Chapter 33

Chapter 33 Ye Tian is just one of the leeks


Spilled blood!

Gu Yan used a lot of force, Chen Tianming’s right hand was cut off and he flew out!

The severed hand flew to the center of the onlookers, dragging a shocking blood stain on the tidy floor.

Men and women dodged one after another, their expressions horrified and shocked!

“Ah! The surname Gu, wait for Laozi, and Mr. Wang will come up immediately and see how you die!!” Chen Tianming screamed and roared, his blood stained him, making him look extraordinarily crippled.

“President Wang?”

Gu Yan smiled inexplicably.

When Yaodong heard Chen Tianming mention Wang Zilong, her beautiful eyes became even colder, just when she was about to speak.

Gu Yan…

Moved again!

He grabbed Chen Tianming’s other hand, and under the horrified gaze of countless people, he made another stab!

Flop! !

The intense pain directly dazzled Chen Tianming’s brain, causing him to faint, unable to say a word.

“If Laoqian is not satisfied after being chopped off, then chop another hand. This is the rule.”

Gu Yan casually threw the short knife aside, spread his blood-stained hands, looked around the audience, and asked calmly, “Do you have any paper on your body?”

The audience was silent.

ruthless! !

Too ruthless!

Including Yaodong, all the dignitaries are dumbfounded!

Is this the Gu Yan in their impression? !

To Chen Tianming’s ruthless hand, Gu Yan is undoubtedly ganged up with Wang Zilong for death, even greater than Yaodong and Wang Zilong’s hatred!

In front of so many people, he cut off both hands of Wang Zilong’s ten-year business partner, this is not to look at Wang Zilong as a person!

Is he confident and confident, or does he not know that Wang Zilong’s gaze will be reported?

The dignitaries faintly felt that today’s Tianding rally, I am afraid it will be a little different!

Yaodong looked at the man standing not far away.

His expression was calm, and Gu Jing Wubo’s eyes had no sadness or joy, as if he had not chopped Chen Tianming, but chopped a chicken.

This is by no means pretended.

It’s a kind of cruelty, a decisiveness, a kind of calmness in mastering!

Yaodong was a little stunned, but she quickly recovered, took out a pack of paper from her pocket, and handed it to Gu Yan.

Gu Yan took it, and while carefully wiping the blood on his hands, while watching Yaodong, he smiled calmly and said, “Mr. Yao, let’s talk to another place?”

Yaodong looked at Gu Yan with such determination.

A few seconds later, she smiled beautifully, and the beauty of the moment was beyond compelling.

“Okay, Gu Gongzi, you can talk to me about anything you want.”

Gu Yan didn’t speak, and walked to the rest area on his own.

Yaodong also followed.

“Gu… Young Master Gu!”

At this moment, a powerful man stood up. He looked at Gu Yan’s figure, and he didn’t know why, but his words were a little trembling.

He pointed to a pile of chips on the gaming table, “You didn’t get your money.”

Gu Yan stopped, glanced back, and said lightly: “Donate it.”

Donated? !

Yaodong didn’t hold back, and glanced at Gu Yan.

Two billion, just donate like this?

Gu Yan just said something casually, and then continued to move forward, with no intention of waiting for Yaodong at all.

Yaodong became more and more curious about Gu Yan, did not say anything, and followed.

Only a bunch of powerful people stood there in a daze, until after a while, the voice of discussion faintly sounded.

“Chopping Chen Tianming’s hand is a rule, and donating the money he won is a love point. Not only did Mr. Gu win the game, he also won the manhood.”

“In comparison, Chen Tianming was too petty in front of Gu Gongzi. Gu Gongzi is really the best I have ever seen in the younger generation of the magic city, and there is no one!”

“More than that, have you forgotten about Dingsheng Finance? This young man, what exactly does he have to get to the sky?”

Some people boast.

Some people are worried about Gu Yan, and some are preparing to watch the show.


What Gu Yan chopped was the hands of Wang Zilong’s business partners.

Wang Zilong is not a reasonable master, he will come up after a while, and he doesn’t mean to leave when he sees Gu Yan.

These two people, who can stand in the end today?

But no matter what.The name Gu Yan will be spread like a locust in the upper class with a positive and excellent image after today’s Tianding rally is over!

Tianding assembly, lounge.

Gu Yan opened the door and walked in.

The two billion just now didn’t make much difference if he took it, and this little money won’t affect anything.

But if you donate it and make yourself a stellar personality, you can exert the influence of money itself several times, even more than ten times!

It is impossible for Gu Yan not to do this kind of profit.

On the bright side, Gu Yan will always be the most respected and respected son.

Behind the scenes, Gu Yan kills the decisively, covering the sky with only one hand, mastering everything, doing whatever he wants!

That is, a reputation has been obtained.

And unfettered and enjoyed everything.

Why not do it?

Even if Gu Yan’s methods are not clean, what about?

Who would know? Who can do what?

It’s just chess pieces and leeks going further and further in the truth fabricated by Gu Yan.

As for Wang Zilong…?

Gu Yan can only say that he is eager for Wang Zilong to come early.

He is a trader, a person who masters the entire chess game, naturally masters everything and is invincible.

