Chapter 53

Chapter 53 Gu Yan, you wait for me!

Get out of the villa.

Gu Yan received a call from Tiandong.

“Hello? Gu Yan? What were you doing just now, why didn’t you answer after I called you so many times?”

There was a nice Onee-san tone on the phone, with a questioning tone.

Gu Yan smiled, “I am enjoying life.”

Tian Dong was silent for a while, and then asked a little cautiously: “With Su Qingyue?”

“If you talk nonsense, I’ll hang up.” His tone was flat.

“Don’t don’t, I’m having fun with you.” Tian Dong smiled.

She didn’t even know why she asked this question just now.

But since last night, Tiandong has been blocked when he thinks of Su Qingyue, and when he thinks that Gu Yan might be with Su Qingyue, it has become even more blocked!

She knows Gu Yan’s character and she also knows that the two of them have retired.

But I can’t help myself, to create reasons for them and let them stay together.

Wan-Su Qingyue went to Gu Yan again?

Did the Wan-Su family stay with Su Qingyue to find Gu Yan?

It’s all possible!

It is these possibilities that prompted Tiandong to just ask that sentence,

Now after being trained by Gu Yan, Tiandong is clearly sober.

“You come to my house first, I have something important to tell you.”

“By the way, buy me a bottle of wine, I also enjoy enjoying life.”

The first sentence of Tiandong was normal, but the latter sentence was extremely fast, and he hung up the phone immediately after speaking.

Drink again?

Gu Yan looked at the dimming mobile phone screen and couldn’t help but smile.

Tiandong is not a person who likes to share her private life with others. If she wants to talk about things, she will call you to the company or the VIP room of the most luxurious hotel in the city.

But if she calls you home to talk about things, it means that she at least has no defense against you.

If you are called home to talk about “8030” and you are asked to bring a bottle of wine…

That means that she is willing to share her private life with you, and she does not want to cover herself in front of you!

Because Tiandong has all kinds of wine at home, there is no need for someone to bring it!

Just subconsciously want to drink the wine you brought, just want to drink with you.

Gu Yan had no reason to refuse, but he didn’t personally choose the wine carefully.

Let his subordinates just buy a bottle and get in the car.

The blue flower rich area, in a single-family villa.

As soon as Gu Yan entered the door, he saw Tiandong sitting on the sofa, approving documents.

Tiandong seems to have just returned from the company.

She is wearing a delicate white shirt, long slightly curly hair curled up neatly, beautiful three-dimensional features, light matte retro makeup, Hong Kong style black eyebrows, dark matte lipstick.

Coupled with her already strong and cold aura, there is also a beauty of asceticism, which makes men lose their mind to chase.

White loose cropped trousers and black high heels made her legs longer.

She spread the small suit on her lap, holding the documents, her pretty face was serious and solemn.

But soon.

Tian Dong felt something, turned his head and looked over.

But when she saw her Gu Yan, a knowing smile suddenly appeared on Qiao’s face.

At this time, she seemed to have suddenly changed from a superb woman to an intellectual big sister next door.

“Here? Where’s my wine?”

Tian Dong put the file on the sofa and looked at Gu Yan with a smile.

“At this.

Gu Yan shook the white wine in his hand.

Tiandong immediately reached for it.Snapped!

Gu Yan slapped off the jade hand that reached out to him, and said lightly: “Say things first, and drink after finishing things.”

“Can’t you help me? It makes me seem to have offended you.”

Tian Dong coughed up Gu Yan with an angry look.

She found that every time she was in front of this man, she couldn’t maintain her composure and calmness, and she could always be defeated by his unexpected behavior.

But she was not angry.

And every time Tiandong comes from the heart, I feel that Gu Yan’s lesson is reasonable.

Just like now, it really means that business is more important than drinking.

This is the weirdest.

“Come or not?”

Gu Yan was already sitting at the reception table in the living room and looked at Tiandong calmly.

The meaning of those eyes is obvious.

I’m telling Tiandong that if you don’t say anything, I will leave.

Tiandong really has nothing to do with this man.

Go over and sit in front of Gu Yan.

“Look at this.

When Tian Dong talked about business matters, he never dragged his feet, and directly took out the phone to call up a page and placed it in front of Gu Yan.

That is an email.

Tiandong had already clicked the link, and an animation suddenly appeared on the screen.

