Chapter 88

Chapter 88: Zhao Chuning’s huge surprise, has he taken the bait?

Gu Yan clicked on the text message.

“Gu Gongzi, when I was shopping with my sister Liuli today, I accidentally found someone who is very special. He seems to be very rich!”

“In a sense, his wealth is embodied in any aspect, including cash, real estate, luxury cars, equity, etc., the most important point is that the source of these things is completely legal and there is no basis to follow!”

“And this person has no relationship background, even an orphan who is still in college.”

“Gu Gongzi, are you excited about such a treasure house?”

“If you’re heart-stricken, go back to the magic capital, let’s talk about the conditions.

“By the way, the magic capital has been in chaos recently. I feel weird about the matter of Yang Chen not dead, the confrontation between the two hidden families, and the boiling of the magic capital.”

“Come back Gu Gongzi, sister Liuli misses you.”

At the end of the message, there is a photo.

It was a pink letter paper, with a lovely font on it, and a small composition with thousands of words written eloquently, basically expressing my longing for Gu Yan.

Written by Ye Liuli.

She also recorded what she was doing every day, whether she was obedient, and how many times she thought about Gu Yan.

Saw Zhao Chuning’s text message.

And Ye Liuli’s stationery.

Gu Yan smiled inexplicably. In fact, from a certain perspective, the expressions of the two letters are different, but the meanings of the two letters are similar.

Gu Yan also read Ye Liuli’s letter to herself.

But what interests him more is what Zhao Chuning said.


A wealthy college student?

No father and no mother, alone, but very rich, and the source of the property is legal, there is no way to verify?

Gu Yan felt as if he had caught something.

However, it was at the next moment.

The system prompt sounds!

“Nine-eight-three” [! The host triggers the plot and meets Bai Ji, the son of God’s heroic luck!]


This reminder of the system is not enough to surprise Gu Yan, but the next series of reminders!

[Ding! Bai is in a negative state of fear, anger, and hunger (6 items expanded), rewards 10,000 villains!][Ding! Bai Ji has suffered a certain degree of trauma, the protagonist’s aura is reduced by 20%, and 15,000 villain points are awarded!][Ding! Bai Ji is helpless and powerless about the status quo, and gradually begins to break away from the blessings of luck!]


You know, the son of luck has just been triggered, and the Gu Yan people are still in Jiangcheng, not in the magic capital at all, and they have not dealt with this so-called son of gods and luck!

The system rewards Gu Yan based on the current status of the Child of Qi Luck.

Moreover, Gu Yan must directly or indirectly act, or someone who has a certain relationship with Gu Yan, will cause the status of the child of Qi Luck to decline, and the system will reward Gu Yan!

In other words…

Gu Yan didn’t make a move, someone made a move!

Still someone related to him!

Thinking of this, Gu Yan once again looked at the text message Zhao Chuning had sent to himself.

Not this woman…

Who can it be?

Zhao Chuning really gave himself a big surprise!

As soon as the son of luck appeared, it was over!

She shot directly and solved a lucky child for herself!

But now I look back at this text message again.

Zhao Chuning didn’t mention a word about the status of Alum, only that when she was shopping with Ye Liuli, when she met Alum, there was nothing to follow.

This woman has something to hide from herself!

Zhao Chuning never does meaningless things. It seems that she wants to get something from herself through self-research!

Thinking of this, Gu Yan smiled in his heart.

If he said, he was still thinking about how to let Zhao Chuning also help him deal with the son of luck and speed up her psychological preparation process.Now, there is a way!

Not only did she help Gu Yan get rid of a child of luck, she also jumped into Gu Yan’s trap by herself.

Zhao Chuning bit the hook by himself and took the initiative to send it to the door…


At this time, Su Qingyue was shy and sounded a little urging coquettishly. She simply got her head into the quilt this time.

Gu Yan didn’t speak, but put the phone up and turned off the light.

In the darkness, Gu Yan walked towards Su Qingyue, and an interesting look flashed through his deep eyes.

Son of God’s Fortune?

Zhao Chuning’s active bite?


The next day.

Gu Yan took Su Qingyue and Fanchuan back to the magic capital first after receiving the snow.

Tiandong followed closely behind.

As for Mu Xuehan

Gu Yan’s men told him that Mu Xuehan had also bought a flight ticket for Fei Mo City the next day.

Gu Yan only needs to wait quietly. As long as Mu Xuehan arrives in the magic capital, his control plan for the Li family can be launched.

