Chapter 98

Chapter 98 found a way to approach Gu Yan, continue with the little maid!

Gu Yan’s words fell, none of the elites and dignitaries present spoke out.

Everyone is smart.

Just now, I have seen Su Qingyue and the others with their own eyes when they were discussing Gu Yan.

In this regard, Gu Gongzi must leave this job to his own woman.

What are they participating in?

“I come!

“And I.”

Su Qingyue and Ye Liuli said almost in unison, and both walked to the sides of Gu Yan and stood still.

Seeing this, Gu Yan said lightly: “There is still one short.”

Tiandong and Zhao Chuning looked at each other, and they all saw a trace of hostility and scrutiny in each other’s eyes.

It was as if he was looking at whether the other party wanted to take a step ahead and stand beside Gu Yan.

These two women are not stupid.

They can see it and hear it, Gu Yan means that he wants to compete with each other. To put it bluntly, it is to compete for favor!

If you put it before, even a few hours ago.

Although Tiandong and Zhao Chuning have Gu Yan in their hearts, it is impossible for them to fight for favor.

but now.…

It’s different!

The two of them have different personalities, but one thing is very similar.

Respect the strong!

Gu Yan’s excellence and strength have now far surpassed the imagination of the two women. This grand event in the Capital Tower of the Demon Center has smashed their previous views and concepts in their hearts!

Is there any woman who doesn’t love heroes?

Gu Yan said everything to them, and they did it all, even exceeding the standard!

This man with a mysterious aura, unfathomable and gentle as a jade, can any woman refuse?

Whether it is Tiandong and Zhao Chuning.

“Nine-Eight-Three” now has a right attitude and faces their true inner thoughts. They want to get close to Gu Yan, understand Gu Yan, and even sublimate this relationship!

“Mr. Tian, ​​there is still one short, so I won’t bother you about this matter, let’s not tell you, the power under my own hands is much stronger than the magic blue fashion, and my self-made is also different from yours, you If you don’t believe it, you can ask Young Master Gu, or

Speaking of which.

With a slight smile in his beautiful eyes, Zhao Chuning glanced at the Li Family Patriarch, Li De, standing beside Gu Yan, nodding and bowing like a bodyguard.

Her words did not go on.


The Li Family and the Yang Family are destroyed, and Zhao Chuning at this moment feels a relief from the heart!

The ease and vitality that has never been before, like a big rock sinking in my heart, is finally moved away at this time!

And Zhao Chuning understands that all of this is because of Gu Yan!

Without Gu Yan, no matter how hard you work, no matter how hard you work, you will never be able to do what you are today!

After all, the gap between myself and Gu Yan is too big!

The excellence of this man is far beyond my imagination!

Tian Dong smiled beautifully when he heard that, “Miss Zhao, if you are not convinced, we can fight-fight in private, but this time, I am bound to win.”

Although she is smiling, her tone is full of strength and neatness.

The bit by bit between myself and Gu Yan in the past is coming to my heart at this moment.

Tian Dong found out that what he had been doing all along was a bit too “absolute”!

I can’t let go, too restrained!

It’s no wonder that Gu Yan has always been unsalty and not indifferent to himself. The problem is not with Gu Yan, but with himself!now!

Tiandong wants to get close to Gu Yan from the bottom of her heart, so why does she continue to pretend to be like this?

However, at this time…

“You guys fight slowly.”

Gu Yan’s indifferent tone echoed in the hall.

He moved his gaze away from Tiandong and Zhao Chuning, and looked at the elites. “The matter of joining the club will be done tonight. The rules of the club and the system of rewards and punishments will be sent to your private number tonight.

“Let’s go away.”

After speaking, Gu Yan stood up, gestured for Su Qingyue and Ye Liuli, and then walked in the opposite direction without looking back.

Ye Liuli first stepped forward and hugged the puppet cat named “Jiuyue”, and followed Gu Yan.

She is side by side with Su Qingyue.

The two women didn’t know why, they all looked back at the direction of Tiandong and Su Qingyue at this time, and there was a feeling of rejoicing in their hearts.

There is still a trace of panic!


Fortunately, I handed everything over to Gu Yan early.

