Villains Template

Chapter 245: intimidate

The scale of Renjia Town is very small, not even a small county town in later generations, at most it is the size of an urban-rural fringe.

But in this era of backward productivity, Renjia Town is already amazing, and this can be confirmed by comparing the villages surrounding Renjia Town.

It was learned from the visitor that his village was called Lijiazhuang, and all the people in the village were surnamed Li.

The villagers of Lijia Village were quite surprised by the arrival of Ninth Uncle.

After all, Ninth Uncle is a wise person, and it is easy to not invite him. It is often a matter of sending someone to invite him, and it takes two days to arrive. Which of these three towns and nine towns does not know the name of Ninth Uncle, maybe something has happened. Realization invited Jiu Shu to go.

After all, things are divided into priorities, but a child develops hysteria, which is comparable to a ghostly thing.

"Master Lin."

"Hello, Master Lin!"

After seeing the ninth uncle, the villagers of Lijia Village greeted the ninth uncle very enthusiastically, and the ninth uncle also responded with a smile.

The man surnamed Li led Ninth Uncle Yue Si to the door of an ordinary family. The owner of that house was full of joy when he saw Ninth Uncle, and repeatedly cupped his hands: "Master Lin, you are here."

"My grandson has been babbling nonsense, saying that he is a person from the future, called Han Wenjing, my son and daughter-in-law can't sleep well at night, and my daughter-in-law washes her face in tears all day, lest she come out anyway."

"I don't know what's wrong. Others say that my grandson provoked a water ghost when he fell into the water. It's just that the water ghost is just looking for a substitute, how can it be a nightmare? No one dared to leave my door these days. …”

The old man surnamed Li had a bitter face, and told his ninth uncle what happened recently: "Master Lin, you must help us."

Ninth Uncle thought for a while, and saw Yue Si nodding to him again, and he agreed: "Don't worry, I will do my best, I will be able to solve this matter, but the top priority, I want to see your grandson ."

There was no need for someone to call, the child who claimed to be "Han Wenjing" ran out on his own, slipped and knelt across the distance, and then threw himself in front of Ninth Uncle, banging his head a few times: "Nine Uncle, you must accept me as your apprentice!"

Without waiting for Ninth Uncle to agree, a woman rushed out and saw that her eyes were red from crying at her age. She should be the mother of the body occupied by "Han Wenjing".

She pulled Han Wenjing up from the ground, raised her hand, slapped his **** a few times, and then said to Uncle Jiu with a crying voice, "Uncle Jiu, you must take action. Save my little Shuanzi, I hurt my body when I gave birth to him, and I can't bear any more children, this old Li family has only this one seedling, if he becomes stupid, what will I do in the future!"

"I'm not stupid, but I just awakened Su Hui." If ordinary children suffered these few times, it would be impossible not to cry, but Han Wenjing gritted his teeth and grinned, although it was very painful, But still did not cry.

Through the authority of the Multiverse Administration, Yue Si was able to confirm that this Han Wenjing was a transmigrator, so he deliberately teased him: "Su Hui, it is the statement of the group of bald donkeys, it seems that this little embolism is really being Yin spirit infiltrates the body, haunted by evil spirits, and still the soul of a bald donkey."

Ninth Uncle doesn't know why Yue Si said this, but he is also a person with a cold sense of humor. Seeing that Yue Si wanted to scare the child, he thought that he was scared and unstable from the last time, so he agreed. Then he said, "Fellow Daoist, why don't you take that evil spirit out of your body as you did last time. I'll use my connections to invite a ghost to come and bring the evil spirit into the underworld, and fry it in a frying pan."

"Great, great!" Uncle Ninth made a match, and Yue Si continued his words: "Old man, make an empty room for me, I want to do something to exorcise evil for your grandson. "

After saying that, he grabbed that Han Wenjing.

Han Wenjing was shocked when he heard what Yue Si and Ninth Uncle said, but Yue Si's grasp was not easy. He used the Tathagata to suppress the Buddha's kingdom in the palm of Sun Monkey's palm, so that he couldn't get away, and secretly used the grasping method. , grabbed several big holes on his body, making him unable to lift his strength, unable to struggle, and unable to even make a sound of screaming and begging for mercy.

Ignoring the pleading look in Han Wenjing's eyes, Yue Si showed a hideous smile.

Hearing the uncle Jiu and Yue Si sing together, the old man Li knew the seriousness of the matter, and hurriedly left his house with his son and daughter-in-law. There are so many empty rooms in a poor family, so people can only let them go.

Ninth Uncle knew that he couldn't get involved in solving the problem of Yuanshen's loss, so he took the family to the side to chat, including asking the details of Xiaoshuanzi's falling into the water and many details. Yes, as if this matter is really that serious.

In fact, it was just to restrain them and prevent them from eavesdropping because they were worried about their children. Last time Yue Si tried to scare away the primordial spirit in Qiusheng, but he almost slashed Qiusheng with a strange weapon. The family has noticed and absolutely cannot live in peace.

It's just that Ninth Uncle got it wrong, Yue Si doesn't have to use the chainsaw sword to scare people this time.

Throwing Han Wenjing on the ground, Yue Si crossed his arms and said coldly, "Tell me, how did you get through."

Han Wenjing got up, rubbed the place where he was hurt, and said, "staying up late, sudden death."

As soon as he finished speaking, a light flashed in his eyes, and he stared at Yue Si with wide eyes. A strange sound came from his throat. He wanted to say something, but he couldn't say it because of his excitement, so he could only jump on the spot.

After a long time Han Wenjing said: "So you are also a traveler."

"Hey, you're wrong about that." Yue Si looked down at Han Wenjing and said, "I'm not a traveler, but a person who hunts traveler. You meet me now, you can be regarded as a sheep entering the tiger's mouth. Increase performance for me."

Hearing this, Han Wenjing took two steps back, moved away from Yue Si, and said cautiously, "What do you want to do."

Han Wenjing's body is still a child, with small arms and calves, even if he poses, there is no threat. Yue Si sneered: "Why, don't you want to go back to your original world, you haven't worn the soul for a long time now, it is estimated that you will wear it back to the corpse. It's not cold yet, and with the help of modern medical rescue, you can still survive - if you insist on staying, there is only one way to die, and your soul will be scattered."

Hearing Yue Si's arrangement for him, Han Wenjing was stunned and asked tentatively, "I still have a chance to wear it back?"

"Why, don't you want to?"

Han Wenjing hurriedly shook his head: "Yes, of course I do, in this world, we eat brown rice, and there is not only no meat in the dishes, but also very little oil and salt, not to mention mobile phones and computers, fat house happy water, fools don't want to go back Woolen cloth."

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