Chapter 55

Chapter 55 Who is the hunter? Who is the prey? A wonderful game!

From the cemetery, Gu Yan told Zhao Chuning to wait for her in the parking lot.

It took five minutes to find Gu Yan in Zhao Chuning.

Today is the day of great compassion for the Yang family. I don’t know how many bodyguards are busy after work.

Not to mention the bodyguards brought by other powerful and powerful people.

But nevertheless!

Zhao Chuning can still control the entire Fu Paradise without knowing it, and without being discovered by anyone, Jin Chan escapes the shell!

This is Zhao Chuning.

A woman who always has a back hand, and no one knows what she is still hiding.

Of course, except for Gu Yan.

“Mr. Gu, what do I need to do if I want to get the information I want?”

After Zhao Chuning got into the car, he closed the door completely, and looked at Gu Yan indifferently.

Her dress is still in tattered men’s casual wear, with a gray-headed face, light-black pupils, and no sorrow or joy.

“What can you give?” Gu Yan glanced at Zhao Chuning and smiled inexplicably.

no surprise..

This smart woman, sure enough, no matter what the situation, she will leave her with a second hand.

Then play with her.

“It depends on what you know.

Zhao Chuning replied very quickly, “If you can expand what you said to me in front of Yang Chen’s tomb, I can divide the profit I will earn in four days and half of you.”

“If you can tell more, then I will definitely give more, so Master Gu…

“The key to the problem now is not what I can give, but what do you know?”

“I don’t know your purpose, you don’t know my purpose, and in this case, I pay and you give information, and we trade fairly.”

“Does this allow you and me to quickly understand each other’s process? No one will lose money. Isn’t it true that everyone is happy?”

“But if you don’t say it, we don’t have to sit here at all, are you right?”

In the process of speaking.

Zhao Chuning’s tone has always been calm, and her eyes have been looking at Gu Yan, without any emotion.

It’s like talking about something that has nothing to do with me.

As if she didn’t care about it at all, if Gu Yan didn’t say she would leave immediately, without hesitation.

There is no panic after Gu Yan knows his secret, there is no leaking, no flaws!

She did not discuss with Gu Yan.

On the contrary, three choices were directly given.

First, expand what she said before Yang Chen’s tomb, that is, tell her who is the real murderer who killed her father.

Second, tell more information.

Third, leave.

It’s that simple, there is no fourth way.

Gu Yan didn’t feel any surprise when he heard this.

What he has to do now is very simple.

That is to cooperate with Zhao Chuning’s performance!

“Well, as you said, we have to get to know each other first, so we can put the highlight at the end.”

“I’ll deal with you first about killing your father’s real murderer, and you will give me the benefits of holding a conference four days later.”

Gu Yan said.

Zhao Chuning nodded and looked at Gu Yan, “Please Mr. Gu, I would like to hear the details.”

“What about my stuff?” Gu Yan asked with a smile.

When Zhao Chuning heard this, he didn’t hesitate. After taking out his mobile phone and operating it, he said to Gu Yan: “Your company will receive a cooperation agreement from me soon, if you want to wait.

“Then we’ll just wait, when will the contract come, and when will you talk about it.”

“No need.

Gu Yan poured himself another glass of red wine.

After this glass of red wine is poured.

The wine bottle seemed to be empty.

“The person who killed your father was Yang Yuanhong, the eldest son of the Yang family, not Yang Chen.””evidence?”

Zhao Chuning didn’t feel any surprise or shock, and asked faintly.

“Then our problem has come back again, Miss Zhao.”

Gu Yan looked directly at Zhao Chuning, “I have answered the questions you want.”

“If you want to know more, you have to see, what can you give me?

Zhao Chuning smiled, she smiled very lightly, “Okay, then I will give you all the benefits of the conference.”

“Then Mr. Gu, is it your turn to speak first this time?”

Gu Yan looked out the window and smiled softly, “Miss Zhao, you have to understand that now it is you who ask for me, not I who ask for you~~.

After this sentence falls.

Zhao Chuning did not speak any more.

Gu Yan did not continue to speak with her performance, but waited quietly.

For a time.

The car fell into deathly silence, Zhao Chuning looked straight at Gu Yan, and Gu Yan looked calm and looked out the window.

I don’t know how long it has passed.

Zhao Chuning glanced at Gu Yan’s empty red wine bottle, and smiled lightly: “Okay, Mr. Gu, you are right, I am indeed asking you.

“But I want to give you all the benefits of the conference. I have to face-to-face and notarize. I will now let my people and the people from the notary office come together.”

