Villains Template

Chapter 460: personality coverage

"You two ladies, please leave first. Boss Jia (Sting) and I have some things to discuss. It's not good for you to hear these things." The uninvited guest pointed out the fact that the supermodel had woken up and left it to They left the opportunity: "Don't turn on the lights, I don't think you want to see what I look like, and nothing happened tonight... I mean you should understand."

Hearing this, the two supermodels understood Yue Si's thoughts. Although they are the kind of brainless blondes that are common in movies, being able to spend a good night with a rich man like Justin Hammer shows that they are not only in novels. Silly Baitian who will only appear in the middle of the night, otherwise they will scream loudly when they realize that there should be a fourth person in this room with only three people, instead of continuing to lie there and pretend to sleep.

After receiving the order, the two of them lifted the quilt and quickly jumped off the bed. They didn't even bother to pick up the clothes and shoes scattered on the ground, so they ran out as quickly as they were naked. Compared to a small life, this is nothing.

And even if the paparazzi photographed him running out of Hammer's villa and appeared in the newspaper, it would be good for him. Compared with the super-rich lace news, it would improve his fame. Don't you see Kadai? Shan is soaring through gossip hype, marriage hype, etc...

"It turns out that she doesn't wear underwear. In the movie, the fact that the heroine's underwear is still well worn on her body after the cloud and rain is really fake; is it true that she is a supermodel, and her figure is good." The mysterious person is Yue Si, when he spoke, he His tone was like commenting on two animals, not like humans commenting on humans.

For Yue Si, Justin Hammer is a rare candidate. First of all, he is rich as the CEO of a large industrial group with arms business, and he is also the general contractor of the Department of Defense systems. "The banner of "anti-terrorism" provokes disputes all over the world, but in fact it maintains its hegemony.

"Although you know who I am, it's better for me to introduce myself," Justin Hammer said. "My name is Justin Hammer, executive CEO of Hammer Industries."

Realizing that Yue Si did not have any hostility or murderous intentions towards himself, Justin Hammer, who was used to seeing "big men", returned to his usual shrewd appearance as a businessman, and there was no sullenness because of the fear of death. It seemed that he, who knew nothing about power, also placed himself in a position equal to or even condescending to Yue Si.

Yue Si didn't say anything, but felt a little amused, and said, "You can call me Charles Wu, Mr. Hammer, I'm here to find a partner."

"I don't think we have anything to cooperate with. I don't need to send killers to deal with commercial competitors. It's too cheap to do that." Hearing Yue Si's words, Justin Hammer was more relaxed, in his opinion Come on, Yue Si is just a skilled killer. He has the ability, but not the kind he wants.

Backed by the U.S. military, he has no shortage of orders. Although the high-end market is monopolized by Stark Industries, he is also overflowing with the benefits of low-end volume.

In the end, Justin Hammer also added in his heart that if sending a killer was useful, he would have smashed tens of millions of dollars for Tony Stark's head.

"No, no, I think you have misunderstood." Yue Si looked at Justin Hammer, who looked like a different person, and said with a smile: "Although my ability to sneak in and fight is very outstanding, it is not a problem to fight ten with one. , but in fact I am an expert in the direction of weapon invention, if not for the lack of start-up capital, my arms business would have spread all over the world."

"Hahaha, do you think I'll believe it?" Justin Hammer said with a smile: "You know, before you, many people came to me under the same banner, holding PPT materials from ordinary corporate promotions to me Promote their products. I don't understand, but Hammer Industries has no shortage of talent..."

"I'm different from them, but I have real talents." Yue Si was a little helpless. Don't take anyone for a fool. Although Justin Hammer often gets shriveled in front of Tony Stark, that's not the same as Marvel. One of the smartest people in the world is a contest between those who belong to the top.

"Oh, is it?" Justin Hammer said, turning on the lights in the room, "Prove yourself."

