Chapter 311

Chapter 311: Did you make a mistake?

Looking at the expressions on everyone’s faces, Lin Bei felt very satisfied.

Smiled slightly.

“If this is the case, let everyone go,” Lin Bei took a step back after speaking, everyone was surprised, “Boss, don’t you go out with us?”

If it was on weekdays, they wouldn’t even ask such a thing.

But the situation is different now.

That Gu Yan is not a good person to deal with, what if all of them are folded there?

Lin Bei is the one with the highest strength among them.

If he doesn’t go, then they will die if they go.

A dead end.

“You go first, I’ll come later!” Lin Bei’s eyes were a little serious. After everyone glanced at him, they left Jinshui ~ Garden one after another.

The most important thing now is to rescue the house first.

Although they were all from different forces at the beginning, they were all desperate people who were hunted down, but after being combined, they began to become brothers.

Begin to have feelings.

Now everyone can’t bully, they don’t care about it, so after inquiring about the news, they set off one after another and came to Gu Yan’s home.

But he didn’t break in directly.

Xiaoying was injured, but she insisted on following. When she came, Lin saw that Bei Liao was walking a bit unsmoothly, but she didn’t have any words to stop her.

My heart is so cold.

“Xiaoying, you still don’t go in with us, you just stay here to recuperate, and we will come out after a while.” One of them was a little worried. Looking at her like this, she could not help if she went in.

Maybe it will be delayed.

This is not the point. The most important thing is that if another one gets caught after going in, then Gu Yan has a lot of chips in his hand.

If Lin Bei knew about this, their fate would be even worse.

“I won’t go in, I will drag you back. You can take this thing and sprinkle it on the ground when necessary, which can help you.” Xiaoying handed out a small white cloth bag.

This is the poison powder she researched out.

It is specially used when escaping, one for each use.

And very powerful.

Those who are poisoned cannot move within two minutes. With such a high force value, they should have time to escape.

Don’t worry about being planted here.

The people outside the villa were still discussing how they could come in, and they were taken away smoothly. Gu Yan and Ye Liuli inside were still sitting on the sofa watching TV.

Both of them knew that there was someone outside, but they were still very calm.

“Brother Gu Yan, this TV series is too ugly, let’s change it.”

Ye Liuli’s two hands held Gu Yan tightly, and then leaned on his shoulders to act like a baby with a smile.

Gu Yan nodded gently, and immediately changed to the next TV show.

After changing several TV series, I didn’t find anything I wanted to watch. Ye Liu felt a little uncomfortable, so Zhang pulled his eyes down.

“I won’t watch it today.”

Just after speaking, Gu Yan took her in his arms, and then watched the two people’s heads get closer.

A soft kiss was dropped on Ye Liuli’s head, and Gu Yan whispered: “Go, let me see how your training has been in the last two days.”

Although all Gu Yan’s abilities have been copied, as its abilities grow, Ye Liuli’s abilities will also increase indefinitely.

But if you can continue to exercise in peacetime, there will be more room for strength growth.

As soon as the words were finished, one person rushed in first. This was the result of everyone discussing the situation first to test the situation.

After all, it was quiet outside and there was no one.

In case there is no one inside, wouldn’t they take a big bargain.

It is really good.

However, as soon as the talent came in, Gu Yan threw the remote control in his hand directly on the person’s belly.

Before the person could react, he felt that something hit his stomach directly.He grinned and bit his teeth tightly. He was hit by the black object and fell directly at the door .

With blood spit out from his mouth, he saw the black thing.

It’s actually a remote control.

A remote control can actually mark it like this.

How strong is that person’s internal strength?

He can’t imagine.

“Retreat quickly, the strength of these people is unfathomable… that person yelled to his companions.

Before everyone could react, they saw a green shadow rushing out of the room, enclosing everyone in the middle.

………Please ask for flowers………

Ye Liuli wore a pale green dress.

Standing in front of five or six people on the opposite side, there is no stage fright.

“This Gu Yan also reads too much. He actually asked a woman to come out to challenge. I don’t think he has anything at all…

Before he finished speaking, he felt a fierce pain on his face. He raised his head angrily and looked at Ye Liuli in front of him, with a smile on his white face.

Immediately afterwards, another slap was slapped on the face, but Ye Liuli was clearly still so far away from him.

How can I hit so accurately.

When the third slap came, that person still didn’t have any power to parry, or even felt any at all.

This slap was very powerful. After the slap was thrown up, the leftmost tooth of the man flew out directly, and his mouth was full of blood.

It looks scary.


The man started to lose his tongue. Xiao Yingying squinted slightly while watching from the periphery. The strength of this Ye Liuli was unfathomable.

With so many of them in front of her, aren’t they invincible?

“Dare to say a word from my brother Gu Yan, next time I will give you all the teeth.” Ye Liuli raised his eyes slightly, with a triumphant smile on his face.

She has the qualifications to be proud of.

“Come on,” Ye Liuli put on a fighting position and gently rubbed his fists, “I’ll play with you!”

Just after speaking, the wind was blowing under the feet of those people, and they immediately rushed towards Ye Liuli’s direction.

I beat their brother just now, and even got his teeth flying away.

The harm is not great and the insulting is extremely strong.

If they don’t ask for it back, then how will they behave in the future?

I was thinking this in my heart, but in less than three minutes, these people were all settled. Everyone hung their stomachs and screamed.

Can’t run at all.

“Come out.”

Ye Liuli glanced slightly, one of the directions, and then sighed gently, “If you don’t come out, within three breaths, you will definitely die.

Xiaoying clenched her fist, should she go out?

“Haha, I didn’t expect you to find me here, did you make a mistake?” and,

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