Tiandong went back to the company directly.

Fanchuan Louxue is personally protecting Gu Yan.

The chronic poison on her body is now completely cured. In a good mood, coupled with Fen Chuan Louxue’s curiosity about Gu Yan, she actually sent out a request, wanting Gu Yan to take her around in the magic city.

Su Qingyue did not follow.

It’s not that she is tired, and it’s not that she doesn’t want to.

But she has more important things to do!

She has now established a relationship with Gu Yan, but Su Qingyue understands Gu Yan’s excellence and also understands that Gu Yan has a lot of things to do every day.

She was not sensible enough before.

Now, how can you embarrass Gu Yan again?

So, she returned home, first had a showdown with her parents, she and Gu Yan had already established a relationship, and then made a request.

Abolish the marriage contract!

But she and Gu Yan will still get along, and the Su family can no longer hold a retiring banquet and leak this matter out!

What Su Qingyue wants is a free, free love!

The relationship between myself and Gu Yan is the business of the two of them, without any restraints and restrictions.

Su Qingyue is actually ready to have a big fight with her family.


As soon as Su De and Su Mu heard that Su Qingyue had already had a relationship with Gu Yan.

What two families have a good relationship? What marriage contract?

They dare to make such a request!

Because of Gu Yan, the Gu Group is now completely crushing their Su Group!

If Su De and Su Mu are stubborn again, and insist on insisting, if they lose the friendship of the Gu Group, I am afraid they will have to regret it!

Su Qingyue and Gu Yan can fall in love, Su De and Su Mu are about to die of happiness, so dare you to ask for something else?

The marriage contract is a trifle.

Here it ends.

But not only this, there is one more thing that has swept the entire upper-class society of the magic capital!

Gu Xiashan, CEO of the Gu Group, personally signed the transfer agreement and transferred 100% of the Gu Group’s shareholding rights to Gu Yan!

After so long of operation.

The original cooperation project between the capitals and the Gu Group has already yielded fruitful results.

The market value of the Gu Group has also reached a full 300 billion, ranking one of the five major groups in the magic capital!

At the most glorious and peak time, Gu Wanshan chose to retire with his wife and handed over the group to Gu Yan.

Even this matter, the upper class had long anticipated it.

But when Gu Yan really inherited the Gu Group, the news broke!

But not enough!

After Gu Yan inherited the Gu Group, the next operation shocked countless people, dumbfounded, and surprised countless people!

He successively injected capital into the group again.

The combined value of bonds, equity, cash, and real estate is more than 100 billion!

At the same time, Dongying’s top consortium Qiancaohui also signed an equity transfer agreement and completely merged into the Gu Group!

Burst! Burst! Burst!

Gu Yan burst! Gu’s group burst!

The power and market value of the group are now not only close to the hermit family, but also because the Gu Group is involved in all walks of life and cooperates with any capital, and its influence at home and abroad is also increasing!

Gu Yan’s worth and influence have skyrocketed at a terrifying rate!

Sitting on a hundred billion capital empire, the youngest successful entrepreneur in Kowloon, has been rated as an annual man of the era by countless financial weekly magazines, and has been rated as a miracle role!

Even the world-famous Time Magazine has Gu Yan’s name on its front page today!

Countless auras, countless glory, all shrouded this mysterious young man who was only twenty years old.

Countless dignitaries at home and abroad are eager to follow!

Countless first-line stars, even the national goddess, dream of when they can meet Gu Yan!

Admired by thousands!

Beautiful scenery!

This well-behaved, gentle, noble and elegant man has become a role model for countless people for a while, the goal pursued by countless people!

The prince charming in the fairy tale, the hero in the dream!

It is also the controller, a capital giant with a capital empire of hundreds of billions, and a super tycoon!

Gu’s Group CEO, Gu Yan!!

The summer night in the magic city is a bit cool.

Outer suburbs.

Next to a Rolls-Royce car, Gu Yan leaned on the door, looking calmly overlooking this prosperous Shiliyang City.

And across from him.

Fanchuan received the snow and stood there, looking at Gu Yan motionlessly, her beautiful eyes a little lost.

She went shopping with Gu Yan today and changed her clothes for herself.

She wore a very high-class burgundy thin coat with a white shirt inside. A transparent diamond lay on the collarbone, glowing brightly under the neon light.

Fanchuan Louxue is now like a highly anticipated female celebrity, beautiful and noble and gorgeous.