To be honest, Yue Si's appearance was beyond Justin Hammer's expectations. First of all, Yue Si looked relatively young, and in his opinion he was just a child at all, and also, Yue Si's Asian appearance.

Although all kinds of ZZs in film and television works are correct, and even the black-skinned superman and the rainbow-colored superman have been created, the phenomenon of discrimination is actually everywhere, especially for Asians.

It can be seen from the Hollywood sci-fi blockbusters that white-skinned middle-aged men and women are lone heroes who can turn the tide; .

This point refers to "The Onion Movie", a comedy movie that satirizes everything.

The heroic actions of those characters seem to be based solely on the fact that they are black in color, and there are quite a few "heroic" performances that use their sacrifices to pave the way for the white-skinned protagonists

As for Asians, they are either ignorant and backward like they were a hundred years ago, or they are smart but selfish and cunning. In short, they are the kind of annoying characters with few positive images, and they try to choose that kind of face as much as possible. Not worth it.

There are also "converts" like Shi Yuan's mother and daughter in "The Mummy 3", who deviate from their own cultural circle and race, just like Zheng Shangqi.

Black skin also knows that when they get together to make trouble, Asians will only wear cardboard, "I'm vulnerable, don't hurt me."

When some Infinite Stream protagonists choose the world, they travel back to the "Captain America" ​​period, join the army, and fight the Third Reich devils for the American Empire. In fact, they are planning the super soldier serum that originally belonged to Captain America.

Little did they know that the faces of Asian Americans were the targets at that time. The Japanese Americans were all packaged and sent to concentration camps, and then they proved their worth by fighting bravely on the battlefield.

And learn about the Chinese Exclusion Act.

If the protagonist of the infinite stream really arrives at that time, I am afraid that he will not be selected into the list of the super soldier program, but will be directly pulled to the battlefield to act as cannon fodder. No matter how weak the foundation of Steve Rogers is, he is born a white man with blonde hair and blue eyes. , belonging to "one's own people".

Maybe it's because he feels that "it's hard to do things with no hair on the lips", or maybe he sees that Yue Si is an "Asian".

Justin Hammer looked down on Yue Si even more, took his own black-rimmed glasses from the bedside table and put them on, and said, "I have seen your ability to sneak in. To say that you are an expert in weapon invention, you look too young. A little bit, and if you want to join my Hammer Industries, you can go through the normal onboarding process, send in a resume or something."

"I don't know if you've heard of such a sentence - don't bully the young... aspiring is not in your old age." Yue Si, who almost uttered the rotten sentence in the Internet article, quickly changed his words, and then took out an Imperial Seiko laser. pistol.

Assembled by hand by the best workers in the casting world, blessed by the God of All Machines, the surface is branded with the double-headed eagle emblem of the Empire and the sacred skull, and the ribbon with the emperor's motto is printed with a blessing seal. fixed on it.

Justin Hammer couldn't see clearly from a distance, so he didn't feel anything, and even regarded the gun as a toy; but after being put on the top of his head by Yue Si at close range, he almost didn't make a "wow" sound, because this "toy" "It's an amazing feeling for him.

After all, men never grow up, and only the types of toys change with age. Tony Stark's steel battle suit costing hundreds of millions of dollars is also equivalent to that playboy's toy.

Even if Yue Si didn't pull the trigger, but just walked to the window with a gun to his head in an instant, Justin Hammer knew that in the current situation, he was the weaker party, even if The gun is fake, and Yue Si has the ability to get rid of him.

"Hey hey, man, that's not what I meant." Seeing Yue Si taking out a gun, Justin Hammer's forehead instantly sweated, and he hurriedly begged for mercy: "Mr. Charles Wu, I just opened the door. It's just a joke, just a joke! Tony Stark is a bit of a slut, but he's achieved enough achievements at your age to be boasted by others for a lifetime, I don't mean to look down on you at all, you and him are the same genius."

