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Chapter 492: The dead are more useful than the living

As in countless movies, the NYPD arrives after the incident, and the firefighters are faster than them.

Just like the background to set off the atmosphere in disaster films, the affected buildings and vehicles caught fire one after another, reflecting the night sky into the color of flames.

After General Ross blocked the scene, he immediately sent someone to Samuel Stern's laboratory. Although he didn't know that the hatred was Bronsky, it had a similar appearance and strength to the Hulk. It reminded him of things in that laboratory, those experimental equipment, that large number of serum samples.

According to what Yue Si had discovered before, Mr. Lan, Samuel Stern, copied a large amount of Bruce Banner's serum, and developed a method to obtain the power of Hulk, so the birth of hatred must be related to it.

However, the laboratory was swallowed up by a raging fire, erasing all traces of it. After searching around, there were no personnel who were originally left to carry the equipment, but a few soldiers who were responsible for the response were still alive.

From what they said, the hatred did indeed jump out of the laboratory, but before that, gunshots were heard in the laboratory, and it was obvious that there was a conflict among the people. When they went up to check the situation exactly , the hatred appeared, and the laboratory also ignited a raging fire - it is very likely that Samuel Stern did something, and his own people fired back, and that hatred was most likely Samuel Stern.

This is just the conjecture of the soldiers, but the location of the laboratory is being covered by flames. Even if the firefighters put out the flames in time, they will not be able to find anything. None of the people inside can escape before the fire starts, which has already explained the problem. .

Even if it is hatred, it is impossible to know who it is, he is naked, and there is nothing that can indicate his human identity, and the changes caused by the gamma rays almost reshape its body, face Profiles, fingerprints, teeth bite marks, DNA testing could not identify him.

In this regard, General Ross expressed regret. What he regretted was not the loss of Bronski, a good soldier, not the few capable subordinates who came along, but Samuel Stern, who had met for less than ten minutes, and his All research data.

There are elite soldiers everywhere, but there are only a handful of scientists who produce super soldiers. To a certain extent, the death of Samuel Stern is no less than that of Dr. Erskine, who created Captain America.

But even a dead person can still play his value, no matter who was before the hatred, now it must be Samuel Stern, he must be the gamma monster that this mad scientist concocted in the laboratory.

The dead are sometimes more useful than the living, because the dead can't speak, and others can't refute them by throwing dirty water.

If it was in another country, such as Brazil, it would be fine. Now, in the hinterland of the American Empire, in a well-known big city, there must be a way to appease the people and the gang above.

Thanks to the excellent performance of the mechanical exoskeleton armor, all the responsibility can now be pushed to Samuel Stern, who discovered that he secretly conducted gamma ray research in the experiment and made contact with Hulk, He led a team to arrest him, but the other party released his hatred to wreak havoc on New York. Fortunately, he had a mechanical exoskeleton armor under his hand, which solved the hatred neatly and avoided the continued expansion of casualties.

Anyway, ordinary people don't know his actions at all, and even those who have witnessed it only see the scales and half the claw, and then seal up their own people. The truth of the matter is not just fabricated according to their own minds.

Human memory is the most unbelievable thing, as long as the media propaganda in the later stage can keep up, their memory will be modified according to the "facts" in the propaganda.

As for the corpse of abomination, it is still very valuable. General Ross transferred another helicopter, hung the abomination under the plane, and flew towards the direction of the secret base.

Then he remembered one thing, called the soldier who was in the same helicopter with him before, and asked, "Where is Bruce Banner!"

The soldiers asked, "General, didn't you send someone to take over Bruce Banner from us and take him away in an armored vehicle?"

"When?" asked General Ross.

"Just now, when you moved closer," a soldier said. "The other party said that he was sent by you to receive us. Bruce Banner's identity is sensitive and cannot be seen in the public eye."

"Mommy Fake!"

General Ross thought of one man, Nick Fury, who alone would do such a sleazy thing.

I hate to make such a big movement. Although I was controlled by myself in a very short period of time, as S.H.I.E.L.D. who is in charge of related matters, their phone number is estimated to have been blown up. Nick Fury is probably the first time. Just noticed what happened here.

Although S.H.I.E.L.D. is quite a mysterious existence to many people, that does not mean that people at the level of General Ross do not understand it. For Nick Fury, the mysterious Director of S.H.I.E.L.D., General Ross can. It can be said that he has some understanding. This kind of thing is obviously his style. Maybe there are agents of S.H.I.E.L.D. in the people he brings today. Get yourself a backstab.

As a general of the military, he is naturally incompatible with a special agency such as S.H.I.E.L.D.

But aside from the last sentence, General Ross knew that he couldn't do anything at all. S.H.I.E.L.D. is an international organization that obeys the World Security Council.

The effect of the anesthetic quickly subsided, and Bruce Banner woke up suddenly. Because of the effect of the anesthetic on his brain, his memory lost a piece of his memory, and he forgot the abhorrent things. He thought he was caught by General Ross and headed to the secret base by helicopter. I went, but when I opened my eyes, I found that it was not the case.

He was lying in a place similar to a hotel, with a large soft bed under him, a tea cup on the bedside table, a TV hanging on the wall in the direction of the bed, and a wind and beautiful scene outside the window next to him. The warm sunlight shining into the room through the glass, and the sound of the breeze blowing can be faintly heard, all of which make people relax involuntarily. This time is perfect for a warm and comfortable afternoon nap.