“Let’s do it, in order to reassure you…

Speaking of which.

Zhao Chuning actually took out a black pistol from the pocket of his coat!

She skillfully removed the magazine and showed Gu Yan the neatly filled bullets.

Then, load it and raise the pistol!

The moment the gun was about to be aimed at Gu Yan’s head.

She turned her hand and handed the gunner to Gu Yan, “You take this, Mr. Gu, and then we will wait here quietly.”

Gu Yan didn’t speak, but didn’t pick up the pistol either.

Instead, he looked at Zhao Chuning with interesting eyes.

It’s like a spectator, watching the clown standing on the stage, performing in front of him.

“Happy cooperation.”

Zhao Chuning put the gun away without fluctuating expression.


at this time.

The window on Zhao Chuning’s side was knocked.

A bodyguard in black came over, holding a silver briefcase in his hand.

It contained a bottle of red wine and a goblet.

Zhao Chuning glanced at Gu Yan.

Gu Yan didn’t say anything, and lowered the window with a button.

After Zhao Chuning took the bottle of red wine and the goblet, the black bodyguard left.

She opened the cork of the red wine in front of Gu Yan!


She raised the bottle and was about to pour Gu Yan.

“Mr. Gu, I think you like to drink the 90s Lafite, but this red wine is more subtle. Although it is mellow, you can’t taste the true essence of it in one bite.”

“The bottle in my hand is the first pure wine produced in 1999 by Chateau Patrice. When you taste this wine, you will be able to drink its beauty in the first sip.”

“At the same time, I also hope that our next cooperation can be like this bottle of red wine, so that each can intuitively experience the benefits of each other, rather than aftertaste.

“Happy cooperation?”

Her voice is very nice.

At this moment, lower the pitch, and there is a kind of unspeakable tenderness, like a young girl lying in your ear, saying those touching love words for you.


Gu Yan threw his goblet directly through the car window!

Zhao Chuning blinked and looked at Gu Yan, “Mr. Gu, are you afraid that I will poison you in the wine?”

After speaking, she moved her hand back naturally, poured herself a glass, and then slowly drank it.

“It seems that we can only cooperate in another special way.

When Gu Yan saw this, he didn’t say a word, just smiled faintly, and slowly rolled up the car window.

The air in the car fell silent again.

At the same time, Gu Yan is also counting time in his heart!


Six hundredth second!

It’s also the tenth minute!

Gu Yan and Zhao Chuning moved together!

Zhao Chuning put his hand into his pocket!

Gu Yan took out a silencer pistol and aimed it at Zhao Chuning’s forehead!

“Mr. Gu, what do you mean?” Zhao Chuning turned his head to look at Gu Yan.

Not only was there no panic in her expression.

On the contrary, at this time, there is still a slight smile!


What Gu Yan did and said next made Zhao Chuning’s expression a rare sluggishness for the first time!

“At the six hundredth second, the anesthetic in the red wine will also take effect at this time, and you are about to fall asleep.


Gu Yan stretched out his hand directly, grabbed Zhao Chuning’s chin, and tore it fiercely!


A human skin mask was torn off in this way, and the dirty youth no longer looked, replaced by a face full of shock!

The appearance of a woman can only be said to be mediocre, the kind that can’t be seen in the crowd.

Gu Yan didn’t have any accidents, but directly smashed her stiff neck with the butt of the rifle.

Accompanied by a muffled hum.

The woman fell directly into the car and sat down.

Gu Yan spread out the human skin mask in his hand, took out a small device with red dots from the cochlea, smiled faintly, and spoke.

The deep and magnetic sound echoed slowly in the quiet car.

“Miss Zhao, if I guess right, you are holding the monitor here in one hand, and the intercom with Aunt Zhao in the other.

“You are just about to contact the Li family who are in the funeral ceremony and ask them to come to the parking lot, right?

“Now, I give you two choices.”

“One, sit in my car within three minutes.”

“Two, I let my subordinates lock your current location through anti-tracking, and tell the Li family the information you want to know. You guessed that when the Li family discovered that the Zhao family’s widow had been pretending to be crazy and stupid to deceive them, what would the Li family do?”

“Miss Zhao, you are very smart, but

“Now, who is the hunter and who is the prey?”


Gu Yan directly left the monitor with the red dot on the ground and crushed it with leather shoes!

That’s right!

Zhao Chuning is not in the car now, but somewhere in Fuyuan, monitoring all this!

It was not her who got in the car, but a substitute!

A well-trained stand-in!!

She and Gu Yan have a three-tier game!

The first layer, trading!

