Chapter 48

Chapter 48 Brother, I don’t allow you to hurt him!

Miss Su “I just called you to have a meal at home because I don’t have time for a few days.”

“How did you quarrel with Tiandong?”

Gu Yan wrapped his arms, leaned on the wall pillar lightly, and calmly looked at Su Qingyue in front of him.

Su Qingyue held the handbag in both hands, and the moonlight shone on her beautiful and vulgar face, illuminating the drunken red that has not faded, and the beautiful eyes that swayed slightly, in which a layer of shallow water mist condensed.

Under the night, her slender body was extremely thin, as if a gust of wind could blow her away.

She looked at Gu Yan, lowered her head, and whispered: “You two are obviously together, but she still has to retaliate against me with words.”

“I know I was wrong, but you didn’t say anything about Gu Gongzi. Why did she say about me?”

“Okay, Gu Gongzi, I’m leaving, you go back quickly, otherwise, otherwise she will have to think more.”

Su Qingyue really drank too much.

After speaking, he wanted to leave, but he was unstable, and he tripped over the steps and moved up to the concrete floor.

She just felt her brain go round and round, and after drinking so much wine, she couldn’t exclaim even if she wanted to exclaim.

But soon.

She felt like she had fallen into a warm embrace, and a fresh man’s breath came to her face.

Vaguely, she could still hear the man’s heartbeat, and the firm and powerful muscle lines under her clothes, and this warmth spread all over her body.

Opening her eyes, Su Qingyue was stunned.

What she saw was a handsome and extraordinary face, watching herself calmly.

“Who said I was with Tiandong? Miss Su, it is not costless to spread rumors.

Gu Yan said something, and at the same time, he straightened Su Qingyue’s body, took out her mobile phone from her bag, and sent a text message to Su’s family, asking someone to drive to pick him up.

Su Qingyue was still at a loss, but after being hugged by Gu Yan, her cheeks were hot with shame.

But when she heard Gu Yan say so in “eight thirty”.

Su Qingyue’s beautiful eyes were startled bit by bit, she just looked at Gu Yan directly, “Gu Gongzi, are you really not with Tiandong?”

If Tian Dong said this, Su Qingyue would never believe it.

But this is what Gu Yan said!

She understands Gu, Gu Yan will never lie in this regard, and he has no reason to lie!

“We are just a cooperative relationship.” Gu Yan returned the phone to Su Qingyue. “Mrs. Su is already on the way. I will pick you up soon.”

“I’m going back.

“Gu Gongzi, wait!” Su Qingyue stopped Gu Yan.

She plucked up courage, and her voice became very low again, “Have you liked me?”

Finish saying this sentence.

Su Qingyue looked at Gu Yan with an extremely complicated look. Even she herself didn’t know what answer she wanted.

In short, she has never been so nervous!


Gu Yan refused directly and said faintly: “Miss Su, I have to admit that you are perfect, so perfect that it makes people feel unreal.

“When people try to get close to you, they feel tired from the bottom of their hearts. Even if you want someone who really understands you to appear in your heart, when did you actively try to let go of yourself?

“That’s it, don’t forget to come to the retiring banquet in five days.

After speaking, Gu Yan walked directly into the villa without looking back.

Only Su Qingyue stood alone.

Obviously summer night.

But Gu Yan’s cold tone, like a basin of cold water, washed Su Qingyue thoroughly from head to toe.

Su Qingyue just stood in a daze, until a few minutes passed, she seemed to suddenly think of something, decided something, and raised her head to look at the direction Gu Yan was leaving.

Even though her beautiful eyes are still full of drunkenness.

But this time, she no longer wandered, no longer afraid of growth!


A Bentley drove up and the headlights pierced the night.

A noble lady came down from above, she ran up, held Su Qingyue in a hand, and said anxiously, “Xiaoyue? Whoops! Why have you drunk so much wine? Didn’t you go to dinner with Master Gu today? ”

“Quickly, get in the car with mom.””Mom, I didn’t drink too much.” Su Qingyue was in the lady’s arms, with a beautiful smile on her lips.

She was drunk and looked blankly smiling.

“I haven’t drunk too much? You are laughing stupid! How decent you are!” The lady hurriedly helped Su Qingyue walk to Bentley.

“Yes, I just saw on the news that Young Master Gu signed another big deal with Magic Blue Fashion today, at nine o’clock in the evening!”

“It’s normal for Young Master Gu to have no time, but you can’t drink so much alone. Where is this? Who did you sing with?”

Su Qingyue heard the lady say so, did not ask much, but smiled happily.

“Hey, Mom. I know what to do.”