Of course, the premise of all this is that there is no one-eyed black man sitting in a chair with a vicious face and wearing a blindfold. It would be better. The temperament exuded by the other party made Bruce Banner's heart tighten, and he almost did not become a Hulk. .

However, the effect of the inhibitor has not decayed yet, the Hulk has not appeared, and Bruce Banner is still Bruce Banner.

"Where is this? Who are you?" Bruce Banner asked: "I wasn't caught by General Ross, and now I should be in his base, where blood, bone marrow, etc. are drawn as experiments for him to carry out. Research?"

"My name is Nick Fury, and I'm the director of the Homeland Strategic Defense Attack and Logistics Support Agency." Nick Fury said, "I rescued you from General Ross."

"SHIELD?" Bruce Banner muttered the name.

"Yes, we are an independent department, an international organization, only under the jurisdiction of the World Security Council." Nick Fury said: "General Ross can't reach me, you are safe, Dr. Banner."

"You S.H.I.E.L.D. came to me because you wanted to study the Hulk and gain the power of the Hulk?" Bruce Banner looked at Nick Fury, thinking that he, like General Ross, was plotting the power of the Hulk.

Bruce Banner can't bear to think otherwise. He has been chased by General Ross and hides in the XZ. His long-term encounters have made him think of inertia, thinking that everyone has ideas about the power of Hulk. The hope of influence is pinned on the netizen Mr. Lan, Samuel Stern. Who knew that he privately cloned and copied the serum for research, and tried to make a name for himself by relying on the research of blood, which is also a betrayal of him.

Now the dignified S.H.I.E.L.D. Director Nick Fury has personally appeared in front of him and used the power of S.H.I.E.L.D. to rescue himself from General Ross.

Of course, compared to General Ross' tough, thunder-like means, Nick Fury of S.H.I.E.L.D. is obviously tender, trying to pull in his relationship and soothe his emotions.

In a precise way, Bruce Banner is persecutory delusional.

"I think, I should not be in a resort hotel now, but a secret base underground or hidden in a dam." Bruce Banner looked around, pointed out the window and said: "This should not be a A window, but a monitor, playing recorded landscape images, combined with a lighting system that simulates sunlight and air circulation, creates a false beauty—or like a studio set up in a movie, that It's all fake."

For Bruce Banner's question, Nick Fury did not explain, but picked up the water glass on the bedside table, opened the window, and threw it out far away. Bruce Banner saw it really, and the scenery outside turned out to be real.

If it's the set, lighting effects, this water glass thrown by Nick Fury

"Dr. Banner, this is a resort island used by SHIELD agents for vacation. Only SHIELD insiders know about it, so I say you are very safe here." Nick Fury said: "Take you Coming here is to prove that I and S.H.I.E.L.D. are not malicious, to let you adjust your mentality and be able to independently control the transformation of Hulk."

"For me, what is needed is Bruce Banner, the genius mind of his seven doctorates, not the Hulk with great combat power."

With that said, Nick Fury took out a tablet with a S.H.I.E.L.D. eagle on the back from under his coat, pulled up a photo, and handed it to Bruce Banner.

It was a chest X-ray of the heart. The heart can be said to be scarred. Some metal foreign objects coexisted with the heart. Bruce Banner felt his scalp tingling when he saw it.

"What's this? I mean, who does this heart belong to?" Bruce Banner said. "I'm not a surgical specialist, and I can't help you—even the top thoracic surgeon in the world, right? The heart also has a headache."

"This heart belongs to Tony Stark. He was injured by a bomb when he went to the Middle East to do business. Although the local doctor urgently performed an operation on him and took out most of the shrapnel, the conditions at that time were too rudimentary, and These shrapnel are too small, the doctor could not completely deal with them, and even rashly performed surgery would kill Tony Stark directly, these shrapnel remained in Tony Stark's body."

Nick Fury tells the story of Tony Stark, because he has Yinsen in his hands, and he has a lot of details: "The doctor who operated on Tony Stark made an electromagnet device that uses magnetic force. Adsorbing the shrapnel prevented them from killing Tony Stark - this electromagnet device is Tony Stark's iron lung."

The iron lung is an auxiliary respirator, a device that helps patients paralyzed by polio to control their breathing, avoiding the tragic death of patients who cannot breathe on their own due to polio virus infection. Nick Fury's description is very apt .

"The original device was powered by a car battery, and Tony Stark needed to carry a heavy battery wherever he So he improved the device and created a portable response for himself The furnace." General Ross said: "But that reactor is not perfect, or it is not perfect for Tony Stark, it is like a glass of wine with poison, don't drink it, Tony Stark The gram will immediately die of thirst, and after drinking it, he will slowly die due to the erosion of toxins."

"The design of that reactor is on the next page, and the next page is Tony Stark's body report."

When someone shows you a photo with a mobile phone, don't scribble randomly, because the other party only wants you to see that photo, and the other party may not want to be known by outsiders. Bruce Banner, who understands this truth, does not No fiddling, turning to the next page after Nick Fury said it.

"Metallic palladium." Bruce Banner frowned and looked at the information on the tablet for a while and said: "The device is based on a large amount of metal palladium, which will slowly release toxins during use, which causes The reason why Tony Stark was poisoned - of course, it's also because Tony Stark needs to have this device implanted in his chest, the rest of the people don't have that threat."

"However, with the power of this reactor design, under normal use, Tony Stark's situation will not be so serious, unless he also uses this device to drive some large device, which will accelerate the release of metal palladium. "

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