Chapter 64

Chapter 64 Young Master, does my new pajamas look good?

Even Zhao Chuning had to admit.

Gu Yan is really the most handsome man she has ever seen.

Even if she has no sense of appearance, but if she is a man who has mysterious charm and admires herself, but also has a handsome appearance.

This is undoubtedly a plus.

Reach out.

With a pat on Gu Yan’s shoulder, Zhao Chuning’s gentle tone became a bit irritating, “You hurt me.”

Gu Yan smiled, did not speak, but did not right Zhao Chuning, but directly started the waltz dance.

Zhao Chuning also took Gu Yan by his hand and quickly entered the state.

The relationship between the two of them is more not an emotion or even an interest, but a game.

Both are interested in each other and want to take more initiative. It is a game of choosing the identity of hunters and prey.

If one party loses too much, which party will always be passive.

Only when the winner is divided can we talk about feelings like this.

Because both Gu Yan and Zhao Chuning want to take the initiative!

The dance music begins.

The two difficult movements frequently performed. Under the shining of the lights, they performed the waltz to the fullest. This strong appeal and sense of picture made them continue to be paid attention to by more and more people, and they became the only ones in the audience. Hero and heroine.

The two middle-aged members of the Li family also noticed this side. They looked at it, and then a kind smile appeared on their faces and walked towards this side.

In the second round of the couple’s ball, the activity time is also forty minutes, and there will still be penalties for jumping for less than 40 minutes.

The original intention of this event was not to let people pass.

The lovers participated in it for punishment, not for the challenge of dancing for forty minutes in a row.

Gu Yan has no problem. He has good physical strength. For him, forty minutes of waltz dance is not even a challenge.

But Zhao Chuning was different.

After all, she was still a girl, and when she first went to find the password box, she also used some physical strength.

In less than thirty minutes.

Zhao Chuning was a little tired, his pretty face was reddened, and his breathing began to rush and become confused.

Also because of this.

Zhao Chuning didn’t connect well in one movement, and the whole waltz broke 27 and couldn’t continue.

Did not reach forty minutes.

The names of Gu Yan and Zhao Chuning also appeared on the big screen of the main stage, and there was a turntable below, which was a punishment option.

The above punishment is tailor-made for couples.

It’s normal for the princess to hold it here.

In short, there are still many options that adults blush when they see it.

Even couples are shy when they do this.

Zhao Chuning panted, her beautiful eyes were calm, and she stared at Gu Yan’s profile.

She is waiting.

Waiting for Gu Yan’s choice.

But the next moment.

Without saying a word, Gu Yan hugged Zhao Chuning horizontally and walked out.

Princess hug!

“It’s not their turn to decide the matter between you and me. Is this punishment okay? Miss Zhao?”

Gu Yan looked down at Zhao Chuning.

Zhao Chuning smiled lightly, she did not struggle or let Gu Yan let her down.

Gu Yan did not use roulette to choose, and even if she chooses, she would not agree.

But in this way, she would not refuse.

The two middle-aged members of the Li family were standing behind. They wanted to go up to be alone with Gu Yan, but in this situation, it was obviously inappropriate for them to go up.

Just now.

Li De was furious and ordered all the people in the Li family to search all the people on the entire yacht, but any person who has been out between 8 and 9 o’clock, or who has an irregular range of activities, thoroughly investigate all of them, and keep them alone. pass!

The reason is that the bodyguards in the two corridors on the east and west have all lost consciousness!The bodyguard in the west was okay, but was hit by a narcotic bomb and fell asleep.

But although the bodyguards in the east did not die, they were all seriously injured!

You know, there are stored in these two corridors, but Li De’s password machine to generate the administrator password!

This matter is quite serious, and it is the first time that Li De is so angry.

After the two middle-aged people of the Li family came to the second floor, they also investigated the list. When they found the names of Gu Yan and Zhao Chuning, they asked their bodyguards to investigate the suspicious persons, and they came to see Gu Yan and Zhao Chuning. .

Judging from the records of the couple’s dance, Gu Yan and Zhao Chuning had been dancing in the box during the first round of activities. The sports belt also generated their thermal analysis table. This cannot be faked.

These two people came to see Gu Yan and Zhao Chuning, one is to say hello to Gu Yan.

Second, it is because of the name Zhao Chuning!

Zhao Chuning, but the most special person in their Li family!

But when they saw that this Zhao Chuning turned out to be a beautiful and ethereal girl, all the doubts in their hearts disappeared.

You know, Zhao Chuning of the Li family is a crazy neurosis. He is still going crazy in the Li family.

This is just the same name and last name, there is nothing to doubt.

