Villains Template

Chapter 462: Tony Stark

Science and technology are the primary productive forces, and this truth is unbreakable.

Just like aluminum, it existed as a precious metal for a long period of time, because the smelting technology of aluminum at that time could not support its large-scale production, and the labor time and cost of producing aluminum The capital is very high, which leads to the price of aluminum being higher than that of silver, and people are proud of using aluminum products.

When Emperor Napoleon held a banquet, he used a full set of silver tableware for the guests, and he used a set of aluminum tableware. This behavior that seems to put the cart before the horse at the time seemed normal and was the standard. ostentation behavior.

All of this situation disappeared after the invention of electrolytic aluminum smelting technology, and later aluminum gradually became a status in our cognition, because of the development of science and technology.

In the world of Warhammer 40K, there are various types of promethium fuel, which are used in many ways. It is the existence of blood in the behemoth of the empire, and even the refined promethium fuel used in flamethrowers, in today's earth, it also needs to pass atomic The reaction is synthesized, which is expensive.

From a S.H.I.E.L.D. scientist's point of view, using this substance as fuel for a flamethrower is simply too wasteful.

Or, the other party has mastered other technologies that they do not understand.

Minke is very marketable in the world of American comics. These people seem to be tinkering, but sometimes they can really tinker with something. Although they are basically used on the road of crime, they have given mainstream technology to the world. compared.

If the other party really masters this technology, then the threat level will be even higher.

Equivalent to potential horror*, which is a key focus of SHIELD, and then a high-level agent immediately took over the incident - definitely not Hydra wants to monopolize this technology.

As for S.H.I.E.L.D. taking over this incident, all parties are very satisfied. Something went wrong in the prison, and many people will be held accountable. The person who contracted the prison has considerable energy, and if S.H.I.E.L.D. takes over , indicating that things have reached a level that cannot be handled by ordinary institutions.

S.H.I.E.L.D. took over, which means that this matter includes horror*, mushroom eggs, dirty bombs, biochemical viruses, and supernatural events. Ordinary people are not even qualified to ask questions, which is equivalent to giving them a disclaimer. .

On the other hand, whether it was the witnesses in the prison or the surveillance video, the SHIELD agents found nothing except that the two people who started the operation were Asian.

"Many of our S.H.I.E.L.D. agents worked overtime to check the surveillance video frame by frame, and the scenes they saw were not as clear as the hazy descriptions of the witnesses, and there were no clues about their appearance or disappearance in the prison; every potential witness was arrested. The back-and-forth questioning eliminated the possibility of their collusion, but each one was ambiguous in describing the two, as if their cognition and memory were disturbed."

Faced with the senior agents who came to take over the incident, the anonymous agent who stayed in the prison to investigate has reported all the results of the investigation so far. Because the investigation is still in progress, there is no summary of written reports. Report in oral form.

"Suspected space ability, thinking interference ability, signal shielding interference, possessing unknown technology... Also, we tried our best to restore part of what happened at that time from witnesses through psychotropic drugs, hypnosis and other methods. One of those two people has The power beyond ordinary people, holding a strange firearm that fires rifle bullets in one hand, the recoil force can't even make his hand shake."

"Retrieve the information of the two prisoners who were attacked first." The senior agent who received two salaries from S.H.I.E.L.D. and Hydra caught the point: "Those two attacked these two places, the motives It must have something to do with the criminals in these two cells. Check what the four of them did before they went to prison, go and find out what they have in common. It must be related to someone in a certain incident. "

As the largest secret agency on earth, it is very easy for S.H.I.E.L.D. to obtain information in the area of ​​the U.S. imperialists. I don’t know how many agents are sent out as interns. Large gangs, U.S. imperial agencies, There were all their people in it, and soon, what happened to the original Charles Wu's parents was quickly investigated.

What the two black brothers did, relying on the commutation of sentences and incognito name changes obtained by turning into "tainted witnesses", Charles Wu's various struggles after the murderer was not punished, and even explored various mysterious powers.

Charles Wu is just an ordinary mechanical engineer, and his parents did not leave too much capital, and the possibility of supernatural forces involved is relatively high.

Later, the Serpent and Shield agent mobilized some agents based on his authority, and repeated the investigation according to the activity track of Charles Wu, trying to find out whether Charles Wu obtained the power of the mysterious side in the process.

Even the grandmother who beat the villain had an Asian-faced agent who went to investigate, although the Chinese agent who was born and raised in the United States had no idea what the operation of 'hitting the villain' was, and thought it was a voodoo doll or something. operate.

After inquiring about the price and service like an ordinary customer, the agent lay on the massage table and asked the grandmother to acupuncture and moxibustion on the acupoints on the back to regulate the muscles that had been strained during the training.

As a standard Meidi person, she doesn't really understand whether acupuncture and moxibustion is good for her body, but she feels that her body is much more relaxed, which is enough.

After a little chat, the agent brought the topic to the villain, intentionally or unintentionally, and said that he also wanted to ask the old lady to play a dozen villains for her.

"If you don't beat the villain, you won't do it a long time ago." The old grandmother said, "The beauty of the emperor is very evil, and it is completely unreasonable. We used to believe in the reincarnation of heaven, good and evil. There is a report, it will not work in this place, and it will not work for a long time."

"I heard from my friend that he came to you to beat the villain two days ago, and then the two people got the retribution they deserved." The agent said in seemingly unintentional words: "It's very clever!"

