Chapter 58

Chapter 58 Ye Liuli has a sense of crisis!

The next day.

River view villa area, single-family villa.

Gu Yan was sitting on the sofa and reading, Ye Liuli was holding a mobile phone in both hands, with his small head resting on Gu Yan’s lap, watching the TV series intently.


Watched watched.

Ye Liuli was fascinated by the plot inside, smoking her little nose, and her beautiful eyes like autumn water were filled with mist.

Subconsciously, I was in my arms, and I continued to watch.

Gu Yan smiled helplessly, and touched Ye Liuli’s pretty face as white as jade.

He no longer let Ye Liuli be responsible for high-intensity work now.

Even Ye Liuli will take the initiative to take care of cooking, washing, and cleaning of the villa, as well as providing various services to Gu Yan.

Gu Yan didn’t stop her either.

He just told Ye Liuli that you don’t need to do something, but if Ye Liuli had to do it, he wouldn’t stop him.

“Gu Gongzi, so touching, look at this!”

Ye Liuli suddenly sat up, lay on Gu Yan’s chest, and showed Gu Yan the phone.

On the screen, a man and a woman are kissing at this time, with a classic rainy day and sad background music.

Gu Yan tilted his head to look at Ye Liuli.

The girl’s eyes were red, her lips were pursed, and the sunlight coming in from the window slanted on her side face. Bai Zhe’s skin was extremely delicate, without any blemishes, and even the pores were undetectable.

Like a porcelain doll.

Gu Yan smiled and kissed Ye Liuli’s red lips directly.

“you also have.”

Ye Liuli froze, her pretty face flushed.

She turned her head to look at Gu Yan, threw away the phone, hugged Gu Yan in his arms, and slid back and forth, still making a happy whimper in her mouth.

“Woo… it’s nice to have you.

After a while.

Ye Liuli quietly raised her head and looked at Gu Yan blankly, with happiness and shame in her beautiful eyes.

Gu Yan was just “Nine Seven Zeros” ready to continue.

But at this moment, his phone rang, and it was the security guard outside.

“Gu Gongzi, there is a man named Ms. Zhao who said that he is coming to you, followed by people from the moving company, do you think?

Gu Yan followed Ye Liuli.

After hearing this call, he didn’t feel any surprise, and said, “Let her in.”

“Who is it, Master Gu?”

Ye Liuli asked quietly after Gu Yan hung up the phone.

But she felt that she was asking too much.

Shouldn’t you ask?

“A partner, because of work, she will stay at home for a period of time.”

“We live on the third floor, and the second floor is rented to her.”

Gu Yan told Ye Liuli directly.

“Oh, good.” Ye Liuli nodded obediently.

Within a few minutes.

The door of the villa was pushed open.

Zhao Chuning walked in.

She wore a minimalist black coat today with a small leather bag in her hand. The upper body was a high-necked top with blue and white porcelain with a navy blue bottom. The bottom was a navy blue knee-length silk midi skirt. The skirt was slightly longer than the coat. That little light texture created an elegant style on her body.

Compared with the outfit of Gu Yan yesterday, Zhao Chuning’s dress is still clean and clear, but at the same time there is a touch of nobility and dignity.

She has a plain face and a small, charming smile on the corner of her mouth.

Gu Yan had no doubt that she would smile like this to anyone.

Indifferently, the sense of distance is well grasped, so you can’t help but want to take the initiative to open up the topic with her.

This woman is a fairy.

A frown and a smile can confuse people.

“Mr. Gu, and”Miss, good morning, I didn’t bother you, did I?”

Zhao Chuning’s eyes passed Gu Yan and Ye Liuli, and he didn’t feel any surprise for the two holding each other.

Gu Yan is an excellent man, and there must be many girls who like him.

It’s just something she didn’t expect.

The girl in Gu Yan’s arms is so beautiful and has such a pure temperament. In terms of appearance, she is not inferior to her.

“Of course there is no Miss Zhao, please come in.”

“The second floor has been set aside for you, so you can clean it up by yourself.”

Gu Yan gestured to Zhao Chuning, with a calm tone, and then withdrew his eyes.

Ye Liuli was a little stunned.

Zhao Chuning…

This is too beautiful, right?

Is this sister going to live here in the future?

Don’t know why, Ye Liuli felt sour in her heart when she thought of this, and she hugged Gu Yan tighter.

However, after this momentum passed, Ye Liuli slowly let go of her hand, and was about to stand up and help Zhao Chuning move.

After all, it is Gu Gongzi’s partner, she can’t just sit here, but should go up and help.