She had a glutinous tone, but she was very serious, and she slept in the arms of the lady with a smile.

The moonlight shone on her flawless pretty face, illuminating the crystal teardrop in the corner of her eye, and it swayed slightly.

“What nonsense are you talking about, alas!”

The lady sighed, her eyes filled with distress, she put Su Qingyue in the back seat and drove away.

Villa, balcony.

Gu Yan approached.

In the moonlight, Tian Dong stood alone, overlooking the bustling night of Omen City.

I even had a bottle of wine in my hand, and I drank a big mouthful.

Helpless, Gu Yan stepped forward and snatched the bottle in Tiandong’s hand.

“Still drinking? Not alive?”

“I want you to control me!”

When Tian Dong saw Gu Yan, there was a slight tremor in her voice. She wanted to snatch the bottle back, but Gu Yan threw the bottle into the trash can.

She was going too far, not looking at Gu Yan, “Go find your Qingyue sister, what are you doing with me?”

“The contract has been signed, there is no problem, I… I’m going to sleep!”

When Gu Yan saw this, he responded, “Okay, I just came up to let you know. Five days later, remember to attend the retiring banquet between Su Qingyue and me.”

“I saw in the group that you are also on the invitation list. Although there is no unified notification time, I will tell you in advance.”

“I’m leaving, you can continue to drink.

After speaking, Gu Yan left directly.

Tian Dong had a pretty face, and she quickly turned around and stood in front of Gu Yan.

“What? You really retired? But…1

“But why didn’t I get the news?”

“Retired? You brought her home today, didn’t you want me to help you match it up? You don’t like her?”

Tian Dong directly raised a series of questions. She fixedly looked at Gu Yan, and at the same time blocked the door directly, saying that she would not let him go.

“Tian, ​​are you insane?”

Gu Yan looked at Tiandong with a look of suspicion and caring for the mentally retarded children, “When did I say you asked you to match it up for me? You can make up for it.

“I just asked Su Qingyue to come to the house for a meal. Besides, you started to make noise as soon as you ate. Did you give me a chance to talk?”

Tian Dong was scolded by Gu Yan with a bloody head.

But she was not angry at all. Instead, she was smiling. The smile was super beautiful and super happy.

Seeing this, Gu stretched out his index finger and hooked Tian Dong Xuebai’s chin, and said with a smile: “Are you jealous?”

“Who is jealous, you are jealous.”

Tian Dong was caught off guard by Gu Yan suddenly.

Her pretty face was cold and her tone of voice was indifferent, but her face was red and she did not dare to look at Gu Yan.

Gu Yan was a bit disgusted to probe Tiandong, “Get out of the way, you continue to drink, I don’t know what it is.”


Tiandong saw that Gu Yan was so fierce, he just wanted to have an attack, but after thinking about it, his tone softened again.

“Gu Gongzi, I was wrong. You shouldn’t be violent just now, when I drank too much!

Gu Yan looked at Tiandong lightly, “Don’t drink anymore?”

“Stop drinking!” Tiandong looked at Gu Yan eagerly, and replied super fast.


“I… I’m not sleepy anymore, or let’s talk about the contract or something.”

“Come on.

Gu Yan directly pushed Tiandong away and walked downstairs on his own.

Tian Dong stood on the balcony.

At this time, a gust of evening breeze blew her, so that her wine sobered up a lot.

She looked at the bustling night scene of the magic city in the distance, raised her hand and touched her hot cheek, muttering to herself.

“What did I just do?”

“Why do I care so much about whether Gu Yan and Su Qingyue retired, what happened to me?”

“I don’t really like Gu Yan, am I?”

“No, I must have drunk too much.

Tian Dong walked towards his bedroom.

Although she said so, but when she thought in her heart if Gu Yan had another woman, or if she really got together with Su Qingyue.

Then what happened tonight, won’t it become true?

Just thought of this.

Tiandong was inexplicably panicked.

She has never been an indecisive woman, but tonight, when she heard what Su Qingyue said, she was really uncomfortable!

The misunderstanding was resolved, and after knowing that Yan had nothing to do with Gu Su Qingyue, she was really happy again!

Just tangled!

That’s weird!

Tiandong couldn’t figure it out, so he didn’t continue to think about it, and went back to the room to sleep.

Gu Yan went downstairs, got on the Rolls Royce, and started the engine.

He went to Su Qingyue and Tiandong successively, first to understand Oolong and let himself retreat.

Second, to observe their expressions.

Although during the conversation, Gu Yan kept talking about other things, talking about some unnutritious things.

But this is his means to blur the focus.

Gu Yan’s real purpose is to observe the expressions and words of Tiandong and Su Qingyue, and infer whether they are really hooked!

