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Chapter 266: All parties calculate

After learning about the T-virus leak, Umbrella has secretly evacuated the company's top executives, and after quarantining Raccoon City, a temporary command base has been set up outside the quarantine area.

Since the spread of the T-virus is inevitable, let's just use Raccoon City as a large testing ground and conduct a test on the T-virus to obtain valuable research data.

After the infection of the T-virus has spread out of control, and 90% of the citizens have been infected and turned into zombies, Kane, the project leader and senior director of the Umbrella Company, issued an order to start a new project. actual combat test.

It was a tyrant-type biological weapon created by the "Nemesis" project - that is, a tracker.

Another bioweapon project "Alice" has been deliberately released from the laboratory and is roaming the city.

The Umbrella Company has a high degree of control over Raccoon City. Except for the real-time monitoring provided by synchronous satellites in low-Earth orbit, all networked cameras and wired wireless phones in Raccoon City are all under the control of the Umbrella Company.

Alice thought she was freed from the control of the umbrella company, but in fact her every move was under the watch of the umbrella company.

And the Umbrella Company, in order to find out the mysterious armed forces that infiltrated the hive base to steal information, happened to find that the other party and Alice were mixed together.

One is to detect which of the two different bio-enhancement projects of "Alice" and "Nemesis" is better, and the other is to eliminate the mysterious forces that steal the company's information.

After the deal was made and the goal of leaving Raccoon City was agreed, Payton and Jill's guns were returned to them.

In this raccoon city full of zombies, two small pistols are far from enough, but equipped with mysterious armed forces that can completely fight a skirmish, they are safely protected.

The group of people is mighty. If you want to leave Raccoon City, you will not be walking on two legs. The modified vehicles of the fighting robots will come in handy - Yue Si and the fighting robots will travel by relying on These cars, the sound of the modified car engine is very small, a convoy came to the door of the church, Jill and his party did not notice the movement. This is the reason.

Jill, Payton, reporter Terry, and an anonymous passer-by are stuffed into a car, and Alice is still riding her motorcycle.

In the car, the mobile phone in the handbag of female reporter Terry suddenly rang. She was ecstatic and connected, thinking that some relatives and friends were asking her about her safety. When her life was threatened, someone could express her concern. It's a good comfort.

Just beyond the expectations of the female reporter Terry, there was an unfamiliar voice on the other end of the phone, who said in an unquestionable tone: "Give the phone to Alice, or the one who can give orders in your team. "

"Who are you?" female reporter Terry asked.

"I'm Ashford, I can help you escape from Raccoon City, but first we have to make a deal." Dr. Charles Ashford reported himself and put forward his own conditions.

In the setting of the second film of "Resident Evil", the inventor of the T-virus is called Charles Ashford, and the reason for inventing the T-virus is just to treat family genetic diseases.

Dr. Charles has become paralyzed as he grows older, but his daughter is in full bloom and does not want her to follow in his own footsteps. After painstaking research, he finally developed the T-virus and matching antidote, which solved the genetic disease for his daughter, and at the same time. The Umbrella Company spy again.

In the sixth film of "Resident Evil", this character setting was given to others, and Angela's character setting was also given to Alice's clone mother Alicia.

In this world, the most intelligent nose is capital. Not long after Dr. Charles cured his daughter's illness, the umbrella company came to the door.

The Umbrella Company has only two conditions in front of Dr. Charles: either our company acquires your research results, and you join our company to lead the research and development of the project; or we use the shameless literati of the royal media to smear your research results and label you as a Evil Doctor Against Humanity, discredit you, then shoot yourself seven times in the back, and then just accept his legacy.

How can Dr. Charles choose, of course, is to join the umbrella company as a small executive.

After the outbreak of the T-virus, as an important asset of the umbrella company, Dr. Charles was taken out of the epidemic area first, but the group who went to pick up his daughter Angela had a car accident. Although Angela survived, she was Trapped in quarantine.

Dr. Charles, who remained in the temporary command base, asked the director Kane for help, but Kane just sent a team perfunctorily and no longer cares. After all, Dr. Charles is an important property of the company, and his daughter is not.

The team faced the zombies without incident, leaving only the captain Carlos alone.

Seeing that Kane was unwilling to send any more staff, Dr. Charles could only find a way to do it himself. Relying on the surveillance network deployed by the Umbrella Company on Raccoon City, he secretly contacted the female reporter.

In addition to the mysterious armed forces led by Yue Si, there was also Alice, a special virus-infected individual who not only did not mutate into a zombie or any other biochemical monster, but instead gained a powerful combat power while maintaining a human posture.

With these two waves of I will be able to save my daughter.

The female reporter knew that she could not make a decision on this matter. She was just holding her thighs, and the mobile phone was quickly handed over to Alice and Yue Si.

"The area around Raccoon City is blocked by the umbrella company with tall fortifications. You can't leave here with those cars. I can provide you with helicopters, but I have one condition." Dr. Charles said: "My My daughter is stuck at Raccoon City Middle School, and I need you to take her out with me."

Yue Si said, "Why do you think we don't have a helicopter ready to evacuate?"

Dr Charles said: "The Umbrella Company placed intensive anti-aircraft fire around Raccoon City, and all but the Umbrella Company's own helicopters were shot down if they were found."

Yue Si made a thinking gesture, and after a long time said: "Deal"

In fact, even without the phone call from Dr. Charles, Yue Si would go to Raccoon City Middle School to pick up Angela's - the configuration of the Alice protagonist group required by the mission is Alice herself, Jill, Dr. Charles' daughter Angela, and the special umbrella. Carlos, a mercenary in the U.B.C.S., and a black character.

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