Chapter 62

Chapter 62 Lovers’ Ball, both male and female!

Ye Liuli stood at the door of the ward like this, the anger and disgust on Qiao’s face, the coldness and strangeness in her beautiful eyes, almost disappeared in an instant.


Become sweet, be joyful!

The touching smile at the corner of her mouth is definitely not deliberate, but from the heart!

She never even smiled at Ye Tian!

next moment.

An extraordinary handsome, gentle, tall and tall man appeared, his hands gently wrapped his arms around Ye Liuli’s waist, and his face was full of smiles.

Ye Liuli didn’t resist, but like Ruyan returning home, she plunged into the arms of the man, and…

Actively raised his head and put on red lips!

Just in front of Ye Tian!

Ye Tian fell into a dull state.

This is a blank period caused by severe mood swings.

He just stared at Ye Liuli and the handsome man blankly, and kissed him in front of him.

Seeing Ye Liuli, who was still as cold as iron to herself last moment, she was like a well-behaved little wife at this moment.

That kind of tenderness, that kind of love, like a steel needle, slowly pierced into Ye Tian’s heart!!


It’s so painful that I can’t breathe!

Ye Tian wanted to scream, but couldn’t scream. In addition, he is still being beaten by bodyguards in black. The mental pain and physical pain make him unable to bear it and completely collapsed!!


Ye Tian’s eyes went black, and he passed out!


Wang Zilong raised his brows, “It’s killed? No, this kid is harder than a dog’s bones.

“Keep hitting me! Pretending to be dead in front of Laozi?”

at this time.

Ye Liuli also lowered her head shyly, leaning her head on Gu Yan’s chest obediently, not daring to look at him.

That’s right, she just wanted to show it to Ye Tian!

Gu Yan inadvertently glanced at Ye Tian who was fainted on the ground, feeling the love of the girl in her arms.

I have to admit that.

At this moment, he was cool!

Maybe this is what it feels like to be a villain?

“Keep fighting.”

Gu Yan nodded to Wang Zilong, then took Ye Liuli’s little hand and left.

Ye Tian would never be killed so easily.

After all, he is the son of luck.

However, I just don’t know, is this a good thing or a bad thing for Ye Tian now?

I’m afraid Ye Tian couldn’t think of it in his dreams, even this point was used by Gu Yan!

All of him!

All deprived by Gu Yan!

“Gu Gongzi, Miss Ye, go slowly!”

Wang Zilong said goodbye to Gu Ye Liuli to Yan.

As time went by, he became more and more able to see the gap between himself and Gu Yan, and he was really convinced now.

Following Gu Yan, he must have a very bright future, at least much better than his own thumping.

So how can you not listen to Grandpa’s words?

After lighting a cigarette, Wang Zilong sat on Ye Tian’s hospital bed, faintly watching his younger brother beat Ye Tian.

Suddenly, he raised his eyebrows, took one of the bare-handed bodyguards, and yelled, “What’s the matter with you, your brain is not good?”

“If you don’t take something, you hit with your fist and your head was caught in the door? Didn’t you hear what Gu Gongzi said just now? Take something for Laozi and beat him to death!!”

“Fuck Laozi, I’ll stand for you for a while.

Speaking of this, Wang Zilong was smoking a cigarette, picked up a pair of crutches at the corner of the wall, and walked towards Ye Tian.

River view villa area.

Gu Yan drove Ye Liuli back home.

On the way home, Gu Yan did not forget what happened tonight, so he went to customize a suit.

By the way, I took Ye Liuli to go shopping and bought some clothes that she liked for this little girl.

What Gu Yan has to admit is.

Women shopping is really an innate talent!

It never ends!

Ye Liuli just walked around for three hours before he was satisfied.

But she didn’t buy much.

She still doesn’t want to spend Gu Yan’s money, she just wants Gu Yan to accompany herself more.

Gu Yan drove the car to the door of his house, but did not get off.

He saw Zhao Chuning who was standing at the door.

Ye Liuli saw it too, and she couldn’t help but exclaimed, “My sister is so beautiful today…

Zhao Chuning’s dress is really amazing.

The black velvet dress is noble and gorgeous. The skirt is draped with diamonds, and it shines under the oblique shot of the setting sun, like a sky full of stars.

She put on makeup today, her already beautiful facial features are more vivid, her long hair is curled up, she wears a short black veil, and her clear eyes are looming.

Tulle gloves of the same color, Bai Zhe’s skin has a unique charm under the black gauze, and the black butterfly pattern on the back of his hand is very elegant.

