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Chapter 270: "X-Men"

Although it is named "Breathe", the form shown here in Yue Si is far from that of "Breathe". It is an ultra-high-speed high-heat radioactive particle stream.

Under the restraint of Yue Si's biological force field, the particle stream was ejected from Yue Si's open mouth at a quarter of the speed of light, which is a speed that surpasses the ability of human visual observation. The process of particle stream transmission does not seem to exist. Generally, only a beam of light can be seen connecting Yue Si's mouth and the missile with the mushroom egg warhead, and then disappears instantly.

The tactical mushroom egg turned into a scorching light under the breath of the atom. It was not detonated in the correct way, and the shock wave and heat generated were far less than the equivalent of the tactical mushroom egg.

Of course, no matter how small the yield is, it is still a tactical nuclear bomb. Yue Si deployed a biological force field to block the shock wave and the earlier electromagnetic pulse for the helicopter.

There are a lot of electronic components on helicopters, and the consequences of being burned by electromagnetic pulses can be imagined.

The Seed of Destruction had been thrown into Raccoon City by Yue Si from a distance, and it was instantly integrated with this world, and the information carried in it began to reshape the world from this "story starting place".

"What are your plans next?" Yue Si looked at Alice and the others, and found that they were all stunned by their atomic breath, as if they had lost their souls.

Especially Aggie, whose mouth is so open you can see his back molars.

It was Alice who had seen the big scene before she was born and died first: "I need to announce what the Umbrella Company has done, so that the people know what the Umbrella Company has done in Raccoon City."

Dr. Charles also nodded and said: "T-virus is used to treat family genetic diseases, but it was used by the umbrella company to manufacture biological weapons, and finally caused such a result, I also have an inescapable responsibility, I will Find a way to develop a way to completely eradicate the effects of the T-virus."

In fact, Dr. Charles wants to speak more professionally, but it is estimated that almost no one can understand it, and he can only express it in a simple way.

Not to mention the two pilots of the Umbrella Company, Jill was a thief before he became a policeman, and every move carried a capable Jianghu air. Peyton was not much better than her; Aggie's skin color said everything; He could play, but his previous identity was just a security officer at the Umbrella Company's Hive Base; Carlos was just a mercenary; there was no broadcast host major in American Imperial University, and a considerable percentage of those well-known female hosts came from beauty contests.

Alice's protagonists are all rambunctious people, and there is no high IQ talent at all.

Yue Si looked at Dr. Charles and said, "That's good, but you have to speed up a bit, the T-virus has actually spread, even if the Umbrella Company's tactical mushroom egg completely wipes Raccoon City off the map, it won't work. It only eliminated part of the impact - in unknown corners, creatures such as birds and mice have left Raccoon City with the T-virus through the sky or the underground drainage network. If you don't want humans to be destroyed by the T-virus, then Hurry up!"

Alice wanted to ask Yue Si about the "living sample" that she had confirmed before, and opened her mouth according to her thinking, but she forgot what she wanted to say.

Looking at the cabin, I felt that it became empty, as if there should be a lot of people here.

Yue Si took the fighting robots back into the card, submitted the task and left this world. If he didn't leave, he would be recorded by the current world and become the native of this world.

The information carried in the Seed of Destruction reshaped the world, starting from the most basic particles. Before that, the world consciousness erased everyone's memory of Yue Si, an outsider, and the traces of the existence of Yue Si and the fighting robots. In this way, it was erased. In the memory of Alice and her party, they escaped from Raccoon City with their own hands and courage.

After Yue Si left the world of "Resident Evil", he did not return to his own world, because the tasks given by the Multiverse Authority were phased, and those worlds that existed in the catalogue were waiting for Yue Si one by one. to destroy.

With the lesson of the "Dari Tathagata" character card, Yue Si saved the reward points of this mission, sold the ZF-1 in the world of "The Fifth Element", and exchanged the reward points for the fire axe. .

"Since the system prompt says that this fire axe is a weapon for opening doors, it has a unique effect on the concept of doors..." Holding the fire axe in his hand and waving it, Yue Si divergently said: "Since the Milky Way is also a river, Then the portal and the time-space gate are also gates."

It's a pity that in the current situation, there is no portal for Yue Si to cut, to test whether the fire axe has that kind of regular effect.

And in addition to the quest rewards issued by the Multiverse Administration, the world of "Resident Evil" also gave Yue Si a good thing similar to the origin of the world. This thing is very useful whether it is used to strengthen himself or as a refining material to create a magic weapon. Useful.

"Anchor the World: The X-Men"

"Mission 1: Hunting Illegal Time Travelers"

"Mission 2: Drop the Seed of Destruction"

"Mission requirements: disguise as the "X-Men" plot world characters to kill illegal time-traversers, and after completing mission one, release the seeds of destruction."

"Mission reward: some reward WMD blueprint*1"

After entering the X-Men world, Yue Si did not directly replace him with any role. The system provided him with a very user-friendly list with many options, such as Wolverine Logan, Professor X, Magneto, etc. The characters are all on the list, and there are males and females. If Yue Si wants to be a women's boss, he can.

Of course, the mission requires that what Zhongyuesi needs to do is to disguise himself as a character in the plot world. Even if Yuesi chooses to enter "X-Men" with characters such as Mystique and Storm, but in addition to the ability to obtain the original owner, he himself Nothing will change, he is still the same as he is, but everyone will regard Yue Si as the character he is disguising, and the results of fingerprints, iris, DNA analysis and other technologies are also the same, and even the real name of magic is the original. That person, not Yue Si.

"My choice is difficult!" Looking at the dense selection of options on the list, Yue Si didn't know how to choose for a while. Although it was only a temporary disguise, after replacing it with a mutant character, he could temporarily use the other party. When he was an ordinary person in his last life, he really wanted to acquire superpowers. Now that he can experience it, he has made it difficult.

"But now it's to complete the task, and this role is better."

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