How could it be turned over by a chess piece?

“I’m curious now, how many secrets do you have?”

Sitting on the sofa, Yaodong spoke first, breaking the calm.

She looked at Gu Yan and smiled: “Make a price, how can you not…”

“Don’t tell me what happened in the nightclub?”

Mention the nightclub.

Yaodong’s pretty face couldn’t help showing a blush, faint, very attractive.

“Cooperate with me.” Gu Yan said lightly.


“Because I can cure your illness.”

Yaodong’s beautiful eyes were startled, and he kept smiling, “Gu Gongzi, I didn’t understand what you were talking about.”

Gu Yan smiled.

Stand up, walk to the table, and pick up a bottle of Lafite 1982.

“Mr. Yao, you are very good. No matter whether it is a project or a business, you have never failed. At the worst, you have retired.”

“But one of your projects failed, didn’t you?”

Speaking of which.

Gu Yan opened the wine and tilted slightly.

The scarlet wine poured into the goblet. He watched Yaodong and said softly.

“Boai Hospital, do you still want it?”


Yaodong stood up instantly, the smile on her pretty face was put away, and the emotions in her beautiful eyes were not only panic, shock, but also a kind of danger!

This is the biggest secret in her heart!

In the early years, Yaodong was tortured by her own quirks intolerable, so she came up with a way.

She wants to open a hospital that specializes in accommodating such patients, and spends a lot of money to hire the best medical team in the country to treat them and discuss solutions.

If a special effect medicine is developed, or what kind of trick.

She can also be used on her own.

Pok Oi Hospital came into being.

At that time, Yaodong would also specifically find some female patients of the same gender as her, to communicate and communicate together, and talk to her heart in an anonymous chat.

She can’t help it, she doesn’t know who to talk to, it can only be so!

But in the end, the medical team still failed to achieve the expected goals, the project ran aground, and the plan failed.

From beginning to end!

Yaodong has never used the identity of Magic Blue Fashion, but specifically found a listed company, even the hospital’s investors, capital, and equity are held on behalf of it!

She hides completely behind the scenes, only she knows about this!

but now……

Gu Yan said these four words!

“Relax, President Yao, you are tired enough, there is no need to be so wary of anyone.”

Gu Yan smiled gently, “Cooperate with me, I can not only cure your disease, but also take you to do things you can’t even imagine in your entire life.”

“Of course, that is something later.”

“The first step of cooperation is to facilitate my Gu Group, undertake projects with me, and I will treat you with equal exchanges, right?”


Gu Yan knew that there was only one way to cure Yaodong’s illness.

That is to make her fall in love with a man, vent her unreservedly, and fully unfold her long-repressed heart disease.

The current Yaodong has not been affected by the quirks. She is usually the flower of that glamorous magic capital, and a legend in the upper-class society of the magic capital.

She just lived very tired, it was heart disease, but she didn’t realize it.

Gu Yan will help her treat her illness, and after he has enough trust, he will also treat Yaodong as his own woman and put in some affection.

After all, Yaodong is clean, clean in every sense.

The unclean female characters in the original book have long been hidden by Gu Yan using the system. Ye Tian shouldn’t even want to meet a woman.


After all, you have to cheat first.

Listening to Gu Yan’s condition, Yaodong stared into Gu Yan’s eyes, saying, “What else do you know?”

“Mr. Yao, I said, don’t be nervous.”

Gu Yan took two glasses of red wine, came to Yaodong, curled his lips and smiled, “But if you have to ask.”

“I also know that in the pocket of your right coat, there is a Browning m1911 with five bullets inside. You just thought, kill me, and kill the only person in the world who knows you. people.”

“But if you didn’t do it then, you would never do it again. This is you.”

“A woman who can always make the right choice, never admit defeat, even if she chooses a gun, she must choose a large size, and does not use a female self-defense pistol.”

While talking.

Gu Yan put a glass of red wine in front of Yaodong, and at the same time raised his wine glass, “Yao, the world is actually not as cold as you think.”

“We, happy cooperation?”

“Happy cooperation.”

Yaodong took a deep breath, picked up the wine glass, and touched Gu Yan’s wine glass, then raised her white neck and drank it in one gulp.

Her movements are a bit rough.

A few drops of red wine hung on her red lips and the corners of her mouth.

She believed it.

At least at this moment, she believes that Gu Yan can cure her illness.

A person knows a lot, and it can’t be linked with ability.

But if what this person knows is the lifeblood of other people, something that other people conceal and never want to show.

Then this person must have great abilities!

“However, our cooperation will take some time to proceed.”

When Yao Dong said this, the eyes looking at Gu Yan were a little weird, “You cut off Chen Tianming’s hand and offended Wang Zilong. Tenglong Real Estate will also stare at you, staring at me.”

“This is a hassle. If we want to cooperate, we have to deal with this matter first.”


When Yaodong was speaking.

Gu Yan received a text message on his mobile phone. He took it out and found it was sent from an unfamiliar number.

“Gu Gongzi, I am the chairman of Magic City Jinxiu Steel, my surname is Zhao.”

