Villains Template

Chapter 279: Mecha is a man's romance

"On the contrary, mutants represent a trend in human evolution. With the advent of the new century, the frequency of mutants will become higher and higher. What I worry about is this."

Bolivar said: "Even the weakest mutants have a lot more physical strength than ordinary humans, and humans are obviously at a disadvantage on the road of evolution."

"The key to evolution must be in the hands of humans, not mutants. Humans cannot repeat the mistakes of Neanderthals, squeezed their living space by Homo sapiens, and finally ushered in extinction, just because there is no reproductive isolation from Homo sapiens. I left some of my genes behind."

"However, the advantage we have is that humans, because of their own weakness, know how to use tools, know how to learn and use knowledge. Although those mutants are powerful, they are like beasts, they only know how to use the abilities brought by mutant genes, not Will use technology to make its own power play a more powerful role.”

"For example, the mutant code-named Magneto, his control of the magnetic field allows him to cut the magnetic field lines at will to generate high-voltage currents to kill humans, but he only knows how to control metals..."

"The biggest difference between humans and animals is that humans learn to make and use tools to produce, and very few mutants realize this."

Bolivar is a complete mad scientist. Those scientists under William Stryker can use mutants as guinea pigs and experimental toads without changing their faces. Although mutants are not human, the group of scientists who have been described as human beings are also. Not too much.

But in terms of real madness, they can't keep up with Bolivar's back.

Those who are half a step ahead of the times are geniuses, those who are one step ahead of the times are lunatics, and those who are ten steps ahead of the times are demons who destroy the old times.

In the eyes of many people, Bolivar is a mad scientist, but they do not know that he is actually the devil who decides the direction of the next era. People's inherent cognition of this society will be completely shattered and reshaped.

Yue Si did not make any comments on Bolivar's idea, at most he went along with the other party's idea and asked the mad scientist to come up with something good.

Although his learning and comprehension ability is very strong, he can only use what he has learned reasonably, and does not exceed the scope of the knowledge he has learned—unless he draws any character card or item card.

Looking at Bolivar's meaning, it is obvious that the Sentinel robot project is no longer in line with his understanding of the development of this world. Yue Si needs the Sentinel robot to enrich his armed forces, so he put forward his opinion: "The sentinel robot's Intelligent programs designed with learning mechanisms and programmed with the human mind as a template?"

Although the famous artificial intelligence in the United States and the comics have set off an omnipotent crisis, they can't give up food because of choking.

The idea of ​​the second-generation sentry robot Bolivar has already had a case, and he has been perfecting it in his brain over the past few decades. He who had obtained a blood sample of Mystique took the opponent's X gene as a template to produce a Sentinel robots can parse, imitate, save, and share methods of mutant abilities to solve mutant problems.

As a reference, the battle robot gave Bolivar a lot of ideas, but this plan was overturned by himself.

But Bolivar refuted Yue Si with a very interesting argument: "According to my design, a sentinel robot equipped with weak artificial intelligence can be controlled by humans, a mind with a thinking beyond human learning ability, and a strong body - this is Under such circumstances, why do you think the sentinel robot will continue to obey human orders, rather than completely eliminate human existence and become the master of this planet?"

"Not every mutant can reach the level of Magneto, but they are equally pretentious, thinking that they are beyond human beings, need to enjoy superior power, and ordinary people should act as their slaves - then sentinel robots with human minds , would you have the same idea?"

In Bolivar's eyes, Yue Si was the William Stryker he knew before, and some things should be explained in a simple way.

Then Bolivar continued: "As you mentioned to me before, parse out the principle of the X gene, synthesize it artificially, package it and sell it as a one-time power, so that superpowers will no longer be the privilege of mutants. . The idea is very creative, and I decided to go in this direction, so that the mutants will lose the only way to rely on humans in their evolution."

"But the amount of data in the X gene is huge, and if it gets to the level you want, it's probably going to take ten years — so I'm going to use a new model."

Yue Si asked, "Silver Warrior Mecha?"

Bolivar said: "Yes, I can continue the idea of ​​​​the second-generation sentinel robot, make accessories, install it on the powered exoskeleton armor, in addition to the increase brought by the armor itself, the wearer can use variants Human superpowers."

"Although the existence of the wearer occupies the space of the armor, it is impossible to analyze the mutant factors of mutants in real time for simulated use like the envisaged sentinel robot, and can only use the mutant ability recorded in the database, but these are enough."

"And the main reason is that people, not intelligent systems, operate the powered exoskeleton armor."

Yue Si agrees with Bolivar's new idea, the mecha is the romance of a man.

Don't you see that he has also built several sets of power armor for himself to wear on his Although due to technology and his own ability, the performance cannot reach the theoretical value in the book.

Yue Si agreed with Bolivar's plan with both hands. As long as the scientist conducts research, no matter what direction it is going, the final result will be beneficial to him.

According to what I've seen in my previous life, in the United States or Marvel, the illegal time and space traveler who has not yet appeared must have a strong golden finger, and the combat effectiveness here can't be overstated.

However, Yue Si also has to take a degree. If the weapon created is too strong and encourages the thoughts that the US emperor should not have, it will not be very good.

Just like grabbing the credit for the European battlefield into their own arms, the US imperialists have never given up the idea of ​​global hegemony. If they have the help of super-powered exoskeletons, they will make waves in the world again.

Although Yuesi can reset the world with the Seed of Destruction, but that can only be done after the task is completed. A chaotic world is like a duck to water for illegal time travelers, and the materials that William Stryker can mobilize will be smashed. A discount, even if I have to send myself to a certain battlefield, it will not be fun.

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