At this time, Zhao Chuning was like a dazzling and shining princess, a delicate daughter, yet quiet and delicate.

Gu Yan smiled in his heart.

Zhao Chuning is such a woman, she is very good at forging herself.

Whether it’s the outfit she wears now, or the outfit she wears when she pretends to be crazy and stupid, there is only one purpose in the end.


She will dress herself in different situations and be perfect.

“I will go out in the evening, and I have some cooperation with Miss Zhao, so I will be back later.

Gu Yan looked at Ye Liuli and smiled gently.


Ye Liuli agreed without asking much, but she seemed to have thought of something suddenly, lowered her head and blushed pretty.

“Gu Gongzi, can you come back early tonight, I have prepared a gift for you.”

“what gift?”

Gu Yan stroked Ye Liuli’s long hair.

“Oh…Anyway, you will know when you come back, shameful!”

Ye Liuli’s voice was soft and glutinous, and the more she said her face, the more she turned red, so she didn’t say anything and got out of the car and left.

The gift in her mouth.

Of course, the clothes she bought online yesterday have arrived.

How can she be ashamed to tell Gu Yan about this kind of thing?

Although she has plucked up the courage, but

I’m still too shy!

The villain in Ye Liuli’s heart screamed with his face in his hands, and trot to the house directly after getting out of the car. When he passed Zhao Chuning, he said hello, and the person was gone.

Zhao Chuning glanced at the direction where Ye Liuli had disappeared, a slight smile flashed across his beautiful eyes, then walked to the front of Gu Yan’s car and opened the door.

“Mr. Gu, don’t worry, if the action goes well tonight, you will not run out of time.

“Do you know what gift Liuli will give me today?” Gu Yan glanced at Zhao Chuning calmly and smiled faintly.

Zhao Chuning didn’t speak, but just smiled. There seemed to be some meaning flowing in her beautiful eyes.

But you just don’t understand what it is.

Hook on your heart, itchy.

“Where to go?”

“The Bund, the International Seaport Center, and the marina.”

It’s eight o’clock in the evening.

Harbour International Center, Yacht Marina.

Standing here, you can have a panoramic view of the entire downstream of the Bund, the moonlight and the colorful lights of the magic capital are reflected on the water.

If the evening breeze blows over the water, it will be as if the splendid fuel has been stirred evenly.

There are several luxury yachts in the distance of the pier. Young men and women stand on the upper floors and pour the precious red wine in their hands into the sea. Between the laughter and the laughter, the ultimate paper fascination is demonstrated.

This is the magic city, a ten-mile ocean city prosperous enough to make people intoxicated.

An open-air parking lot.

Gu Yan turned off the Rolls Royce, and the car plunged into darkness.

“Miss Zhao, let’s talk about it.”

Upon hearing this, Zhao Chuning in the co-pilot quickly took out a stack of documents and handed them to Gu Yan.

“The document is about the internal structure of the Seagull Yacht, the distribution of personnel, the distribution of monitoring, and today’s bidding brief for the interior of the yacht.”

Gu Yan looked calm and looked at the documents in his hand, “The third floor of Seagull Yacht, the big doctor bidding organized by Li De, the owner of the Li family, is for all talented people at home and abroad, and is a talent transfer for the donated Hope Hospital. ”

“Li De wants a doctor?”

See these lines.

Gu Yan probably already understands why what happened tonight is related to “Chen Long”, the son of Qi Luck, who is a genius doctor.


Zhao Chuning went on to say: “On the surface, Li De donated a Hope Hospital before holding this event in order to transport talents.”

In fact, “It was Mrs. Li’s sudden illness. He sought a doctor for his woman.”

“Mrs. Li is Li De’s childhood sweetheart, and she has accompanied him step by step until now. Li De can do anything for her.”

“So, for this bidding meeting, Li De was very concerned and directly took out 2% of the effective shares of the Li family as the final reward.

“The companies under the Li family’s name are spread all over the world, and many of the managements are not in the country now, so if you want to take out these shares, Li De has to contact all the management through the Li family’s intranet, and sign the transfer license at the same time.

“This is also our purpose today. To find Li De’s management account, I will log in to it, and then lock all the management distribution and property distribution of the Li family, infiltrate, and plan for more rights in the Li family.

“Li De is very defensive to me. He also takes care of his management account. The login password is encrypted with random 64-bit characters, and two cryptographic machines are used for verification at any time, once every half an hour.”

“Li De has always kept these two cryptographic machines in his bedroom. I have wanted to do this for several years, but I have not succeeded.”

