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Chapter 236: unlucky traveler

Although he is not as good as Ninth Uncle in terms of Taoism cultivation, and the four-eyed Taoist is still a little childish, he is competitive, and even takes the initiative to take advantage of his apprentices, but as a master, he is also qualified.

For traversers, if they can't find the ninth uncle to apprentice, they should take the next step, and the four-eyed Taoist priest is also a good choice.

And if you want to catch the line of Uncle Jiu, the four-eyed Taoist priest is also a very good choice - just like Yue Si himself, he met the four-eyed Taoist priest on the way, and then he arrived at Renjiazhen.

"Go ahead, we're listening," Yue Si said.

The four-eyed Taoist took a sip of tea that Wen Cai brewed, and said, "At that time, I drove the corpse to a forest, and the guy slept on the side of the road. I saw that he was pitiful, so I woke him up and divided him up. Dry food and water for him."

"After that person woke up, he was shocked to see the group of bosses I brought, and then he accepted their existence without being frightened and yelling."

"Then he claimed to be a person who returned from overseas. He admired Taoism since he was a child, but he didn't see the real person Youdao, but he met a lot of liars. After losing a lot of money, he was sent to study abroad by his father in a rage. He never thought that his family would fall, his family property was stolen by a traitor, his parents were also killed by the traitor, and his studies could not continue. He sold the last bit of his ancestral property to a traitor who plotted against his family's property, relying on that little bit of money to make a home in the world."

"Where do you seem to have heard of this life experience?" Wen Cai, who was pouring tea and water, muttered.

Why didn't this make him feel familiar? Ye Liangchen, the son of Ye, had such a set of rhetoric, but in terms of treatment, Ye Liangchen was much stronger than this guy who was suspected to be a transmigrator - at least Ye Liangchen had nephrite jade and Wenxiang. , There is gold to open the way, and no matter what, it will never be reduced to the situation of sleeping on the side of the road at night.

These days, there are really wild beasts in the woods. If you sleep on the side of the road at night, you might be eaten by wolves. The four-eyed Taoist master has Taoism and martial arts in his way at night. It has the effect of shocking and deterring - if it is not possible, it can also remotely control the walking dead to fight with the beast.

"The guy said that when he was wandering around, he found out that there was an expert named Lin Jiu in Renjia Town, which aroused his long-standing desire to seek the Tao, but it was only halfway through the road. It got tangled up, and then fainted halfway."

Hearing this, a smile appeared on Yue Si's face - if this guy is really a transmigrator, he can only use the word "unlucky" to give it to him. In two or three chapters, you will be able to add golden fingers to your body immediately, and turn into a dragon when you meet the situation, but listening to the meaning of this, it is estimated that the guy has more than a day or two of bad luck.

The ninth uncle asked, "Junior brother, where is that person?"

"Dead." The four-eyed Taoist said: "I heard what he meant to come to see you, brother, so I took him on the road to Renjiazhen. Who knows that when he was on his way the night before yesterday, he was halfway there. Urgent to urinate, ran to the woods for convenience, then got bitten by a venomous snake in the vital part - then refused my offer to cut out the bite and died like that."

As he spoke, the four-eyed Taoist moved his shoulders and said, "In order to dig a hole to bury him, I wasted a lot of energy and wasted a lot of time."

After that, the four-eyed Taoist dipped in the tea and drew a hook shape on the table, and asked Yue Si for advice: "Daoist friend, although that person is poor, the clothes on his body are all good, and the material is better than my Taoist robe. It's better, it's obviously not made up if you come from a big family, but there is such a sign on his clothes."

Yue Si looked at it and confirmed that the unfortunate person was indeed a traveler, and then said: "This is the symbol on the clothes of the United States. They use people as slaves, grow cotton, and stipulate the daily workload of each slave. It is normal to be whipped at light, hanged at worst, and beheaded, and the scale rod used for weighing is the shape of this hook."

That's what he said, but Yue Si's heart burst into laughter. This transmigrator is really unlucky. Bai has suffered so much in this world, but he has not gained any benefits, and he has not even seen the face of Ninth Uncle. , and then died.

From him, Yue Si saw that the world was full of malice for the traversers.

Perhaps the world consciousness of this world is in a state of awakening, and the attitude towards outsiders like transmigrators is like how people treat harmful parasites and foreign viruses.

But after all, this era is the era of the end of the law. The monks can't cultivate great supernatural powers, and it is impossible for God to send a thunder and lightning from the sky like before, splitting the transmigrator, and then one hundred. Clean and tidy.

It can only be to constantly lower his luck, make the transmigrator unlucky, and then die on seemingly trivial things.

This time, the four-eyed Taoist priest only stayed for a day and midnight, and then drove the walking corpse on the road.

In the early morning of the next day, Aunt Zhang, the former tooth man, came to Yizhuang to knock on the door again.

Although the last time Master Ye Ye Liangchen and his two foreign wives and concubines suddenly disappeared overnight, Aunt Zhang's errand money is not lacking. This time she came to represent the well-known financial director of the town, Master Ren. Nine uncle's.

"Master Ren asked me to invite you to the foreign tea house in the town for tea. By the way, how did you think about the thing he asked you to do last time?"

The last time Master Ren asked Uncle Ninth to look at Feng Shui for Ye I took the time to inquire about moving the grave for Master Ren for his father, Uncle Ninth shied away on the grounds of "reconsider". , I didn't expect that this time Master Ren came to the door again.

Although Master Ren is only a rich man, he still has some fame in the town. Uncle Ninth had no choice but to agree: "Tell Master Ren and I will go right away."

After sending Aunt Zhang, the ninth uncle called Wen Cai and asked him to change into the new clothes he wore before going out for tea, and went to see Master Ren together to discuss the matter of moving the grave.

Qiusheng was tired from practicing martial arts the day before yesterday. Although he had laid a good foundation for practicing martial arts with him before, he did not hurt the foundation.

And Yue Si is his fellow Daoist, plus he looks young, and taking him with him, he will easily be mistaken by others as his new apprentice or something. It's easy to hate Yue Si.

Then the final choice is only Wencai.

"Fellow Daoist, do you know what foreign tea is?" The biggest source of fear for human beings is the unknown, and the same is true for Ninth Uncle. He is a little frightened about foreign tea that he has never even heard of, lest he do something wrong. lost face.

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