Chapter 35

Chapter Thirty-Five I, I prejudged your prejudgment!

Gu Yan?

Wang Zilong really didn’t expect that Gu Yan would take the initiative to wait for him.

After a moment of stunned, he sneered and locked the bathroom door.

“Gu Yan, I, Wang Zilong, is not an unreasonable person, but this size is one size. Whatever you owe me, you have to pay me back.”

“Either you cut off both hands yourself, go out and apologize to everyone in front of everyone, and I, Tenglong Real Estate and your Gu Group, have reached a cooperative relationship.”

“Either I will do it, cut off your two hands, and drag you out to show everyone that our two families will become enemies. You can choose by yourself.”

In fact, Wang Zilong had planned to pave the way with Gu Yan.

But the call from the Li family just now made him feel annoyed, and without this kind of foreshadowing, he would have something to say.

Gu Yan’s face was calm, did not speak, just walked slowly in front of Wang Zilong, and then suddenly kicked his stomach!

Wang Zilong sneered.

He was also a Lianjiazi, and he was just about to resist, but found that something was wrong.

Gu Yan’s kick is too cruel, too fast, he can’t stop it at all!

This kick also hit Wang Zilong’s stomach fiercely.

He just carried it down without saying a word, but arched his waist and leaned against a wall.

Wang Zilong spit out blood foam, hehe smiled and said: “There are two times, if I guess it is right, you have this method, the thugs I put in the bathroom in advance are also dead, right?”

“Gu Yan, you really make me look at me, I always thought you were a mommy…”


Gu Yan didn’t speak, but kicked again!

Wang Zilong’s face was flushed, but the anger and resentment in his expression remained the same!

“Do you think this is useful? Come on, fight! Keep on fighting!”

“I have a heartbeat detector on my body, which is directly connected to the thugs outside me. Once they find the signal is weak or disappear, they will rush in immediately.”

“Gu Yan, even if you can fight, you can walk out of the Tianding Rally, but you believe me, my Wang Zilong will look at you from now on!!”

Gu Yan smiled faintly when he saw this.

There is no difference from what I imagined.

It’s such a tough bone.

“Do you know who told your people to steal things from Li’s house this afternoon?” Gu Yan said calmly.

“Is it you?” Wang Zilong narrowed his eyes when he heard Gu Yan talk about it.

“It’s Lin Bai, your most trusted butler.”

Gu Yan didn’t attack Wang Zilong again, but took out the phone from his pocket, called up a photo, and showed the phone to Wang Zilong.

Wang Zilong’s eyes instantly filled with murderous aura.

This first photo is not suitable for children. The shooting angle is very detailed and comprehensive.

The heroes and heroines are Lin Bai, and Wang Zilong’s woman Sasha.

Gu Yan flipped to the next one.

That was a photo of Lin Bai’s tragic death at home.

“I think you don’t seem to know what your woman and your housekeeper are doing, and talk to you.”

“In addition, I have already killed Lin Bai for you. He transferred your people, but I asked Lin Bai to do this.”

Gu Yan smiled lightly.

“Okay, very good, these two dog men and women.”

Wang Zilong shook his head for himself, then raised his head to look at Gu Yan, and said without a smile, “Then I really thank you.”

This sentence is true. Wang Zilong thanked Gu Yan for helping him kill Lin Bai.

But he still has something to say, and there is no need to say it, because the hatred in his heart has reached its peak.

The Li family’s affairs were also caused by Gu Yan who framed him. Gu Yan did it all!

This hatred is endless!

“What then? Do you think you can use such a crude method to let the Li family take action on me?”

Wang Zilong smiled, “The relationship between me and the Li family is something you can understand as a junior!”

“You underestimate my Wang Zilong!”Gu Yan nodded, believing it.

He turned to the last photo, “What about this one?”

Wang Zilong looked at the phone screen, but was stunned.

That is a photo of a piece of copper.

He is familiar with this piece of copper!

When the last Patriarch of the Li family was in power, he invited relatives and friends to a banquet.

Wang Zilong was one of them. At that time, he remembered clearly that the previous Patriarch of the Li family had in front of dozens of people, facing this copper tablet and the old ancestor’s tablet, three bows and nine knocks!

Only after that!

Li’s token copper piece! !

“Where did you get this picture?”

Wang Zilong vaguely felt that something was wrong.

“It’s not a photo, but it’s in my hands.”