“But today, he brought two cryptographic machines to the yacht for his own woman, because he needed to contact the management and sign the transfer permit.”

…For flowers…

“This is our only opportunity.

Having said that, Zhao Chuning glanced at Gu Yan’s watch and chuckled lightly: “The time is now at eight o’clock, and Li De arrived at the yacht on time at nine o’clock to hold a secret online meeting.”

“The cipher machine randomly ciphers once every half an hour.

“We must find the cipher machine before half past eight and withdraw before nine o’clock.”

Gu Yan smiled when he heard this.

“Because the cipher machine is guarded by bodyguards, it is inevitable that a few will be brought down along the way. This will inevitably attract Li De’s attention, and he will even block the entire yacht to investigate suspicious persons.”

“So, we need an excuse to come to Jinchan to escape.

“A couple dance party on the second floor of the yacht?”

Zhao Chuning pulled out the hair from her ears, “Mr. Gu is very smart.”

“Tonight’s couple’s ball, there will be an event called Love Never Stop.”

“The first round will be carried out in an absolutely unmanned box. The official will wear smart belts on the waists of both men and women and play dance music for forty minutes. As long as the men and women are tired or stop, they The information will be recorded on the big screen, and there will be the next round of punishment.”

“In other words, as long as we are wearing this belt to prove that we have come to the lovers’ dance party and find a substitute to dance with the belt, we have forty minutes.””After the first round of activities is over, the lovers dance will enter the second round and dance on the dance floor.

“If the plan is successful within forty minutes, and return to the couple’s dance party, go to the dance floor, and replace the substitute, we will have sufficient alibi.”

“On the contrary, if we did not appear on the dance floor within forty minutes, but our stand-in appeared, then we would be found.”

“Because what the stand-in uses is the message between you and me.

“At 8:10, the first round of the lovers’ dance party officially began.

Speaking of which.

Zhao Chuning took out a USB flash drive, stretched it out in front of Gu Yan, and smiled lightly, “Mr. Gu, this is the program I let my subordinates write. String in.”

“So, this is a test of our tacit understanding of cooperation. It is useless for one person to be fast. Two people must be present at the same time.

“I don’t know, Mr. Gu chooses the cipher machine in the east or the cipher machine in the west?”

Gu Yan took the USB flash drive, but did not answer Zhao Chuning’s question. Instead, he made a phone call and inquired about the monitoring information on the third floor of the yacht.

In the end, he found that more than 70% of the surveillance cameras in the west were already staring at them.

Then this is naturally Zhao Chuning’s handwriting.

Upon seeing this, Zhao Chuning tilted his head and gave Gu Yan an interesting look.

However, Gu Yan got out of the car directly.

If Zhao Chuning can obtain the distribution of more companies from the Li family, this woman will definitely benefit from it.

The more lifeline of the Li family in her hand, the greater the benefit to Gu Yan.

Gu Yan has no reason to refuse.


He not only needs to solve the problem of the password box, but also pay attention to the thing about Chen Long!

At this time.

Zhao Chuning also got out of the car and stood beside Gu Yan, blowing the sea breeze with him, looking down on the Bund.

“Mr. Gu, this is very exciting, isn’t it?”

“Is it a bit like both male and female?”

Gu Yan glanced at Zhao Chuning.

Lovers “Is there a penalty for not finishing the dance in the first round of the dance, and is there a penalty for not finishing the dance in the second round?”

Zhao Chuning nodded.

“Then I hope that when you come back, you won’t be too tired to even dance, Miss Zhao.” Gu Yan smiled gently.

At this time, a speedboat in the distance stopped on the shore.

Gu Yan and Zhao Chuning looked at each other with a smile and sat down.

The speedboat started, towards the farthest yacht, and galloped past!

Yacht Seagull, second floor, lovers dance party.

In a VIP box.

Gu Yan and Zhao Chuning faced each other, and their waists were tied by a belt with red dots.

A man and a woman were still standing behind the box, facing the wall.

Gu Yan first raised his wrist and glanced at the time.

It’s eight and nine minutes.

Then he looked at Zhao Chuning who was standing in front of him.


Zhao Chuning also looked at Gu Yan at this time, and the two of them could breathe.

Her eyes are still clean and clear, even if she is so close to Gu Yan, she still has no intention or confusion, on the contrary…

There is a slight, charming smile.

She spoke.

The voice is gentle, clear, as sweet as a mountain spring, and extremely healing.

“Mr. Gu…

“Do you know how to dance?” Zhang,

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