Villains Template

Chapter 258: Novice Village "Resident Evil"

Just when Yue Si kept complaining, the Multiverse Authority issued another mission order to him.

The content of the mission is very simple, just destroy a few worlds.

Those worlds are penetrated like a sieve by the power of the system family and the main **** (reincarnation) space, the origin of the world has been stolen a lot, the world is on the verge of destruction, and it has to open up a parallel time and space to continue its existence. .

The form of expression is the sequel works of various dog-tailed ferrets and the remakes of various versions.

Although in essence it is just bad money.

For example, the plot and painting are not as bad as the second generation of yellow hair and the second generation of eyes.

There is more than one world in this mission. There are ten pages of countless worlds and their respective coordinates, and "Naruto" is impressively listed.

Of course, this kind of task is not only for Yue Si, a newcomer who is still in the internship period, the power system of some worlds is too high, far from being able to blend in, and other employees of the Multiverse Administration also complete it together. those tasks.

Those high-risk worlds and the worlds that someone entered have been identified. When Yue Si saw it, there was not much left for him.

After "Mr. Zombie" this time, Yue Si knew the preciousness of reward points, and he clicked into a world and began to travel.

"Anchor the World: Resident Evil Live-Action Movie"

"Mission: Destroy the current world"

"Task requirements: Protect the protagonist group from Raccoon City, complete the plot, and release the Seed of Destruction."

For this kind of novice village-level world, Yue Si is not wrong, he can walk sideways, and he can complete whatever tasks are required.

It's just that he is quite interested in the "Seed of Destruction". Literally, it is a good thing that can destroy a world.

Taking out the so-called "Seed of Destruction" from the system, Yue Si found that it was actually just a collection of information, which itself did not have much effect. Consciousness, tell the other party that it must step into destruction, restore itself to the origin of the world, and then reshape the world according to the information recorded in the "Seed of Destruction".

"Good stuff!"

Looking at the "Seed of Destruction", Yue Si came up with a whim, assuming that a strong man's information was made into something like "Seed of Destruction" and implanted into someone's body, the other party only needed to pile up matter and energy, can grow rapidly.

Then Yue Si learned from the information sent by the Multiverse Authority that it is feasible to do so. This method is not unique to the Multiverse Authority and is widely used.

A small organization that was destroyed by the Multiverse Administration not long ago used this method to mass-produce strong people. They selected from countless space-time universes, who could be called "protagonists" who were clocked by luck, to An information collection of a certain template is implanted in their bodies, and then they are given different extra golden fingers, and they are released to different worlds and let them grow, until they are strong enough to be harvested.

This kind of thing violated the rules of the Multiverse Authority. After their nest was locked, the Commissioner destroyed it in one fell swoop, and all the members of the small organization were arrested and punished.

Of course, in addition to the Multiverse Authority, the system family is the best at this set. The systems they distribute are embedded with countless such information aggregates, otherwise there are so many tricks.

Entering the world of "Resident Evil", the place where Yue Si came to is the famous Raccoon City.

However, there is no dilapidated scene after being bombed by tactical mushroom eggs, nor raging zombies, just the bustling and bustling scene of an ordinary city.

"Resident Evil" live-action movies one to six, the background settings are stabbed each other, the big boss and the culprit in each movie will change, and some characters who are obviously dead will be pulled out in the next one to whip the corpse, the only constant There are only the heroine Alice and the director's husband who specializes in heroines.

The current timeline should be around the timeline of the occurrence of "Resident Evil", and the T-virus has not yet spread or has spread and the impact has not appeared.

Yue Si suddenly thought of something when he slapped his head. Although the world of "Resident Evil" is not high-level, there is one technology that is still very advanced - the mass production of clones and the instillation of memory.

Starting from the second part, the heroine Alice has been unable to tell which is the original and which is the clone. As long as you clone a body and instill Alice's memory, a lively heroine appears again, even if the previous one's The heroine died without a doubt, and in this way, there is another one on the water.

And through the memory weaving, it can make each clone treat itself as the body, such as the big BOSS Dr. Isaacs in the sixth part, who has been doing things is just a clone, the real body Dr. Isaacs has been in Raccoon City. Hibernating in the underground base, when the clone met the main body, the clone's worldview collapsed, and the main body was stabbed to death by the collapse of reason.

This set of technology is much more sophisticated than the consciousness data body in "The Matrix". Agent Smith sneaked into the body of a human resistance army, because the conflict of thinking styles directly caused damage to the brain.

Assuming that I really got a space battleship, I want it to be able to sail normally in There must be no shortage of manpower on the spaceship. Now Yue Si only has the help of heaven in the world of "Terminator". The "Yuesi-type" robots mass-produced by the resources of the network, in the world of Warhammer, artificial intelligence or something is very dangerous.

The artificial intelligence of the Warhammer World had an omnic crisis, which completely smashed the human empire that was about to enter the brink of ascension. During this period, there were backstabs by alien races, which led to the current situation of the human empire.

The first is to prohibit anyone from researching artificial intelligence AI. All the work that can be processed by computer big data requires manpower - that is, what the matrix did to humans in "The Matrix", opening a hole in the back of the head and using humans as computing data. "Wetware Computers".

And because of the betrayal of aliens, the human empire has become extremely xenophobic, human supremacy has become the truth, any aliens are enemies, and contact with them is also a crime.

Although the space battleship has not yet been seen, Yue Si has already begun to prepare the crew, clones, biochemical people, biochemical transformation human, mechanical transformation human, robot, cyberpunk five-piece suit, I only have the robot one, now it seems that I can get together This kind of clone.

Don't you see those big bosses wave their hands, and there are countless subordinates working for him. They don't have to do everything by themselves, they are very chic.

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