She felt that a big warm and powerful hand held her shoulders and didn’t make her stand up.

“I didn’t move, what did you move? You are not anyone’s nanny, and you have no obligation to help her do anything.”

“You can’t do this anymore, you don’t owe anyone anymore.”

A gentle voice rang in my ears.

Ye Liuli was stunned, and his heart was full of emotions.


Speaking softly, Ye Liuli hugged the man next to her, immersed in her only safe haven in the world, surrounded by her with a sense of security, and her heart felt warm.

She swears that she must be by Gu Yan’s life and never be separated from him.

These details.

Did not escape Zhao Chuning’s eyes.

I have to say, at least on this point, she approves of Gu Yan.

For her own woman, it should be like this, stop all the worldliness, wind and rain for her, her gentle and considerate, can only belong to her.

So it seems, Gu Yan…

At least there are many advantages.

Zhao Chuning took another look at Gu Yan, and then let the people from the moving company come in, busying himself.

After half an hour.

Zhao Chuning walked down from the second floor, stood quietly on the side, tidying up his drawing board, and did not disturb him and Ye Liuli.

Gu Yan smiled inexplicably when he saw it.

This high emotional intelligence woman will never embarrass others.

Zhao Chuning was not named Gu Yan, nor did he stand aside and do nothing. Instead, he cleaned up the drawing board very naturally.

In fact, she wanted to tell Gu Yan that it was time for business.

“Liu Li, stay with this sister for a while, and I will go upstairs to get something.”

After Gu Yan spoke to Ye Liuli, he turned upstairs.

Since Zhao Chuning moved into the villa according to the agreed time, he will also show evidence that Yang Yuanhong killed her biological father.

One time and one time, fair trade.

After Gu Yan left.

By coincidence, Zhao Chuning also tidied up the drawing board here.

“Sister, can you help me get another drawing board in the corner?”

Ye Liuli heard Zhao Chuning call herself, but did not refuse, picked up the drawing board from the corner on the other side, walked over and handed it to Zhao Chuning.

During this period, Ye Liuli also glanced at the oil painting on the drawing board.

It was a painting of a snow-capped mountain, the color was pure and clean, without any impurities, and the artistic conception was exceptionally beautiful.

“Liu Li, it seems that you like this painting very much, so let’s give it to you.”

Zhao Chuning generously took the oil painting down from the drawing board and handed it to Ye Liuli.

Ye Liuli blushed, and quickly waved her hand to refuse, “No, thank you sister, but

“However, you want to ask me how I know your name.” Zhao Chuning smiled, “I just heard Mr. Gu mentioned it.

After saying this, she took the initiative to stretch out her hand, “My name is Zhao Chuning.

Ye Liuli was originally embarrassed because she didn’t know Zhao Chuning’s name, but now she was not embarrassed at all. On the contrary, she was a little apologetic and stretched out her hand and shook Zhao Chuning.

“In the future, Sister Liuli and I may live together for some time. I hope Sister Liuli will take care of me.

“So, this painting is regarded as my gift to you. It matches you very well.”

Ye Liuli’s beautiful eyes shook slightly.

Getting along with Zhao Chuning, I don’t know why, it makes her feel natural and comfortable from the heart.

“A good match? Sister, do you mean I match this picture well?”


Zhao Chuning’s clear eyes looked at Ye Liuli, “You have the purity that it has never had, and it also has the arrogance and courage that you have never had.”

Ye Liuli took the painting, and what Zhao Chuning said echoed in his mind.

“Thank you sister!

Ye Liuli said from the bottom of his heart.

She always felt that at this moment, she understood something, holding this painting, trotting back to her house.

“Miss Zhao?”

At this time.

Gu Yan appeared on the third floor of the villa, looked at Zhao Chuning, and said calmly.

However, a faint smile flashed in his eyes.

He had seen all of the scene just now.

Getting along with people is a science.

Some people say that if a person can get acquainted with anyone within three minutes, he has the ability.

But Gu Yan thinks.

If a person can make others owe him within three minutes, and get to know this person, he is capable.

without doubt.

Zhao Chuning did it. In just a few minutes, she had invisibly closed the relationship with Ye Liuli, and made Ye Liuli “owe” her something.

Ye Liuli will understand not only the painting, but also the good word.

What I have to say is that Zhao Chuning and Gu Yan have some similarities in the way of getting along with each other, and they both revolve around people’s hearts.

But Gu Yan likes to drive and control people’s hearts.

And Zhao Chuning likes to confuse people.

Zhao Chuning downstairs heard Gu Yan calling herself, raised her head, and then walked up the stairs unhurriedly.

