Villains Template

Chapter 228: T-virus

After hearing Aunt Zhang's complaint, Uncle Ninth asked, "Aunt Zhang, are Young Master Ye and Master Ren still waiting?"

Aunt Zhang just came back to her senses, remembering that she still had a task at hand, so she reported the address, and after the ninth uncle promised that she would be there soon, she hurriedly returned to the letter, although she had no idea about that "Young Master Ye". Jia, but don't delay her earning each other's money, this trip is not in vain.

After closing the door, Uncle Ninth walked up to Yue Si thoughtfully and said, "Fellow Daoist, you are right, although there are no good seeds for Taoism in the nearby three towns and eight towns, the talented and beautiful jade will definitely be able to. Appeared in a nearby town, not a day ago, and within less than a day, such a person appeared."

But Yue Si shook his head and said, "After listening to Aunt Zhang's words, I'm not sure if that Young Master Ye is the person I'm looking for."

Ninth Uncle asked, "Could it be that the sect of the Taoist sect prohibits marriage and marriage, and one must maintain the body of a boy when entering the Tao?"

Yue Si continued to shake his head: "No, I don't have so many requirements here, but I'm not sure what kind of temperament that Young Master Ye is. If I accept a villain to get started, then..."

Uncle Jiu understood Yue Si's concerns. His two apprentices were just mischievous, and they were not wicked people. They had already caused him a headache. , with a perverse temperament, bringing him into the Dao was a disaster.

It should be noted that the country is easy to change, but the nature is difficult to change.

A small evil person may become a great evil after gaining power.

Yue Si's worries are normal in Ninth Uncle's view. After all, it is the future of a sect and a line of inheritance, so he must be cautious. When his master passed down the true method, he tested him for a long time. To save others by himself, Yue Si This prudence is nothing.

Ninth Uncle thought for a while and said, "Since that's the case, I'm going to see Young Master Ye later, and then try that person's character for fellow Daoist."

Yue Si said, "Thank you so much, fellow Daoist... I have something here, which is a common thing, but a special person will definitely feel it when he sees it, so he can verify whether Young Master Ye is the person I am looking for."

After all, Yue Si took out one thing from the "American Emperor" card. It was a glass tube with metal wrapped at both ends, and there were two double-spiral thin tubes. The thin tubes were filled with light blue liquid. - Exactly the T-virus in "Resident Evil".

Of course, what Yue Si took out would definitely not be that kind of dangerous thing. He had never been to the world of "Resident Evil", nor had he drawn any relevant props. What appeared in his hand was just an ordinary thing— The parts used on the fancy water-cooled computer host, the light blue liquid is just water-cooling liquid.

Although it is an imitation product, its appearance is quite bluffing. If that Young Master Ye is really a transmigrator, seeing this thing will definitely show something strange in his expression. Yue Si can also confirm his identity, and then wait for the opportunity to take action and deprive him of it. Its ability (system), expel it back to the opponent's original world.

The mission requirement is for Yue Si to expel the traveler, but he did not say that there is only one traveler. Apart from this Young Master Ye, there may be other travelers. "Young Master", but it will surely disturb other potential transmigrators, which is not beautiful.

After taking over the water-cooling tube, the products produced by technology beyond the times are quite exquisite. Although Yue Si said that it was an ordinary thing, Jiu Shu also regarded it as a precious treasure, holding it with both hands, lest something would be broken.

Yue Si instructed: "Ninth uncle, after you see that Young Master Ye, put this thing in a conspicuous place and try to let him see it. If he asks you how this thing came from, you can say yes. Picked up on the roadside, he has to take it and look at it, you must not let him touch it."

The traveler may have passed the world of "Resident Evil", strengthened himself with the T-virus, and bluffed the opponent from a distance with a water-cooled device. Young Master Ye may be fooled. can be easily identified.

Ninth Uncle nodded solemnly, then looked at the two apprentices, and said, "Wencai, go and change your clothes. You can accompany me to see Master Ren and that Young Master Ye in a while. Qiusheng, you stay to guard Yizhuang."

Hearing his master's instructions, Wen Cai smiled, and Qiu Sheng lowered his head.

If you invite a Feng Shui master to look at Feng Shui, it will be delicious, delicious, and entertaining, as well as red envelopes. When a writer was a construction worker to build a villa for a certain boss, the owner of Party A, who believed in Feng Shui, invited a lame leg. , The feng shui master who was blind in one eye came to see, and then the "master" made things difficult for the construction team, and even boasted that the position of the foundation was wrong, and something was rushed, and it needed to be blasted and re-made, and finally it was clipped. The 500 yuan in the cigarette case was spent—although the money had nothing to do with their apprentices, they could still have a meal with their master.

Although I was very happy to eat big fish and meat at noon, I didn't need to spend money for a meal, so I had to take advantage of it.

With the face of the ninth uncle, it is reasonable to bring an apprentice, a dignified master, a famous person in three villages and eight towns, how can I do without someone who runs errands around me.

But taking both of the apprentices here is equivalent to taking advantage of it, and it's impossible to justify it in terms of face.

At this time, whoever follows, is equivalent to taking advantage of this, and those who stay will miss it in vain.

After a while, Ninth Uncle and Wencai changed into new clothes that people would wear when they went out to meet people. Everyone had a satchel on their bodies and went out with their heads held high.

But when walking, Uncle Jiu pressed his hand on the shoulder bag, as if he was protecting something - the water-cooling part in the shape of a T-virus tube was packed in the bag. Uncle Jiu was afraid that he would move a little bigger and break the thing. .

Watching his master and younger brother go Qiusheng closed the door and was about to find a place to go fishing, but Yue Si said to him: "Qiusheng, your master has done me such a big favor, I have a set of boxing professors here with you, which can be regarded as my thank you."

"How can that be, senior, I have a master to worship." Qiu Sheng said evasively.

Yue Si said with a smile, "It's okay, I'm just teaching you a set of boxing techniques, and I'm not asking you to worship me as a teacher. You don't need to care about so many opinions."

When Qiu Sheng heard this, he felt that what he said made sense, and then he learned a set of strange boxing techniques under the guidance of Yue Si.

"Senior, your punches are so weird, it's not the same way as what my master taught me."

After learning, Qiu Sheng asked in confusion.

Yue Si said: "This set of boxing is actually used in conjunction with the blade. If you only practice the boxing without the coordination of the blade, of course it will not go well."

After that, Yue Si took out the chainsaw sword and said, "This is my unique weapon!"

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