Chapter 42

Chapter 42 The Seeds of Hatred

As soon as he left the cabin, Gu Yan manipulated his phone and sent out a text message calmly.

Zhang Pingdong saw that Gu Yan and Ye Liuli were leaving, and they had to drive everything in person.


Gu Yan even had time left to walk to the garage. Zhang Pingdong was the driver and sent him and Ye Liuli to the place.

“Gu Gongzi, and this young lady, go slowly!”

Zhang Pingdong poked his head out of the driving seat and waved goodbye to Gu Yan.

Gu Yan nodded as a response, and then walked into the underground garage with Ye Liuli.

I don’t know why.

This amusement park has always been very popular in the magic city. According to reason, the underground garage should be very lively.

But today, it is very quiet. There is no one in or out.

Of course, Ye Liuli didn’t find this detail at all.

Because she is still in a state where she walks and wanders in a hurry.

My mind is full of what just happened on the Ferris wheel! !

That kind of experience and feeling is really unforgettable for a girl who has never been touched by a man before, or even touched by a man.

The two were speechless all the way, and walked to the bottom of the underground garage, next to Gu Yan’s Rolls Royce.

Ye Liuli’s shy energy also slowly passed.

For Gu Yan, she now has a very special feeling.

It is a subconscious sense of belonging.

This man, she probably won’t forget it forever.


Just when she was about to open the door of the driving seat for Gu Yan, the change happened!

The door of the safe passage next door slammed and was kicked open!

Then, a man wearing a black hoodie and a mask rushed out!

His face was so tightly covered, only a pair of murderous eyes could be seen, and…

The dagger he held in his right hand was glowing with cold light!

Directly rushing to Gu Yan!


Ye Liuli screamed in surprise, her pretty face pale.

The speed of the man was too fast, and he was not far away from Gu Yan, so he rushed over.

He raised the dagger in his hand, without saying anything, stabs directly at Gu Yan!

Killing awe-inspiring! He just wants to kill!

The time was too short, Ye Liuli had no time to think, her teeth bit her red lips, her eyes closed, her arms stretched out to block Gu Yan’s body!



However, the pain in the imagination did not appear.

What sounded was a dull beating sound, and a sour bone cracking sound!

Ye Liuli slowly opened her eyes, and when she saw the scene in front of her, she was stunned.

Gu Yan stood in the front right, calmly looking at the man in black who was lying on the ground and struggling with his stomach.

He also held the man in black’s dagger in his hand.

“Wait, you wait for me!” After the black man said angrily, he struggled to stand up and ran away regardless.

But his injury was so serious that he felt severe pain without running a few steps, and the screams echoed throughout the underground garage.

At the same time, he also dropped two things and left them in place…

One is a mobile phone.

The other one is a wolf head badge with exquisite lines!

Ye Liuli’s beautiful eyes widened instantly!

Her mind was like a bolt from a blue sky, with a crash, shook her head in disbelief, her pretty face sluggish.

He took out his mobile phone in a panic, and dialed a number.

Jingle Bell……

The phone that fell on the ground also rang, and the screen turned on, but soon dimmed.

It was Ye Liuli who shot it, and she also hung it.

The number she dialed was exactly the number Ye Tian gave her when she texted her in the afternoon!

Said that his friend Huimodu was dealing with antiques, and would come to Ye Liuli later to give her a sum of money!

Ye Liuli felt that she couldn’t breathe a little, frowning tightly, in extremely bad condition.

Brother’s friend, shouldn’t he go to Yang Chen? Why did you come to see Young Master Gu, even…

Kill Master Gu? !

Do not……

How could this happen? !

“what happened to you?”

At this time, Gu Yan’s gentle voice rang in his ears, which made Ye Liuli regain his senses.

“I, I’m fine.” Ye Liuli’s tone was light.

But her hands were tightly clenched together, and her fingertips were all white.

“There are some things in business recently, don’t worry about it.”

Gu Yan said softly, then stepped forward and picked up the phone and badge, “Wait a moment, I will ask the driver to come and take you back.”

“I have to find out who this belongs to.”

Ye Liuli looked at the wolf head badge, just like the picture that Ye Tian sent to herself.

And what Gu Yan said.

Look up who’s this…

I just called this cell phone. Will he find out?