When his life is at stake, Justin Hammer doesn't care about his face. Although Tony Stark has been stomping on his feet like an inconspicuous ant, he regards himself as a scumbag and calls himself I'm small, but I have to admit that a genius is a genius, and ordinary people are still very happy to be on a par with Tony Stark.

In the face of Justin Hammer's flattery, Yue Si couldn't help but want to laugh, shook the gun in his hand, and said, "Relax, Mr. Hammer, I have no other intentions, I just want you to cooperate with me to do something matter."

Justin Hammer lifted the quilt and jumped up. He glanced down and pulled up the quilt to block himself: "Mr. Charles Wu, can you let me get dressed first."

Yue Si shrugged and said, "Please, I don't want to see something indescribable dangling in front of me. That unsightly thing can't help but shoot it down."

A relieved Justin Hammer picked up a shirt tangled in a lingerie from the ground, put it on, put on his trousers without even buttoning it, and said as he sorted his clothes, "Mr. Wayne, you want to come with me. What to cooperate with? In terms of capital and technical personnel, Hammer Industries is second only to Stark Industries in scale, and I am a better partner than Tony Stark, the defiant guy."

"No, it's not cooperation, it's you who unilaterally obeyed my orders." Yue Si knocked Justin Hammer dizzy with a knife, and then took out a ring and put it on his head.

Yue Si fiddled with the activation rune of this brainwashing device a few times, watched the indicator light on the unremarkable ring, and recited the prayer called Mechanicism, which was actually an opcode. The language awakened the operating program of the ring, and according to the preset program, began to modify and cover Justin Hammer's memory and personality.

After the indicator light of the ring was on, Justin Hammer's consciousness entered a deep dive state, and a huge amount of knowledge data was transmitted into his brain through the neuron connection device.

The transmission of this data is not so gentle, it is like packing one person's 30-year memory into another person's brain, and performing personality coverage and fusion similar to "soul wear".

The data transfer took a minute or two to complete, but it took hours for the brain to adapt to the knowledge, and after detaching from the virtual digital world, Justin Hammer lay there directly unconscious.

Yue Si checked it and said, "It's just that the brain is overused. The human body's self-protection mechanism can make him fall asleep. There's nothing wrong."

After a few hours, Justin Hammer woke up leisurely, shook his drowsy head, he had just slept, but he felt like he hadn't slept for three days and three nights, his consciousness and body had become disconnected. , even the organizational ability of language has been temporarily lost, but the eyes of the bloodshot due to the overload of the brain are full of wisdom - very different from the Justin Hammer before.

At this point, it is necessary to mention the difference in the setting of high-IQ characters between DC and Marvel. DC's high-IQ characters are manifested in various tactics, various intelligence collection analysis and calculations, one by one A Wearing B, one ring is one ring, you are on the third floor, they are already in the atmosphere; and Marvel's high-IQ talents are all technical, and their intelligence is basically reflected in the level of scientific research, and they can be adjusted according to needs. Come up with the right inventions for the right problems, rather than figuring it out.

With the knowledge forced into his and the modification of personality, Justin Hammer has grown from a third-rate character to a person who can stand on the stage - the screenwriter will not easily for the sake of sales. Characters who write to death or let him off the stage.

"For the Emperor!"

"All praise goes to Omnisiah."

Hearing these two sentences spoken by Justin Hammer after restoring his language function, Yue Si knew that the people of the Mechanic Sect were carrying private goods when they completed this thing.

But it doesn't matter, as long as Justin Hammer is easy to use.

"Then, Mr. Justin Hammer, what advice do you have for our next development?" Yue Si returned to the sofa and said while looking at Justin Hammer.

Justin Hammer's new personality and memory were designed by ontology, and Yue Si didn't know what he stuffed into it.

Justin Hammer rubbed his temples, which were about to explode, and said, "How about selling a mobile phone? A mobile phone that leads mobile devices into the age of intelligence—I have a name in mind, and it's called IPHONE!"

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