Villains Template

Chapter 290: Doomsday

"Which mutant did he use?" asked Wolverine Logan.

His Alderman alloy bone plating and lost past are all related to William Stryker. As a man who led the X-weapon project, William Stryker does not know how many genetic samples of mutants he has. .

At this time, several people have been transferred to the professor's office, and some things cannot be known by others.

"I don't know, because no one knows what William Stryker did to himself, and even the fact that he was injected with superpowers is a reasonable conjecture based on facts. Only then can we explain where his power comes from. Come—because the first time he shot the sky, in addition to the soldiers who went to arrest him, he also had his own base and all the people inside, and all the truth was buried." The future version of Reed Wayne said.

"In my day, the most popular saying is that William Stryker made a desperate attempt to inject himself into his body with a mixture of super potions from multiple mutants, those mutant genes from different mutants. Mixing in William Stryker produced unforeseen changes that gave him unimaginable power."

"Flight, the ability to lock multiple high-speed moving targets at the same time, the ability to emit plasma, the ability to release high-energy particle rays, the ability to manipulate gravity or gravity, the interference and manipulation of magnetic fields, and the absorption of energy such as light and heat."

Professor X took part of what he saw in a future version of Reed Wayne's brain and sent it to Wolverine Logan and Reed Wayne to make them feel more powerful about William Stryker. for intuitive understanding.

Reed Wayne is sluggish, is that really what the live-action mutants are capable of?

And Wolverine Logan is also silent. As someone who has experienced the outbreak of Jean Grey's Phoenix power, he has a more accurate understanding of the excessively powerful power, the terrifying power of the decomposition of all things that makes him The memory is still fresh, but the impact on the scene is less than that of William Stryker.

"William Stryker has always been hostile to mutants, and even started a war to destroy mutants, and he believed that he handed the power of mutants to humans through superpowers, allowing humans to master the fight against mutants. The power of waiting."

"However, humanity's actions of turning William Stryker into a criminal against humanity made him think that humanity betrayed him, so he took revenge on humanity, and those chaebol oligarchs who fueled the flames behind and tried to swallow the achievements of his scientific research groups became His first victims."

"In the beginning, when William Stryker was still William Stryker, although he was very powerful, he was not an invincible existence. Perhaps the power of the phoenix could solve him, or disregard the loss and attack him. Biochemical viruses or poisonous gases are placed in the area where no carbon-based organisms can be exempted from viruses or compounds."

A future version of Reed Wayne said with lingering fear: "It's a pity that we missed the best opportunity to give William Stryker a chance to grow."

"William Stryker, what did he do?" asked Wolverine Logan.

After a pause, the future version of Reed Wayne considered the words, and then expressed it in a more appropriate language:

"He ate part of the sun."

"That's what the outer space astronomical satellite observed, William Stryker, in a way that we can't understand, absorbed a part of the material belonging to the sun, absorbed a large amount of hydrogen and plasma as part of the body, according to the scientists observed According to the data obtained and the calculation of the supercomputer, William Stryker ate at least the material of a moon, and that material was stored in William Stryker's body in a way that violated the conservation of matter, and was completely unsupported by it. Bad signs, he can mobilize that part of matter and energy at will."

"The energy that William Stryker can use is very huge, which is equivalent to holding a nuclear material fusion reactor the size of the moon. The heat that the earth bears per minute is only 1/2.2 billion of the thermal radiation of the sun. Coupled with the underutilization of heat by human technology, the total amount of energy available to the entire human race cannot be compared with William Stryker as an individual."

"After that, William Stryker has absorbed the sun's matter more than once, and the total amount is so huge that it is immeasurable - for the sun whose total mass occupies 99.86% of the solar system, but Another insignificant wisp."

"At that time, even if there was a mutant gene bank voluntarily provided by mutants, with the technology that I obtained from another timeline as a supplement to the combat power, facing William Stryker, it was only a futile attempt to launch an attack. Useless attack."

"Someone wanted to surrender to William Stryker, saying that he could hand over the dominion of the earth and make it his god, and everyone was his slave, but William Stryker did not accept it and used his The ability to block the light and heat that the sun radiates to the earth, making the earth a dead zone shrouded in cold and Although it can't be the same as the professor, it can be directly from the brain of the future version of Reed Wayne Seeing that kind of scene, but in a few words, Wolverine Logan and Reed Wayne can imagine what kind of desperate scene it is.

"Humans seem to have no other choice than extinction. They can only rapidly promote the development of nuclear energy technology in desperation, and rely on the electricity and heat provided by fusion reactors to maintain human survival. Later, aerospace technology also developed rapidly, and a large number of Helium-3 is mined and transported from the Moon to Earth to supply fusion reactors."

"But that is not a long-term solution after all. Without the sun, the ecology of the earth will gradually die. The demise of human beings who are very dependent on the ecological environment is inevitable. Human beings continue to wage war against William Stryker in desperation. But the sacrifices made by the warriors in succession are meaningless, but it is the best choice for mankind - if you die in battle, you don't have to face that bleak future, and if you win by luck, mankind will Usher in a new century."

"It was really an era when one wanted to be a slave." Reed Wayne said, and then he thought of something: "Since aerospace technology is so strong, why not engage in interstellar immigration, and let the earth be given to that William. Stryker is fine, not to mention Proxima Centauri 4.22 light-years away, it’s fine to go to Mars, the ability of mutants plus technology, it is not impossible to terraform it.”

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