When the avatar just got on the car, he directly asked Gu Yan to make a price, and he did not hesitate to give up the benefits.

Zhao Chuning did give half of the benefits of the Gu Yan conference, but she did not give all the benefits of the conference, but was lying to Gu Yan!

She wanted to use her boldness to give things the first time to cover up her second behavior, causing Gu Yan to misjudgment, mistakenly thinking that she really sent people to the parking lot, so as to tell the information she wanted!

That’s right, what Gu Yan just said in front of Yang Chen’s tomb was indeed a taboo for Zhao Chuning.

But this woman, even if she is concerned about her own interests, will not let herself be passive, but will find other ways to not only make herself active, but also get what she wants to know.

She wants it all!

Even if she loses half of the benefits of the conference, she is willing!

This is also the second level of game!


Of course, Zhao Chuning will not give all the benefits of the conference to Gu Yan.

In other words, when Gu Yan asked her for more benefits, she changed her plan.There is an anesthetic in the red wine, enough to make people fall asleep.

Zhao Chuning asked the substitute to drink it, and Gu Yan was relieved to drink it.

After letting the two people fall into a deep sleep, she reappeared, injected toxins into the two people’s bodies, and directly killed her stand-in, killing Gu Yan!

Since I can’t get the information I want.

She will never let Gu Yan, an uncertain factor, live.

In this way, she directly asked the Li family to come and saw that she and Gu Yan were both dead in the car!

This is what she just thought of in front of Yang Chen’s tomb.

In Zhao Chuning’s view, Yang Chen really died, so can he feign death to gain a certain degree of freedom?

The red wine is to kill Gu Yan while feigning death to get out!

But what she didn’t expect was that Gu Yan didn’t drink it!

This also has the third layer of game!

Take a gun for another person!

How could she not know Gu Yan’s reputation in the magic city? How could she treat Gu Yan only as a respectable son?

And just because she knows Gu Yan wolf!

Therefore, she has to use Gu Yan’s ruthlessness to make Gu Yan angry, thereby killing the double, and then she let the Li family down, and framed all this to Gu Yan.

So that Jin Chan escapes her shell completely! The goal is the same as the second move! She can always achieve the effect she wants!

These three moves are one ring and one ring!

Because when Gu Yan was in the transaction, whether he agreed or not, the plan would be executed one after the other.

Zhao Chuning will not lose money at all.

She just doesn’t get information, but does it matter?

Not only did Jin Chan escape her shell, she also framed Gu Yan and killed anyone in the world who might be harmful to her.

After that, Zhao Chuning had time to investigate and the real murderer who killed his father was Yang Chen or someone else!

Perfect plan!

As (the money is good) said at the beginning, this is a woman who will give herself a back hand no matter what!

A woman who is extremely clever and cruel to the extreme!

If you change anyone here, there is only one end, and that is Zhao Chuning’s plan. Not only did she tell the information she wanted, she was framed to death in the end!


Except Gu Yan!

Gu Yan used only one plan from beginning to end.

It will count!

He let Zhao Chuning’s plan fail step by step, let Zhao Chuning execute his plan as a prey, and then in the last step, the Jedi came back, tearing off the mask of the substitute, and completing the counter-kill!

Now next to him is not Zhao Chuning, but a woman who has nothing to do with any interests.

Even if Zhao Chuning calls someone from the Li family, what about it?

on the contrary!

Gu Yan can fight against the generals, let the Li family find the real Zhao Chuning, and put her into a crisis!

At the very beginning.

Gu Yan and Zhao Chuning both appeared as prey, but they were actually hunters.

Gu Yan did not reveal the identity of Zhao Mengning’s stand-in at the beginning, just to let Zhao Chuning into the play, so that she thought that Gu Yan had already put on the set, ordered Aunt Zhao to go to the person in Li’s family, and established contact.

This is what Gu Yan wants. As long as the Li family finds out that Aunt Zhao and Zhao Chuning are in contact, and when they are stolen and caught Zhao Chuning, she will fall into a real dead end!

On the contrary, if Gu Yan exposes the identity of the substitute at the beginning, then Zhao Chuning will run away because there is no evidence to point to her!

but now.

The identity is reversed!

Gu Yan is the hunter, and Zhao Chuning became the prey under Gu Yan’s step-by-step control!!

Whether it is Gu Yan or Zhao Chuning.

At the beginning, I didn’t report that I really wanted to cooperate, but I wanted to get all the benefits in my bag!

There is also this game finger!

This choice of the identity of the hunter and the prey!

Who is the hunter?

Who is the prey?


The outcome is divided!,

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