"Your friend said that the offspring, I thought he was too pitiful, so I took out the things that I had collected for many years, and tried to avenge him, even if it was psychological comfort." : "But black people don't believe in ghosts, and they changed their names and beat the villain for a long time. Except for losing their strength, they couldn't do anything."

Grandma told the truth and didn't hide it.

What happened to Charles Wu after the incident in prison, the scope of his activities, and who he came into contact with, were collected by the agents.

"On the premise of using up all the savings of himself and his parents, this guy took out a sum of money to ask a cleaning company to clean the room and paid three months' rent in advance." Yue Si's recent report frowned: "Moreover, he was hired by Hammer Industries with a high salary and became a senior department director, responsible for the development of new weapons of war?"

A person with a college degree who has no work experience directly entered a large military enterprise such as Hammer Industries, and was an executive, which makes people have to wonder what is in it.

"Is that Charles Wu the boyfriend of Justin Hammer? Or is Justin Hammer the boyfriend of Charles Wu?"

I am afraid that only this kind of relationship can allow Charles Wu to receive such treatment.

Tony Stark assembles an engine in the basement of his villa. It is the engine of his newly purchased sports car. The design and appearance of the model are more in line with his aesthetics, but for a genius with superhuman talent in mechanical aspects, He felt that the engine was totally dragging the model down.

So he removed the engine with the help of tools and modified it with custom parts.

When dealing with machinery, it is impossible to keep clean, and metal parts are not easy, so now Tony Stark is wearing a vest and overalls, and his body is stained with oil.

Because of work, his forehead was full of sweat. When the sweat flowed into his eyes and affected his vision, he wiped it directly with the back of his hand, which caused his face to go east and west.

Tony Stark at this time is far from the image of the billionaire and **** he appeared in front of the world, but looking at Tony Stark's appearance, he was obviously enjoying it.

This kind of work, which is quite hard for a worker, does not make him feel tired at all. Instead, it is like enjoying the dance, watching the mechanical combination between the parts.

This is the difference between being a boss and a wage earner. The same thing, such as the labor of assembling an engine, a wage earner is work, and it is work that has to be done in order to get paid to survive.

Putting it on Tony Stark, it is an activity to relax in his spare time, a hobby, and a part of enjoying life.

Rich people are vegetarians to maintain a healthy diet, and you vegetarians can't afford meat.

In the eyes of others, lavishness is relaxation, but for Tony Stark, it is just everyday.

There are fundamental differences between American imperialism and Huaxia in terms of culture.

Huaxia pays attention to 'a gentleman hides his tools in his body and moves from time to time'. I have it, but I don't make it public, and then I will deliver a fatal blow at a critical moment. The more joyful I dance, the faster I die.

And the US emperor pays attention to publicity. If you have money, you should show off your wealth, and if you have a party, you should be arrogant and arrogant. Therefore, Tony Stark's various **** behaviors are also a kind of propaganda for Stark's industry. It is necessary to pay the media to buy space, and naturally there are media reporters who follow Tony Stark's **** and report all kinds of lace news about him.

The people of the United States are also very interested in the daily life of a top **** like Tony Stark. If there is news about Tony Stark in the newspaper, then that newspaper must sell very well.

Later, Tony Stark was kidnapped and disappeared by members of the Ten Rings Gang while selling missiles in the Middle East because of the frame of Obadiah Stein, and the stock of Stark Industries fell rapidly.

After assembling the engine, Tony Stark took the towel handed by the robot assistant, wiped the sweat and oil stains on his body, and was about to relax with a glass of wine. At this time, his secretary, Pepper Potts, was holding Two stacks of documents came.

"Here are some documents that you need to sign, and some commercial documents that you need to confirm."

"Just leave it there, I'll sign it later." Tony Stark sat in a chair and said to Pepper: "Pepper, I'm thirsty right now and need a glass of wine, or a soda. ,It will be all right."

"What you need is a functional drink, not something like alcohol that will increase the burden on your body." As one of the few people who can be regarded by Tony Stark as 'his own', Tony will listen to Pepper's advice , and grabbed a can of energy drinks for Tony Stark.

During this process, Tony Stark flipped through the commercial documents. These things do not need to be signed or filed, and they can be stained with sweat and oil. 's readings.

That is, before smartphones, the role of newspapers can make people not stare when they go to the toilet.

And these commercial documents are actually the recent actions of various competitors. They are commercial spies sent by Stark Industries or information bought by headhunters and brokers from employees of other companies.

Only by knowing what the opponents are going to do, Stark Industries can identify projects that may challenge Stark Industries' and then come up with better products before the other side and maintain its own position in the industry. Leading position - with the genius of Tony Stark, there is no need to worry about the product.

"The group of people in the technology research and development department actually regarded these things as a threat to Stark's industry. It's ridiculous." Tony Stark took a copy and threw it into the trash can at hand, glanced casually, he The value of that item can be judged.

After opening the functional drink and placing it on the table in front of Tony Stark, Pepper said: "You can take out a product at will, and you can get a large number of orders from the military. Of course, you don't look down on these projects. , but running a large business is not as simple as inventing it.”

"Okay, I take back what I just said. There is something in it that really brought me unexpected joy. The full-coverage powered exoskeleton armored combat system is a very interesting project. Let me see which technology company it is." After taking a look at the content, Tony Stark was interested in this idea, just like the "sense of sight" caused by some time, someone or something, Tony Stark was interested in this weapon. The idea felt like it was destined, and the brain started to work unconsciously, and I had a preliminary idea for this project.

"My God, it turns out to be Hammer Industries, give them another ten years, and don't even think about making a prototype."

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