But her lazy temperament and unpretentious attitude have an indescribable affinity.

Who can think of it.

This stunning beauty is actually an ace killer who kills people without blinking?


Fanchuan Louxue has been building herself, she has no real self, and her childhood experience has changed her.

She will show herself what the other person wants to see in front of different people.

but now.…

Fanchuan Yingxue really can’t do it again.

She was stunned.

Looking at the man standing in front of her, Fanchuan Louxue’s breathing has inadvertently weakened, and her aura is completely downwind!

It’s too exaggerated, it’s too scary!

Her attitude towards Gu Yan was originally pure cooperation. Gu Yan gave the money and she contributed.

But to this day, Fanchuan Louxue’s attitude has changed!

Every news and every action of Gu Yan shocked her from the bottom of her heart!

He is the master.

The real controller.

The only person in charge of the pink lips Yingxue has ever seen!

Now she is willing to do things under Gu Yan from the bottom of her heart.

Not only because Gu Yan is strong, it can help her future.

It’s even more because of this man’s fatal personality charm!

Fanchuan Louxue is really attracted to it!

She began to understand Tiandong and Su Qingyue!Such a man…

Which woman will not be tempted?

Being indifferent is fake, it’s impossible at all!

“Miss Ying Xue, why don’t you look at my lips this time?”

Gu Yan smiled faintly, then looked at his watch.

He has made an appointment with Yang Chen to meet in the outskirts of the magic city.

His mood today is very plain, without a trace of fluctuation.

All of this is Gu Yan’s game of chess. They are all things that have been anticipated. It’s just that I have gained a little result now, which is nothing.

Gu Yan knows.

In Kowloon, there are countless people and countless hidden forces. As long as they show up, they can have a reputation that is not different from their own.

But they are not willing.

This does not mean that these people do not exist!

To use the simplest analogy, such as the Imperial Capital Dragon King, and even the sons of luck in other highest difficulty sequences, are listed here.

Gu Yan’s pattern is definitely not the current interest.

Only when he merges the two hidden families and holds the capital of countless elites in the magic capital, he can truly step into the top society and become the real controller!

Only then!

No matter who Gu Yan faces, he can keep the wind down and gain the advantage!

So he didn’t waste any time.

During the day, the 50 billion profit brought by the Zhao Chuning Conference and the 50 billion that deceived the Yang family at that time were laundered through Yang Xuming’s hands and injected into the Gu Group.

Then the Qiancaohui will be completely closed.


Gu Yan directly contacted Yang Chen and asked him to come to the outer suburbs to talk about the matter.

Close the hidden family!

Gu Yan handles affairs, every minute and every second, without procrastination!

3.4 Fanchuan Yingxue heard Gu Yan talk about it.

I can’t help but think of what happened that night…

The roots of her ears were reddish, she stomped her feet, and glared at Gu Yan. “Gu Yan, have you always been so unreasonable to girls?”


Gu Yan looked at Fenchuan Yingxue suspiciously, and looked at her up and down, “Anyone can be a girl, you can’t.

The surface of Fanchuanlou’s snow is still full of anger.

But in her beautiful eyes, there was a sly smile.

Then, she walked forward, stood in front of Gu Yan, lowered her head, and said in a soft and aggrieved voice: “Gu Yan, O’Neill, why am I not like a girl?”

“Oni sauce is wronged, and I will ignore you again!”

Gu Yan sighed helplessly.

He didn’t speak, but suddenly made a move, swept over Fenchuan Yingxue, and lifted her chin.

Looking at the pretty face in front of him that was still pitiful, the naked eye became panicked.

Gu Yan smiled and repeated what happened in the car that day.

ten minutes later.

Fenchuan Louxue is like a frightened little rabbit, jumping aside like escaping, staring at Gu Yan fiercely, panting heavily.

No temper!

No temper at all!


“One more word, the one you just called.” Gu Yan calmly looked at Fenchuan Yingxue.

Make it clear.

Fanchuanlou’s hateful eyes disappeared instantly, and at the same time he stepped back subconsciously, for fear that Gu Yan would do something to her again.

And he was very reluctant, just like being pointed at by a gun, sounding like mosquitoes and flies, “Ouni sauce.”

Gu Yan couldn’t help laughing.

At this time, a Bentley Mulsanne drove from a distance.

Yang Chen is here.

Gu Yan didn’t continue teasing Fanchuan Yingxue, but beckoned to her, “Come here.”

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