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Chapter 504: pyramid

Just now, Charles Wu Yuesi gained a lot of magical knowledge, which is the knowledge of various magical secrets of Kama Taj, as well as various books in the library.

Among them, the most useful is how to get in touch with the devil, exchange magic power in the form of transactions, and understand the world from the perspective of magic and dimensions, and use a more relaxed way to pry reality, so as to realize "magic" " skills.

With this knowledge, Yue Si can solve the problems of those psionicists in the fleet, who are talents selected from various worlds, and have undergone rigorous training, intensive surgery, and rigorous review. , was allowed to join the Astral Army and sacrificed everything for the Empire of Humanity and the Emperor.

Those unqualified psionicists have all been taken as fuelwood for the Emperor's Golden Throne. The quota of 1,000 psionicists every day is very sought-after, and the last elimination system really eliminates all those unqualified guys. Knocked out.

And the quota of 1,000 psionicists every day is not so simple. It is not that the psionicists who are sent to the golden throne will be drained of their vitality and spiritual power on the same day and then turn into dust and die, but it takes a long time. Years will drain them.

Being forced to extract psionic energy is a very painful thing. In order not to let themselves become fuelwood, the psionicists who enter the battle sequence are very good.

And such a group of people, because they can't contact the subspace and draw energy from the subspace, have been abolished in martial arts. Occasionally a few can draw a little energy by virtue of their talent, and it takes more than one person to control the mind of a boat of people. Cooperate together, because there is a difference between psionic energy and magic, and part of the energy that was finally absorbed is wasted. It is a pity, it is too wasteful.

Now, with this knowledge, Yoss can do a lot, such as allowing psykers to perform their true roles.

Yue Si asked T'Challa to stand up from the ground, standing one position behind him, looking into the distance.

"Wakanda's closure of its own behavior is actually not a correct decision. Ansa's greed and brutality are unimaginable. If they are brought to the existence of such things as Zhenjin, they will definitely try their best to do it. To plunder." Yue Si said, and then pointed at Claw: "Just like this man, how many people did he kill directly or indirectly for the 250 kilograms of vibration gold? Because of the vibrations sold to me. Gold, a gram is worth $20,000!"

"Do you know how crazy it would be for something like $20,000 a gram? If he blows up his mother in exchange for the same amount of money as his mother's death, he will pour mercury into his mother first. And then bombing again, it will not bear any psychological burden, because it can bring him more than one billion dollars in income!"

"Thank you for the compliment." Crowe said humbly. He was not embarrassed by Yue Si's words, but accepted the evaluation calmly. After all, the 15 billion US dollars was put into the account and was insulted. Nothing.

"Every man is innocent, but he is guilty."

"Wakanda didn't do anything wrong, but with the resources of Zhenjin, you are a sinner."

"Although you are not a king now, just a crown prince, but you have inherited the name of the Black Panther, plus my slave status, you are qualified to witness all this happen."

"Witness what?" T'Challa had a bad feeling in his heart. Combined with Yue Si's previous remarks, this was obviously something he was going to do.

"The destruction of a kingdom and civilization, starting today, Wakanda will cease to exist." Yue Si took out his tuning fork and pointed at Wakanda's land, flicking it with the back of his finger. This time it is not as simple as before. .

The fourth form of the Tathagata's palm, the Buddha asked Jialan, and the vibration.

The palm force of this style spreads out with the vibration of the tuning fork, causing the resonance of all vibrating gold creations.

With the first sound, all the vibranium weapons failed, the plane lost power and began to slowly descend, and those Wakanda warriors with broadswords and spears dropped their weapons, as they began to resonate against the bearer. cause some damages.

The weapon that was in their hands to fight the aggression betrayed them at this time.

The second sound, the vibrating gold ore underground in Wakanda began to resonate, and a high-frequency vibration began to spread throughout Wakanda. The people, livestock, and poultry among them all fell to the ground, their muscles and bones were soft, and their muscles could not function normally. systolic relaxation.

The third sound, a huge force vented from the ground, and buildings were thrown high into the sky. The larger the building was, the higher the flying height. , all the non-vibration metal objects were all broken into powder, and there were countless casualties during this period.

Vibranium is a relatively dangerous metal. Take Claude's 250 kilograms of vibranium ore as an example. He built an incompatible safe on a dilapidated cargo ship and put the vibranium into different test tubes. Among them, there are also professional instruments for real-time monitoring to prevent changes in the vibrating metal.

And Yue Si used the tuning fork to resonate the underground raw ore, and released the accumulated energy instantly to destroy the ground.

Of course, Wakanda's protective cover, Yue Si, put his hand away and deliberately kept it. Even if Wakanda was turned upside down, from the outside, only the beautiful scenery disguised by the digital camouflage projection could be seen.

When T'Challa saw this scene, his expression was as ugly as it was ugly. Everything about him, everything he knew, was completely destroyed by inexplicable force.

Sadness, despair, anger, and all kinds of negative emotions can be seen on T'Challa's face. It's not that his face has turned into a fan-shaped statistics chart, but his expression is really so wonderful.

However, apart from passively watching, T'Challa couldn't do anything. He could only watch helplessly as his country, his people, and even his parents had become the past. He could see clearly that it was thrown into the sky. In the building above, there is the shadow of the palace. His parents and sister are all in the palace.

What T'Challa didn't know was that this was still the result of Yue Si's retention. If Yue Si wanted to, he could create a black hole at any time and tear the planet directly with a strong gravitational force - although Yue Si did not guarantee that he was really can do it.

Because of the universe-centered Earth theory, all kinds of major events that forced the comics to restart seem to be carried out only in the scope of the earth. In some settings, they are still the eternal heart of one of the five gods of the universe, which cannot be destroyed.

