Villains Template

Chapter 437: Fire Cloud Cthulhu

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A Xing made an expression of surprise and joy. This was not what he performed, but the sincerity.

Although the purpose is different, in order to join the Axe Gang, he wastes a lot of effort.

Although the door was open to him, there was a threshold in front of him, and he could never get past it.

But this hard-to-find opportunity was presented to him like this, and Ah Xing was of course overjoyed.

"Of course it's true!"

Echoing Ah Xing's expression, the master also made an exaggerated look, then put his arms around Ah Xing and took him into a dimly lit box: "Introduce someone to you."

This person is undoubtedly the boss of the Axe Gang, Brother Chen. Although Brother Chen has given full responsibility for this matter to the master, it does not mean that you can take care of this matter and prevent the boss from being responsible for the whole thing. Knowing the progress is a taboo in the workplace.

Even if the boss does not express his opinion and really has the full authority to hand over a matter to you, he must be informed of the progress of the matter. The right to know is very important.

If you want to be promoted, you have to have a sense of presence in the boss. Why is that kind of old fried dough sticks highly valued in the workplace of small and medium-sized enterprises, because even if they only do one point out of ten, they can ensure that their point is seen. .

The important thing is not how much you do, but the presence of the boss.

So the master informed Brother Chen of all the preparations he had made and the progress of things, and asked him to do something to him. Even if he found Ah Xing, he would bring it over to see Brother Chen.

Brother Chen had just finished swallowing the clouds, and his head was dizzy. After seeing A Xing, he said a few words indiscriminately, and didn't care about it any more.

Then the whole thing was taken over by the master: "Brother Chen said before that if you want to kill someone, you should join the Axe Gang. My people have observed you for a long time, but you still can't do it."

A Xing's face changed suddenly, for fear that he was actually messing with Yue Si and was discovered by the Axe Gang, but the master's words were completely bluffing him. After the Axe Gang found him on the street, they immediately took him back to the headquarters Well, there is no secret observation.

"I can explain this matter." A Xing suddenly became very nervous and said stumblingly.

The master thought that Ah Xing had no confidence to join the Axe Gang because he didn't do something similar to the "name vote", and said: "I'm talking, don't worry, saying that you joined the Axe Gang today is officially joining the Axe Gang, There is no need to do the murder, there is one other thing for you to do."

"I will definitely go through fire and water!"

Then the master and a few horses took Ah Xing to the Abnormal Human Research Center in the public concession.

A bag of tools and drawings of the mental hospital were handed over to Xing. His task was to take advantage of the five minutes when the guards changed their shifts to enter the bottom floor of the mental hospital and bring out the people in the room at the end of the corridor.

The security facilities in this era are still at a very early stage, especially within five minutes of this shift change, A Xing is even more like no one, all the way to the position marked on the drawing without any hindrance.

But to his surprise, there was no need for him to slip through the door to pick the lock. The door to the room he was going to was open, but there were two people in that room. Flip-flops, an old man with few hairs on his head, he is reading a newspaper with a pair of reading glasses.

The other is a handsome young man with extraordinary bearing, wearing the same clothes as the security guards of the mental hospital. He is talking to the old man. If you listen carefully, he is flattering and trying to please the old man.

For this kind of person, Ah Xing is the most disdainful, but that does not prevent him from writing down the other party's words and saving them for later use when shooting Tang Niu (Yue Si).

And the old man also ignored the young security guard and looked at the newspaper in his hand.

Then Ah Xing took the old man out of the mental hospital smoothly. The young man in security clothes did not stop them, but let them leave.

"If it wasn't for the old beggar who sold the cheats, I would beg you, Huoyun Evil God!"

"Forget it, I can't find the Kunlun School's top inner strength, the Toad Technique, from the Huoyun Evil God, so I can only find the whereabouts of the old beggar. I remember in the plot, when everything is over, the old beggar will come out and continue. Continue to fool the children with the quick version of the cheats, and try your luck at that time."

