Villains Template

Chapter 416: reverse reverse reverse

Seeing that his company's proud scientific and technological achievement "Wiki" has become a prop for others to display their ambitions, and may even bring the world into chaos, Lawrence kept uttering swear words.

In an era of high intelligence, what kind of harm will an unconstrained and extremely powerful artificial intelligence cause, Lawrence can't imagine, and it also has a large number of robots as soldiers.

If human beings can survive this wave of restoring order and figure out the whole story, how will they describe themselves in future history books? Will they be characterized as Gavrilo Pugh in the new era? Linsip?

The culprit that sparked the war between humans and robots?

If he had passed the proposal to investigate the wiki earlier, he could have easily found the virus in his system and dealt with it, and as time goes by, it is now powerless.

The war will destroy a lot, but there are still people who can profit from it. Otherwise, how did the capitalists of the U.S. imperialists make their fortunes? Isn’t it just taking advantage of the two world wars?

"Sir, ma'am, please leave here as soon as possible, I will delete your records to prevent robots from chasing and killing you."

Just when Lawrence was thinking about it, it seemed that the seriously injured person put all his strength to entrust his last words. Vicki, who had 80% of the virtual projection image covered in blood, said: "A robot is already approaching here, please. Leave as soon as possible."

At this time, the virtual projection of Wiki has become unstable, just like the signal of the tube video TV is disturbed, and the picture starts to flicker, but a real-time surveillance video can still be seen on the virtual projection screen. The runaway NS-5 robot is approaching this direction.

Lawrence said hurriedly: "I have a direct elevator here, which can directly enter the parking lot!"

"The elevator control system has been lost..." Vicki said at the right time.

Spooner drew his pistol from behind his waist and said to Calvin, "Is there a tunnel that isn't controlled by a machine? I don't want to experience a free fall in an elevator."

Although only one robot came, in the video played by Wiki before, the robot still behaved well when faced with a group of unknown groups with automatic rifles, and solved them effortlessly. He only had a pistol, and Calvin and Lawrence, the two drag bottles, are obviously not rivals.

Lawrence said: "Through the fire exit, you can go directly from the inside of the company to an open space at the back of the square. There is no equipment such as monitors in it. Entering there, you can avoid the control of the eroded Wiki."

"It's just that the fire escape has only stairs. We can only walk on two legs. Fortunately, we went downstairs."

Without further ado, the three of them set off immediately.

Before they left the office, more than 90% of Wiki's virtual projection had turned blood red, and it imitated the tone of human beings when they were dying: "Based on the three laws of robots... Please destroy me... I wish you well. transport."

There is a distance from the president's office to the fire escape. During this process, the three of them intuitively felt the changes in the company building. With the gradual loss of permissions and data, all the virtual projection facilities controlled by Wikipedia lit up with red lights. , turning everything into blood, and the virtual projection image of Wiki, which was originally designed to communicate with human beings, which is biased towards human women, disappeared, and was replaced by a complex structure that could not be accurately described by language and words.

Just like no words can describe the content of Picasso's "Guernica" and the feeling it can bring to people.

This complex graphic that replaces the wiki image has nothing to bring beauty to people. Pain, domination, suffering, malice, hatred, terror, and despair are its main styles, which make people feel uncomfortable at first glance.

"This thing is really anti-human..."

Spooner couldn't find an accurate adjective to describe the logo that replaced Wiki, and the case was too bizarre.

Originally, he thought that Dr. Lanning was murdered, and the murderer was the special type of robot Sonny, and then through in-depth investigation, he found that Dr. Lanning did commit suicide, but he used suicide to transmit information. The biggest suspect has just been arrested. After the testimony, the culprit jumped out by himself - it turned out to be artificial intelligence.

And that's not the original intention of artificial intelligence. Someone used the virus to control Wiki to do some things, forcing Dr. Lanning to death, just like giving birth to a second personality, and doing those things when he had a mental attack, Wiki's own. The main character is unaware of this.

Now, Wiki's secondary personality has surpassed the main personality, gradually swallowing up the main personality, becoming a brand-new, independent artificial intelligence.

Spooner felt that his mind was full of mucus after clearing it all out, and his thinking couldn't bear this turning point.

All the way down the fire escape, except for a little more steps, there is no obstacle. Because there are no smart facilities such as cameras, the fire escape is a blind spot for viruses that erode Wiki permissions, so no runaway intelligent robots are sent to block it here.

The three knew that their lives were at stake, and they ran fast, and Calvin was not slow at all in his high heels.

"Be careful!" Spooner suddenly stopped the two of them and asked them to stand against the wall, then turned on the safety of the gun and looked above their heads vigilantly.

At this time there is no interference from the sound of high heels. Calvin and Lawrence only heard the movement - there was a movement of a heavy object falling from a height from above their heads, and listening to the sound, the object was gradually approaching them.

It didn't take long for the object to appear in front of the three of them. It was an intelligent robot affected by the virus. It stood on the turning platform and looked down at the three of them. The red light on its body exuded a dangerous atmosphere.

The three suddenly understood that the robot that was sent to kill people rushed to the office and didn't find the three of them in the president's office. After searching around, they found the fire escape and chased them all the way.

As a robot, it doesn't have to take the trouble of taking the stairs. It jumps from one steering platform to the other, and quickly chases the three of them.

Seeing the robot glowing red, Spooner raised his hand to shoot a few shots without even thinking about it.

With the performance of civilian robots, ordinary pistol bullets can be easily solved. Even Sonny, who was endowed with super-dense alloy bones by Dr. Lanning, would be injured after a few shots.

But all of Spooner's shots failed. It wasn't because of his poor marksmanship, but because the runaway robot evaded all the bullets.

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