Villains Template

Chapter 399: It's called a tactical retreat

"At that time, I received your signal and was rushing here, but I felt the evil and dark aura in the middle. His threat is incomparable to a Marvel team. After arriving at the location, that The breath disappeared again, very cleanly, as if it had never appeared."

The reincarnator squad leader who transformed into Ultraman uses "Ultra Communication" to convey what he wants to say to his teammates, and the team members who can also transform into Ultraman are responsible for translation.

"And the place where the other party disappeared, I checked and found that it turned out to be the story line of this world, the global headquarters of the robot company USR, I think, the other party must be trying to contact the protagonist Dale Spooner, or rely on Using his ability to reach a deal with USR Chairman Lawrence Robertson - no matter what era, the US Empire is controlled by capital, and the home field advantage that Lawrence Robertson can bring is very strong."

"What the dark power is best at is to degenerate and deceive people... It's just a pity that I didn't check it carefully because I was worried about the situation on your side..."

"So, next we have to be careful of the world's counterattack. The force displayed by a civilization capable of interstellar travel cannot be underestimated."

When the captain was transformed, Yue Si immediately used high-level energy to fly away from them. The light displayed by the other party was far beyond what the alien beasts at his stage could match. Today's plan is still the best way to go.

After flying for a distance, Yue Si switched to the characters brought by "Criminal Syndicate", and after only two attempts, he obtained the ability he wanted - the character status of "Johnny Quick".

"Special Card: Crime Syndicate"

"Character Form: Johnny Quick"

"Explanation: The Flash's counterpart on Earth 3, the criminal, obtained the Speed ​​Force in an accident."

"Ability: With the help of the high-dimensional existence of 'speed force', Johnny Quick has a super speed that ignores the physical rules of the low-latitude universe, as well as the neural response ability that can adapt to this super speed, and the super speed that supports long-term high-speed running. Endurance, and all kinds of skills developed around super speed and super speed."

Golden lightning circled around Yue Si, and he instantly stepped into a high-dimensional realm. Everything around him seemed to have fallen into a static state. He stepped forward in a red battle suit, and instantly turned into a red afterimage. Crossed half the city.

This is not called counseling, but a strategic retreat based on the situation.

Now he is not the opponent of Ultraman, whether it is a frontal fight or a sneak attack from the back. Now what he needs to do is to persevere and grow stronger. From Han Shangda's mouth, Yue Si learned that team battles The world has a time limit. Within seven days, the battle must be ended, and during this period, the range that the reincarnator can move will gradually shrink, just like the poison circle and safe area in the chicken-eating game.

Yue Si avoided each other today, but will meet again in the future.

- Of course, the most important thing is to kill the reincarnators as much as possible during this period, and work hard for your future reward points.

The yellow shirt man was an exception. When his teammates showed a loss, he immediately narrowed himself and fled the battlefield, indicating that he had an accurate grasp of the timing of the battlefield.

In this way, he was provoked by Yue Si's three words and lost his mind. Instead of running away immediately, he chose to fight with Yue Si in anger, which was really unwise.

Of course, the "Yellow Shirt Man" in the comics is a personality that appeared after a generation of Ant-Man Hank Pym was schizophrenic under severe inferiority complex, and the character itself has the attribute of "mental illness"; The man in the shirt is Hank Pym's student Darren Krause. He stole Hank Pym's company and copied the Pym particle and developed the yellow shirt, but relies on the Pym particle to realize the biological body. The zooming in and zooming out are harmful to the organism itself, especially the brain part. Darren Krause personally participated in the experiment, causing his own brain damage and personality distortion.

No matter which version it is, the character of the Yellow Shirt Man is inseparable from mental illness, as is the case with the Yellow Shirt Man.

Arriving in a deserted alley, Yue Si stopped. The communicator he made received a message. It was sent by Wiki. It took over the city and found the whereabouts of the two groups of reincarnators. There is a fight going on. Judging from the destructive power they show, their combat power is not as good as Mu Zuishan's team, and they belong to the kind that was sent to the team battle world by the main **** space (reincarnation space) to make up the number of people.

Yue Si immediately set off to go. He had the ability to "Johnny Quick". In the blink of an eye, he arrived at the coordinates sent by Wiki. As soon as he stopped, there was a man with a long sword upside down. Judging by his expression, it should be running for life.

After seeing Yue Si, the man's expression changed.

It can be seen from the uniform brought by the Johnny Quickie card that Yue Si is not from this world, but a reincarnator who has strengthened the abilities of the characters in the comics.

In the world of teamfighting, unless the person who clearly signed the cooperation contract, the rest of the reincarnations are enemies. The sword, there is a sharp edge on the tip of the sword, it is obvious that the sword qi has been cultivated.

Even if it is a hasty, the timing, strength and accuracy of this sword are impeccable. Without decades of hard work and sufficient talent, it is impossible to pierce this seemingly ordinary sword. A sword.

And there is a hint of mystery in the sword qi that is swallowed by the long sword, which is obviously the sword spirit of the high martial arts world. His character is placed in the Chinese martial arts world such as "Dragon Babu", and it is enough to be respected as Kendo. God.

It's just a pity that he is in the world of teamfighting mastered by the main **** (reincarnation) space, and he is facing bulls, ghosts and snakes who have strengthened various abilities. The exaggerated expression of "the sword qi is 30,000 miles long and wide, and the sword light is cold in the nineteen continents", otherwise it will not go far.

"Smash, Varudor!"

Although he is now wearing the character ability of "Johnny Quickie", Yue Si still shouted, and then entered the Divine Speed ​​Force, and then watched the lightning-fast sword become very slow, like being attacked by The pictures captured by the high-speed camera are played frame by frame, and it is stuck like a PPT.

Although the speed force cannot have the ability to slow down the flow of time around it like the static force of the DC universe, it can make Yue Si's speed so fast that everything around him seems to be suspended by time.

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