Chapter 324

Chapter 324 The Lost Son of Love

Chapter 324: I’m Sorry

Charmaine Bai did not go back after leaving the villa, nor did he look for Lin Bei.

Instead, I found a place to sit down at the bus stop and sat there quietly watching the traffic and crowds. My face couldn’t help but began to become lonely.

Is it really good for her to do this?

Ye Liuli saw Bai Shiman’s back and took a few photos according to Gu Yan’s request.

Then I accompany her and stand in the crowd. It is the peak time for off-get off work. There are so many people who take public transportation. There are waves after waves, and Bai Shiman hasn’t noticed the existence of Ye Liuli.

It’s really hard to find.

After about an hour or so, Charmaine Blanc finally got up from his seat, her legs numb.

She dialed Lin Bei’s phone.

“I put things for you on the first floor of the department store where you can store them. You can pick them up by yourself. I will leave your number.”

After Bai Shiman finished speaking, he hung up the phone. Lin Bei, who was on the opposite side, watched that the phone had been hung up, and couldn’t help but clenched his fist.

In fact, Charmaine Blanc still cares about him.

Isn’t it?

Otherwise, how could he get things? He completely ignored that he was using her mother’s belongings to force him.

After Bai Shiman hung up the phone, it suddenly occurred to him that he had forgotten one thing.

She dialed Lin Bei’s phone again.

“Shiman, is there anything else looking for me? Normally, I am a busy one, and I will promise you unconditionally if you have anything.” Lin Bei on the other side seemed to show his affection.

Charmaine Bai who heard these words couldn’t help but sneered for a while.

She lived with Lin Bei for so many years before, why didn’t she realize that this person was actually a plastic bag?

How can it be installed?

“Send me my mother’s relics, but I don’t want to see you, so you just need to find someone to send them.”

“Shiman, there is no need to be so cruel, no matter how we say we are childhood sweethearts, we grew up together

Before Lin Bei finished speaking, Charmaine White shouted loudly: “The person who keeps saying that he wants to be nice to me actually threatens me with my mother’s relics. You are very powerful!”

After speaking, he hung up the phone. He believed that Lin Bei would let someone send the relic back.

As for the green pendant, she would never give it to Lin Bei.

She has another way.

Ye Liuli heard the words of Bai Shiman and remembered it in her heart, and then followed Bai Shiman to write two places, and watched him put the green pendant in a box, and then handed it to The person who deposits things on the first floor of a department store.

Charmaine White said as he wrote, “Probably he should come and take this pendant today. This is his number.

Just after speaking, a voice rang behind him.

It’s Xiaoying.

“Miss Bai, this is what you want. I’m here to change what our boss wants.” Xiaoying held a red box in his hand, exactly the same as what Lin Bei had seen for Charmaine Bai that day.

After handing the things over, Charmaine Blanc saw that the contents in the box were indeed mother’s brooches, and then took a deep breath.

Fortunately, he did not lie to her.

“This is what Lin Bei needs. When you take it back, tell him by the way. I will never have anything to do with him in the future. Let him stop harassing me again.”

After speaking, Charmaine White passed Xiaoying lightly, and then returned to the Bai’s house.

If she remembers correctly, her mother’s relics should be in Ji Yue’s hands. It seems that Lin Bei has some deals with her.

Just after going back, she heard that Ji Yue was going to run away and was beaten up.

A sneer appeared at the corner of Bai Shiman’s mouth.

The time has come for revenge.

Today, she went to Gu Yan for Lin Bei and borrowed something. In order to restore her image with him, she must be cautious in her words and deeds.

Get revenge as soon as possible.

She is just a daughter who wants to avenge her parents. When the matter is over, she will pursue her love as much as she wants.

Go ahead and do your own business, and hope that one day you can help a lot.

As for the women around Gu Yan, Shiman Bai didn’t particularly care.

After all, a shining, elegant and powerful man like him must have countless women swarming there. Sometimes it is not what he thinks, and those people are willing to do things for him.

Charmaine Blanc was completely sunk now.

Shiman Bai went back to the room to take a shower in the bathroom, put on a long white dress with his hair draped behind his head, Bai Sheng was almost busy with company affairs for the past two days, and the company was in a mess.

Those who dismissed the cooperation, although compensated him a large amount of liquidated damages.

But with these liquidated damages, there is no way to pay the liquidated damages for the orders placed.

Now the company’s funds have all been pressed in, and there is no liquid cash.

The funds cannot be circulated and will soon face bankruptcy.

She is now preparing to give Bai Sheng and Ji Yue a big gift, so that they often lose their relatives. How does it feel?

Shiman Bai was blowing her hair while thinking about herself when she knew that her parents were dead.

She shed tears silently without saying a word.

No one could make her recover from that kind of pain, and she didn’t know how long it took. She finally walked out of the haze slowly and lived with Lin Bei in the orphanage.

When they were adopted, they thought they were really good to themselves.

When Charmaine Blanc thought of the scene of adoption at that time, he felt that he was really too naive.

late at night.

The whole room was quiet, Charmaine White gently opened the door and walked out. She was still wearing that white long dress, her hair was draped behind her head, she put on a thick makeup, and walked upstairs step by step. .

Her steps are so light that hardly anyone can hear her.

When she reached the door of Bai Jian’an’s room, she gently turned the handle, then walked in and turned on the light inside.

Bai Jianan was lying on the bed like a vegetative (okay, okay). He had been lying on the bed for several years. Apart from breathing, he couldn’t move or speak, and he couldn’t even open his eyes.

Just like a living dead.

“Let me end your pain.” After Bai Shiman finished speaking, he picked up the white handkerchief in his hand and hung it directly on Bai Jianan’s nose for about two minutes.

She let go of her hand.

After doing all this, Charmaine White went into the previous secret room again, and took some evidence of tax evasion and tax evasion from the Bai family, as well as the nasty things they had done before.

She was sent to the police station anonymously overnight, and then when dawn was approaching, she went back to the room and slept for two hours.

Bai Sheng didn’t know anything about it. He was at the company all night, so busy that he didn’t even have time to eat.

When I was about to go home in the morning, two people suddenly rushed in at the door.

Grab him directly.

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