When he arrives, how will he think of himself and how should he explain it?

At this moment.

In her heart, something seemed to be suppressed to the extreme, bottoming out.

An inexplicable anger and incomprehensible emotion continued to spread in her heart.


Why did your brother do something to Gu Gongzi? !

Is it because I work for Gu Gongzi, so my brother is going to be like this?

Why is this? !

What should I do? !

Ye Liuli really didn’t know what to do now, and the whole person fell into an extremely tangled state.

Again, I am sorry for Gu Yan again.

Still because of Ye Tian…

“This phone still has encryption. It seems that it will take a few days to crack.”

At this time.

Gu Yan held the phone, and in his cold tone, some doubts appeared again.

Ye Liuli was inexplicably relieved when she heard these words, but she became more determined!

She must ask Ye Tian, ​​why is this!

If it doesn’t work, even if she confesses the matter, she will show Gu Yan all the things Ye Tian and her have talked to, and even get rid of the relationship! It is also necessary to prove that this is really not instructed by oneself!

Within a few minutes.

Gu Yan’s driver came and got on the Rolls Royce.

Gu Yan glanced at Ye Liuli and smiled: “You go back first.”

“Gu Gongzi…I…”

Ye Liuli wanted to say something, but still didn’t say it.

Language is pale and feeble.

She must prove herself with action!

After going back tonight, she wants to call Ye Tian again!

It’s too much!

Thinking of this, Ye Liuli stared at Gu Yan complicatedly for several seconds before getting into the co-pilot.

Two minutes later.

An inexplicable smile appeared in Gu Yan’s expression.



The phone has encryption that he deliberately told Ye Liuli to listen to it, so that her anxiety and fear can be lengthened indefinitely until the next emotional outburst.

The seed of hatred has been planted. The next thing I have to do is to let this seed grow rapidly, which will eventually cause irreversible consequences, making Ye Liuli completely forget Ye Tian and even hate him!

To do all of this, a special method is needed.

The plan went well.

It’s time for the next step.

Everything is under control.

Outskirts of the magic capital.

A black van parked in front of a small second floor.

Gu Yan walked down from above.

Afterwards, several people carried the stretcher, with one person on it, and followed Gu Yan.

On closer inspection, the black hoodie worn by this person is exactly the same as the person who attacked Gu Yan in the underground garage just now!

Only one thing is different!

That is, now this person is not wearing a mask, showing an ordinary and young face!

“It’s done very well.”

Gu Yan looked at the man in black and said lightly: “Let’s get the money from Wang Zilong afterwards.”

“Thank you Master Gu…”

The black clothes were weak, and he passed out immediately after saying this.

In order to perform the trick to the most real.

Gu Yan is really playing, without any hands left!

Several men carried the stretcher and walked in the opposite direction.

Gu Yan walked straight into the second floor, a few middle-aged people surrounded him in an instant, and greeted Gu Yan respectfully.

These people are Wang Zilong’s cronies, and he has carefully cultivated his subordinates over the years.

They helped Gu Yan to do the whole thing.

“Lead the way.”

Gu Yan smiled.

A few middle-aged people knew, and walked ahead.

At the corner of the second floor, the door to the utility room.

“Gu Gongzi, people are here.”

“Give me a knife.”

Gu Yan stretched his hand back, one of the middle-aged people knew, and immediately handed it a saber.

“Just keep guarding outside, don’t anyone come in.” Gu Yan said lightly, then opened the door directly and walked in!

In the utility room.

The air is very humid, with a faint smell of blood.

Under the dim light.

A sturdy middle-aged man with a wolf head tattooed on his neck was tied to a wall pillar by Wuhuada, his nose was bruised and his face was swollen, and his finger was broken.

Obviously suffered a certain degree of abuse.

The moment he saw Gu Yan, the anger in his expression was about to burst out.

“Who are you so special?!”

“Why are you staying with Brother Ye’s sister, I have seen them all, and I will tell you again, I have seen them all!”

“Hehe, I’m still with Brother Ye’s sister after being tied up, you are so bold…”

“Are you that what…”

Having said this, the middle-aged man paused, sneered, and the corners of his mouth raised a somewhat joking arc.

“Yang Chen?”

ps: Ask for data! *

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