Chapter 77

Chapter 77: Spray, the big show is about to be staged

Chen Long’s face stiffened, his fists clenched involuntarily.

My beloved woman is a grandson who opens her mouth and shuts her mouth. It is another man. What kind of feeling is this?

But he did not express his emotions too intensely.

Because there must be a result today!

Thinking about this in his mind, Chen Long continued to take the materials from the Chinese herbal medicine cabinet and put them all on the table.

He smiled to Mu Xuehan and said, “Master, it’s not that I didn’t do it. I have just been busy with Mr. Fujita’s entrustment. According to the agreed time, the delivery will be possible tomorrow.”

“The medical book is the most important thing, isn’t it, Master?”

Mu Xuehan did not deny Chen Long’s words, but she still added, “But the matter of Mr. Gu is also very important, and Mr. Honest person?”

She was telling the truth.

In her mind, Gu Yan’s commission is equally important now.

Not only because Gu Yan is powerful and powerful, if Chen Long is obedient, he might be able to get Gu Yan’s help.

Another part of the reason is Mu Xuehan’s admiration for Gu Yan.

She will never forget the little bit of her and Gu Yan yesterday.

This powerful, yet approachable, gentle, elegant, and well-mannered man really made Mu Xuehan unforgettable.

She subconsciously wanted to approach Gu Yan, both for Chen Long and for herself.

When Chen Long heard the words, the corners of his mouth twitched, but he still showed a smile that he thought was very handsome, and handed the white pill he was holding in his right hand to Mu Xuehan.

“Master, let’s not talk about this. This is the beauty pill I made specially for you last night. After eating it, it can help the metabolism of the subcutaneous tissue and avoid many skin problems.”


This time.

Mu Xuehan looked at Chen Long’s eyes, her beautiful eyes slowly widened, and in an incredible tone, she said in a dream, “Chen Long, do you really like me? To be honest.

Hearing Mu Xuehan suddenly talking about this, Chen Long was a little surprised.

For ten years, he had actually been hiding his love for Mu Xuehan, not wanting her to find out, just to wait for the time to be sufficient, and then take action and win in one fell swoop.

Mu Xuehan had never asked this before.

All thanks to Chen Long’s decent camouflage.

But since entering Jiangcheng, Chen Long admitted that at some point, he couldn’t keep calm at all.

He had also given medicine to Mu Xuehan before, but they were all in the name of mentor and apprentice.

But now that so many things have happened, Chen Long will deliver medicine again at this point in time, saying that Mu Xuehan doesn’t doubt it, and it’s impossible to see something.


Chen Long didn’t want to continue pretending too!

“Yes, I admit that I like Master, Master, have we been together for ten years, am I not good to you? Are you just treating me like an apprentice from the beginning to the end?”

Chen Long stared at Mu Xuehan’s beautiful eyes, his heartbeat accelerated and he was extremely nervous!

He was afraid of seeing any disappointment and disgust in it.

However, what he feared most still happened.

Mu Xuehan shook his head, took a step back subconsciously, and said in disbelief: “Chen Long, I can’t believe it, you actually like me.”

“We are masters and apprentices! How can it be possible between you and me if you have worshipped masters and apprentices together!”

“So you think so…


Mu Xuehan directly stretched out his hand and retrieved something.

What she took was not the white pill that Chen Long handed over, but the white paper commissioned by Gu Yan!

She got it!

I understand now!

If it is said that Mu Xuehan reprimanded Chen Long yesterday and forced Chen Long to let him do things for Gu Yan, because in her opinion, Chen Long’s edges and corners have not been smoothed, and he is jealous of Gu Yan and does not look good on others.

That’s why Mu Xuehan forced Chen Long, and didn’t want Chen Long to suffer in society because of his arrogance!

But it’s different now!

Chen Long likes himself. The reason why he doesn’t serve Gu Yan is because he is jealous!

The nature of this matter has changed from this moment.

It is no longer a simple master teaching the apprentice, I hope that the apprentice will not be too arrogant, but the time to make a choice!

Mu Xuehan is not that kind of woman.

She would not force him to let him do things for Gu Yan even if she knew that Chen Long liked her.What she has to do is not to let Chen Long continue to do this, and do it herself!

Then she will approach Gu Yan through her own ability according to her wish!

The nature of this matter has changed!

“You don’t need to worry about Mr. Gu’s affairs from today. You will be in charge of Mr. Fujita’s affairs.”

Mu Xuehan’s tone was cold, “Chen Long, it is impossible between you and me, don’t think about it!”

“Wait for Master Gu to come, you don’t need to come out anymore, I won’t force you! After you have completed Mr. Fujita’s entrustment, please get the medical book by yourself and go to the magic city, and I will go back to the mountain by myself.”