The two of them just think about it. When Gu Yan is clearly right in front of them, but there is no proper identity and reason to approach him, the two women feel a little frightened and afraid.

This is the emotion.

Let them go, and get closer to Gu Yan.

Li De left.

The elite elites followed Li De and left here, paying membership fees, signing contracts, and so on.

For a time, only Tiandong and Zhao Chuning were left in the huge room.

They looked at the direction Gu Yan was leaving, and the picture of Su Qingyue and Ye Liuli closely following Gu Yan just now, lingering in their minds for a long time!


They admit that they are really envious now!

If that is myself…

How great it should be!

At this time, both Zhao Chuning and Tian Dong felt a deep regret.

Is it still installed?

Do you want to continue like this, just for your own ridiculous reserve?

Gu Yan has no shortage of women!

Su Qingyue and Ye Liuli were no worse than them, plus Gu Yan’s current authority and strength, as well as his conditions.

It is not too easy to find women who are better than them!

At this moment!

Tiandong and Zhao Chuning are thinking about how they should approach Gu Yan, not only does it seem not embarrassing, but also makes Gu Yan not annoying.

They are looking for a way.

But suddenly, a thought came to mind!


When thinking of these two words, a light flush flashed across the pretty faces of the two women, but it quickly dissipated.

Compared with the disgust they had before, they now even feel a little grateful for these two words!

They are all smart and capable women. After facing their true self, they will not hesitate anymore.

You know, they still “owe” Gu Yan half a day of maid time.

And through a short afternoon, Gu Yan didn’t like the maid thing, but he definitely didn’t hate it.

It happened to be able to take this opportunity to get close to Gu Yan!

“Mr. Tian, ​​I will go back first.”

Zhao Chuning thought about this matter, and without the idea of ​​staying here, he turned around and left.

Tiandong looked at the back of Zhao Chuning leaving, and smiled.When the latter’s figure disappeared completely, she lifted her long legs and left from another direction!

The two women left in different directions.

But their current goals are surprisingly consistent!

Go home, wait for Gu Yan!

Magic Center Building, the top floor rest area, a side bedroom.

Lin Qiu with a blue nose and a swollen face, panting heavily, leaning against the corner of the wall, his eyes flashed with anger and resentment from time to time, his hands behind his back, ten fingers kept beckoning.

But no matter what he counts.

In the past, Bailing’s fortune-telling methods were tried, but at this time, nothing was counted!



At this moment, the door of the bedroom was opened, and a few bodyguards in black came in, threw a person into the bedroom as if throwing garbage, and then closed the door.

At the same time, a pungent bloody smell permeated instantly!

The man fell on the floor, and the blood immediately stained the smooth mirror tiles.

He raised his head and looked at Lin Qiu with a lifeless, pale face, “Help me, help me!”

Lin Qiu was shocked when he saw this face.

So much so that he got a layer of goose bumps on his back!

Dragon King?!

Lin Qiu was like a bolt from the blue sky, desperate instantly!

When he was just tied in by Gu Yan, Lin Qiu was not really panicked, because he knew in his heart that there was a dragon king who was behind him as a backer!

Even the content he just calculated, is when he can leave here!

Lin Qiu thinks that he must be able to live!

But now, the scene that happened before my eyes completely shattered Lin Qiu’s imagination with bloody reality!

The Dragon King has hit the knife!

And Lin Qiu could see now that the dragon king envoy’s aura became weaker and weaker, and he lost too much blood, almost dying!

“Me, how can I save you?! Didn’t you say that you can help me get out of here?!”

Lin Qiu wanted to chant, but he didn’t dare to make a loud voice, so he could only lower his voice, almost gritted his teeth.

Mobile phone “in my pocket, take it out to me, or you will die!”

The Dragon King was so weak that he couldn’t say the whole thing now, only a general meaning.

Lin Qiu also took a deep breath, took out the mobile phone from Dragon King’s ambassador’s pocket, and handed it to him.

He is not stupid, he understands that the only hope of surviving now lies in the dragon king’s emissary.

The Dragon King took his mobile phone and unlocked it.

Suddenly, he was dumbfounded.

The densely packed text messages above were all sent by those big figures in the imperial capital.