The two middle-aged people stood in place, watching Gu Yan holding Zhao Chuning and walking away from the dance scene. Without saying anything, they quickly turned around and continued to investigate the suspicious personnel.

Open parking lot.

It is already half past nine in the evening.

Gu Yan and Zhao Chuning walked into the car.

“Mr. Gu, it succeeded.”

As soon as Zhao Chuning got in the car, she shook her phone at Gu Yan, her face has now returned to normal, and the whole person has become quiet again.

But compared to the past, the look she looked at Gu Yan had a slight change.

“The distribution of the Li family’s property, the distribution of management, and all the information in the channels have all been deciphered.”

“We were not discovered, the monitoring recovery, the password machine password reset, the plan was perfectly successful.”

“According to the rules, I will give 50% of the profits generated by the follow-up operation to Mr. Gu.”

Gu Yan responded softly and said nothing.

As for how Zhao Chuning works, how to extract benefits from the hands of the Li family, infiltrate and use this information, he does not care, nor will he intervene.

This woman can do things on her own.

Otherwise, she wouldn’t be able to go from nothing, get enemies back and forth, step by step to today, turning around what the Li family wants.

Start the car!

go home!

Twenty minutes later, Gu Yan parked the car at the Riverview Villa.

He and Zhao Chuning walked in the door together.

“Mr. Gu.

Just when Gu Yan was about to go back to the bedroom, Zhao Chuning took the initiative to speak.

At the same time, this is also the first time they have talked since they left the open-air parking lot.

Gu Yan looked at Zhao Chuning.

He could very clearly capture the coldness and determination flashing in Zhao Chuning’s clear and quiet beautiful eyes.

“Tomorrow night, I will go out.”

“My people have investigated one thing, I will kill Yang Yuanhong.”

Gu Yan didn’t feel any surprise, just smiled and said nothing.

Zhao Chuning found Yang Yuanhong’s whereabouts, which was normal.

But this has no effect on his plan.

Because Zhao Chuning cannot start faster than himself.

On the contrary, Zhao Chuning was able to take the initiative to speak up, and Gu Yan was very satisfied.

“Also… let’s find a time to have a meal, call sister Liuli, it’s at home.”

“Celebrate the success of our action today.”

Zhao Chuning’s tone changed, and her coldness had been well hidden by her.

sleep early.”

Gu Yan said goodbye directly to Zhao Chuning, and then went upstairs.

Zhao Chuning didn’t leave for the first time, but looked at Gu Yan’s figure, until he completely left, and after watching for a while, then he took out his mobile phone.

There is a text message on the phone.

It was sent by Aunt Zhao.

“Miss, there are a lot of manpower for Mr. Gu near the villa. It is difficult for us to stay around here, but if we reduce some manpower, it is not impossible.”

After sending a text message, Zhao Chuning went directly upstairs.

“People will buy some ingredients and put them in the security room. I will get them tomorrow night.

“There is also the matter of the day after tomorrow’s meeting, which will be held normally.

“Besides… after you get the ingredients, let’s remove the people.”

Gu Yan went straight back to the bedroom.

At the first glance, he saw Ye Liuli who was reading and taking notes at the desk.

Ye Liuli is currently self-studying finance and financial accounting.

Have been learning for several days.

She didn’t want to stay at home all the time.

Cleaning the house, washing and cooking, these things are not enough in Ye Liuli’s view.

Therefore, she wants to be an accountant, at least when she is okay, she can help Gu Yan settle accounts at home.

It is to find something to do for myself, but also to give Gu Yan a little help as much as possible.

Gu Yan walked behind Ye Liuli and put his hands on the girl’s shoulders, “How are you learning?”

“Why did you come back so late.

Ye Liuli found that it was Gu Yan, and naturally leaned back on him, with a little bit of resentment, “Huh, it’s all, there is no time.”

“No time to?

Gu Yan poured himself a glass of water, while drinking it, while looking at Ye Liuli, smiled and said, “What time is there? And did you prepare a gift for me?”

As soon as I heard the gift.

Ye Liuli’s glittering earlobes showed a light crimson.

But she was not too shy, but turned around and looked at Gu Yan.

next moment.

Gu Yan understood. Ye Liuli said that there was no time. What was the reason?

I saw the girl first pulled out a black-and-white skirt with lace edges from her pajamas.

I also pulled the pajamas up a bit, revealing a perfectly proportioned calf, wearing black silk from Balenciaga.

“My son, do my new pajamas look good?”

Ye Liuli’s eyes dodged, her pretty face flushed, her tone soft.

“How many sets did you buy?

“Five. Five sets.”

“That time is totally enough.”

No words for a night.

At noon the next day.