Klau opened his mouth wide. Although he had seen the drastic transformation of the ship by the mechanical priest, the unpredictable ability of the psionicist, and the jump across space, there was no scene in front of him that could make him feel more. shock.

The world is turned upside down, this is the world turned upside down, nothing can shock people more than the destruction of a behemoth, it will make people feel their own insignificance, such as the collapse of the earth, such as disintegration.

"Is this what you want!"

"Is this what you want!"

"Is this what you want!"

T'Challa roared at Yue Si in a tone of sadness mixed with anger. He could hear the sound of blood rushing in the blood vessels of the brain. Can't do it.

"You are like those slave traders, destroying our country, destroying our culture and language, plundering our resources and enslaving our people."

In the face of T'Challa's **** accusation, Yue Si just responded: "Slave, we don't need it, except you, we have a lot of choices, many aliens have better physical fitness than Earth people. As long as the resources are sufficient, we can mass-produce genetically enhanced mechanical slave labor, so why use you?"

"Weakness is the original sin. If you fall behind, you will be beaten. I think you should understand this truth."

"Leave you, I'm just happy."

After all, Yue Si moved forward with one hand, and countless metal elements were extracted and gathered in the air. In addition to vibration gold, there were other metal materials, because no matter how much Wakanda’s vibration gold reserves were, they would not be able to. The extravagant use of steel bars in concrete must have used other building materials, such as ordinary steel.

Under the control of Yue Si's molecular level, those metal materials are fused with other elements to form alloys, which are then shaped into different sizes and shapes, and assembled into precise machine parts.

These parts are connected and combined with each other to form a whole. Finally, they are installed on the huge frame, and the seams are tight. When it is finally formed, a giant pyramid with a height of about 70 meters appears.

It is not the spire of the Egyptian pharaoh's tomb, but the flat-topped pyramid used by the Mayans in America for sacrifice. It has multiple layers of stairs for people to go up and down. Many imperial elements, such as the double-headed eagle emblem, the statue of the Space Marine with a long sword, stand at the four corners, and the sacred and pure skeleton adorns the horse.

Although shocked by Yue Si's powerful power, T'Challa is more angry, because the elements that make up the giant pyramid are mixed with the blood and death of other people.

And this pyramid is not a technological creation, but a magic prop, but it is too huge. If you find a more accurate word to describe this pyramid, it is "Mage's Tower".

Its function is to help the caster communicate with those dimensional demons, or other dimension planes, and obtain energy from them in the form of transactions, eliminating the need for the process of spell communication.

Of course, its function is far more than that simple, otherwise why would Yue Si spend so much effort to make it.

As long as there are sacrifices, the pyramid can communicate with the demon **** and the different-dimensional space at any time, and exchange it for magic power and store it in an artificial space inside the pyramid. As long as they have the authority and the correct communication method, the psionicist can directly extract from the pyramid. Energy is used to cast spells without having to communicate with those demons and other-dimensional spaces in person, putting oneself in a dangerous situation. After all, psionicists are visitors from other worlds, and it is not good to be spied on by those demons.

Using the means of space transfer, Yue Si brought a group of people to the top of the pyramid. The mechanical priest controlled the fighter servants and made them move closer to the pyramid. In the process, they also brought the Wakanda people here.

One after another Wakanda was taken to the sacrificial temple on the pyramid, and the heavy door slowly opened. In T'Challa's desperate eyes, in the cry of the Wakanda and the voice of a black panther for help, They were pushed into it one after another.

Then, the entire pyramid began to operate, and countless parts worked, communicated to a certain dimension demon in a ritual, and began to use the rules of the wizard when "making a deal" to transfer the memories, emotions, health, and souls of those sacrifices. All of them were packaged and sold to the other party. In exchange, a powerful energy was injected into the space inside the pyramid.

The psionicists communicated with the pyramid itself according to the method taught to them by Yue Si. After the successful attempt, the light of psionic energy flickered on them, and they could use psionic energy again, unlike before.

"Yes, I have no problems with my design and it works fine."

Yue Si was also quite satisfied with this result, proving that his thinking was correct, and then said to the mechanical priest: "Call someone, collect all the vibration gold and take it away, now is not the time for us to stay on Earth. , and then put all the prisoners in the pyramid, there is still a lot of space inside."

Yue Si turned around and flew into the air, waving a fire axe to open the portal.

The transport shuttles of the Imperial Navy, which have been on standby in the universe, transported a large number of servants and equipment to the ground from the portal. They collected and mined vibration gold and loaded them into the transport shuttles~www.wuxiamtl .com~ Ships back to the Foundry World in the universe.

The original Wakanda is a long-running method to mine vibrating gold. It has been mined for thousands of years without the phenomenon of resource depletion. In addition, they strictly control the outflow of vibrating gold, and the reserves are still relatively rich. A millennium is okay - but that's the Wakanda who live in this land, not the Empire.

However, Yue Si's attitude was not like this. He only wanted vibranium, and the mechanical slave laborers who mined vibranium were mining vibranium in a destructive way.

The soldiers who came to Wakanda with the transport shuttle captured all the weapons of the Wakanda and drove them towards the pyramid with weapons.

In addition to the temple at the top, there is also a lot of space inside the pyramid, and space technology is also used, enough to accommodate the remnants of Wakanda.

The inner space of the pyramid is not just a storage space, but also a part of the entire pyramid system. It is also constantly conducting transactions with the Dimensional Demon God. Compared with the fast transaction of the temple at the top, the interior of the pyramid is a kind of long-term flow.

These Wakanda will be in constant pain, and their emotions will be constantly harvested and traded to the daemons for energy.

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