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Chapter 411: See you again, Mrs. Ren

In the world of "Dragon and Babu", Yue Si's deity is the emperor of the Song Dynasty. After the return of the Dali Kingdom, Duan Zhengchun, the king of Zhennan, presented the classic "Six Meridians Excalibur" - Duan Yu's silent version - to show surrender.

Although this level of things is useless to Yue Si, but the deity still flips through it and has a good understanding of its performance route and luck method, as well as the characteristics of the sword qi it emits. The qi of this sword is the vein of the Six Veins Divine Sword.

"good taste!"

At this time, the man actually uttered a word of praise, and then danced his hands, converging into a dragon-shaped energy, and shouted: "Then try my eighteen palms for subduing the dragon to be authentic!"

After all, he slapped Yue Si with a palm, which was exactly the trick of "Kanglong has regrets".

"Kanglong has regrets" comes from "Book of Changes", which means that it has reached the extreme, there is no advance, no retreat, and it is the most powerful and powerful palm among the eighteen palms of subduing dragons, and the subtlety of this palm lies in The extremes of things will reverse, and a force of supreme softness is born from the strongest and the strongest. Only when there is softness in the rigidity, and the hardness and softness are combined, can the kung fu of this palm be practiced at home.

And looking at the palm of the reincarnation person, he has already entered the transformation realm, and he has thoroughly understood the kung fu of the eighteen palms of subduing dragons.

This palm has broken through the limitations of the world of "Dragon Babu". With one palm down, the thick pine and cypress can be directly interrupted, and the entire block of marble can be shattered. Even on a pig iron block, a palm print can be printed. The one with clear palm lines.

If it is real, not to mention the human body, even the skull of a cow will be directly smashed, and even if you are slapped with a bulletproof vest, you will spit out a mouthful of blood.

Then Yue Si took a stance, raised his hand and shot the reincarnator: "The difference between humans and animals is that humans can make and use tools. There are good things like guns, why don't you know how to use them!"

But the reincarnator released his energy and actually blocked the bullet, the bullet lost its kinetic energy and fell to the ground, and was then pinched by the reincarnator: "Just a pistol, but this is the case, all martial arts in the world are strong and unbreakable, only It won't break soon."

After all, the reincarnator threw the bullet to the ground, and continued to shoot at Yue Si with a palm.

"Why don't you guys have a long memory?"

While complaining, Yue Si raised his other hand and aimed the modified thermometer gun at the reincarnator. Sweet death quickly punched and killed the guy.

The 100% restraint on the concept of living organisms is such a bug.

Then only the sound of the "snack" machine spring and the sound of breaking through the air could be heard. The thermometer gun in Yue Si's hand was hit by a hidden weapon, he let it go, and fell to the ground.

"I hit it!"

A samsara shouted happily, that hidden weapon was fired by him. Originally, he only saw that the temperature measuring gun was so terrifying, and he shot the person to liquefy. He just tried it out, but he did not expect it to achieve miraculous results.

Then, without waiting for him to be happy for a few seconds, Han Shangda directly slammed through the wall and entered the room. He raised his palm and printed it towards the reincarnator. He slapped his palm on his head. However, there was no trauma, and he died because his tendons were broken by the force of Han Shangda's palm.

As soon as a person dies, his strength dissipates, and hidden weapons such as flying knives, flying locust stones, sleeve arrows, iron lotus seeds, iron caltrops, etc. are scattered on the ground, and this reincarnation person falls limply to the ground.

The Muzuishan side is also not weak. Yue Si's strengthening and transformation to them is not in vain. It should not be too simple to solve these reincarnations.

Almost a breath of time, all the reincarnators in this room have been eliminated. They are not the opponents of Yue Si and his party, but the strength gap is too large, and the points obtained by killing these reincarnators are pitiful. , the sum is not as high as one-fifth of the score provided by any of the previous Hanshang big traps.

This is also the mechanism formulated by the main **** space and the reincarnation space to avoid the behavior of Shilipo Sword God, who brushes the weak chicken reincarnation to make up the number.

"No, one person is missing."

Mu Zuishan suddenly said: "One person disappeared, and disappeared out of thin air during the melee."

As soon as the voice fell, all the electric lights inside and outside the house went out one by one, and all the curtains in this house "swiped", "swiped" and "swiped" all fell, strangely blocking all external light sources, and no light could come through.

The whole room was suddenly plunged into darkness where the fingers could not be seen, and a wisp of gloomy aura spread out, so that everyone... didn't have any abnormal reaction, but just thought it was funny.

Then, the electric lights in the corridor were turned on one by one from far to near, but the color of the light was wrong, not bright light, but a bleak fluorescent green, which is the classic lighting in horror movies, indicating that there will be monsters and ghosts. .

Sure enough, along with the lighting of the lights, a black object gradually moved from the other end of the corridor to the building in the direction of the room, as if teleporting. Once the light was turned on, it took a step forward until it came to the wide open door.

It was an upright coffin, covered in black paint, exuding a unique smell of ink, and a bit of fierceness.

"It's the smell of Mo Dou. I have been to the world of "Mr. Zombie" and I have seen Uncle Jiu prepare Mo Dou to treat zombies. That's the taste." Yue Si said.

According to this line of thinking, the coffin is likely to contain zombies.

Han Shangda waved his hand with invisible sword energy, and slashed above the coffin. The coffin board suddenly cracked into several pieces and fell to the ground.

In the center of the coffin stood the corpse of a man in a Qing Dynasty official uniform. His body was stiff, his skin was dark and wrinkled, his canine teeth protruded from his lips, and his fingernails were swollen, with a poisonous blue color.

"Grandpa Ren?"

Yue Si looked at this zombie, and it turned out to be "Old Master Ren". It seems that some reincarnators have also been to the world of "Mr. Zombie" and learned the technique of refining corpses to control corpses. "It has been refined into a corpse, and if it goes further, it is already a flying zombie that transcends the concept of zombies.

An ethereal bell came from out of nowhere. It was supposed to be the doorway to control zombies. During the bell, the old man zombie opened his eyes and raised his hands. He actually woke up and jumped closer to the crowd.

Before, a group of people started killing in this room, killing the potential hostile samsara. The smell of blood stimulated the ferocity of the zombies even more.

Han Shangda took out a qi and blood talisman, hit the top of the zombie's head with the air, knocked it upside down and flew out, and then the qi and blood were agitated, and the qi and blood rolled like the scorching sun, and rolled with a violent shout like thunder. , An unknown flame took the talisman as a guide, turning the zombie into a torch.

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