Villains Template

Chapter 292: intelligence error

"Come, tell me your choice, whether you are willing to devote yourself to saving the world, or use other people's lives as bargaining chips in exchange for the chance to survive."

A future version of Reed Wayne asks his past self in an aggressive manner.

"I..." Reed Wayne hesitated, his everything was just beginning, his golden finger, his protagonist's life, his mutant abilities, his corrupt capitalist life.

Now tell him that if he wants to save the future of this world, he must give up everything he has, including his own life. He is reluctant to give up.

Pulling a hair and benefiting the world is not for it.

Reed Wayne flashed this sentence in his mind, and although he couldn't remember where it came from or where he saw it, he thought it made a lot of sense.

Why should I sacrifice for the world, why should I sacrifice my own for the lives of others.

"I want to live."

"Hahahaha..." The future version of Reed Wayne laughed wildly, touching the scars on his face to make him look extremely hideous, smiling, and two tears flowed from the corners of his eyes: "As expected of me, whether it is No matter which timeline, the same choice will be made!"

"In my past, there was no future me to tell what will happen in the future, and after I figured out the reason for the birth of the human disaster, I did not choose to sacrifice myself for all mankind; in order to prove that the fear of death is not mine In my heart, I went back to the present and told me everything in the past, but you still made the same choice."

"I haven't changed. It's not that I have become greedy for life and fear of death, but I have always been like this."

"You would have been a hero to save the world."

In the face of his own ridicule in the future, Reed Wayne did not refute, even if he just said that the choice he made was from his heart.

Reed Wayne, both the future and the past, sneered at himself, a man who thought he would become great in the future, but was inspired to become an astronaut because of the news of the success of the first manned spaceflight when he was a child. A greasy and incompetent street writer, after seeing what his future self has become, he feels that life has no meaning.

One thinks that he has become what he is now, because society has polished it, but looking back on the past, he finds that he was the way he was from the beginning and has never changed.

"You lied about something." Reed Wayne suddenly felt a sense of distrust of his future self.

"A lot, almost everything, deviates from what it was in my presentation, the psychic potion," said the future Reed Wayne: "The raw material for William Stryker's psychic potion is a variant. Humans, but not mutants as material, but cloned by taking their genetic samples, clones as livestock to extract raw materials - in future laws, clones will not be used unless they become self-aware. As human beings, they do not have the due rights and interests of human beings - it is very simple to manipulate their brains in the embryonic period of clones."

"Although the picture I showed the professor was very cruel and inhuman, William Stryker's actions were legal, his base was like a farm, and those mutant clones were actually just cows and laying hens. kind of existence."

Next, Reed Wayne heard the future self tell the truth of the matter one by one, although only some details were added, but the appearance of things was completely different.

Although anyone who has seen the movie knows that William Stryker is a bad guy, the William Stryker in this world is not that bad, at least from the standpoint of the majority of ordinary people, he has been Eliminating the advantages of mutants over humans has indirectly contributed to the harmonious coexistence between humans and mutants - the hostility of ordinary people to mutants is largely due to the powerful power of mutants, just like carrying a bag that cannot be checked by security. A stealth gun with unlimited firepower.

Now I have the same powerful strength as you, we are equal, just like the legal guns of the US imperialists, what William Stryker does is actually exactly the same as that group of arms dealers.

According to American imperial law, that is legal.

The reason for the ending of the enemy of mankind is that the capitalists and the top U.S. imperialists colluded to liquidate William Stryker. Of course, Reed Wayne was also credited.

However, what the future Reed Wayne said was still a lie, at least a fact that distorted part of the causal relationship. What kind of form the future will take, only he knows. In order to survive, what he is best at is Manipulating the facts, even if it was his past self, he lied without error.

His life experience taught him that only lies can keep him alive.

"Where are we going next?"

At a fork in the road, Reed Wayne asked his future self.

"Go to Magneto, I have the mature technology of the power factor converter here. He doesn't have to work hard to improve it a little bit. The sooner you get the mutant power, the more helpful it will be to get rid of William Stryker. I also have some here. The drones also have technical data for the power simulators, and your umbrella company needs to go full steam ahead."

"The more those unmanned warfare equipment is produced, the stronger our combat effectiveness will be."

"Also, I need you to help me, William Stryker has started research on psychic potions, we need to bring it down before he actually achieves anything ~ ~ said Reid Wayne To: "Isn't it easier to kill him directly? Find William Stryker's base, drop a Magneto, and that's all. "

"No, I know it's the most convenient way to do it, but now you can't do things that would cause ordinary people to panic about mutants, you haven't acquired the mutant ability, and you haven't accumulated enough power to make the world obediently negotiate with you. ” said the future Reed Wayne: “Gather your grain and hold your breath.”

I do not know the true face of Mount Lu, only because I am in this mountain.

If Yue Si knew what the future Reed Wayne said about the future, he would definitely laugh, because those "reasonable speculations based on facts" actually deviate from the facts by thousands of miles. Those intelligence analysis The personnel only analyzed him from the perspective of William Stryker, and knew nothing about the real Yue Si.

After all, their knowledge is limited to this universe.

What is the "enemy of mankind", because Yue Si knows that even if he blows up the earth, he can restore everything back to its original appearance through the "seed of destruction", so he doesn't care about the loss of mankind at all.

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