fury knows about Coulson, he's not one to exaggerate, so he really needs to go there.

After Alexander Pierce returned to his office, he immediately called his confidant, and the bald agent Sylvester approached him: "Sir, Gideon Malik of the Security Council and several other directors brought him here. They are looking for you for a certain topic at today's meeting, and they are going to talk to you in detail."

Obviously, these directors are obviously not giving up on Yue Si, an alien.

Of course, Sylveter focused on pointing out Gideon Malik because this one is also in the line of Hydra, which belongs to the oldest branch of the Hydra. Back then, John Schmidt, the Red Skull, was able to make things happen. their assistance.

"Took Gideon Malik's call in, turned down the rest, and pushed the question to Nick Fury." Alexander Pierce said: "Also, is that potion still available? With me When chatting, Nick Fury mentioned Hydra, and he may have recovered a part of his memory. Although it is only a name, it is inevitable that he will not recall more things. Just in case, an insurance must be added. "

"Sorry, sir, the laboratory is still restoring the formula of that potion. It's going well, but it will take at least a year." Sylveter said: "Scientific research, you know."

The potion mentioned by Alexander Pierce, a potion that clears the memory of the human brain, is the result of a research project affiliated with the "Winter Soldier" project.

The Winter Soldier is the research of the Hydra remnants on the super soldier project, but it generally ends in failure. Even though the body of the experimental body has been strengthened, it has become bloodthirsty and aggressive, regardless of the enemy or the enemy, and does not obey orders. Only Ba succeeds. Key Barnes was alone, and the rest of the experimental subjects were frozen in the experimental base in the Arctic.

In order to avoid the waste of early investment, Hydra has never stopped the research on brainwashing technology. The previous brainwashing technology used electrical stimulation to stimulate certain parts of the human brain to achieve the effect of brainwashing. The effect is very good, but the process It will bring great pain, and brainwashing needs to be continued, otherwise the memories that have been washed will slowly recover.

Therefore, the new brainwashing technology has been in the process of research and development, and it is still under the name of the laboratory of SHIELD. In addition to being applied to the Winter Soldier project, there are many other places that can be used, in addition to electrical stimulation In addition to the research on various drugs, a period of time ago, this drug was successfully developed successfully. After human experiments, the effect of the drug was verified.

These potions can erase human memory in a directional way, but will not destroy the existence of knowledge and skills. For Hydra, it is perfect for creating cold-blooded killers.

After Yue Si killed a vote of Hydra agents and left directional information, Alexander Pierce called the first batch of research results, performed amnestics on Nick Fury and Coulson and several senior agents, and passed Hydra's internal relations eliminated all action reports and physical evidence information, and those SHIELD agents who were low-level and unattended were sent to perform some nine-death missions, and those who did not die in the mission would be accompanied by The Snake and Shield agents killed them directly.

However, the first batch of research results were not many, and some of them were used in human research. If the average score was averaged, the amount used on Nick Fury would not be much, and only a small part of his memory could be cleared, but enough.

It's a pity that in the battle of hatred raging, the scientist who led the experimental project happened to pass by while on vacation and was killed by a piece of glass shard. The experiment he led was forced to stop, even if he left behind material, want to reproduce almost from scratch.

Because it was not clear whether the memories erased by the potion would be restored, their "Insight Project" project stepped up the pace. Once this matter was on the right track, even Nick Fury's calculations would be powerless.

But it was these actions that made the well-hidden Hydra appear flawed, and was noticed by Natasha, the black widow who was inquiring about the news, and then the previous thing happened.

Like two sides of a coin, S.H.I.E.L.D. and Hydra are interacting with each other.

"What are our alien friends doing?" Alexander Pierce asked.

The investigation of Charles Wu Yuesi has been ongoing, but originally thought that the other party was a genius with a smart brain and a unique talent, because the other party has always been in contact with Nick Fury, the Hydra did not easily attack him , and Hammer Industries doesn't mind selling all kinds of technology products, so Hydra just keeps an eye on Charles Wu Yuesi's movements.

Now that Alexander Pierce knows that the other party is actually an alien, this matter is worth pondering. The technology in the other party's hands may be two different systems from Earth's technology, and whoever gets it can overtake on a curve.

"He's playing a game," said Sylvester.

"Game?" Alexander Pierce looked surprised.

Hilvert explained: "It was Tony Stark's Stark Expo, which invited technology companies from all over the world to set up booths at the expo and introduce their products. Charles Wu's Hammer Industries, the main The product is a new generation of smart devices, that is, gaming helmets.”

"What is that?" Alexander Pierce did not understand what Sylvette was describing.

Actually, there are a lot of people out there who don't understand what a "gaming helmet" is, but then they will.

The fact that the second Stark Expo was held has already spread, and the publicity can be said to be overwhelming, because it was hosted by Tony Stark, and the last Expo was seventy years ago, by Howard Stark host.