“Wang Zilong just came up, he was furious, and said that he would take you to the east bathroom and be killed.”

“He is on the phone now, I take the time to send you a text message, you go!”

Gu Yan’s face was calm and didn’t feel any surprises. He installed the lock screen of the phone and looked at Yaodong.

“I’ll take care of Wang Zilong, but I want one thing.”

“what’s up?”

“I want you to listen to me unconditionally in the process of cooperation and not to resist me.” Gu Yan laughed.

“Yes.” Yaodong smiled and agreed.

She thought Gu Yan was joking, and when she was about to make a few more jokes, she found that Gu Yan walked out of the lounge directly!

“What are you going to do?” Yaodong frowned slightly.

I don’t know why, when she is with Gu Yan, she always has a feeling.

That is, I will never guess what this man will do next.

Gu Yan didn’t turn his head back, and the slender figure drifted away.

Only a calm word echoed in the corridor.

“Look for Wang Zilong!”

That’s right, find Wang Zilong!

This highlight!

In Gu Yan’s plan, after the Tianding rally is over, he can start reaping benefits!

The layout is almost there!

And the most important thing is on Wang Zilong’s body!

Gu Yan’s ambition is huge, so ordinary petty profits can’t make him tempted at all.

He needs huge profits to support his crazy goal.

Therefore, Gu Yan set his sights on the hidden family from the beginning.

The demons have two hidden families, one of which is a great help to Ye Tian in the original book, Ye Tian’s biggest backer, the Li family.The other is the Yang family, who has family friendship with the Li family.

And how can we obtain benefits from the Hidden Family while at the same time ensuring that Ye Tian’s biggest hole card is abolished?

play off!

That’s right, it’s provocative!

Gu Yan wants Ye Tian to fight with the Yang family. The more fierce the fight, the better, and the fight broke the blood!

In this way, Gu Yan can intensify the contradictions behind the scenes, and finally appear as the savior to harvest the interests of the Yang family!

You can also pour dirty water on Ye Tian’s body and destroy his hole cards!

do not forget.

The Li family and the Yang family have family acquaintances, but Ye Tianren doesn’t know this at all when he is abroad!

If he offends the Yang family, the Li family might help Ye Tian speak.

The two sides fought, and the Li family would try to reconcile.

But what if Ye Tian and the Yang family became enemies of life and death, and even the Li family was implicated?

The result is different!

This is an important information gap!

But how to do this?

Gu Yan is already in the layout.

Don’t forget, before Ye Liuli came to Jiangjing Villa to steal something, after Gu Yan smashed the antique and got the copper piece, he also asked his friend to imitate the same antique!

He is going to use this imitation, and then use the Li family’s token copper piece, with an extremely special method, to do all this!

Even, he hadn’t forgotten Ye Liuli, he wanted to let Ye Liuli pass this incident and completely change his impression of Ye Tian!

Gu Yan had planned for a long time, but was missing an introduction.

The introduction to all this!

This introduction must be important to the Yang family and must be valued by the Yang family!

Therefore, Yang Chen, the young master of the Yang family, became Gu Yan’s goal!

This is another reason why he came to participate in the Tianding rally!

That is to borrow Wang Zilong’s hand to help himself calculate Yang Chen!

Wang Zilong is exquisite, knows everyone and can do everything. He is a perfect tool person.

What’s more, Wang Zilong has more than just this effect.

He can also allow his cooperation with Yaodong to gain the upper hand, and he can also make himself completely famous in the upper class society of the magic city.

The perfect tool man!

Gu Yan had already planned everything at the very beginning.

How he provokes the hatred between the Yang Family and Ye Tian, ​​and how to make Ye Liuli’s affection for Ye Tian from blood thicker than water into a means of hatred, no one can think of.

This is a net of heaven and earth!

Gu Yan didn’t even make any plans specifically because of Ye Tian.

His vision will never be as simple as killing Ye Tian, ​​but his own interests, including power, wealth, sex, everything!

Ye Tian is just a trivial link in this net.

It’s just a tool man.

When Ye Tian returned to China, it was the day he became disabled.

In front of Gu Yan, he couldn’t get up for a moment.

Both righteous and evil, decisively kill and decisively, by all means!

Gu Yan is always a chess player who hides behind the scenes, controls the game, and reaps profits.

He is also an elegant artist who creates perfect scams, a true…

Behind the scenes villain boss!

at the same time.

In the hall outside, a middle-aged man was sitting on the sofa, holding the phone and his face was as sinking as water.

In front of him, several doctors carried a stretcher and lifted up a man who had lost both hands.

“President Wang, we will definitely do everything possible to cure Mr. Chen.”

The middle-aged man waved his hand impatiently.

It can be seen vaguely.

On the little finger of his right hand, there is a golden patterned finger cot.

The appearance of middle-aged people is also very unique.

The nose is hooked, the eyes are hanging, and the contour of the face is as cold as a knife.

Chairman of Tenglong Real Estate!

Just as soon as I went upstairs, I suffocated my stomach…

Prince Dragon!

ps: Five thousand words in this chapter, asking for data.

Recently, the data is not good, can you help the poor author, Qiu Li Gao qaq*

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