Villains Template

Chapter 200: Eating dog meat is a European tradition

"They, shouldn't kill people so badly, right?" Steve said uncertainly.

"Heh-they are at this age, when they are energetic and immature and lawless, they contradict them, and they really dare to kill you." Yue Si took the beer into Steve's hands and said: " The Angles are born bandits and pirates with the blood of crime in their bodies, don't get them wrong."

Looking at the bear boy, Yue Si said regretfully, "Oh, it would be nice if the dog wasn't frightened and attacked us instead."

Hearing what Yue Si said, Steve and Jenny looked strange.

Because normal people would never have such thoughts - who would want to be attacked?

"Don't look at me like that, don't you see the shotgun in my hand? Once the dog has the intention to attack, I can kill it immediately, and then I can enjoy the prey we hunt." He replaced the bullet for the shotgun and said, "Although you may not believe it, in order to write a novel, I have also studied cooking, and there are many ways to deal with dog meat - you like French cuisine, or oriental cooking methods."

When he said these words, Yue Si had no intention of hiding his intentions at all, his voice was loud enough to ensure that the bear child over there could hear him, and he made no secret of casting a greedy look at the dog named Bonnie.

The Rottweiler felt Yue Si's targeted killing intent, and hid behind his master with his tail tucked, and let out a whimper of fear. The bear child had to bend down and hug his dog, constantly rubbing his dog's body. neck to soothe it.

The "white left" people have always advocated that dogs are good friends of human beings, and eating dog meat is barbaric. In the past, the channels for human beings to ingest protein were very scarce, and many times they could not even eat enough to eat. Meat is good enough. How can there be so much poverty.

Their self-proclaimed civilized behavior is like the French covering their heads with a white cloth when they eat roasted bunting.

Because the bunting is a kind of bird, no matter how fat it is, it will not be as big as a slap, and it will be a tiny bit big when it sheds its hair, and it can be eaten in one bite.

In order to hide their greedy faces when they devoured other lives, they came up with the practice of covering their heads with white cloths, as if to disguise their savage nature.

"We don't have this hobby." For Yue Si's suggestion, Jenny respectfully thanked him.

Steve kindly reminded: "Assuming you actually cook the dog, don't worry about it being blocked by the security guards - those guys are crazy and more terrible than the dog."

Yue Si patted the shotgun in his hand again: "Hey, do you think the body of the activists can stop the bullets of the shotgun, if they come to the door, I will put the muzzle of the gun on the head of the leader, The dog's life and his life can only be chosen, how will he choose?"

"If he chooses the life of a dog, I will shoot him in the head with a single shot, fulfilling his idea that the life of a dog is higher than that of a human being; if he chooses his own life, then the idea he has been insisting on is false. His accomplices will tear up this traitor alive."

"If you kill someone, you won't be able to escape the punishment of the law." Before he knew it, the topic had been skewed by Yue Si.

Because the nearby beach was polluted by dog ​​poo, Steve and Jenny had to take their belongings and walked around the beach of Eden Lake for dozens of meters, avoiding the group of bear children.

After being disturbed like this, the two were not in the mood to enjoy the sun and the beach, so they had to play a shooting game with Yue Si—there was no Frisbee for shooting, and the cold beer brought by Yue Si became the target.

After shooting all the beers, Steve and Jenny are pretty good with their marksmanship - already know how to reload, know how to aim before pulling the trigger, and not close their eyes in fear.

The sound of gunfire overwhelmed the noisy music of the bear children, and the Rottweiler was no longer as fierce as it was before, spinning around restlessly in the same place, and it did not dare to leave without the master's order.

Their interest was swept away, and the bear children pushed their bicycles and led the dog and left cursing, but they kept their voices low and dared not let Yue Si hear a word.

In the development process of history, there are not a few instances of barbarism defeating civilization. For example, the successor of the Roman Empire with black hair and black pupils is blond and blue-eyed who is regarded as a slave race. Steve and Jenny are a pair of people from the civilized world. Coming to the savage world dominated by the bear children, it is sure to end in a tragic end.

But when civilization develops to a certain level, barbarism can no longer reach civilization. The shotgun in Yue Si's hand is a product of civilization. Faced with shotguns, the bear children can only choose to avoid them.

They are bears and bears, but they are not stupid. If a couple of Yuesi get in a hurry and shoot at themselves no one can stand it.

Eden Lake was finally cleaned up, and Yue Si also stepped aside according to the situation, leaving space for Steve and Jenny, while he sat on the side and took out his pencil and drawing board to draw.

He didn't learn to draw, but his strong muscle control allowed him to draw what came into his mind very well.

Although he glanced at the scenery near Lake Eden, what he drew was a portrait of a person, a burly figure in a suit, a hockey mask, and a chainsaw wielding a chain saw. It was a crystal mixed with many elements. Image of Lake Junior Jason.

After another period of time, it was getting late, and Steve proposed to invite Yue Si to eat something. Although it was bread and sausages that had already been made, it was warmed up after the bonfire was raised, but the thank you gift he could get was also good. That's all.

He left those things in the car, and now he has to go to get them, along with the tents for camping at night.

"You can still draw?" asked Jenny, who was wearing a sunscreen coat.

Yue Si smiled and handed Jason's drawing to her: "This is the cover of my new book... I'm a part-time illustrator, I can make more money, and because I'm a character conceived by myself, I don't have to draw for the style and details of the illustration. It's a headache to communicate with the illustrator."

"This is really..." After thinking about it for a long time, Jenny couldn't think of an accurate word to describe Yue Si's drawing. This figure gave her the idea of ​​'this is a hodgepodge'. At this moment, from the woods There was Steve's roar.

"Steve." Jenny changed her expression when she heard the words, returned the painting to Yue Si, got up and ran in the direction where she stopped when she came.

Yue Si picked up the gun and rushed out - this plot is wrong!

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