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Chapter 453: Dimensional Expedition・Marvel World

In the vast void, the light of stars cannot illuminate all corners, and the heat emitted cannot warm every inch of space. Darkness and coldness are the essence of this world. The so-called prosperity and splendor of life is just life itself. An arrogant hallucination.

What life has and depends on only accounts for a very small part of this universe, and what life can control accounts for an even smaller proportion.

The value of matter and energy to life is extraordinary, it is the hard currency in the universe, and how to use matter and the technology of manipulating energy is also a kind of wealth.

Unless the boundary between matter and energy is broken, the Grand Unified Theory is completed, or the self or the race is realized, it is possible to break out of the shackles of life from the universe itself.

And in this empty and empty cosmic space, a simple sentence suddenly came out of nowhere.

"Here's Johnny!"

Then, as if there was an invisible giant axe, a gap appeared in the strict space barrier, which was torn apart violently, but the gap was so small on an astronomical scale, but for a small organism, that It's as spacious as a standard four-lane road with flower beds.

The invisible giant axe opened up around the gap at the beginning, and soon tore a space gap like a black hole. Looking through this space gap to the other side, you would find that the opposite side was also an endless void.

The continuity of space itself is destroyed, and the irregularly shaped space gap is naturally twisted into a spiral under the influence of the rules of the universe. Countless energies are generated in the spiral, and the huge energy gathers into the form of lightning and spreads around.

Space battleships jumped out of the gap, lining up in a neat fleet in space.

These warships are peculiar in shape, different from the standard sci-fi style of mainstream warships in this world. The hull is long and narrow, with gun muzzles densely arranged on both sides. golden eagle as decoration.

The towering bridge is a church-like style, decorated with various huge reliefs and skulls symbolizing human purity, and bursts of prayers can be heard among them.

"Your fleet, supreme glory!"

"Your turret is extremely sacred!"

After successfully completing the transition again, the mechanical priests of the Mechanicum began to get busy again, and began to measure and collect the data of this world.

In the world of Warhammer 40K, there is a panacea like psionic energy. With psionic energy, you can attack, defend, fly, heal, prophesy, communicate, and even navigate in the process of warp navigation. The empire has developed to this day. , A considerable part of the important technology is closely related to psionics, and even the psionicist itself is a part of a certain equipment.

The existence of psionic energy is closely related to the existence of the subspace. It is the psionicist who relies on the reflection of the soul in the subspace to absorb the energy of the subspace, and then release it in the material universe in a way that shakes the reality. can.

However, what Yue Si took them through was another universe, a world covered by the rules of another universe that was completely different from Warhammer 40K, and many things that were accustomed to had changed.

For example, when they just traveled to the world of "Dragon Babu", because there is no subspace, there is no subspace energy for the psionicists to absorb and use, which is equivalent to opening the silent field to them and abolishing their Psychic (martial arts).

At that time, some psionicists could not bear the blow because they lost contact with the warp, and the whole person collapsed a little.

It feels like suddenly one day, when it was originally dawn, the sky was still dark, and then someone told you that the sun will not rise again, and will never rise again.

It's also like, your brain is damaged, so that you can no longer hear, see, and perceive everything, and you can't receive any information, and you can't control your body to make every movement, but it's different from a vegetative person. , your brain is awake, your self-awareness is intact, and your world is completely plunged into darkness.

No, darkness at least means being, and what they experience is the nothingness of nothingness.

The strong emotional impact of the change can be imagined. According to the previous behavior manual, those out of control psionicists need to be executed immediately, because that will cause their soul projections in the warp to become very obvious, the warp demon Or the evil gods will feel the strong emotions, invade and corrupt those psionicists, and use their bodies to descend into the material universe, or use their bodies as a medium to open a small warp crack and remove the dangerous and terrifying people in the warp. existence into the real world.

However, the world of "Dragon Babu" has no subspace and the existence entrenched in it, so those psionicists were simply injected with sedatives, and then they were ignored.

And because of the conflict of the rules of the universe, a considerable part of the fleet's equipment has been shut down. Otherwise, in the world of "Dragon and Babu", Yue Si's Song Dynasty is a two-line war, instead of just Che Liao, handing over Xixia to the world. A group of martial artists led by Qiao Feng.

Therefore, when entering the Marvel Cinematic Universe, the mechanical priests immediately began to check all the equipment, from the battleship itself to the simple standard equipment in the hands of the soldiers of the Astral Army.

Of course, it was just a sample survey. Although the Mechanic Sect sent additional manpower, battleships, and other equipment because of the genetic samples of the "pure and uncontaminated ancient Terran race" that had been sent in the past, the investigation should be done in the year of the monkey.

Therefore, various scientific research instruments of the Mechanics Institute were also put out to detect the physical constants of this world, so as to adjust the equipment.

In addition, all the psionicists in the fleet are being monitored and monitored. Space Marines from multiple Astartes chapters are aiming at them with bolt guns. If there is abnormal behavior or obvious changes in the body, They were shot and killed immediately, and even the corpses were burned as soon as possible.

Unlike the Zhongwu world in "Dragon Babu", the Marvel universe has different planes, high-latitude demons, magic, infinite gems, gods, etc., although the combat power and character settings have been weakened. version, but had to guard against.

These psionicists born from the trillions of people in the empire have their own talents, and they may attract the attention of the dimensional demons, so they have to be guarded.

But in the end, nothing happened. Whether it was the inspection of various equipment by the Mechanicist or the monitoring of the psionicists, nothing happened.

