Chapter 318

Chapter 318 Let’s Fight!

Chapter 318: I’m Sorry

When Bai Sheng read some documents, many bosses could not stop talking.

This kid actually wants them.

After reading the documents, Bai Sheng fell to the ground and immediately ran over, and asked gently, “Uncle, are you okay? Do you need me to let you pour a cup of tea?”

“Pour him a cup of tea, make him sober, and then explain to us!”

“If the explanation is not clear, you don’t need to do it as the chairman of the board today. We will re-elect one to manage the company.”

“Dare to swallow our money, but also to see if you have this appetite!

“Don’t you really feel indigestion after swallowing so much money?”

Everyone said every word of you, and when you heard the voice, Charmaine White gently opened the door of the meeting room and walked out, letting people come in with a cup of tea.

“Director Bai, didn’t you let you in?”

Someone was listening to gossip outside, and after seeing Charmaine White came out, he couldn’t help but asked softly.

Just now, Bai Sheng asked Shiman Bai to stay 27 times, and everyone still felt uncomfortable.

“It has nothing to do with me,” Charmaine Blanc stretched slightly, squeezed his neck and said: “What am I doing in there, I might as well go back and order morning tea for the people in the department.”

After speaking, he took the information and returned to the Finance Department.

She has been here for so long, although everyone has obeyed his management, but the relationship with her is not particularly good.

Because everyone thinks she is very cold and very difficult to get along with.

“Thanks for everyone today. Anyway, the chairman and the others are not there. I ordered morning tea for everyone and waited a while for everyone to finish their meal before working.” After Bai Shiman finished speaking, he entered the office.

Various voices came from outside, and she didn’t hear much.

The first step of the plan is to catch the black history and disclose all the news to shareholders.

Let’s see how Bai Sheng can solve it.

The third step of the plan is to start with the financial investigation. Once something interesting is found, the police will intervene in the investigation.

Check it step by step, and you will always find the car accident that year.

After all, they have made the company so big, they must have done a lot of things in the past few years, and certainly not one or two people have been harmed.

After finding out, I can always avenge those people.

Charmaine White returned to the office to sit down, and the assistant came in again to report to him about today’s work tasks, and she nodded.

I made an appointment with Gu Yan for dinner.

Bai Sheng tortured the souls of those shareholders in the meeting room, he didn’t know how to say it.

Bai Sheng”, the company was in trouble at the beginning, we bosses, you let you through the difficulties, now you are like our money?”

“No need to say anything else. As long as you make up all the dividends owed to us over the years, they will still have an investment relationship in the future, and you will still be the chairman.”

Everyone around you talks about you and me.

If it doesn’t involve everyone’s interests, no matter what Bai Sheng does, it has nothing to do with them.

They don’t care.

After all, golf and games are very fragrant, so why bother with these trivial things?

It’s not that the brain is sick.

But once everyone’s interests are involved, they absolutely can’t bear it.

After all, that is the money spent in vain and money can be solved. Most of the problems in this world, who doesn’t want it.

“I can’t come up with so much money now.”

Bai Sheng gently pushed his hand, “I can’t come up with so much money now, and I am not swallowing your dividends, but there are some things I don’t want to say. Since you have already come, then I will give the information. Everyone, take a look.”

After saying these words, he calmly stood up and went back to his office. When he came back, he held some documents in his hand.

Fortunately, a countermeasure has already been made. After all, the matter of swallowing their dividends is not particularly secret.

As long as some people want to check, they can still find out.

“Let’s take a look, everyone. I used your dividends to build other industries in private. Now that they have all started to pay off, everyone can wait for the dividends.”

“At the beginning I really wanted to swallow everyone’s money, and then I thought I could make more money to invest in these things. Now the company has started to do it, and everyone still enjoys the same shares.”

Bai Sheng gritted his teeth tightly. In fact, he didn’t want to share these private properties.

But if you don’t get it out, then these people will not only be unable to settle the wages of the chairman, but will force the Finance Department to take the money.

The company will collapse.

Everyone swallows a small amount of money, five or six people are already more than ten million, and more than a year.

With this calculation, he can only take out his private company.

Looking at these materials, Chen Laojiu and the others are fairly satisfied.

“If this is the case, then fill in us all. We must receive dividends this year, otherwise the Bai family’s company will not need to continue.

“Anyway, everyone here has invested in more than one company. I think Mr. Bai should understand this. One side has collapsed, and there are still several places to support it.

After Chen Laojiu finished speaking, he took the antiques and left the meeting room.

Bai Sheng sat down on the ground.

It’s so thrilling.

Golden Water Garden.

With Lin Bei’s threat and what they ate, everyone gradually didn’t resist, when he came to the second Xiaoying room again.

Everyone is still here.

“Is there any way?” Lin Bei was still sitting on the chair at the beginning, and the things in it didn’t seem to be changed.

Everyone, look at me, I think you don’t mean to speak.

Or “Let’s make an appointment!”

Someone still closed their eyes and opened their mouth gently, “Give Gu Yan off the site and ask him to fight somewhere together. Those who win can get Miss Bai, and those who lose will get out of the game forever. All.”

Lin Bei listened to this man’s idea, and it was pretty good.

But it did not reach what he expected.

We “will definitely let Gu Yan lose this time of engagement, and by the way make an ambush around him, as long as he loses, we will be able to kill him all. After all, when he fights with the boss, he has already spent all of it. strength.”

What this person said was quite reasonable, and Lin Bei nodded when he heard it.

It’s really good.

“I remember that one of you seems to be responsible for gunpowder. You should know what I want to do. I will definitely not let him live. If I can complete this task, I can give you an antidote and relieve your pain.”

After Lin Bei finished speaking, Xiaoying began to arrange for him to go back to the room to write a post.

You need to be sincere about making appointments, after all, you want that person to be buried there forever.

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