Villains Template

Chapter 506: Asgard

Starting with the birth of "Iron Man" in front of the world, a new military competition has begun. As long as the countries with the ability, are building their "steel suits".

Among them, the most enthusiastic country in the "Steel Suit" project is Neon, and they are also the first to produce results.

If you find a word to describe the chicken, the word "rebellious son" is undoubtedly very suitable. When others show their strength, they will lie down and be their sons and recognize you as their father, but they will not let go of the opportunity to "kill their father" secretly. of.

And "Mecha is a man's romance", something like a steel battle suit is very suitable for the chickens.

"What kind of exoskeleton armor are you talking about, people are made into parts?" Nick Fury said: "I don't have the right hands for you to use. If they encounter an accident, I will find a way to keep them alive. Come down, or die with dignity."

Nick Fury's call is high-sounding. If it is singled out, it is definitely a speech made by Wei Guangzheng, but combined with his own conduct and behavior, you will know that this is just a cliché.

The agents of S.H.I.E.L.D. were able to take Bruce Banner away, which meant that they also had personnel in General Ross's team. He also knew what happened to the exoskeleton armor that Yue Si sold to General Ross. .

To be honest, for that kind of weapon, Nick Fury is very moved. It is not easy to train a special agent and a qualified soldier, but human life is fragile, and it is very likely that a stray bullet will take away a person's life. Life, let that person's more than ten years of hard work go to waste, and let the investment in him go to waste.

However, if there is such a technology of Charles Wu Yuesi, then, a little loss can be recovered, so that they can continue to shine for mankind.

He also has the technology to revive the newly dead who are not seriously injured, but it can only be used in a small number of situations, and limited by the raw materials, only a small number of people can enjoy this technology. Like Charles Wu Yues's technology, there is universality that allows people to "live" in another way.

However, he is not here today for this, but for another reason.

He took out a tablet with the S.H.I.E.L.D. logo from the inside pocket of his coat. After unlocking it, he pulled out a photo and showed it to Yue Si: "Do you know this thing?"

It was a short-handled warhammer located in a meteorite-like impact crater. The hammer head was square with an unknown pattern engraved on it. The hammer handle was shorter than the hammer head. The surface was wrapped with a layer of leather and extended at the tail. Take out an endless belt.

"Know." Yue Si said: "It comes from Asgard, and it is the hammer of the Crown Prince of Asgard—that is, in Norse mythology, Thor's weapon, Mjolnir. The reason why it cannot be shaken is because It is a weapon crafted in a stellar forge, and endowed with a powerful spell, which cannot be lifted unless it is stronger than the one who gave the hammer spell."

"Mythical story?" Nick Fury asked suspiciously. He acted out this doubt in order to let Yue Si tell what he knew. This is a very simple psychological application.

"No, it is real, don't underestimate the myths and legends, it may be that your ancestors on Earth witnessed something, and then recorded it with their own understanding, but because of the changes of the times, it cannot be understood by future generations. The myth." Yue Si said: "He sits on a golden throne, the throne is located in a palace, and the palace is located on the floating continent."

"There is light everywhere in the palace, but no candles are seen. The light is the palace itself."

"Seraphs sing sacred songs around the throne. When it opens its eyes, red electric light streaks across the sky, like a serpent; the cherub has two pairs of blue wings and multiple eyes, and they sow His gospel. Angels always accompany the wise angels."

Yue Si chanted a paragraph, without explaining what it was, but continued: "Asgard is real, they have made a great name in the universe, and the **** king Odin fought with his crown prince. The Quartet shows the majesty of Asgard with blood and death... God King Odin's invincible sharp gun Gungnir and the Crown Prince's Mauernir are the faces they show to the entire universe."

"Do you know why I came to Earth to hide?"

Without waiting for Nick Fury to speak, Yue Si said: "First, because the earth is relatively remote and not near any major traffic roads, few people will come here by spaceship; second, because the earth is subject to Aspen Protected by Guardian."

"Asgard has a concept called the Nine Realms, which is a general term for nine worlds connected by some kind of spatial phenomenon, and the earth is one of the nine realms, Midgard, which belongs to the nine realms similar to A hub-like existence."

"Asgard spares no effort in protecting the earth... Did you find a strange man near that hammer?"

"There have been no reports of such incidents, why are you asking that?" Nick Fury said.

"Because this hammer has another name, Thor's Hammer, it basically won't leave its master. Even if it is thrown out, it will obediently fly back to the master's hand." Yue Si said: "I think Come to think of it, this hammer fell on Earth, its owner must be nearby, and the Crown Prince of Asgard is on Earth."

"Of course, it is not ruled out whether the crown prince has any mission to the earth, or has encountered an accident, such as encountering an invincible enemy, and even losing his hammer."

"I need to go there - don't think I'm out of justice, just for personal reasons, if I want to live in peace on Earth, using Thor as a springboard, and taking the Asgard line is a very It's a good choice, and it's also a kind of speculation, and the crown prince will definitely find his hammer."

After talking about it, Yue Si expressed his opinion, and then patted the newly prepared exoskeleton armor: "I need to take it with me if I go by the way, if there is an enemy that even the crown prince of Asgard can't solve. , I need the necessary military support."

For Yue Si's opinion, Nick Fury agreed. Even if Yue Si's speculation and reasoning were later proved wrong, the meaning of the hammer itself should be taken seriously.

After thinking about it, Nick Fury gestured with his fingers and said, "You need to cover up your identity."