Although the universe rules and physical constants of this world are different from those of the Warhammer 40K, they are extremely inclusive and all equipment can be used normally. thing.

On the contrary, the psionicists said that they felt some powerful existences or spaces similar to the subspace, and they could use psionic means to draw energy from those existences or from those spaces.

However, the way they used to absorb the energy of the warp space doesn't work anymore, because the energy in those spaces is not so easy to absorb, and they directly communicate with those powerful beings. Those from the Warhammer 40K world know that they are undoubtedly courting death. , they who have received professional training will never be confused by that powerful force, nor will they touch them in private because of curiosity.

Because those who would do that are unqualified psionicists, unable to be employed by various departments of the Empire, their only place to go is to be sacrificed to the Emperor's Golden Throne as fuel for the Star Torch Beacon.

It's like a battle psionicist who has made great achievements in battle, who violated some rules and regulations for psionicists, his eyes and mouth were sewn, and he was pulled to be used as fuelwood.

The pain of being forcibly extracted from psionic energy is unimaginable. The psionicist's last plea was to ask the political commissar who fought alongside him to shoot him with his authority.

The person in charge of this 'different dimension expedition' is undoubtedly the Empire's 'Grand Marshal of Soldiers and Horses', 'Honorary Sage of the Mechanic God Sect' Yue Si, the data report of the Mechanic God Sect, the medical examination report of the Astral Army soldiers, The consumption of fleet supplies and the abnormal response of the psionicists all require him to oversee them.

After personnel replenishment, the entire fleet has expanded to a scale of one million people. Any number above one multiplied by one million will expand to a terrifying scale. Those documents are maddeningly large, especially in the early days of the dimensional expedition. , any changes need to be handled with care, and Yue Si must look at them all.

If this data is expanded to as many as one million worlds in the entire human empire, it will be even more huge. A certain high lord was overwhelmed by years of heavy work and became insane.

When it came time to be executed, he couldn't even comprehend what he was about to face, but uttered his last words blankly - "I don't have time to die... I'm too busy!"

Fortunately, Yue Si at this time has already been cultivated to an extraordinary level. With a swipe of his spiritual sense, he is the starting material. This depends on the parchment used by the empire to record data. If he uses electronic storage equipment, he still needs more. cost some means.

Cross-cosmos navigation and the conflict of the rules of the universe did not have much impact on the ship's equipment and personnel. What caught his attention the most was the reports provided by the psionicists.

And this is also the main way of magic in the United States - to sign a contract or contact with a powerful demon, magical entity, concept, and other-dimensional space, and obtain energy from them in the form of loans to change the current way of cosmic reality. to use magic.

Of course, the repayment is also very sour. For tangible and intangible things such as soul, health, internal organs, and emotions, those demon gods will ask you for it.

Upon learning of this, Yue Si immediately finished the work in his hand, left the office, and came to the cabin where the guard psionicist was being held.

After seeing Yue Si, those psionicists were very excited. After all, Yue Si's status is not ordinary now. Although it is not as good as the expeditions in the records of the empire, the meaning of the "different dimension expedition" is extraordinary.

When Yue Si proposed that he needed a psionicist who was willing to make sacrifices for the experiment, he stood up a lot, and finally only one was selected.

Afterwards, a transport plane separated from the main ship of the fleet and flew away from the fleet. After pulling a sufficient safety distance, it stopped somewhere in the void.

In the cabin, all kinds of equipment for psionics are turned on, collecting the data of the psionicist after contacting the devil, and obtaining important knowledge through his sacrifice, so that the psionicists can learn from it, and then in this world can play their role.

And Yue Si is also making preparations. If something goes wrong in the future, he will immediately take action and cut off the connection between the psionicists and those latitude demon gods. Even if the soul is incomplete, he has the means to make up for it.

If he really can't be saved, Yue Si will also save him. The kind that completely annihilates his body and soul, guaranteeing that he will not have any adverse effects on those demon gods.

But the experiment failed. Relying on the usual meditation methods, the psionicist sensed the demon gods again, and he sent a message to the other party, but those demon gods and magical entities ignored him, like a wooden body The clay sculptures are generally unresponsive.

That's right, if you can gain magic power and learn advanced magic by sensing the devil, there will be no magician in this world to inherit this kind of thing, just like the existence of magic books, it is the life of generations of magicians Heart and blood research brought together.

"The acquisition of magic inheritance should be written in the necessary records, Kama Taj, and you should go there." Yue Si said.

Just like psionicists need to be trained by the magic is not so simple, there are various tricks and precautions, even for magicians "one plus one equals two" and the like An existence like common sense is also precious to people outside the magic world.

Because it may be summed up by a magician with a lifetime of time or trial and error at a tragic price, just like the heliocentric theory that we sneer at today.

But that is all in the future. Now for this expedition fleet, the most important thing is to fight hard and prepare for war.

Most of the civilized races in the Marvel Cinematic Universe have a complete technology tree, which is what the Mechanic God desires. What they master is only technology, and the knowledge itself represented by those technologies has been lost.

Just like in the famine years, those who ate the grain left as seeds, although they could keep themselves alive, they could not live for long because they lost the root of farming.

Therefore, the level of technology in the Warhammer 40K world keeps declining, precisely because of the loss of the most fundamental knowledge. Even if the people of the Mechanics have mastered various technologies, and the existence of technology monopolized in the human empire, they still show their interest in knowledge. A state of fanaticism in which all kinds of knowledge are offered high.

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