The young man secretly said that when he was about to leave, he suddenly noticed something, turned around and punched back, his blood was bubbling, his fist was windy, and then he was firmly received.

"I didn't expect that I would just come here on a whim to prevent myself from interfering in any changes. I didn't expect that this trip was not in vain, and I actually had an unexpected joy. I could meet an illegal traveler on a vacation." Yue Si Squeeze the man's fist and twist it outward: "Your fist is not bad, in which world have you been in?"

Although it is a clone, he is still Yue Si from a certain perspective, and he is also an employee of the Multiverse Administration. It is paid to deal with an illegal traverser.

But when you come across a job while on vacation, it's like a classmate getting married during a short vacation. You meet your boss at the wedding banquet. He asks you to go around the construction site, and then takes out three hundred dollars from your pocket. Said it was overtime pay and compensation for not giving gifts during the Mid-Autumn Festival.

This makes the monthly salary of only one thousand sixteen, relying solely on writing books to subsidize his own use, how can he refuse.

The man was in pain, his body fell in the direction where his arm was twisted, and a pistol suddenly appeared in the other hand.


Before the man could pull the trigger, the gun in his hand was directly hit by a laser, turning it into junk.

"Ha, are you the only one who can play with guns?" Yue Si kicked the man on the inside of the knee, causing him to kneel on one knee in pain, and then aimed at his head with a slightly hot laser pistol : "I asked, you answered, be obedient, save your life, or leave your life here today, understand?"

The man nodded hurriedly: "Master, senior, if you have a question, I will answer it... Answer honestly, it can save my life."

"What is your way of crossing?" Yue Si asked.

The man was a little unclear: "What?"

"I asked, how did you travel to this world? There must be a reason for you to be able to travel through the world." Yue Si said, "System? Gold finger items such as space-time rings? Or a superpower of personal awakening?"

"It's the system, I got the system to travel through time and space, and rely on the system to travel through film and television works at will." The man said quickly: "The system will give me a list of several film and television works every once in a while, let me I choose one of them to traverse. The further back I go, the more dangerous the world is. So after traversing into the world of "Kung Fu", I chose to be the security guard of this abnormal human research center. Get his skills and make yourself stronger."

"My system can help me automatically learn the exercises I have collected, so I don't have to worry about not being able to understand and practice."

"That's the work of the System Clan." After listening to the man's ramble and trying to arouse his sympathy, Yue Si said, "I punish you on behalf of the Multiverse Authority, you Your illegal crossing behavior has violated the rules and regulations of the Multiverse Administration, and now you will be punished, your personal system will be confiscated, and you will be returned to your place of origin."

"Hey, don't tell the truth and let me go?" the man said.

"Yeah, I'll let you go if I let you go, and I'll let you go when I return to where you came from. It's the same, but I won't destroy you humanely." Yue Si said, "It's just that your system will be confiscated, and you won't be punished for your own. Life is affected."

Having said that, Yue Si used the authority of the Multiverse Authority to issue a document, shot it into the man's body, then stripped his system out, and beat him back to his original world.

In the hall of the Axe Gang headquarters, the members of the Axe Gang who wore suits and ties, and their hair was polished with wax, stood around and stared vigilantly at the bald old man in the center of the hall who looked very different.

Huoyun Evil God had an indifferent expression that he was used to seeing big scenes. He crossed Erlang's legs and scratched the itchy calf. A sandal was hanging on his raised foot, swaying there with the shaking of his body. .

"As expected of the legendary ultimate murderer Huoyun Evil God, he really has style!" The originally stunned master restrained his expression, glared at A Xing who was also stunned, and took a step forward with a compliment, although he didn't trust this bad old man very much in his heart. , but the scene still has to be said.

"Haha, a false name, a false name."

The Huoyun Evil God laughed, with a warm temperament and modest words, no different from the old man who was sunbathing at the head of the village.

"The evil **** is being polite, this time I invited the evil **** to come here to ask the evil **** to kill a few people, you can make a price!" Seeing that the other party admitted his identity, the master was also welcome, taking the tone of dealing with the gods and the gods before. Speaking of.