Mu Xuehan turned around and left without looking back.

Now that she knows that Chen Long likes herself, it is not a simple mentorship.

Then how can she ask Chen Long for a little bit more benefit?

Not anymore!

There was silence in the study.

Only Chen Long stood there blankly, with endless regret gradually rising in his expression.


He yelled at one end of the table fiercely.

He knew it!

I know that if the time is not ripe, if you show your true thoughts, this will be the end!

That is the estrangement between Mu Xuehan and herself!

But he didn’t want to. After yesterday, and Mu Xuehan just mentioned Gu Yan again, he really didn’t restrain it!

Chen Long became more and more angry, but he still did not give up hope.


This matter can be saved!

That is to let Gu Yan completely get out!

As long as Gu Yan disappears, I still have a chance!

It’s so special to blame Gu Yan!

Chen Long blamed all of this on Gu Yan’s head, and a trace of anger flashed through his black eyes.

He gripped the bag of yellow powder with his right hand and pushed out the door!

The villa hall.

Gu Yan was sitting on the sofa with two black bodyguards standing behind him.

Mu Xuehan was sitting in front of Gu Yan, her pretty face flushed, as if she didn’t have the rigidity of facing Chen Long just now.

“Prince Gu, I’m sorry. There have been some situations with the things you asked, and my apprentice can’t do it for you.”

Mu Xuehan said apologetically, “I will do it. Although my medical skills are not as good as my apprentice, I can guarantee that the quality of the finished product will not differ much.”

Gu Yan heard Mu Xuehan say this.

I felt a little funny in my heart.

Chen Long can’t help it?

It seems that before they arrived, Chen Long and Mu Xuehan said something…

“It’s okay, Miss Mu, then I will work hard for you.” Gu Yan smiled softly, looking indifferent.

“No hard work, no hard work, Master Gu,” Mu Xuehan waved his hand quickly, and then said awkwardly: “Then I’ll go cooking first. I’ll still make yesterday’s mushroom soup and match it with some Chinese food, okay? ”

Gu Yan nodded.

Then, Mu Xuehan hurriedly went into the back kitchen and went to cook.

Watching her leaving behind.

Although Gu Yan sighed, Mu Xuehan fell so quickly, but it was no surprise.

With my current conditions, dealing with a woman like Mu Xuehan can be done in a few words, it’s that simple.

At the same time, this also shows that Mu Xuehan still has a lot of room for improvement.

Can only be kept in the future and then slowly cultivated.

Afterwards, Gu Yan gestured to the bodyguard to the bedroom in the corner of the hall.

The two bodyguards immediately understood and stepped forward.

The moment the bodyguard walked to the door.

The bedroom door was opened, and then Chen Long walked out!

His face is very ugly.

One, because it was discovered by Gu Yan.

Second, because he just saw Mu Xue wrapped in front of Gu Yan!

Compare it with Mu Xuehan’s attitude towards herself.

It’s just a big difference!

Chen Long really couldn’t help it, and walked directly in the direction of Gu Yan.

However, he was quickly stopped by two bodyguards.

“Get out of the way, I’ll ask you Gu Gongzi to have something to do.” Chen Long said in a deep voice.

“Gu Gongzi can’t be found by anyone.”

The two bodyguards said lightly, standing in front of Chen Long without giving way.

Chen Long took a deep breath and said with a smile: “I will give you three more seconds to get out of the way. I will only say this one time in the end.”

“Excuse me, what do you want me to do?”

Just the next moment.

A magnetic and calm voice sounded.

The two bodyguards who stood in front of Chen Long stepped aside so that Chen Long could see Gu Yan sitting on the sofa clearly.

It was a pair of calm and indifferent eyes, extremely deep.

I don’t know why.

There was no emotion in Gu Yan’s eyes.

But Chen Long’s back oozes a thin layer of cold sweat, his hands and feet are numb, and an unprecedented sense of crisis rises in his heart!

“Gu Gongzi, I have nothing else to do with you.”

Chen Long said, even his tone was weak at this moment, “Leaving Mu Xuehan, I can give you what you want.”

“Don’t you want me to help you make some prescriptions and pill? As long as you can promise me, I will give you double!

Gu Yan ignored Chen Long and withdrew his eyes.

He looked at Chen Long, not worried that his bodyguard would be beaten by Chen Long.

Gu Yan killed Ye Tian through his own calculations, and his luck and villain aura gradually became stronger.

A child of luck at the level of Chen Long, in front of Gu Yan, can’t turn a bit of wind and waves.

Gu Yan didn’t want his bodyguard to do anything to Chen Long.

The role of this tool man and his has not been played out.

In this fight, Gu Yan also feels noisy.

However, the systematic reminder in his mind made Gu Yan look at Chen Long more, especially his left pocket.