An envelope inlaid with golden roses slowly opened.

Then, a letter appeared.

“My friends who have received this email, what I want to say to your Excellency today may be related to our future.”

The fonts appeared one after another, and when they got here, they paused and then changed lines.

“I think I have the ability and will become a generation leader in the near future, but I am facing difficulties now and need your help.”

“Help each other and help each other in the same boat. You helped me tide over this difficult situation, and I will keep each of you in my heart. Your Excellency, trust me, our future will be very bright.

“I know that there is no free lunch in this world, so what I will provide is the channel support of your various industries. It is better to teach people how to fish than to teach people how to fish. I believe you will not be able to refuse.

“In exchange, I will extract 30% of the profit. From all angles, you are a net profit.

“This is my way of getting along, and also my determination. If you wish, please come to the conference on time in four days with the invitation letter in the mail. I will treat you distinguished guests with the highest standard of treatment at that time.”

“Thank you, your Excellency. May we go hand in hand, ride the wind and waves, and the magic city will be illuminated by us.


After reading the email calmly, Gu Yan looked at Tiandong.

How many people have received this “mail?”

Tiandong heard this and said truthfully: “There are very few people who have received it, no more than fifteen people.

“I have heard of this sender, because Tianding rally was once held by this person to raise funds.

“There is another small group similar to the Tianding rally, and it is also this person. The scope of the invitation this time is in these two circles, and there are not many people who follow it.”

“But I don’t think this thing is ordinary.

“The invited people, including me, are all well-known capitalists, and they are all the forefront people in various industries. Channels?”

“What channel does this person have that can help us? Let’s take a step back. If this person really has this channel and ability, why should he hide it, and why does he need our help?”


Tiandong is right, there is indeed a big logical loophole in this matter.

If something goes wrong, there must be a demon.

Tiandong is now in a cooperative relationship with Gu Yan. If this matter is true, Magic Blue Fashion will make great progress, and Gu Yan will also profit.

On the contrary, if Magic Blue Fashion did not make a profit, but other capital made a profit.

Then Tiandong will lose money, and even Gu Yan will lose money.

The market is relative. The cake is just that big. Whoever eats more will definitely eat less.

This is why Tiandong called Gu Yan to discuss.


She really can’t figure it out, she can’t make up her mind!

Gu Yan smiled inexplicably when he heard what Tiandong said.

He already knows who this mysterious person is.

Someone he is going to see tomorrow.

“Tian, ​​do you make a bet?”

Gu Yan took a sip of tea and made a plan to make a living, and smiled at Tiandong.

Tiandong thought that Gu Yan could say some unique insights, but Gu Yan suddenly came to such a sentence, and suddenly felt a little confused.

Gu Yan coughed amorously, “Talking about business!”

“I’m just talking about business.”

Gu Yan went on to say: “According to our terms of cooperation, if there is any profit, it will be six or four points. I am six and you are four.”

“If I can pass this matter, through the normal proportion of dividends, let Magic Blue Fashion get an opportunity to double the market value.

“If it’s a project or a bid, but it’s real money…

Listen to what Gu Yan said,

A suspicious expression appeared on Tian Dong’s pretty face.

The current market value of Magic Blue Fashion is 20 billion. She has been operating for several years, and the company’s profits have been growing, but the fluctuations are not large.

She has done all projects.

But how can there be projects with a 100% return rate?

And Gu Yan also said that dividends are distributed according to the normal proportion!

This also means that Gu Yan has to profit 50 billion from it to double the market value of Magic Blue Fashion!

There is no fixed number for this email, and I don’t even know if it is true or not, let alone profit 50 billion from it!

Gu Yan is kidding?

Absolutely impossible!

If someone were to say this to her, Tian Dong would not even hesitate and would definitely turn around and leave.

But this is what Gu Yan said. For this man who has given him countless surprises, Tiandong always has an inexplicable sense of anticipation.

“Let’s go, what to bet?” Tiandong smiled beautifully.

Gu Yan said calmly: “Bet you follow me honestly for one day. On that day, you have to do whatever I say, and you can’t resist.”

Tiandong paused when he heard this.

When I spoke again, my voice turned seductive, “On that day, you were sure you wouldn’t let me do something, what do you men want, but we women don’t want to do it?”

I have to say, this sentence came out of Tiandong’s mouth, it is very lethal

The amorous feelings after the iceberg thawed are enough to make any man crazy.