It’s time for business.


Ye Liuli was lying on the bed, looking at the oil painting in front of him, a pair of jade feet lay unconsciously behind…

Just then.

She suddenly remembered what Zhao Chuning had just said to her.

“You have the purity that it never had, and it also has the arrogance and courage that you did not have.”

Ye Liuli figured it out!

Yes, isn’t this sentence just describing the current state of myself and Young Master Gu?

When I get along with Gu Yan, I am always cautious, and even a little promise, I should be good to Gu Yan, but this humbleness, does this kind of humble affect Gu Yan to some extent?

What Zhao Chuning said, “Alone, is not to make yourself cold, but to make yourself confident first. Doesn’t this make the relationship between them more comfortable and natural?

There is courage.

I always dare not say my true inner thoughts, always do not take the initiative, shy in the emotional aspect, and always have to be driven by Young Master Gu.

Then if you have the courage to actively express your feelings for Gu Gongzi, will it be better?

Ye Liuli figured it out, and at the same time admired Zhao Chuning more in his heart. After putting away the painting cherished, he sat on the bed.

But soon…

After she figured it out, she felt a sense of crisis.

A sense of crisis for Zhao Chuning!

“No, I have to be brave and express my love.”

Ye Liuli encouraged herself in her heart, then took out her mobile phone and typed a few words in the search box above.

“What do men like?”

The search results came out soon.Ye Liuli’s face blushed, but her beautiful eyes quickly became firm, and with her salary, she bought all the clothes she found out one by one!

She, want to speak out her love for Gu Yan!

From now on!

On the second floor, the meeting room.

“Mr. Gu, as a thank you, can you promise me one thing?”

Zhao Chuning and Gu Yan sat opposite each other.

The woman’s tone was very light and gentle, and her words seemed nonsensical.

However, Gu Yan understood it.

Zhao Chuning was talking about Ye Liuli.

“Let’s talk about it, what do you want me to do for you?” Gu Yan said in a funny tone.

“Help me buy more watercolors and drawing boards. I have sent you the amount every week.” Zhao Chuning smiled, gently picked up the phone on the table, and quickly put it down.

Gu Yan didn’t speak.

Instead, he directly forwarded the text messages sent to him by Zhao Chuning to his subordinates.

He opened the drawer, took out a folder from it, and handed it to Zhao Chuning.

Zhao Chuning knows what this is.

Qiao Lian took it calmly and opened it indifferently.

The living room fell into a long silence for a while.

Only the sound of Zhao Chuning turning pages from time to time, disappeared in a flash.

“Thank you, Mr. Gu, I see.”

After a few minutes.

Zhao Chuning handed the document to Gu Yan again.

The smile on her pretty face is still beautiful.

But at this time, there was a hint of coldness that ordinary people could not detect.

In the beautiful eyes, there is more grief and stubbornness again.


She originally thought that the murderer who killed her own father was dead, and the big rock that pressed 3.4 on her body was finally removed.

But now, Zhao Chuning had to continue this hatred.

She was very uncomfortable, and the psychological gap of falling behind made her a little tired.

But so what?

“As you can see, Yang Yuanhong was the murderer who killed your father, and Yang Chen’s death may also be related to him.

“Give you proof, it is our first transaction. After the transaction is successful, you also paid me half of the benefits of the conference. I hope the other half will also be paid.”

Gu Yan looked at Zhao Chuning calmly.

“That’s natural, Mr. Gu.”

“I’m a little tired.

Zhao Chuning said softly, stood up and left, the sound of footsteps outside the corridor getting farther and farther, until it disappeared completely.

Just like her years in the past few years.

Never trouble anyone, and walk by quietly.

After Zhao Chuning left.

Gu Yan glanced at the watch first.

It is already seven o’clock in the evening, and Ye Tian will return home in two hours!

But he did not leave.

Instead, I opened the folder and looked at one of the photos.

It was a secret photo of Yang Yuanhong and one of his lover.

And on his lover’s ears, there is an emerald earring, with uniform texture and full color, and under the light of the light, it glows with a beautiful luster.

This earring

It is the Patriarch of the Zhao family, who customized Zhao Chuning’s gift when she was born!

Zhao Chuning took this earring very seriously, and it was inseparable from it!

until one day.….

The nightmare is coming!

Zhao Chuning dropped the ear on his father’s house that day and forgot to take it away!

Yang Yuanhong came to the door and poisoned the Patriarch of the Zhao family who was in the living room. He even snatched Zhao Chuning’s earrings as a piece of rubbish and gave it to his lover at random!!.

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