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Chapter 226: foreign stuff

In the early morning of the next day, when the sky was just dawning, Uncle Ninth got up to wash his face, worship incense, do morning classes, clean the courtyard, and practice Qigong with luck.

Some of these things should be done by apprentices, but Ninth Uncle did it himself, looking extremely diligent.

Yue Si does not need sleep now, or the time span of his life cycle has reached an unimaginable level. Just like the ancient giant toon tree described in "Zhuangzi·Xiaoyaoyou", eight thousand years old is the spring, and eight thousand years old is the spring. Chitose is autumn.

I can stay awake for years and months, and it takes years to sleep once, so I wake up early.

"Those two incompetent materials are still playing chess with Duke Zhou in a dream, how can they get up."

When Yue Si asked about Wen Cai and Qiu Sheng, Jiu Shu said so angrily, but there was a love of fist in his words.

In the middle of the night last night, the four-eyed priest knocked on the door. Wen Cai and Qiu Sheng were busy cooking fire and cooking, and they cleaned up a room for Yue Si to come out. It was a little hard work. Then he indulged his two apprentices to be lazy. The cane was drawn up long ago, and they were called up to do those chores.

Yue Si, on the other hand, saw clearly that luck training or something is only a way to enhance martial arts cultivation in Jiu Shu's practice. What really increases and stabilizes the fundamental mana is the seemingly tedious and useless behaviors such as revering incense, chanting scriptures, and cleaning. .

"You ask this, when I went up the mountain to learn Taoism, I was whipped by my master for a year before I developed the habit of doing this after getting up early. In our Maoshan practice, it is part of our daily routine."

After hearing Jiu Shu's answer, Yue Si greatly admired the Maoshan Patriarch who invented this way of practice. Cultivation is not a practice, but a part of daily life. Act, you can increase the mana.

Otherwise, even if you learn Maoshan Taoism and don't obey the precepts, the progress of your cultivation will be very slow or even backward.

For example, Mao Shanming in "Mr. Linghuan" did not abide by the precepts of Maoshan. He raised ghosts and hunted ghosts to defraud them of money.

When the master beats the apprentices with a stick and asks them to get up early to practice exercises and do morning classes, the purpose is to cultivate their habits and let them overcome the inertia of human beings. Although it sounds nonsense, it is precisely the first step in cultivation.

Ninth Uncle may not know the reason for doing this, but he taught his disciple how his master taught him.

On the other hand, on the Tathagata side, even Yue Si, a fake in a shell, still pours golden lotuses into the sky when he preaches the scriptures, blows Dharma conch, Dharma drum, big light boxing, and if Yue Si wishes, there is still a lion. Roar, word, scene.

Compared with the true story of Maoshan, there is no need to say which is higher or lower - of course, there is absolutely no suspicion of stepping on it, it is definitely a matter of fact.

When it was almost time for dinner, Qiu Sheng and Wen Cai still had four eyes and the Taoist priest slowly got up and took a shower. Of course, the cooking was still a matter for the two apprentices, but Yue Si said, "Don't be so troublesome, I'll give you a meal. Let everyone have a taste of the breakfast of foreigners."

Hearing this, the group came to the dining hall with great anticipation.

With a wave of Yue Si's hand, the long empty table was filled with oatmeal, milk, juice, coffee, toast, jam, fried eggs and bacon.

With Master's permission, Wen Cai and Qiu Sheng were able to eat at the table.

Wen Cai was full of curiosity, couldn't wait to take a sip of coffee, and then his facial features were pulled together by the bitterness in an instant. He wanted to spit it out, but the master and senior were in front, so doing that was undoubtedly rude. He frowned and swallowed, then pushed the coffee cup aside: "This foreign game is as bitter as medicine soup."

"It's called coffee, it's not like that." Yue Si said, "First of all, you have to take a sip of it, get used to its bitter taste, and then add sugar and milk to it according to your own taste to dissolve it. bitter..."

Although there are many twists and turns in the middle, such as the four-eyed Taoist priest digging out the oatmeal with a spoon and chewing dry oatmeal, and the ninth uncle trying to start with the jam, everyone was very happy to eat this meal - at a time when foreign culture followed the development of foreigners It is a great thing to have a relationship with these foreign things, just like the richest man in town, Mr. Ren, followed the trend and opened a foreign tea house (a coffee shop that combines Chinese and Western), so this breakfast must be made even if it is not delicious. Make it look delicious.

After eating, the four-eyed Taoist priest who came out at night continued to make up for sleep. When the sky darkened, he would continue to catch the corpse on the road.

On the other hand, Uncle Ninth urged the two apprentices to start practicing, but it was just some fistfighting, which was used to strengthen the body.

At this time, it can be seen that Wen Cai and Qiu Sheng, the apprentices of the ninth uncles, have different levels.

Qiusheng is a natural seed of Taoism. He is fast in Taoism and martial arts, but he is unsteady and unwilling to work hard. If he punches a few times, he will show signs of laziness. Tiao looked at it, and he estimated that he would really go fishing.

Literary talent is not good, and he is clumsy in doing things. He can screw up some ordinary things. Practice boxing and swordsmanship is twice the result with half the effort. After ten times of practice, the effect is not as strong as Qiu Sheng's practice. And it's easy to learn well and hard to learn badly, fists and feet spells are ineffective, but Qiu Sheng's tricks and tricks are just like learning. Seeing that his senior brother is showing signs of being he also slackens, and his fists and feet are not good. At a glance.

It wasn't until Uncle Ninth snorted coldly that the two apprentices cheered up and continued to practice.

"My fellow Daoist laughed, my two apprentices are incompetent. I have been with me for several years, but I still haven't held back my temperament." With Yue Si, an outsider on the side, Ninth Uncle's tone was full of dissatisfaction with his apprentice. meaning.

Just like parents always like to show off their children's achievements, because it is a way to show their abilities, teach a good apprentice, and the ninth uncle also has face when going out, but the two disciples themselves are not successful.

Wencai's parents died early, and the ninth uncle accepted him as his apprentice when he saw that he was pitiful. He took him with him to avoid starvation. After he learned a skill, he could find a way out later; If it wasn't for him to supervise it, I'm afraid that Kung Fu would not be able to practice at the level it is today.

Yue Si said: "Everyone has their own aspirations, and fellow Daoists have the heart to seek the Tao. You can form a habit without the master's excessive supervision. The dispositions of your two apprentices are not entirely here, and laxity is inevitable."

"But there are gains and losses. Fellow Daoist, you have achieved something in Taoism, and you must have given up a lot of things in other aspects."

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