Tian Dong thinks so too, she just wants to molest Gu Yan.

There is no other meaning, just want to see Gu Yan gaffe in front of him.


“Tian, ​​your narcissism seems to have gone deep into your bones.”

Gu Yan smiled, “What I want you to do is to be a servant to take care of me for a day, picking my legs, washing and cooking, and cleaning the house.”

“To be honest, I have a personal nanny, and I can ask her to tell you exactly what you should do at that time.

The smile on Tian Dongqiao’s face suddenly faded.

“Gu Yan, you just die this heart, it’s impossible!”

Take care of someone?

When did she take care of others?

In her eyes, women just want to be self-reliant.

Cooking with Su Qingyue that day was also based on cooperating with Gu Yan to help him match the face.

Not to mention what Gu Yan said about beating the legs and rubbing the waist, washing and cleaning.

In her opinion, this is what the talent does. Thinking about the scene, she feels chills and nausea all over!

“Then what if you lose?

“I can’t lose.

Tian Dong was left with nothing to say by Gu Yan again. I don’t know why, she now has the urge to pat Gu Yan hard.”Gamble or not? Hurry up!” Gu Yan gave Tian Dong a police look.

“Gamble! If I win, I will let you take care of me for one day!” Tiandong couldn’t stand Gu Yan’s contemptuous eyes and directly agreed.

“Okay, then I’m going,

However, the next moment.

Tiandong thought that Gu Yan would have to say something, but the man stood up and left without looking back.

Watching the man’s back disappear into the living room.

Tian Dong took a deep breath, calming down his inner emotions.

Lost? How can I lose?

Gu Yan is not in the scope of the invitation at all, how can he profit from it?

In the next moment, Tiandong directly opened the bottle of liquor on the table, took a big sip, and a touch of shame and annoyance rose in his beautiful eyes.

I obviously had a good attitude with this guy on the phone today, and I want to drink with him.

The result? After talking about the business, I left myself here?

Thinking of Gu Yan’s breezy and calm appearance, she didn’t know why, her teeth tickled with hate.

She has already thought about the invitation of this mysterious email, she must go.

Not for anything else, just to win the bet with Gu Yan and let him take care of himself for a day!

Gu Yan, you wait for me!

Under the villa.

Gu Yan got in the car and drove towards the riverview villa area.

The gambling agreement with Tiandong was a decision he made after hearing about the invitation letter.


There is only one way to deal with Tiandong, and that is to press on with reason and evidence, and conquer her from all angles!

If the previous night between her and Su Qingyue was a scheming.

The bet this time is Gu Yan’s pure and innocent means.

Both soft and hard!

I looked at the 4.4 watch and calculated the time in my mind.

Gu Yan took out his mobile phone and searched for a few keywords.

Suddenly, a lot of search results popped up.

“Yang Chen, the son of the Yang family, died of a sudden illness at home today. The specific reason is still being adjusted.

“According to the grapevine, the head of the Yang family has transferred most of the power to Yang Yuanhong, the son of Yang’s family. Is Yang Chen’s death related to the power struggle of the mysterious family?”

These are all gossip news.

However, they only appeared for less than ten minutes, and they were all taken off the shelves, even few people saw them.

next moment.

Ding Dong!

When Gu Yan’s cell phone rang, a text message popped out.

“After my son Yang Chen passes away today, a memorial ceremony is scheduled to be held at 6 o’clock in the morning tomorrow, and I will be buried in Zu Yingzhi. I am grateful for all my relatives and friends to participate by then.”

Address: Fuyuan.

See this invitation.

Gu Yan was not surprised.

I now have a certain status and power in the Demon Capital. It is reasonable to receive the invitation from the Yang family, and it has long been expected.

This is the highlight!

It was his real purpose for Yang Chen to suspend his death, and it was his confidence in signing a gambling agreement with Tiandong!

It is Yang Chen’s memorial service!

This memorial service is also the key for him to officially start the layout, merge the two hidden families, and push his hands behind the scenes!

Because only in this way.

In order to catch the last heroine who did not appear in the original book, he will be sent to Li’s family and endured for several years, the most special heroine.

Zhao Chuning!

ps: The author went home and updated it. It is still 15,000 words updated today, focusing on the evening.

The other fifty-two chapters are out. I’m sorry everyone. If you haven’t read it, you can look back.

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