The holding of this Stark Expo is a celebration for Tony Stark to congratulate him on his new life. Relying on the notes left by his father and the model structure, he finally used a particle accelerator to synthesize his old age. The new element mentioned by Dad, and re-improved the Ark reactor, since then, there is no need to worry about palladium metal poisoning.

You don't have to drink a lot of chlorophyll juice every day in order to delay your death, and you don't have to worry about the coming of death.

Regardless of Tony Stark's winter, the fair itself is a platform for publicity and communication, attracting major tech companies to showcase their latest products, while some people with ideas and no funds also rent a booth and do their best to promote With their own ideas, I hope that some company will see the real gold and give myself a round of angel investment.

Therefore, these people spend a lot of money to choose a more spacious and bright place with a higher density of people to build their exhibition stand, but the real big companies and large enterprises are given preferential treatment, they directly own their own exhibition halls, and even Opportunity to present their products on the main stage.

When the fair officially started, the first person to show up was not the host, Tony Stark, but Justin Hammer, who was wearing a decent suit but a strangely shaped helmet on his head. Take it, and walk to the front of the stage amid the incomprehensible laughter of the audience.

"Ladies and gentlemen, I am honored to introduce to you the latest products of Hammer Industries..." Having said this, Justin Hammer sold out and said to the audience: "What do you think about Hammer Industries products? What are you most interested in?"


A spectator held up his phone and chanted the product's name.

His words resonated. This cross-generational smart product has enriched people's lives, and some people have even become its fans - but it's not surprising that a puppet can make a fandom.

The smart devices launched by Hammer Industries are not only MPhone, but MPhone is more popular and more representative.

Especially in the follow-up products, MPhone has added many small programs, such as the one-click beauty function of taking pictures, which is more popular, especially this software can also be optimized for African Americans with darker skin.

"Powered Exoskeleton Armor!"

Of course, another voice also appeared, shouting another product.

And this voice has also won the approval of others. Compared with Tony Stark's behavior of holding the steel battle suit firmly in his own hands, Hammer Industries is much more authentic. As long as you pay the starting price, the motivation The exoskeleton armored Hammer Industries will also sell it to you, but you need to run the various licenses yourself, and Hammer Industries will not help you.

Although the civilian models are all castrated, the performance is weakened, the neural link control system is removed, the control program is designed by Ivan Vanke, and the flight speed is also limited, but even this is a cross-era killer. Fang has also been concerned about it, and any outflow is strictly prohibited.

But the people who can spend $500 million to buy a powered exoskeleton armor are basically the kind with hands and eyes that can reach the sky. The American emperor is a paradise for the rich, and all kinds of licenses can be obtained soon.

Although the price of 500 million US dollars is a figure that is unattainable for 99.9% of the people in the entire family for ten generations combined, but at least Hanmer Industries sells this stuff to the outside world, and sells it to the outside world. That means you can buy it.

"This friend, the friend who first said the power exoskeleton armor, please come to the stage, you are our lucky audience." Justin Hammer pointed out from the crowd who first shouted "power exoskeleton armor" this Word Man: "You'll have the opportunity to be the first to test the latest products from Hammer Industries."

The lucky guy was a boy of sixteen or seventeen, and the smile on his face froze when he heard Justin Hammer name him, and then it was immediately replaced by a more frenzied, excited smile, jumping and cheering with his hands up, from Passing through the crowd, high-fiving everyone who reached out to him, running all the way to the security guards under the stage, and after getting permission, he stepped onto the stage.

Although he was hired by Hammer Industries, he was actually a relative of a high-level person from Hammer Industries, but being able to show his face in public and play with the latest products of Hammer Industries is also something to be excited about.

Then Justin Hammer took off the helmet on his head and put it on the young man's head: "This is the latest product of Hammer diving helmet, he It's able to capture your brain signals and manipulate them directly through your brain."

This helmet is actually a common game helmet in online game novels. It was manufactured by Yue Si using the consciousness data technology in "The Matrix". The connected server is also based on the "matrix" architecture, creating a "real" as much as possible. the world to come.

However, without the process of opening the hole in the back of the head, the player's body sense is actually divided, and the consciousness and body perception are actually a state of separation, and it is completely impossible to enter another "reality" like in "The Matrix"; In addition, the volume of the server of Hammer Industries is not as large as that of the mechanical city, so in the eyes of the players, the virtual world constructed is not real, with a bit of falsehood, at least in the upper left corner of the field of vision in the real world. A string of data, such as the current time.

But this has already brought enough shock. Although the "lucky" body is standing in the same place, his consciousness roams freely in the virtual world, escapes the gravity to fly in the sky, dives into the unfathomable sea, facing the rising sun , chasing the sunset, climbing the pyramid with bare hands, and changing weapons to fight the tall monster.

The audience below the stage observed everything that the lucky one had experienced from a third perspective through the big screen, and then cheered like a wave.

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