Gu Yan smiled inexplicably, “Or, it can be in your hands.”

After saying this, Gu Yan directly connected to the video call.

On the other end of the phone, it was the man he arranged next to Wang Zilong’s villa.

Directly in front of Wang Zilong, he took out the copper piece of Li’s token from an antique porcelain bowl, and then turned the camera to take a picture of Wang Zilong’s villa!

In the end, he even used the Wang Zilong network to hack into the Li family’s intranet, and identified this copper piece as a unique and genuine Li family token!

“If I guess right, the Li family will be at your house soon, right?”

“What the Li family lost is a Ming Dynasty porcelain bowl, and this one I hold is also a Ming Dynasty porcelain bowl. The only difference is that there is the lifeblood of the Li family in my bowl.”

“Think about it, what would happen if I asked my people to replace the porcelain bowl that Li’s lost with a porcelain bowl with copper plates before the Li family came?”

Gu Yan looked at Wang Zilong interestingly and watched his reaction.

as predicted.

After hearing these words.

Wang Zilong’s face changed in an instant, his teeth clenched, his voice almost squeezed out of his throat, and he suddenly said to Gu Yan: “You really surprised me enough!”

It is calculated!

If Gu Yan really did that, then he would fall into a situation.

A dead end!

The Li family will think that what they want to steal is not an ordinary antique, but a token of the Li family!

Gu Yan is right, this is the lifeblood of the Li family!

Not to mention that Gu Yan’s subordinates used their own network to hack into the Li family’s intranet, directly identifying the copper pieces, and even the traces were not removed!

All of this, you can condemn yourself!

At that time, the Li family will retaliate unreservedly, and Tamron Real Estate will disappear from the magic city forever in a very short period of time!

Want to explain? how to explain?

Those who go to Li’s house to steal things, as long as they belong to their own group, will always carry this pot by themselves, because Lin Bai is dead and there is no evidence against him!

He explained, on the contrary, the more he described it, the darker it made the Li family hate himself more!

Dead end, dead end in the true sense!

As long as Gu Yan sent this piece of copper into the villa and let the Li family find out, it would be a dead end, and there was no solution for him!

insidious! sinister! mean! cunning!

Now Wang Zilong doesn’t know what words to use to describe Gu Yan.

He also couldn’t understand why Gu Yan could hold the copper piece of Li’s token like a okay person!

Why can Gu Yan create such a perfect scam!

“Do you want to understand?”

Gu Yan turned off the phone and looked at Wang Zilong calmly.

“What do you want? Say!” Wang Zilong gritted his teeth.

He had to bow his head temporarily!

If he offends the Gu family, he still has room to fight back. No matter how bad he is, he can make money and run away. If he goes abroad, Wang Zilong can still make a comeback!

But offended the Li family, he didn’t even have a chance to run!

Gu Yan heard Wang Zilong’s words, and according to the plan he had made, said gently: “Be my dog, do things for me.”

Words fall.

Gu Yan didn’t speak again, but waited quietly.

It’s not that simple!

If Wang Zilong could surrender so easily, he would not be called Wang Zilong.

as predicted.

After hearing these words, Wang Zilong lowered his head, his expression was gloomy, and he didn’t know what he was thinking.

Time flows by every minute and every second.

The bathroom was silent, but Wang Zilong’s breathing was sometimes heavy and sometimes light.

The atmosphere is depressed to the extreme, like a balloon constantly being fed with gas. The silence is only temporary, and the balloon will change sooner or later.

Either blow it up!

Either be quiet forever!

I don’t know how long it took.

Wang Zilong smiled.

He laughed very little, but in the end it turned into a crazy laugh.

Gu Yan just looked at him quietly.

A full minute has passed.

Wang Zilong laughed enough. He walked up to Gu Yan, shook his head, and said in a very emotional voice: “Gu Yan, you are great.”

“I have to admit that you have been my prince and dragon for twenty years, and the only person I have ever seen is more ruthless than me in terms of means. I recognize you, you are excellent.”

“But you are too young…the chess is one move!”

“You shouldn’t expose your needs.”


He stared at Gu Yan’s eyes, “You have calculated so much, don’t you just want me to do things for you?”

“If I guessed right, what you want me to do is important, right? Is there and only I can do it?”

“In this case, if I don’t do it for you, what can you do? You continue to frame me and let the Li family make me rubbish. You don’t want to get a cent from me for the rest of your life!”


