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Chapter 234: chance

After returning to the guest room, the soul of the traveler kept begging for mercy from Yue Si: "Boss, don't send me to the world of Warhammer, I'd rather lose my soul."

Yue Si laughed: "Actually, the world of Warhammer 40K is not as bad as you think. Only conflicts can bring drama. GW is just a chess pawn. It understands Warhammer 40K. War, but evenly spread across the entire empire’s territory, is not so conspicuous, and some people spend their lives indifferently, and even don’t know what the empire is, not to mention the big event of alien or chaotic invasion.”

"However, given the particularity of you as a traveler, it is estimated that in the Warhammer world, you may become the Chaos God's Choice and obtain the blessings of the Four Gods. Khorne gives you strength, Slaanesh inspires your spirit, and Nurgle strengthens your vitality. , Tzeentch gives you sharp thinking and powerful magic, and a group of Chaos believers worship you."

After playing a meme that only Hammers understand, Yue Si used the authority of the Multiverse Authority to open the portal and sent Qin Chulin's soul back to his original world.

But Qin Chulin didn't know it, he thought that he was really sent to the world of Warhammer 40k by Yue Si, and then cried like a **** whose little toe hit the corner.

When Qin Chulin woke up from his sleep crying, the first thing he felt was a sense of suffocation, and then a severe headache, which took him a long time before he could barely move.

When he touched the mobile phone on the head of his bed, and after trying to see the familiar interior decoration, his fearful heart settled down because of the previous experience. arrive.

"It turned out to be just a dream!"

Fortunately it was just a dream.

The encounter in the dream is very bizarre, but it can be called a nightmare. I lost everything that belonged to me and became another person, or a character in the movie. The fate after that is destined to deal with monsters and monsters for a lifetime. Who is this? bear it.

The most terrifying thing is that it took less than half a day to travel through the past to meet a super boss. The other party saw through your identity as a traveler, and then cut you in half with a chainsaw. Although you didn't die, it was because you played a trick. And to send you to the world of Warhammer.

Fortunately, all this is a dream, and it is false. After the dream ends, the place where I wake up is my home, not a hive world in the human empire.

Because the negotiation became a big deal, the manager specially granted him a day's paid vacation. Qin Chulin could sleep until he woke up naturally, and he didn't have to rush to work with the headache caused by the hangover.

As for the attendance at HR, the manager will help him handle it.

This is the preferential treatment after signing a big order. For those who are engaged in sales, they are heroes based on their achievements. The sales champion is angry with the manager and confronts the manager. The manager must also accompany a smile. better.

When Qin Chulin felt a little better, he got up from the bed and prepared to drink something to nourish his stomach, such as hot milk.

But as a salesman, he runs around all day and eats outside. In addition to drinks, there are snacks and fruits in the refrigerator at home.

Although there are small restaurants and supermarkets downstairs, but in Qin Chulin's current state, let him go downstairs, it is better to kill him directly.

In desperation, Qin Chulin could only use the kettle to boil some hot water. While waiting for the water to boil, he couldn't help but continue to recall the scene in his dream.

Although many scenes have been blurred, he still remembers the boxing and foot art he practiced in place of Qiu Sheng. As he recalled, Qin Chulin tried to restore his dream while moving his hands and feet. He practiced the boxing skills, and was surprised to find that he actually hit a complete set of boxing skills.

It was only after graduation that he entered the society. Qin Chulin has always been exercising. His muscles, bones and muscles are not suitable for strenuous exercise.


Qin Chulin didn't know what to do about what happened to him, was it a dream or an adventure?

After arranging Qiusheng, Ninth Uncle found Yue Si.

"Fellow Daoist..." Uncle Ninth was devoted to the Tao, studied diligently on weekdays, and was quite proficient in supernatural things, and he could get answers to everything from him.

But what happened today was beyond his comprehension. Primordial spirit seized the house and revived the soul by borrowing the corpse. This was not recorded in the classics handed down by his master, but Yue Si saw at a glance that his apprentice Qiusheng was wrong, and he simply A neat approach solved the problem.

The ignorant self almost killed his apprentice, which made Jiu Shu suddenly feel his lack of cultivation and knowledge, so he came to Yue Si in the name of communication between his colleagues and asked Yue Si for some relevant knowledge.

If Yue Si asks for anything, as long as it does not involve the secret arts of the sect, Jiu Shu swears that he knows everything and says everything.

And Yue Si is not stingy with the knowledge he has mastered. The achievements he can achieve are already determined. The cultivation techniques and various scientific and technological knowledge he masters are just a ladder for him to advance to that realm, not something to settle down. Capital, Jiu Shu is willing to ask for advice, of course he is willing to talk about it.

However, what Yue Si is talking about does not involve practice and magic. He has the dual power of the system and the Multiverse Authority. He can use the power of different power systems regardless of the rules of the world, but some things are not the Just like he can rely on the character card of "Dirada" to perform ninjutsu, but he can't teach ninjutsu to other people, because there are not as many 130 trillion cells in the human body in this world, and there is no chakra in the whole world. the basis of existence.

Therefore, what Yue Si communicated with Jiu Shu was the most basic Dao and principle, and the understanding of the world when using "Dari Tathagata", but this opened Jiu Shu's horizons and paved the way for the improvement of Dao and Dharma.

When Wen Cai got up sleepily, he was going to sneak into the kitchen to see if there was any leftovers from the morning, so let's put some food on his stomach. Although he had a great time eating a lot of fish and meat last night, it's not good to miss one meal.

No matter what you do, you can't eat anything, you are talking about a person like him. If it wasn't for Jiu Shu Xinshan who kept him as his apprentice, unless he was born into a wealthy family as a young master, he would starve to death if he did anything.

When he passed by the door of the guest room, he heard what his master and Yue Si were saying there, and when he turned his ears, it was something mysterious and mysterious.

But Wen Cai was not interested in these things. It was not as important as a bowl of porridge. After listening to a few words, he went straight to the kitchen, not knowing what a chance he had missed.

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