In addition, these big figures had personally agreed to themselves a few hours ago, depending on the face of the Dragon King, to persuade Gu Yan, or threaten…

But these short messages now seem to have changed a tone.

“Emissary, the Dragon King is certainly my good friend, but I just received information. It is Gu Gongzi who disturbed the Devil Capital, and his affairs about the club. IMHO, this is really attractive to me. Say sorry to the Dragon King for me.”

“I would rather offend the Dragon King than Gu Yan, the demon capital, messenger, I have already apologized to Master Gu in my personal name. As for the Dragon King, please do it!”

“The messenger… Gu Yan’s affairs are a bit difficult. I contacted many people, not only the bigwigs in the business world, but they all said that if something goes wrong with Gu Yan now, I don’t know how many people will be implicated! So these people will die Gu Yan! Tell the Dragon King, or just forget it.

“Messenger, forget it, even the Dragon King can’t offend the current Gu Yan…

Each text message, like a sharp knife, pierced into the heart of the Dragon King!


The current Gu Yan has grown to an extremely exaggerated point.He is no longer a simple capitalist, but a person intertwined with the interest network of many giant-level figures!

And Gu Yan is the one who controls this interest network!

He is the center of everything, the most important thing!Those who dare to offend Gu Yan now are either desperate or want money.

In other words, if you dare to fight against Gu Yan, you have to be prepared to give up your lifeline!

Whether it is wealth, power, or even life!

Jingle Bell!

At this moment, the Dragon King’s phone rang, which made him reappear hope in his pupils that had almost lost their color!

Connect instantly!

“Master?! Master, please help me!”

The Dragon King yelled into the phone.

“What happened? The person who stirred up the Devil Capital is actually Gu Yan? How can this be possible!!”

Man Tiandi’s voice rang on the phone, and his tone was full of incredible and deep shock!

He doesn’t believe it!

Gu Yan can actually do this. In his heart, no one in the younger generation of the Kowloon country can compare with himself!

But now, Gu Yan is not only younger than him, but in just half a month, he has grown from a small rich second generation to a giant in the top society, the real controller!

Questioning, jealous, angry!

When he just received an apology letter from the powerful and powerful in the imperial capital, he could be said to be angry!

Can they reject themselves for the sake of Gu Yan, offend themselves?

It seems that the world has forgotten the reputation of the Dragon King!

The male lion has slept for so long that all cats and dogs now dare to be disrespectful to himself!

Under the first anger of the sky, he directly decided to return to the country tomorrow night, and the emperor would return!

For the sake of his beloved Yafei, for his father-in-law and mother-in-law, and to give a 3.4 breath!

The powerful are afraid of Gu Yan…

He is not afraid of being full of plans!

He has the Dragon King Palace, has countless connections, and has countless bigwigs behind him. As long as he is willing to come forward, these people will definitely help him deal with Gu Yan!

Everything is under control!

Gu Yan, you will also know how miserable you will end up when you offend yourself!

“What’s wrong with you? Gu Yan shot at you?!” Xiao Tiance then asked.

Because he can now hear the weakness in the dragon king’s voice!


However, at this time, the door to the side lying was pushed open.

A tall, handsome and extraordinary man in a Zegna custom suit walked in.

At the corner of his mouth, there was always a slight smile, and he held a goblet in his right hand, savouring it comfortably.

Gu Yan!

Seeing Gu Yan, the bedroom fell into a deadly silence for a while.The Dragon King and Lin Qiu were both stunned in place, and a deep sense of fear rose in their hearts, so that they were just as stunned. !

Gu Yan closed the door unhurriedly and walked towards the Dragon King.

In his left hand, I don’t know when, a silenced pistol appeared…

“Gu Yan, you.


When Gu Yan passed by the Dragon King, he pulled the trigger calmly and ended the latter’s life.

Afterwards, he leaned down, picked up the Dragon King’s cell phone, listened to Xiao Tiance’s roar over there, and walked to Lin Qiu, who was pale.

Gu Yan squatted down, handed the phone to Lin Qiu, and chuckled.

The gentle and magnetic voice made Lin Qiu feel like falling into an ice cellar at this moment.

“He seems to be looking for the Dragon King.

“You tell him that the Dragon King is now…

“Can you still answer the phone?”

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