The prince dragon laughed, and said: “Do you dare to kill me? Maybe you dare, but you can’t kill, right?”

have to say.

It is not unreasonable that Wang Zilong can get to this step.


Gu Yan moved!

He directly kicked Wang Zilong’s chest vigorously, and Wang Zilong couldn’t stabilize his figure, and fell to the ground fiercely!

At the same time, Gu Yan easily drew a pistol with a silencer from his waist, loaded it, and fired!

Bang bang!

Two small gunshots caused the entire bathroom to fall into deathly silence!

Wang Zilong was shot!

The body armor he wore with him helped him block the first shot, but the second shot only blocked a little, and the bullet rushed into one third of his left chest!

The blood instantly stained Wang Zilong’s suit.

Wang Zilong lowered his head, looked at his blood-stained clothes, and felt the sharp pain of a tear in his left chest.

He was stunned!

This time, I was really stunned!

He will not die!

This is also the biggest secret of Wang Zilong, that is, his heart is different from normal people, not on the left chest, but on the right chest!

No one can know this secret, so why did Gu Yan shoot him in the left chest?

I really want to kill him!

All the arrogance that Wang Zilong was so proud of, he thought he would kill Gu Yan’s move, at this moment, all disappeared!

Although Gu Yan wanted him to do something, he really dared to kill him, and really dared to let Tenglong Real Estate disappear from the magic capital!

No one is not afraid of death, no one is not afraid of bankruptcy!Wang Zilong was not afraid before, but he thought he had grasped Gu Yan’s lifeline and he would not bankrupt his family and die!

but now……

He is scared!

This was the first time he had been in close contact with death for more than 20 years, and it was also the first time he felt afraid!

I’m really scared! !

“Wang Zilong, I just admire you. I want you to be my dog. You really value yourself too much.”

Gu Yan smiled, and then said unexpectedly: “Oh? Not dead?”

“Are you different from everyone else, with your heart on the right?”

“Well, I should just start.”


Gu Yan was loaded again and aimed the pistol at Wang Zilong’s head!

“Stop! Gu Yan! I promise you, I am willing to help you, don’t kill me!!”

Wang Zilong almost roared, his whole body trembling, his face pale!

He had no doubt that if he shouted slowly for a second, Gu Yan could really kill him!

Two shots!

Gu Yan just shot him twice in the left chest, not a single shot, he really killed him by holding it!

Wang Zilong clutched his left chest, blood constantly pouring from his fingers, he struggled to stand up, and trembled at Gu Yan: “I am willing, I am willing to do things for you.”

When Gu Yan saw this, his expression remained calm.

But in my heart, he smiled inexplicably.

How could he not know that Wang Zilong’s heart is on the right?

How could he not leave himself the last move?

How could he… let Wang Zilong turn the sky over with a pawn!

Gu Yan had long expected that Wang Zilong would be confident, and in turn threatened himself.

But he just wants Wang Zilong to say this, and then he will despair to Wang Zilong, and completely crush him!

Gu Yan’s exposed sense of need is fake, he said so deliberately!

If he changed his rhetoric at that time, Wang Zilong would definitely agree.

But will Wang Zilong be honest?

will not!

He would even wait for an opportunity to retaliate and bite Gu Yan back!

Instead, Gu Yan exposed his sense of need, gave Wang Zilong hope, and then made him desperate, letting him know that he was worthless in front of him.

In this way, Wang Zilong will honestly do things by himself!

This is to control people’s hearts and control people’s hearts!

Gu Yan took advantage of countless coincidences. When Wang Zilong thought that he was afraid to kill him and that no one knew his greatest secret, he went the other way and hit him on the left chest.

Using this information gap can neither kill Wang Zilong, but also crush him!

Gu Yan, predicted Wang Zilong’s prediction!

Wang Zilong stood up and leaned aside weakly.

He was seriously injured, but he couldn’t die for a while.

Looking at Gu Yan, there is a heartfelt fear in his expression, “Gu Yan, you…”


The words are not over yet.

Gu Yan slapped Wang Zilong on the face, causing him to spit out blood.

Gu Yan looked at Wang Zilong faintly, his expression calm and heinous.

“Wang Zilong, you are a talent, you and I have similarities, don’t you?”

“But remember, you are my dog ​​now.”

“How can you call my name?”

“Called the son…”

ps: This chapter has four thousand words. The author of Gou is still rushing forward, and there is still another chapter in the next chapter. *

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