Villains Template

Chapter 413: killing machine

"Sir, do you need me to call the police or an ambulance for you? Your physical condition shows that you need treatment."

The intelligent robot said another sentence. At this time, the electronic sound has been changed so that the original timbre can hardly be heard, just like someone playing a piano that is out of tune according to the normal way of playing, although the rhythm and technique of playing are not the same. Wrong, but the music that came out was outrageous.

After seeing the dangerous red light emitted by the intelligent robot, the reincarnator team leader immediately took out a lightning strike mahogany sword from the storage ring. Although it was wood, the texture was solid, tempered by lightning, and engraved with a true talisman. , coupled with the mana sacrifice, the performance is no less than that of high-strength alloys.

And because it carries a trace of the meaning of thunder, it is spread out, and it has its own thunder sound and electric light, which is designed to overcome evil spirits.

For the robot, this lightning-strike peach wood sword is an electromagnetic pulse generator in the shape of a long sword. If it hits one, the core computer will be interrupted by the signal and shut down.

However, the civilian NS-5 intelligent robot showed extraordinary performance. The outer carapace made of composite materials on the whole body exploded, showing the core of the combination of electronic muscle bundles and mechanical skeleton. Under the pierced composite carapace, there are armor plates of high-strength alloy materials, and deadly weapons are hidden between the mechanical bones and the electronic muscle bundles.

Modeled on the joint structure of human legs, it also began to deform, becoming an anti-joint ejection structure that can provide more powerful jumping force and running ability; the armor plate began to combine and deform to protect the fragile structures on the mechanical body; one curled up on the back The arm is stretched out, and the spherical joint structure enables this kind of arm to carry out a 360-degree attack without dead ends. The four arms take off the weapons hidden in themselves and hold them in their hands.

The original NS-5 intelligent robot is slender, not as tall and mighty as Skynet's Terminator robot T-800. Now it removes the outer layer of camouflage, unfolds its hidden limbs, and performs structural deformation. The bamboo poles are generally thin and weak.

But that doesn't mean the runaway robot isn't dangerous. On the contrary, it's like a blade, thin but deadly.

One arm pulled out a long knife similar to a telescopic baton and slashed towards the reincarnator squad leader. The other three arms also held weapons and attacked the reincarnator captain. The human beings loaded in the wiki collected to kill their own kind. After researching and summarizing the tactics, the robot suddenly turned into a killing weapon. Even though the captain was skilled in his swordsmanship, he used his magical powers to bless his body, and the vajra talismans used to protect his body came one after another. Wounds appeared one after another, and even the peach wood sword struck by lightning was split open by the high-frequency particle vibration knife.

"Five Thunder Palms!"

After pulling the distance, the reincarnator team leader spread his left palm open, his right hand pinched into sword fingers, and volley drew a talisman on the left palm, the mana condensed into golden characters in the palm, and then slapped the robot with one palm.

The slaughtered robot was shot several meters away with the palm of his hand, and the robot adjusted its posture with unimaginable dexterity. The next moment, a flame mixed with thunder light exploded on the robot's body, blowing up its titanium alloy skeleton by three points. One, the upper body disappeared, the head, torso, and various parts under the protection of the chest armor, only one mechanical arm was left to connect with the vertebral structure.

Losing the instructions from the core computer located in the head, the remaining mechanical body stopped, the gyroscope originally placed on the abdomen was also blown up, and only half of the mechanical legs were left unable to maintain balance and fell to the ground.

"It's just a machine!"

Although there is a bit of pride in his mouth, the reincarnator team leader still touched himself in fear. It was a few wounds left by the robot. It can be said that he did his best to solve such a machine. robot.

Robots don't have to worry about their own injuries, they can be used to sacrifice their lives for injuries, and the martial arts researched by humans are all used to deal with human enemies. Robots do not have that burden at all. The slender limbs fell into the void.

And he also thought of one thing, if this robot is just an example, if this world's artificial intelligence wiki has long been brewing a rebellion and replaces the production of NS-5 robots with this kind of killing robot, then Much scarier.

As long as there are resources and energy, for a highly intelligent society that is taken over by intelligent robots, there are as many robots as they want to produce. The artificial intelligence in this world has set off a rebellion. If the army of robots controlled is not the civilian model in the movie But this kind of thing, then there is a lot of fun.

"The main **** space actually turned the plot magic into this way!"

Just as he was talking, the reincarnation team leader only felt that his breathing was suddenly not smooth, and he tried to clear his throat with a cough, but he couldn't cough it out.

Then a big head rolled down, and the headless corpse staggered forward a few steps, then knelt on the ground and slid its upper body forward.

Behind him, only half of the robot was left struggling to straighten its upper body with only the spine structure left. The front end of the remaining finger was opened, and a composite fiber line protruded from it. After the current was applied, it seemed to have life. , kept squirming in the air, just now, this thread was wrapped around the neck of the reincarnator squad leader, like the sharpest knife cut off his head.

Different from the civilian model, after obtaining the technology provided by Yue Si, Wiki has many plans for the production of combat robots, why the computer must be installed on the head, why only one computer can be installed...

For example, in this robot, in addition to the electronic brain located in the head, there are several distributed in the spine part to form a distributed parallel cluster computing system, which becomes the second brain of the robot, and the spine structure has also been strengthened.

After being blown away by the five thunder palms of the reincarnation team leader, the second brain put into work, choosing to enter a dormant state to deceive the opponent, and then deliver a fatal blow when he relaxes his vigilance.

"The battle data has been collected, the upload has started, and the upload is complete."

"The mission has been completed, and the self-destruction procedure has begun."

Any changes and development of weapons need to be carried out in actual combat. Battles like this appear one after another throughout the city. One after another NS-5 robots take off their camouflage and show their true colors as killing machines. A reincarnator launched an attack, and then collected data about the reincarnation during the battle, and uploaded it to the wiki's host through a wireless network covering the entire city.

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