Smiled in my heart.

………For flowers…

It seems that today I can drive Chen Long into madness without much effort…

“Haha, good, very good.

Chen Long was ignored, did not say anything, just nodded with a sneer, and then walked towards the bedroom.

That being the case.

Then there is no need for him to save face for Gu Yan.

Forty minutes later.

Mu Xuehan brought a plate of delicacies to Gu Yan, and then sat opposite Gu Yan.

First, she wiped the sweat from her forehead with a tissue, and then smiled at Gu Yan and said, “Gu Gongzi, have you been waiting for a long time?”

“Taste it quickly.”

Gu Yan didn’t move his chopsticks.

He does things and likes to do things one by one. It is obviously not time to eat now.

But wait for Chen Long!

Sure enough, within a few minutes, Chen Long walked out of the bedroom inside, carrying an unopened bottle of red wine in his hand.

Mu Xuehan glanced at Chen Long and said nothing.

The knowing smile on the latter’s face didn’t seem to be a mess.

As long as Chen Long doesn’t make trouble, it’s okay to have a meal.

“Master, Gu Gongzi, I admit that I was a bit reckless in my words before, and I am not sensible anymore.”

As Chen Long said, he pulled out the cork of the red wine, took Gu Yan’s goblet directly, and poured some into it.

“Gu Gongzi, this is the wine Mr. Fujita gave when I came to Jiangcheng with Master. I have not been willing to drink it.”

“Today, I will use it to express my apologies to you. It is mine.

With that said, he sat directly next to Mu Xuehan, only poured some rice wine into his and Mu Xuehan’s cups, and then raised the cups.”This bottle of red wine is for you, so my master and I won’t drink it.


Chen Long ostensibly and ran.

But there were bursts of sneers inside.

He has carefully adjusted the dosage of the herbal medicine. After Gu Yan drank the red wine, he would not have an on-the-spot attack. The effect of the medicine would only show up after ten minutes.

And the effect of the medicine is getting stronger and stronger!

No one would doubt his body, and Mu Xuehan would definitely think that this was because Young Master Gu had eaten his stomach.

Then I find another chance, approach him in the name of helping Gu Yan see a doctor, and then threaten him!

Even if it continues to poison!

no matter what!

Gu Yan must leave Mu Xuehan!

“you drink.

However, when Chen Long was thinking about it, Gu Yan spit out two words faintly.

“Gu Gongzi, what are you talking about? This red wine is specially prepared for you.” Chen Long showed a very puzzled look.

In fact, I was shocked!

He has investigated, Gu Yan likes to drink red wine very much, and he did have a conflict with Gu Yan’s bodyguard just now, and the apology is also reasonable!

And this was in Mu Xuehan’s face.

Gu Yan has no reason not to drink!

Even if he doesn’t drink…what does he let himself drink?

Did he find out?


He opened the red wine in front of Gu Yan, and the powder was given by him using his flexible technique.

Chen Long’s attainments in acupuncture and acupuncture are top-notch!

Unknowingly, the next powder is just too simple for him, and it is impossible to be discovered by anyone!

“I said you drink.”

Gu Yan’s tone is still flat, “I won’t say it for the third time.”

Words fall.

The two bodyguards behind Gu Yan stood directly behind Chen Long, and outside the windows of the villa and in front of the door, there were other bodyguards in black, looking coldly at the villa.

Mu Xuehan was a little at a loss. She didn’t know what happened, and she couldn’t see anything from Gu Yan’s calm expression.

She can only look at Chen Long.

For a while, the air was silent!

Chen Long took a deep breath, looked left and right, and smiled stiffly, “Okay, then I’ll drink.”

After speaking, he picked up the goblet, drank the red wine, spread his hands, and said innocently, “Gu Gongzi, do you still doubt that I will poison you?”

“I drank it. It’s okay. You can also take a sip. This is a high-end red wine from Mr. Fujita.

Gu Yan ignored him and didn’t let the bodyguard leave. Instead, he picked up his chopsticks and started eating.

Mu Xuehan also took the initiative to talk to Gu Yan to ease the tension.

Only Chen Long!

In the black eyes, a stern sharp flashed.


Fortunately, he prepared the powder in advance, and it did not take effect on the spot. He only needs to wait to return to the bedroom and take the antidote.

It’s just that he is not reconciled!

And this time I was almost found out, it seems I will have to use more ruthless methods next time!

Gu Yan, you forced me!

Thinking of this, Chen Long hurriedly started eating, he had to return to the bedroom in a decent way!

Fifteen minutes later.


Chen Long stood up with his mobile phone with a hurried expression on his face.

Gu Yan also gave an interesting smile when he saw this.


The clown’s performance is about to begin.

The big show is about to be staged!

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