"That's fine." Yue Si nodded and said, "I prepared something to disguise my identity."

Half an hour later, a Quinjet landed inside the Hammer Industries. The stakes were high. Nick Fury decided to go to New Mexico in person. Before that, he made a special call to Coulson. , reminding Colson without revealing anything.

If someone tries to touch the hammer, don't hurt it, but don't let it come and go freely in the temporary base of S.H.I.E.L.D., and if there is a situation, you need to call him as soon as possible to report the situation.

Nick Fury's order is ambiguous, and how to implement it depends on Coulson's personal understanding

Powered exoskeleton armor was also carried on the Quinjet.

After the plane took off, Nick Fury looked at Yue Si, who had changed his clothes: "Is this the thing you are talking about to disguise your identity?"

Yue Si put on a red hooded robe with large sleeves and a tooth-like pattern on the edge, which added a bit of mystery.

Although the hood could only cover the upper half of Yue Si's face, Nick Fury found that no matter from any angle, Yue Si's face could not be seen, and Yue Si also wore black leather gloves. , except for a little bit of skin exposed from the cuff during activities that can prove that the person in the robe is a human being, there is no way to see Yue Si at all.

And Nick Fury tried to use the props on his body to detect Yue Si, and found that those things were completely malfunctioning on Yue Si, and the red robe blocked all signals.

"Yes, this is it, a very rare good thing."

As if using a voice changer, Yue Siweng said in a loud voice, and there was an electronic feeling between his words.

This set of holy vestments on him was made by the Mechanic Sect to give to the body, and the ontology handed it back to him. This is a tool used by the Mechanic Sect to cover up the real situation of his body. To a certain extent, it will be uncomfortable, that is, it can make the SAN value go crazy, so a piece of clothing is very necessary.

"Yes, very good stuff."

For Yue Si's evaluation, Nick Fury agrees, and also has the idea of ​​"give me one too", it seems that it is just a piece of clothes made of slightly thicker fabrics to have such an effect, Nick Fury Ray had no idea that it was fake.

But Nick Fury didn't say those words, because Yue Si didn't follow up at all.

At this time, whoever speaks first will lose, and his momentum will be short.

Midway through the flight, Nick Fury received a call from Colson.

"Sir, there is an intruder, who has now passed the outermost defense and is approaching the hammer." Coulson's voice was calm, obviously very confident in controlling the changes in the situation.

"Indicate the information about the intruder." Nick Fury glanced at Yue Si and asked.

"A white male, about 30 years old, with a strong physique, proficient in fighting skills, suspected to have received professional training, and has defeated ten agents with his bare hands, and the intruder has not been found to be carrying any weapons. The target of the other party is very clear. The hammer..." Coulson reported.

The construction of the temporary base is very particular. Although it is only a combination of some steel pipes and white tarpaulins, it is simple but not simple. The internal layout is intricate and the structure is very strict. It is possible to get lost in that simple structure, which is similar to being caught in an "array" type of environment.

But the intruder was very purposeful, not bewildered by other roads, and headed straight towards the room where the hammer was. People blocked the killings, Buddha blocked and killed the Buddha, and defeated one SHIELD agent after another with skilled skills.

Of course, this is also the reason why Coulson had previously issued an order to all members of the entire base, prohibiting them from using any weapons and only intercepting the invaders with their bare hands.

Otherwise, a few electric batons are in hand, or a sedative gun is used, and the intruder will be knocked down no matter how strong it is.

After listening to the report, Nick Fury asked, "Report the number of intruders?"

"Only one!" Coulson confirmed.

Nick Fury asked, "Is Agent Patton here?"

"Yes, as soon as he received the invasion report, he went outside, occupied the commanding heights and controlled the overall situation, and now the intruder has entered the range." Coulson replied: "Sir, I need to transfer the communication to him?"

"Let him not do anything for now, no matter what the other party does to the hammer... It's better to find a way to keep him. I have some things I want to confirm with him. If the other party has any needs, try to meet them as much as possible. ." Nick Fury said, "I'll be there in a minute."

"Understood, sir."

Coulson, who hung up the phone, immediately relayed Nick Fury's order to him on the communication channel, told him to hold still, and walked to the location of the hammer.

Just like the brave warriors in the game, the intruder defeated one S.H.I.E.L.D. agent after another, and finally came to his final destination, the impact pit, in front of the hammer.

Seeing his weapon, Thor's face showed excitement, after he was exiled to earth he lost all his power, which made him very uncomfortable, and he desperately needed to find his own strength.

After getting Thor's hammer dropped near the town, he couldn't wait to come here in the rain with the help of the female physicist Jane Foster. After a lot of hard work, he finally came to himself in front of the hammer.

Thor, who jumped into the impact pit, grabbed the hammer and pulled it hard, but found that the hammer stayed in place, not as Thor expected. As he pulled out the hammer, he raised his hand to attract lightning, and the lightning flashed. In the midst of the thunder, he took back the power that should belonged to him, put on Asgard's armor again, and became the **** of thunder and lightning, but the truth was the exact opposite.

Thor used his hands in disbelief and tried his best to suckle, but the hammer still didn't move.

"Do not!"

Thor, who had failed many times in his attempts, knelt on the ground, in the impact pit that had accumulated rain and turned into a quagmire, and knelt in front of his hammer, tears streaming down his face.

He remembered what his father said before he was exiled to Midgard. His father placed a curse on Thor's Hammer. Now he doesn't meet the standards of that magic spell. Thor's Hammer doesn't agree with him.

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