Gu Yan just got up, but Ye Liuli was still asleep.

He walked to the living room, took out his mobile phone, and saw the text message sent by Wang Zilong at a glance.

“Gu Gongzi, that kid Ye Tian ran out of the hospital this morning. I asked my subordinates to follow him and found out that he had gone to an affiliated company of the Li family!”

“He was received by a senior in the Li family. First, he took him to change his clothes, had a big meal, and finally booked two VIP tickets for the Golden Pavilion!”

Everything is developing very smoothly.

And today, it is also the time for Ye Tian, ​​a tool man, to give play to his last point.

After today is over.

Ye Tian lost all of his value. It’s dead or alive, which is exactly what Gu Yan said.

at the same time.…

This is also an extremely critical step for Gu Yan!

If the current Gu Yan can make the hermit family treat each other with courtesy, it will flourish in the magic capital.

Then after today is over, Gu Yan’s hands are truly qualified to challenge the Hidden Family!

He has now figured out a way.

A maneuver that is enough to merge the two hidden families, and a move involving a large number of people and borrowing the hands of the many elite capitals of the magic capital to achieve the goal for oneself!But this move wants to be used.

Today’s plan is the top priority!

There is one person involved here, and that is Chen Long.

Chen Long, the son of genius doctor Liuqi Luck!

After today is over, Gu Yan might have to go to Jiangcheng not far from the devil to pick up an extremely important thing.

But all of this.

You have to wait until today is over, Yang Chen is in charge, and Ye Tian is dead.

Gu Yan is not in a hurry.

After relaxing at home for a few hours, I went out at six o’clock in the evening.

But this time, he did not see Zhao Chuning in the back garden.

Golden Pavilion.

One of the most luxurious clubs in the magic city, the mysterious Pinjin Cave, is a membership system, and the status and status of the guests will be assessed, and the corresponding VIP 983 guest card will be issued.

Here, as long as you have money, you can enjoy any high-standard service.

Gu Yan sat in the car and looked at the text messages on the phone.

“Gu Gongzi, Yang Yuanhong and his lover are currently in the Longfeng Hot Spring Room of the Golden Pavilion, and the senior executives of the Li family and Ye Tian are on their way.”

“The things for the chairman of the Golden Pavilion have been transferred. He vacated a box for us. At the corner of the fourth floor, there are all the surveillance cameras of the Golden Pavilion.”

“The monitor has been placed in the Longfeng hot spring room, and the headset is in the corner of the locker room 301.”

Everything has been arranged.

Gu Yan locked the screen of the phone, then started the car and turned around the intersection.

The first time he saw a woman standing under the golden pavilion.

Moon white dress, slightly curly dark brown long hair, beautiful three-dimensional features, and a classical temperament with a scholarly fragrance.

A woman is standing downstairs with a handbag embroidered with roses, looking around from time to time, as if waiting for someone.

It is Su Qingyue.

Gu Yan and Su Qingyue agreed to come to the hot spring together today at 6:30 in the evening.

Gu Yan came early because he wanted to set up today’s stage and let the actors perform the big show according to their own wishes according to the script they gave them.

But there is no reason for Su Qingyue to come early.

The only possibility is.

She didn’t want Gu Yan to wait for herself, so she came here early, even if she waited a little longer.

The woman Su Qingyue is different from the other three heroines.

She is not the strength of Tiandong, nor the tranquility of Zhao Chuning, nor does she care about emotions as much as Ye Liuli, who treats emotions as her own.

Su Qingyue was tangled and cold.

The environment in which she grew up, and her deformed childhood, made her whole body cold!

She would resist anything subconsciously, would not really let go of herself, always wearing a layer of cold protective clothing, rejecting anyone.

She refuses to communicate with others.

Reject emotion.

Because she is confused, she has never had this experience, she doesn’t know what to do, so she is afraid, she runs away!

This is also the reason why Gu Yan contributed to the meal between her and Tiandong that day.

Just let Su Qingyue face her heart directly!

Just like today!

Su Yue can accept Gu Yan’s invitation and come here in advance to wait, which shows that she has already faced up to her emotions and no longer escapes.

She is a smart woman, she is not even worse than Zhao Chuning.

Therefore, as long as Su Qingyue recognizes an emotion from the heart, she will work hard to manage it, immerse in it, and see this hard-won emotion more than anyone else!

Cold woman.

Isn’t it a poor woman?

They just want one, a shoulder that they can lean on all the time.

What Gu Yan has to do is to let Su Qingyue take the initiative to chase, no longer be cold, and only enthusiasm in front of herself.

The white moonlight that couldn’t ask for it.

Always the most unforgettable.

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