He thought that this process of inference would require a certain length of conversation.

But what he didn’t expect was.

Tiandong and Su Qingyue did not hide their thoughts at all, and directly expressed them through their expressions!

This also shows…

Gu Yan’s plan this time was surprisingly effective!

Taking advantage of the dinner tonight, both Tiandong and Su Qingyue felt uncomfortable because of themselves, planting a psychological hint…

When letting them get along with Gu Yan in the future, they will naturally think of what they felt badly tonight.

In order to face the true thoughts in your heart, change your attitude!

The reaction of Tiandong and Su Qingyue just now is the harvest of words, they have already been put on the set!

Control people’s hearts and drive people’s hearts.

Gu Yan’s methods are not just tactics!

Starting the car, Gu Yan drove towards the riverview villa area.

He calculated the time, now is the time.

River view villa area, near single-family villas.

About a dozen people are hanging around here, sitting or standing, or talking to each other, laughing presumptuously.

From time to time, they looked into the villa with a cold look through the window.

What no one found out was.

On a certain window with a curtain, the curtain was opened a small corner, and then quickly closed.

Inside the house.

Ye Liuli squatted cautiously under the corner, not daring to let out the atmosphere.

Her pretty face was a little pale, and her beautiful eyes were full of panic.

Those people outside, she knew one of the middle-aged bald heads!

It is the person who has been chasing after her, borrowing her loan shark, and cheating her!Here comes the door!

She turned on the phone, and it was filled with threatening text messages, forcing her to pay back the money quickly.

Ye Liuli took a few deep breaths, did not continue to tremble, and waited meaninglessly.

Because she has more important things to do now!

She first sent a text message to Gu Yan, saying that she was disinfecting the entire villa and asked Gu Yan to come back later.

Ye Liuli is real, and doesn’t want to trouble Gu Yan anymore.

But this time, Gu Yan did not reply to her.

Ye Liuli thought Gu Yan was busy, and he was relieved.

Then, she dialed another number and put the phone in her ear.

Soon, a somewhat anxious male voice rang on the phone.


“Sister, you finally called me, I just called you and you have been busy!”

“I’m sorry, my brother’s friend made a mistake this afternoon. He failed to find you, but it doesn’t matter. I have already changed the ticket for three days and will return to China in three days!”

I heard Ye Tian’s voice again.

Ye Liuli was not as excited and happy as before.

On the contrary, when Ye Tian mentioned his friend, Ye Liuli’s heart sank.

She will never forget what happened in the underground parking garage.

She didn’t even know what kind of state she was returning home in.

In short, this matter is far more important than the people who are now forcing her to pay back!

“Brother, why do you want your friend to hurt him?” Ye Liuli’s tone trembled.

“What is he, who is he?”

Ye Tian heard the questioning and suspicion in Ye Liuli’s tone, but he didn’t even know what happened.


Which he?

Wasn’t his subordinate killed by Yang Chen today, why did 4.4 jump out of him again?

Ye Tianyin faintly felt that something was wrong, but he knew too little information. Through these words, he couldn’t infer anything at all.

So, he asked: “Sister, tell your brother clearly who he is and what happened today?”

“Are you talking about Yang Chen?


Ye Liuli vetoed it in one fell swoop.

But she did not say Gu Yan’s name, nor did she tell Ye Tian that she is now working for Gu Yan.

She was afraid that after Ye Tian knew all this, he would let people hurt Young Master Gu!

But she must remind Ye Tian that she can’t do this!

“Brother, I know you know everything in your heart. All I want to say is one thing.

Ye Liuli’s tone became extremely firm, her pretty face was full of stubbornness, “I don’t allow you to hurt him again!”

Boom boom boom!

However, at this moment.

The window was knocked vigorously, and along with it, there was a middle-aged man’s laughter.

“Ah, hide? Just keep hiding! Laozi see when you can hide!”

“I can’t help you if you are inside, but Laozi has time, so I’ll spend it here with you! See if you can’t come out!”

Ye Liuli was startled, her pretty face was pale, and when she took off her hand, the phone fell directly to the ground.


Ye Tian on the phone was exploded at this time!!

He suddenly remembered that when he was talking on the phone with “Yang Chen” today, he had mentioned Ye Liuli there!!

“Yang Chen?! I care about your eighteenth generation of ancestors! You fucking dare to shoot my sister, don’t you? You shit!”

“Grass mud horse! Laozi will definitely kill you! It will make you worse off than death!!”

ps: Two updates on the shelves, with a total of over ten thousand characters.

The author sleeps first and gets up to continue writing. Thank you for your support.

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