"What price? I killed a lot of people, I just wanted to find someone who could beat me. In the end, I found that no one was my opponent, so I hid and tried to clean up. If there was an opponent, I would have come out already! It's not that there is a kid buzzing like a fly recently, constantly annoying me, how could I come out with you."

Huoyun Evil God's entire personality suddenly changed, like a beast, his tone also became serious with a hint of madness: "Tell you, if there is a peerless master, I will kill it for you for free, see one kill another."

"Yes, it's a real peerless master, but... we don't know how strong you are, the evil god, can you show us a hand to open our eyes?"

The master said excitedly, although he almost didn't urinate when Huoyun Evil God's aura was released, but it gave him confidence that the face lost by the Axe Gang could be recovered, and the stronger Huoyun Evil God was, the greater the possibility. .

This Huoyun Evil God is the real and real number one murderer, and it is definitely not comparable to those two parallel goods.

But no matter how sure he was, he still had a trace of distrust in his heart when he didn't see Huoyun Heretic God's real action.

"Show a hand? But you rubbish, you really don't have the right to ask me to shoot!"

While speaking, Huoyun Evil God has stood up and walked towards the casino that is separated by a wall: "But, the peerless master, right here!"

When he was speaking, the evil spirit on his body was unabashedly released. Axe Gang and the others just felt a burst of fear, and A Xing directly had the illusion of a mountain of corpses and a sea of ​​blood.

The Huoyun Evil God raised his right leg high, stepped on the ground, and rushed forward with a force of energy, smashing the entire wall directly, and countless fragments splashed in the direction of the casino.

When people in the casino encountered this movement, some people were knocked to the ground by their anger, and some were frightened. No matter what happened, everyone immediately fled out in a panic, whether it was the staff here or the gamblers, All ran clean, and even the chips did not bother to change.

No, there is one person left here, Yue Si is holding wine in his left hand and playing with chips in his right hand, looking at the evil **** of fire cloud opposite with interest.

Huoyun Evil God suddenly jumped in front of Yue Si, and looked at him across a table: "The peerless master, it's you, when I was not in the rivers and lakes, the younger generation grew up, and there are talented people in the country."

"Don't dare, don't dare, peerless master or something, this title is not worthy of me." Yue Si took a sip of wine, frowned, spit it back into the glass, and threw the wine glass aside: "Huoyun Evil God, For a long time."

a little while ago.

A Xing did everything possible to spread the news that Huoyun Evil God was taken out of the mental hospital. Yue Si, who had already known about it, pretended to know about it. After finishing his clothes, he came to the headquarters of the Axe Gang.

Compared with those big casinos, the scale of the casino opened by the Axe Gang is not very large, but it is magnificent, and it is not like other casinos, but it is similar to a membership system, and only people with certain identities can enter. Among them, the people who come in and out are wearing suits and long shirts, but without exception, they all look expensive.

And they all brought female companions, some in cheongsam, some in evening dresses, all young and beautiful girls, all of them were enchanting, and at a glance, they knew that they would not be the wives of those gamblers.

There is a so-called, marrying a wife and marrying a virtuous person... Those girls are not serious children who have passed their lives. UU Reading

Pull away.

Although Yue Si was wearing a suit, he was stopped by the doorman because he came on foot. Whoever came in and out of the Axe Help Casino did not come by a foreign car. Even if he was swollen and fat, he still rented a car car.

Yue Si took out a bulging wallet from his pocket, took out a few pictures and patted it on the shoulder of the doorman, and said, "This, can prove my identity!"

The doorman accepted the money and let Yue Si enter the casino, and there were girls in the casino arranged by the Axe Gang to entertain those gamblers who did not bring their female companions.

Seeing Yue Si's lavish spending, a girl in an evening dress came up and took Yue Si's arm, making her little sisters grit their teeth, but she still smiled on the surface.

Yue Si asked her to let go of herself, and then took out a stack of money and gave it to her.

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